# Change Log ## 1.2.1 (2016-10-23) **Bug fixes:** - [Issue #79](https://github.com/martindrapeau/cordova-universal-links-plugin/issues/79). Fixed installation error: header files were added to the compile section of the project. - [Issue #77](https://github.com/martindrapeau/cordova-universal-links-plugin/issues/77). Fixed `before_prepare` hook for iOS that crashed on several systems. Thanks to [@lunchbag](https://github.com/lunchbag) for providing a fix. **Enhancements:** - [Issue #93](https://github.com/martindrapeau/cordova-universal-links-plugin/issues/93). Fixed iOS build warnings. ## 1.2.0 (2016-07-27) **Enhancements:** - [Merged pull request #56](https://github.com/martindrapeau/cordova-universal-links-plugin/pull/56). Adds support for wildcard domains. Thanks to [@schmidt](https://github.com/schmidt) for implementation. **Docs:** - [Merged pull request #67](https://github.com/martindrapeau/cordova-universal-links-plugin/pull/67). Added `Prevent Android from creating multiple app instances` section. Thanks to [@yernandus](https://github.com/yernandus). - [Merged pull request #70](https://github.com/martindrapeau/cordova-universal-links-plugin/pull/70). Added `Digital Asset Links support` section. Thanks to [@ghybs](https://github.com/ghybs). ## 1.1.2 (2016-04-27) **Bug fixes:** - [Issue #27](https://github.com/martindrapeau/cordova-universal-links-plugin/issues/27). From now on dependency packages will be installed in the plugin's folder instead of the project's root folder. ## 1.1.1 (2016-03-17) **Bug fixes:** - [Issue #52](https://github.com/martindrapeau/cordova-universal-links-plugin/issues/52). Fixed `config.xml` file preferences reading. Thanks to [@ikostic](https://github.com/ikostic) for providing fix. - [Issue #47](https://github.com/martindrapeau/cordova-universal-links-plugin/issues/47). If `paths` in `apple-app-site-association` file contains only `*` - we will also add `/`, so that app would be opened from root domain. - Merged [PR #42](https://github.com/martindrapeau/cordova-universal-links-plugin/pull/42). Fixed Android web integration on Android 6.0. Thanks to [@mohamed-ahmed](https://github.com/mohamed-ahmed). **Docs:** - Merged [PR #50](https://github.com/martindrapeau/cordova-universal-links-plugin/pull/50). Fixed typo in documentation. Thanks to [@rafaellop](https://github.com/rafaellop). - Merged [PR #43](https://github.com/martindrapeau/cordova-universal-links-plugin/pull/43). Updated documentation regarding `apple-app-site-association` file. Thanks to [@Chun-Yang](https://github.com/Chun-Yang). - Updated `Useful notes on Universal Links for iOS` section. Thanks to [@conor-mac-aoidh](https://github.com/conor-mac-aoidh) for providing information. ## 1.1.0 (2015-12-18) **Bug fixes:** - [Issue #26](https://github.com/martindrapeau/cordova-universal-links-plugin/issues/26). Fixed support for multiple wildcards in path. Thanks to [@tdelmas](https://github.com/tdelmas) for helping with solution. - Other minor bug fixes. **Enhancements:** - [Issue #18](https://github.com/martindrapeau/cordova-universal-links-plugin/issues/18). Added JS module through which you can subscribe for launch events. Solves timing issue with the previous `document.addEventListener()` approach. - [Issue #20](https://github.com/martindrapeau/cordova-universal-links-plugin/issues/20). Lowered min iOS version to 8.0. Plugin want work on devices prior to iOS 9, but if your application includes this plugin - it now will run on iOS 8 devices. Before you had to drop iOS 8 support. - [Issue #22](https://github.com/martindrapeau/cordova-universal-links-plugin/issues/22). Plugin now compatible with Cordova v5.4. - [Issue #24](https://github.com/martindrapeau/cordova-universal-links-plugin/issues/24). Now you can define iOS Team ID as plugin preference. It will be used for generation of `apple-app-site-association` files. - [Issue #25](https://github.com/martindrapeau/cordova-universal-links-plugin/issues/25). Plugin now compatible with Cordova iOS platform v4.0.0. **Docs:** - Added `Migrating from previous versions` section. - Updated `Cordova config preferences` section. - Updated `Application launch handling` section. - Other minor changes because of new release. ## 1.0.1 (2015-10-23) **Bug fixes:** - Android. Fixed [issue #9](https://github.com/martindrapeau/cordova-universal-links-plugin/issues/9). Now when application is resumed from the link click - appropriate event is dispatched to the JavaScript side. **Enhancements:** - iOS. [Issue #6](https://github.com/martindrapeau/cordova-universal-links-plugin/issues/6). Scheme is now removed from the url matching process, since it is not needed: only hostname and path are used. - Merged [pull request #1](https://github.com/martindrapeau/cordova-universal-links-plugin/pull/1). Now dependency npm packages are taken from the package.json file. Thanks to [@dpa99c](https://github.com/dpa99c). **Docs:** - Added `Useful notes on Universal Links for iOS` section. - Updated `Android web integration` section. Added more information about web integration process. - Added some additional links on the Android documentation. - Fixed some broken links inside the docs. - Added CHANGELOG.md file.