/* * Copyright 2012 ZXing authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #import "ZXIntArray.h" #import "ZXModulusGF.h" #import "ZXModulusPoly.h" @interface ZXModulusPoly () @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) ZXIntArray *coefficients; @property (nonatomic, weak, readonly) ZXModulusGF *field; @end @implementation ZXModulusPoly - (id)initWithField:(ZXModulusGF *)field coefficients:(ZXIntArray *)coefficients { if (self = [super init]) { if (coefficients.length == 0) { @throw [NSException exceptionWithName:@"IllegalArgumentException" reason:@"coefficients must have at least one element" userInfo:nil]; } _field = field; int coefficientsLength = coefficients.length; if (coefficientsLength > 1 && coefficients.array[0] == 0) { // Leading term must be non-zero for anything except the constant polynomial "0" int firstNonZero = 1; while (firstNonZero < coefficientsLength && coefficients.array[firstNonZero] == 0) { firstNonZero++; } if (firstNonZero == coefficientsLength) { _coefficients = [[ZXIntArray alloc] initWithLength:1]; } else { _coefficients = [[ZXIntArray alloc] initWithLength:coefficientsLength - firstNonZero]; for (int i = 0; i < _coefficients.length; i++) { _coefficients.array[i] = coefficients.array[firstNonZero + i]; } } } else { _coefficients = coefficients; } } return self; } /** * @return degree of this polynomial */ - (int)degree { return self.coefficients.length - 1; } /** * @return true iff this polynomial is the monomial "0" */ - (BOOL)zero { return self.coefficients.array[0] == 0; } /** * @return coefficient of x^degree term in this polynomial */ - (int)coefficient:(int)degree { return self.coefficients.array[self.coefficients.length - 1 - degree]; } /** * @return evaluation of this polynomial at a given point */ - (int)evaluateAt:(int)a { if (a == 0) { return [self coefficient:0]; } int size = self.coefficients.length; if (a == 1) { // Just the sum of the coefficients int result = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { result = [self.field add:result b:self.coefficients.array[i]]; } return result; } int result = self.coefficients.array[0]; for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) { result = [self.field add:[self.field multiply:a b:result] b:self.coefficients.array[i]]; } return result; } - (ZXModulusPoly *)add:(ZXModulusPoly *)other { if (![self.field isEqual:other.field]) { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format:@"ZXModulusPolys do not have same ZXModulusGF field"]; } if (self.zero) { return other; } if (other.zero) { return self; } ZXIntArray *smallerCoefficients = self.coefficients; ZXIntArray *largerCoefficients = other.coefficients; if (smallerCoefficients.length > largerCoefficients.length) { ZXIntArray *temp = smallerCoefficients; smallerCoefficients = largerCoefficients; largerCoefficients = temp; } ZXIntArray *sumDiff = [[ZXIntArray alloc] initWithLength:largerCoefficients.length]; int lengthDiff = largerCoefficients.length - smallerCoefficients.length; // Copy high-order terms only found in higher-degree polynomial's coefficients memcpy(sumDiff.array, largerCoefficients.array, lengthDiff * sizeof(int32_t)); for (int i = lengthDiff; i < largerCoefficients.length; i++) { sumDiff.array[i] = [self.field add:smallerCoefficients.array[i - lengthDiff] b:largerCoefficients.array[i]]; } return [[ZXModulusPoly alloc] initWithField:self.field coefficients:sumDiff]; } - (ZXModulusPoly *)subtract:(ZXModulusPoly *)other { if (![self.field isEqual:other.field]) { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format:@"ZXModulusPolys do not have same ZXModulusGF field"]; } if (self.zero) { return self; } return [self add:[other negative]]; } - (ZXModulusPoly *)multiply:(ZXModulusPoly *)other { if (![self.field isEqual:other.field]) { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format:@"ZXModulusPolys do not have same ZXModulusGF field"]; } if (self.zero || other.zero) { return self.field.zero; } ZXIntArray *aCoefficients = self.coefficients; int aLength = aCoefficients.length; ZXIntArray *bCoefficients = other.coefficients; int bLength = bCoefficients.length; ZXIntArray *product = [[ZXIntArray alloc] initWithLength:aLength + bLength - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < aLength; i++) { int aCoeff = aCoefficients.array[i]; for (int j = 0; j < bLength; j++) { product.array[i + j] = [self.field add:product.array[i + j] b:[self.field multiply:aCoeff b:bCoefficients.array[j]]]; } } return [[ZXModulusPoly alloc] initWithField:self.field coefficients:product]; } - (ZXModulusPoly *)negative { int size = self.coefficients.length; ZXIntArray *negativeCoefficients = [[ZXIntArray alloc] initWithLength:size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { negativeCoefficients.array[i] = [self.field subtract:0 b:self.coefficients.array[i]]; } return [[ZXModulusPoly alloc] initWithField:self.field coefficients:negativeCoefficients]; } - (ZXModulusPoly *)multiplyScalar:(int)scalar { if (scalar == 0) { return self.field.zero; } if (scalar == 1) { return self; } int size = self.coefficients.length; ZXIntArray *product = [[ZXIntArray alloc] initWithLength:size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { product.array[i] = [self.field multiply:self.coefficients.array[i] b:scalar]; } return [[ZXModulusPoly alloc] initWithField:self.field coefficients:product]; } - (ZXModulusPoly *)multiplyByMonomial:(int)degree coefficient:(int)coefficient { if (degree < 0) { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format:@"Degree must be greater than 0."]; } if (coefficient == 0) { return self.field.zero; } int size = self.coefficients.length; ZXIntArray *product = [[ZXIntArray alloc] initWithLength:size + degree]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { product.array[i] = [self.field multiply:self.coefficients.array[i] b:coefficient]; } return [[ZXModulusPoly alloc] initWithField:self.field coefficients:product]; } - (NSArray *)divide:(ZXModulusPoly *)other { if (![self.field isEqual:other.field]) { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format:@"ZXModulusPolys do not have same ZXModulusGF field"]; } if (other.zero) { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format:@"Divide by 0"]; } ZXModulusPoly *quotient = self.field.zero; ZXModulusPoly *remainder = self; int denominatorLeadingTerm = [other coefficient:other.degree]; int inverseDenominatorLeadingTerm = [self.field inverse:denominatorLeadingTerm]; while ([remainder degree] >= other.degree && !remainder.zero) { int degreeDifference = remainder.degree - other.degree; int scale = [self.field multiply:[remainder coefficient:remainder.degree] b:inverseDenominatorLeadingTerm]; ZXModulusPoly *term = [other multiplyByMonomial:degreeDifference coefficient:scale]; ZXModulusPoly *iterationQuotient = [self.field buildMonomial:degreeDifference coefficient:scale]; quotient = [quotient add:iterationQuotient]; remainder = [remainder subtract:term]; } return @[quotient, remainder]; } - (NSString *)description { NSMutableString *result = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:8 * [self degree]]; for (int degree = [self degree]; degree >= 0; degree--) { int coefficient = [self coefficient:degree]; if (coefficient != 0) { if (coefficient < 0) { [result appendString:@" - "]; coefficient = -coefficient; } else { if ([result length] > 0) { [result appendString:@" + "]; } } if (degree == 0 || coefficient != 1) { [result appendFormat:@"%d", coefficient]; } if (degree != 0) { if (degree == 1) { [result appendString:@"x"]; } else { [result appendString:@"x^"]; [result appendFormat:@"%d", degree]; } } } } return result; } @end