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index.d.ts 635KB

  1. /// <reference types="react" />
  2. import * as React from 'react';
  3. import React__default, { ClipboardEventHandler, CompositionEventHandler, ReactEventHandler, FormEventHandler, AriaAttributes, DOMAttributes as DOMAttributes$1, AriaRole, CSSProperties, HTMLAttributeAnchorTarget, HTMLAttributeReferrerPolicy, ReactNode, RefObject, ReactElement, FocusEvent as FocusEvent$1, KeyboardEvent as KeyboardEvent$1, SyntheticEvent, JSX, ElementType, JSXElementConstructor, HTMLAttributes, ReactDOM, DOMFactory, SVGProps, Key as Key$2, Dispatch, SetStateAction, ReactHTML, ForwardedRef } from 'react';
  4. declare const SignatureSaveMode: {
  5. readonly ALWAYS: "ALWAYS";
  6. readonly NEVER: "NEVER";
  7. readonly USING_UI: "USING_UI";
  8. };
  9. type ISignatureSaveMode = (typeof SignatureSaveMode)[keyof typeof SignatureSaveMode];
  10. /**
  11. * Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc.
  12. *
  13. * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
  14. * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
  15. */
  16. /**
  17. * Immutable data encourages pure functions (data-in, data-out) and lends itself
  18. * to much simpler application development and enabling techniques from
  19. * functional programming such as lazy evaluation.
  20. *
  21. * While designed to bring these powerful functional concepts to JavaScript, it
  22. * presents an Object-Oriented API familiar to Javascript engineers and closely
  23. * mirroring that of Array, Map, and Set. It is easy and efficient to convert to
  24. * and from plain Javascript types.
  25. *
  26. * ## How to read these docs
  27. *
  28. * In order to better explain what kinds of values the Immutable.js API expects
  29. * and produces, this documentation is presented in a statically typed dialect of
  30. * JavaScript (like [Flow][] or [TypeScript][]). You *don't need* to use these
  31. * type checking tools in order to use Immutable.js, however becoming familiar
  32. * with their syntax will help you get a deeper understanding of this API.
  33. *
  34. * **A few examples and how to read them.**
  35. *
  36. * All methods describe the kinds of data they accept and the kinds of data
  37. * they return. For example a function which accepts two numbers and returns
  38. * a number would look like this:
  39. *
  40. * ```js
  41. * sum(first: number, second: number): number
  42. * ```
  43. *
  44. * Sometimes, methods can accept different kinds of data or return different
  45. * kinds of data, and this is described with a *type variable*, which is
  46. * typically in all-caps. For example, a function which always returns the same
  47. * kind of data it was provided would look like this:
  48. *
  49. * ```js
  50. * identity<T>(value: T): T
  51. * ```
  52. *
  53. * Type variables are defined with classes and referred to in methods. For
  54. * example, a class that holds onto a value for you might look like this:
  55. *
  56. * ```js
  57. * class Box<T> {
  58. * constructor(value: T)
  59. * getValue(): T
  60. * }
  61. * ```
  62. *
  63. * In order to manipulate Immutable data, methods that we're used to affecting
  64. * a Collection instead return a new Collection of the same type. The type
  65. * `this` refers to the same kind of class. For example, a List which returns
  66. * new Lists when you `push` a value onto it might look like:
  67. *
  68. * ```js
  69. * class List<T> {
  70. * push(value: T): this
  71. * }
  72. * ```
  73. *
  74. * Many methods in Immutable.js accept values which implement the JavaScript
  75. * [Iterable][] protocol, and might appear like `Iterable<string>` for something
  76. * which represents sequence of strings. Typically in JavaScript we use plain
  77. * Arrays (`[]`) when an Iterable is expected, but also all of the Immutable.js
  78. * collections are iterable themselves!
  79. *
  80. * For example, to get a value deep within a structure of data, we might use
  81. * `getIn` which expects an `Iterable` path:
  82. *
  83. * ```
  84. * getIn(path: Iterable<string | number>): any
  85. * ```
  86. *
  87. * To use this method, we could pass an array: `data.getIn([ "key", 2 ])`.
  88. *
  89. *
  90. * Note: All examples are presented in the modern [ES2015][] version of
  91. * JavaScript. Use tools like Babel to support older browsers.
  92. *
  93. * For example:
  94. *
  95. * ```js
  96. * // ES2015
  97. * const mappedFoo = => x * x);
  98. * // ES5
  99. * var mappedFoo = (x) { return x * x; });
  100. * ```
  101. *
  102. * [ES2015]:
  103. * [TypeScript]:
  104. * [Flow]:
  105. * [Iterable]:
  106. */
  107. /**
  108. * Lists are ordered indexed dense collections, much like a JavaScript
  109. * Array.
  110. *
  111. * Lists are immutable and fully persistent with O(log32 N) gets and sets,
  112. * and O(1) push and pop.
  113. *
  114. * Lists implement Deque, with efficient addition and removal from both the
  115. * end (`push`, `pop`) and beginning (`unshift`, `shift`).
  116. *
  117. * Unlike a JavaScript Array, there is no distinction between an
  118. * "unset" index and an index set to `undefined`. `List#forEach` visits all
  119. * indices from 0 to size, regardless of whether they were explicitly defined.
  120. */
  121. declare module List {
  122. /**
  123. * True if the provided value is a List
  124. *
  125. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  126. * ```js
  127. * const { List } = require('immutable');
  128. * List.isList([]); // false
  129. * List.isList(List()); // true
  130. * ```
  131. */
  132. function isList(maybeList: any): maybeList is List<any>;
  133. /**
  134. * Creates a new List containing `values`.
  135. *
  136. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  137. * ```js
  138. * const { List } = require('immutable');
  139. * List.of(1, 2, 3, 4)
  140. * // List [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
  141. * ```
  142. *
  143. * Note: Values are not altered or converted in any way.
  144. *
  145. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  146. * ```js
  147. * const { List } = require('immutable');
  148. * List.of({x:1}, 2, [3], 4)
  149. * // List [ { x: 1 }, 2, [ 3 ], 4 ]
  150. * ```
  151. */
  152. function of<T>(...values: Array<T>): List<T>;
  153. }
  154. /**
  155. * Create a new immutable List containing the values of the provided
  156. * collection-like.
  157. *
  158. * Note: `List` is a factory function and not a class, and does not use the
  159. * `new` keyword during construction.
  160. *
  161. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  162. * ```js
  163. * const { List, Set } = require('immutable')
  164. *
  165. * const emptyList = List()
  166. * // List []
  167. *
  168. * const plainArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
  169. * const listFromPlainArray = List(plainArray)
  170. * // List [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
  171. *
  172. * const plainSet = Set([ 1, 2, 3, 4 ])
  173. * const listFromPlainSet = List(plainSet)
  174. * // List [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
  175. *
  176. * const arrayIterator = plainArray[Symbol.iterator]()
  177. * const listFromCollectionArray = List(arrayIterator)
  178. * // List [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
  179. *
  180. * listFromPlainArray.equals(listFromCollectionArray) // true
  181. * listFromPlainSet.equals(listFromCollectionArray) // true
  182. * listFromPlainSet.equals(listFromPlainArray) // true
  183. * ```
  184. */
  185. declare function List(): List<any>;
  186. declare function List<T>(): List<T>;
  187. declare function List<T>(collection: Iterable<T>): List<T>;
  188. interface List<T> extends Collection$1.Indexed<T> {
  189. /**
  190. * The number of items in this List.
  191. */
  192. readonly size: number;
  193. // Persistent changes
  194. /**
  195. * Returns a new List which includes `value` at `index`. If `index` already
  196. * exists in this List, it will be replaced.
  197. *
  198. * `index` may be a negative number, which indexes back from the end of the
  199. * List. `v.set(-1, "value")` sets the last item in the List.
  200. *
  201. * If `index` larger than `size`, the returned List's `size` will be large
  202. * enough to include the `index`.
  203. *
  204. * <!-- runkit:activate
  205. * { "preamble": "const { List } = require('immutable');" }
  206. * -->
  207. * ```js
  208. * const originalList = List([ 0 ]);
  209. * // List [ 0 ]
  210. * originalList.set(1, 1);
  211. * // List [ 0, 1 ]
  212. * originalList.set(0, 'overwritten');
  213. * // List [ "overwritten" ]
  214. * originalList.set(2, 2);
  215. * // List [ 0, undefined, 2 ]
  216. *
  217. * List().set(50000, 'value').size;
  218. * // 50001
  219. * ```
  220. *
  221. * Note: `set` can be used in `withMutations`.
  222. */
  223. set(index: number, value: T): List<T>;
  224. /**
  225. * Returns a new List which excludes this `index` and with a size 1 less
  226. * than this List. Values at indices above `index` are shifted down by 1 to
  227. * fill the position.
  228. *
  229. * This is synonymous with `list.splice(index, 1)`.
  230. *
  231. * `index` may be a negative number, which indexes back from the end of the
  232. * List. `v.delete(-1)` deletes the last item in the List.
  233. *
  234. * Note: `delete` cannot be safely used in IE8
  235. *
  236. * <!-- runkit:activate
  237. * { "preamble": "const { List } = require('immutable');" }
  238. * -->
  239. * ```js
  240. * List([ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ]).delete(0);
  241. * // List [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
  242. * ```
  243. *
  244. * Since `delete()` re-indexes values, it produces a complete copy, which
  245. * has `O(N)` complexity.
  246. *
  247. * Note: `delete` *cannot* be used in `withMutations`.
  248. *
  249. * @alias remove
  250. */
  251. delete(index: number): List<T>;
  252. remove(index: number): List<T>;
  253. /**
  254. * Returns a new List with `value` at `index` with a size 1 more than this
  255. * List. Values at indices above `index` are shifted over by 1.
  256. *
  257. * This is synonymous with `list.splice(index, 0, value)`.
  258. *
  259. * <!-- runkit:activate
  260. * { "preamble": "const { List } = require('immutable');" }
  261. * -->
  262. * ```js
  263. * List([ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ]).insert(6, 5)
  264. * // List [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
  265. * ```
  266. *
  267. * Since `insert()` re-indexes values, it produces a complete copy, which
  268. * has `O(N)` complexity.
  269. *
  270. * Note: `insert` *cannot* be used in `withMutations`.
  271. */
  272. insert(index: number, value: T): List<T>;
  273. /**
  274. * Returns a new List with 0 size and no values in constant time.
  275. *
  276. * <!-- runkit:activate
  277. * { "preamble": "const { List } = require('immutable');" }
  278. * -->
  279. * ```js
  280. * List([ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]).clear()
  281. * // List []
  282. * ```
  283. *
  284. * Note: `clear` can be used in `withMutations`.
  285. */
  286. clear(): List<T>;
  287. /**
  288. * Returns a new List with the provided `values` appended, starting at this
  289. * List's `size`.
  290. *
  291. * <!-- runkit:activate
  292. * { "preamble": "const { List } = require('immutable');" }
  293. * -->
  294. * ```js
  295. * List([ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]).push(5)
  296. * // List [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
  297. * ```
  298. *
  299. * Note: `push` can be used in `withMutations`.
  300. */
  301. push(...values: Array<T>): List<T>;
  302. /**
  303. * Returns a new List with a size ones less than this List, excluding
  304. * the last index in this List.
  305. *
  306. * Note: this differs from `Array#pop` because it returns a new
  307. * List rather than the removed value. Use `last()` to get the last value
  308. * in this List.
  309. *
  310. * ```js
  311. * List([ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]).pop()
  312. * // List[ 1, 2, 3 ]
  313. * ```
  314. *
  315. * Note: `pop` can be used in `withMutations`.
  316. */
  317. pop(): List<T>;
  318. /**
  319. * Returns a new List with the provided `values` prepended, shifting other
  320. * values ahead to higher indices.
  321. *
  322. * <!-- runkit:activate
  323. * { "preamble": "const { List } = require('immutable');" }
  324. * -->
  325. * ```js
  326. * List([ 2, 3, 4]).unshift(1);
  327. * // List [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
  328. * ```
  329. *
  330. * Note: `unshift` can be used in `withMutations`.
  331. */
  332. unshift(...values: Array<T>): List<T>;
  333. /**
  334. * Returns a new List with a size ones less than this List, excluding
  335. * the first index in this List, shifting all other values to a lower index.
  336. *
  337. * Note: this differs from `Array#shift` because it returns a new
  338. * List rather than the removed value. Use `first()` to get the first
  339. * value in this List.
  340. *
  341. * <!-- runkit:activate
  342. * { "preamble": "const { List } = require('immutable');" }
  343. * -->
  344. * ```js
  345. * List([ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ]).shift();
  346. * // List [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
  347. * ```
  348. *
  349. * Note: `shift` can be used in `withMutations`.
  350. */
  351. shift(): List<T>;
  352. /**
  353. * Returns a new List with an updated value at `index` with the return
  354. * value of calling `updater` with the existing value, or `notSetValue` if
  355. * `index` was not set. If called with a single argument, `updater` is
  356. * called with the List itself.
  357. *
  358. * `index` may be a negative number, which indexes back from the end of the
  359. * List. `v.update(-1)` updates the last item in the List.
  360. *
  361. * <!-- runkit:activate
  362. * { "preamble": "const { List } = require('immutable');" }
  363. * -->
  364. * ```js
  365. * const list = List([ 'a', 'b', 'c' ])
  366. * const result = list.update(2, val => val.toUpperCase())
  367. * // List [ "a", "b", "C" ]
  368. * ```
  369. *
  370. * This can be very useful as a way to "chain" a normal function into a
  371. * sequence of methods. RxJS calls this "let" and lodash calls it "thru".
  372. *
  373. * For example, to sum a List after mapping and filtering:
  374. *
  375. * <!-- runkit:activate
  376. * { "preamble": "const { List } = require('immutable');" }
  377. * -->
  378. * ```js
  379. * function sum(collection) {
  380. * return collection.reduce((sum, x) => sum + x, 0)
  381. * }
  382. *
  383. * List([ 1, 2, 3 ])
  384. * .map(x => x + 1)
  385. * .filter(x => x % 2 === 0)
  386. * .update(sum)
  387. * // 6
  388. * ```
  389. *
  390. * Note: `update(index)` can be used in `withMutations`.
  391. *
  392. * @see `Map#update`
  393. */
  394. update(index: number, notSetValue: T, updater: (value: T) => T): this;
  395. update(index: number, updater: (value: T) => T): this;
  396. update<R>(updater: (value: this) => R): R;
  397. /**
  398. * Returns a new List with size `size`. If `size` is less than this
  399. * List's size, the new List will exclude values at the higher indices.
  400. * If `size` is greater than this List's size, the new List will have
  401. * undefined values for the newly available indices.
  402. *
  403. * When building a new List and the final size is known up front, `setSize`
  404. * used in conjunction with `withMutations` may result in the more
  405. * performant construction.
  406. */
  407. setSize(size: number): List<T>;
  408. // Deep persistent changes
  409. /**
  410. * Returns a new List having set `value` at this `keyPath`. If any keys in
  411. * `keyPath` do not exist, a new immutable Map will be created at that key.
  412. *
  413. * Index numbers are used as keys to determine the path to follow in
  414. * the List.
  415. *
  416. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  417. * ```js
  418. * const { List } = require('immutable')
  419. * const list = List([ 0, 1, 2, List([ 3, 4 ])])
  420. * list.setIn([3, 0], 999);
  421. * // List [ 0, 1, 2, List [ 999, 4 ] ]
  422. * ```
  423. *
  424. * Plain JavaScript Object or Arrays may be nested within an Immutable.js
  425. * Collection, and setIn() can update those values as well, treating them
  426. * immutably by creating new copies of those values with the changes applied.
  427. *
  428. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  429. * ```js
  430. * const { List } = require('immutable')
  431. * const list = List([ 0, 1, 2, { plain: 'object' }])
  432. * list.setIn([3, 'plain'], 'value');
  433. * // List([ 0, 1, 2, { plain: 'value' }])
  434. * ```
  435. *
  436. * Note: `setIn` can be used in `withMutations`.
  437. */
  438. setIn(keyPath: Iterable<any>, value: any): this;
  439. /**
  440. * Returns a new List having removed the value at this `keyPath`. If any
  441. * keys in `keyPath` do not exist, no change will occur.
  442. *
  443. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  444. * ```js
  445. * const { List } = require('immutable')
  446. * const list = List([ 0, 1, 2, List([ 3, 4 ])])
  447. * list.deleteIn([3, 0]);
  448. * // List [ 0, 1, 2, List [ 4 ] ]
  449. * ```
  450. *
  451. * Plain JavaScript Object or Arrays may be nested within an Immutable.js
  452. * Collection, and removeIn() can update those values as well, treating them
  453. * immutably by creating new copies of those values with the changes applied.
  454. *
  455. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  456. * ```js
  457. * const { List } = require('immutable')
  458. * const list = List([ 0, 1, 2, { plain: 'object' }])
  459. * list.removeIn([3, 'plain']);
  460. * // List([ 0, 1, 2, {}])
  461. * ```
  462. *
  463. * Note: `deleteIn` *cannot* be safely used in `withMutations`.
  464. *
  465. * @alias removeIn
  466. */
  467. deleteIn(keyPath: Iterable<any>): this;
  468. removeIn(keyPath: Iterable<any>): this;
  469. /**
  470. * Note: `updateIn` can be used in `withMutations`.
  471. *
  472. * @see `Map#updateIn`
  473. */
  474. updateIn(keyPath: Iterable<any>, notSetValue: any, updater: (value: any) => any): this;
  475. updateIn(keyPath: Iterable<any>, updater: (value: any) => any): this;
  476. /**
  477. * Note: `mergeIn` can be used in `withMutations`.
  478. *
  479. * @see `Map#mergeIn`
  480. */
  481. mergeIn(keyPath: Iterable<any>, ...collections: Array<any>): this;
  482. /**
  483. * Note: `mergeDeepIn` can be used in `withMutations`.
  484. *
  485. * @see `Map#mergeDeepIn`
  486. */
  487. mergeDeepIn(keyPath: Iterable<any>, ...collections: Array<any>): this;
  488. // Transient changes
  489. /**
  490. * Note: Not all methods can be safely used on a mutable collection or within
  491. * `withMutations`! Check the documentation for each method to see if it
  492. * allows being used in `withMutations`.
  493. *
  494. * @see `Map#withMutations`
  495. */
  496. withMutations(mutator: (mutable: this) => any): this;
  497. /**
  498. * An alternative API for withMutations()
  499. *
  500. * Note: Not all methods can be safely used on a mutable collection or within
  501. * `withMutations`! Check the documentation for each method to see if it
  502. * allows being used in `withMutations`.
  503. *
  504. * @see `Map#asMutable`
  505. */
  506. asMutable(): this;
  507. /**
  508. * @see `Map#wasAltered`
  509. */
  510. wasAltered(): boolean;
  511. /**
  512. * @see `Map#asImmutable`
  513. */
  514. asImmutable(): this;
  515. // Sequence algorithms
  516. /**
  517. * Returns a new List with other values or collections concatenated to this one.
  518. *
  519. * Note: `concat` can be used in `withMutations`.
  520. *
  521. * @alias merge
  522. */
  523. concat<C>(...valuesOrCollections: Array<Iterable<C> | C>): List<T | C>;
  524. merge<C>(...collections: Array<Iterable<C>>): List<T | C>;
  525. /**
  526. * Returns a new List with values passed through a
  527. * `mapper` function.
  528. *
  529. * <!-- runkit:activate
  530. * { "preamble": "const { List } = require('immutable');" }
  531. * -->
  532. * ```js
  533. * List([ 1, 2 ]).map(x => 10 * x)
  534. * // List [ 10, 20 ]
  535. * ```
  536. */
  537. map<M>(
  538. mapper: (value: T, key: number, iter: this) => M,
  539. context?: any
  540. ): List<M>;
  541. /**
  542. * Flat-maps the List, returning a new List.
  543. *
  544. * Similar to ``.
  545. */
  546. flatMap<M>(
  547. mapper: (value: T, key: number, iter: this) => Iterable<M>,
  548. context?: any
  549. ): List<M>;
  550. /**
  551. * Returns a new List with only the values for which the `predicate`
  552. * function returns true.
  553. *
  554. * Note: `filter()` always returns a new instance, even if it results in
  555. * not filtering out any values.
  556. */
  557. filter<F extends T>(
  558. predicate: (value: T, index: number, iter: this) => value is F,
  559. context?: any
  560. ): List<F>;
  561. filter(
  562. predicate: (value: T, index: number, iter: this) => any,
  563. context?: any
  564. ): this;
  565. /**
  566. * Returns a List "zipped" with the provided collection.
  567. *
  568. * Like `zipWith`, but using the default `zipper`: creating an `Array`.
  569. *
  570. * <!-- runkit:activate
  571. * { "preamble": "const { List } = require('immutable');" }
  572. * -->
  573. * ```js
  574. * const a = List([ 1, 2, 3 ]);
  575. * const b = List([ 4, 5, 6 ]);
  576. * const c =; // List [ [ 1, 4 ], [ 2, 5 ], [ 3, 6 ] ]
  577. * ```
  578. */
  579. zip<U>(other: Collection$1<any, U>): List<[T,U]>;
  580. zip<U,V>(other: Collection$1<any, U>, other2: Collection$1<any,V>): List<[T,U,V]>;
  581. zip(...collections: Array<Collection$1<any, any>>): List<any>;
  582. /**
  583. * Returns a List "zipped" with the provided collections.
  584. *
  585. * Unlike `zip`, `zipAll` continues zipping until the longest collection is
  586. * exhausted. Missing values from shorter collections are filled with `undefined`.
  587. *
  588. * <!-- runkit:activate
  589. * { "preamble": "const { List } = require('immutable');" }
  590. * -->
  591. * ```js
  592. * const a = List([ 1, 2 ]);
  593. * const b = List([ 3, 4, 5 ]);
  594. * const c = a.zipAll(b); // List [ [ 1, 3 ], [ 2, 4 ], [ undefined, 5 ] ]
  595. * ```
  596. *
  597. * Note: Since zipAll will return a collection as large as the largest
  598. * input, some results may contain undefined values. TypeScript cannot
  599. * account for these without cases (as of v2.5).
  600. */
  601. zipAll<U>(other: Collection$1<any, U>): List<[T,U]>;
  602. zipAll<U,V>(other: Collection$1<any, U>, other2: Collection$1<any,V>): List<[T,U,V]>;
  603. zipAll(...collections: Array<Collection$1<any, any>>): List<any>;
  604. /**
  605. * Returns a List "zipped" with the provided collections by using a
  606. * custom `zipper` function.
  607. *
  608. * <!-- runkit:activate
  609. * { "preamble": "const { List } = require('immutable');" }
  610. * -->
  611. * ```js
  612. * const a = List([ 1, 2, 3 ]);
  613. * const b = List([ 4, 5, 6 ]);
  614. * const c = a.zipWith((a, b) => a + b, b);
  615. * // List [ 5, 7, 9 ]
  616. * ```
  617. */
  618. zipWith<U, Z>(
  619. zipper: (value: T, otherValue: U) => Z,
  620. otherCollection: Collection$1<any, U>
  621. ): List<Z>;
  622. zipWith<U, V, Z>(
  623. zipper: (value: T, otherValue: U, thirdValue: V) => Z,
  624. otherCollection: Collection$1<any, U>,
  625. thirdCollection: Collection$1<any, V>
  626. ): List<Z>;
  627. zipWith<Z>(
  628. zipper: (...any: Array<any>) => Z,
  629. ...collections: Array<Collection$1<any, any>>
  630. ): List<Z>;
  631. }
  632. /**
  633. * Immutable Map is an unordered Collection.Keyed of (key, value) pairs with
  634. * `O(log32 N)` gets and `O(log32 N)` persistent sets.
  635. *
  636. * Iteration order of a Map is undefined, however is stable. Multiple
  637. * iterations of the same Map will iterate in the same order.
  638. *
  639. * Map's keys can be of any type, and use `` to determine key
  640. * equality. This allows the use of any value (including NaN) as a key.
  641. *
  642. * Because `` returns equality based on value semantics, and
  643. * Immutable collections are treated as values, any Immutable collection may
  644. * be used as a key.
  645. *
  646. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  647. * ```js
  648. * const { Map, List } = require('immutable');
  649. * Map().set(List([ 1 ]), 'listofone').get(List([ 1 ]));
  650. * // 'listofone'
  651. * ```
  652. *
  653. * Any JavaScript object may be used as a key, however strict identity is used
  654. * to evaluate key equality. Two similar looking objects will represent two
  655. * different keys.
  656. *
  657. * Implemented by a hash-array mapped trie.
  658. */
  659. declare module Map$1 {
  660. /**
  661. * True if the provided value is a Map
  662. *
  663. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  664. * ```js
  665. * const { Map } = require('immutable')
  666. * Map.isMap({}) // false
  667. * Map.isMap(Map()) // true
  668. * ```
  669. */
  670. function isMap(maybeMap: any): maybeMap is Map$1<any, any>;
  671. /**
  672. * Creates a new Map from alternating keys and values
  673. *
  674. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  675. * ```js
  676. * const { Map } = require('immutable')
  677. * Map.of(
  678. * 'key', 'value',
  679. * 'numerical value', 3,
  680. * 0, 'numerical key'
  681. * )
  682. * // Map { 0: "numerical key", "key": "value", "numerical value": 3 }
  683. * ```
  684. *
  685. * @deprecated Use Map([ [ 'k', 'v' ] ]) or Map({ k: 'v' })
  686. */
  687. function of(...keyValues: Array<any>): Map$1<any, any>;
  688. }
  689. /**
  690. * Creates a new Immutable Map.
  691. *
  692. * Created with the same key value pairs as the provided Collection.Keyed or
  693. * JavaScript Object or expects a Collection of [K, V] tuple entries.
  694. *
  695. * Note: `Map` is a factory function and not a class, and does not use the
  696. * `new` keyword during construction.
  697. *
  698. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  699. * ```js
  700. * const { Map } = require('immutable')
  701. * Map({ key: "value" })
  702. * Map([ [ "key", "value" ] ])
  703. * ```
  704. *
  705. * Keep in mind, when using JS objects to construct Immutable Maps, that
  706. * JavaScript Object properties are always strings, even if written in a
  707. * quote-less shorthand, while Immutable Maps accept keys of any type.
  708. *
  709. * <!-- runkit:activate
  710. * { "preamble": "const { Map } = require('immutable');" }
  711. * -->
  712. * ```js
  713. * let obj = { 1: "one" }
  714. * Object.keys(obj) // [ "1" ]
  715. * assert.equal(obj["1"], obj[1]) // "one" === "one"
  716. *
  717. * let map = Map(obj)
  718. * assert.notEqual(map.get("1"), map.get(1)) // "one" !== undefined
  719. * ```
  720. *
  721. * Property access for JavaScript Objects first converts the key to a string,
  722. * but since Immutable Map keys can be of any type the argument to `get()` is
  723. * not altered.
  724. */
  725. declare function Map$1<K, V>(collection: Iterable<[K, V]>): Map$1<K, V>;
  726. declare function Map$1<T>(collection: Iterable<Iterable<T>>): Map$1<T, T>;
  727. declare function Map$1<V>(obj: {[key: string]: V}): Map$1<string, V>;
  728. declare function Map$1<K, V>(): Map$1<K, V>;
  729. declare function Map$1(): Map$1<any, any>;
  730. interface Map$1<K, V> extends Collection$1.Keyed<K, V> {
  731. /**
  732. * The number of entries in this Map.
  733. */
  734. readonly size: number;
  735. // Persistent changes
  736. /**
  737. * Returns a new Map also containing the new key, value pair. If an equivalent
  738. * key already exists in this Map, it will be replaced.
  739. *
  740. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  741. * ```js
  742. * const { Map } = require('immutable')
  743. * const originalMap = Map()
  744. * const newerMap = originalMap.set('key', 'value')
  745. * const newestMap = newerMap.set('key', 'newer value')
  746. *
  747. * originalMap
  748. * // Map {}
  749. * newerMap
  750. * // Map { "key": "value" }
  751. * newestMap
  752. * // Map { "key": "newer value" }
  753. * ```
  754. *
  755. * Note: `set` can be used in `withMutations`.
  756. */
  757. set(key: K, value: V): this;
  758. /**
  759. * Returns a new Map which excludes this `key`.
  760. *
  761. * Note: `delete` cannot be safely used in IE8, but is provided to mirror
  762. * the ES6 collection API.
  763. *
  764. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  765. * ```js
  766. * const { Map } = require('immutable')
  767. * const originalMap = Map({
  768. * key: 'value',
  769. * otherKey: 'other value'
  770. * })
  771. * // Map { "key": "value", "otherKey": "other value" }
  772. * originalMap.delete('otherKey')
  773. * // Map { "key": "value" }
  774. * ```
  775. *
  776. * Note: `delete` can be used in `withMutations`.
  777. *
  778. * @alias remove
  779. */
  780. delete(key: K): this;
  781. remove(key: K): this;
  782. /**
  783. * Returns a new Map which excludes the provided `keys`.
  784. *
  785. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  786. * ```js
  787. * const { Map } = require('immutable')
  788. * const names = Map({ a: "Aaron", b: "Barry", c: "Connor" })
  789. * names.deleteAll([ 'a', 'c' ])
  790. * // Map { "b": "Barry" }
  791. * ```
  792. *
  793. * Note: `deleteAll` can be used in `withMutations`.
  794. *
  795. * @alias removeAll
  796. */
  797. deleteAll(keys: Iterable<K>): this;
  798. removeAll(keys: Iterable<K>): this;
  799. /**
  800. * Returns a new Map containing no keys or values.
  801. *
  802. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  803. * ```js
  804. * const { Map } = require('immutable')
  805. * Map({ key: 'value' }).clear()
  806. * // Map {}
  807. * ```
  808. *
  809. * Note: `clear` can be used in `withMutations`.
  810. */
  811. clear(): this;
  812. /**
  813. * Returns a new Map having updated the value at this `key` with the return
  814. * value of calling `updater` with the existing value.
  815. *
  816. * Similar to: `map.set(key, updater(map.get(key)))`.
  817. *
  818. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  819. * ```js
  820. * const { Map } = require('immutable')
  821. * const aMap = Map({ key: 'value' })
  822. * const newMap = aMap.update('key', value => value + value)
  823. * // Map { "key": "valuevalue" }
  824. * ```
  825. *
  826. * This is most commonly used to call methods on collections within a
  827. * structure of data. For example, in order to `.push()` onto a nested `List`,
  828. * `update` and `push` can be used together:
  829. *
  830. * <!-- runkit:activate
  831. * { "preamble": "const { Map, List } = require('immutable');" }
  832. * -->
  833. * ```js
  834. * const aMap = Map({ nestedList: List([ 1, 2, 3 ]) })
  835. * const newMap = aMap.update('nestedList', list => list.push(4))
  836. * // Map { "nestedList": List [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] }
  837. * ```
  838. *
  839. * When a `notSetValue` is provided, it is provided to the `updater`
  840. * function when the value at the key does not exist in the Map.
  841. *
  842. * <!-- runkit:activate
  843. * { "preamble": "const { Map } = require('immutable');" }
  844. * -->
  845. * ```js
  846. * const aMap = Map({ key: 'value' })
  847. * const newMap = aMap.update('noKey', 'no value', value => value + value)
  848. * // Map { "key": "value", "noKey": "no valueno value" }
  849. * ```
  850. *
  851. * However, if the `updater` function returns the same value it was called
  852. * with, then no change will occur. This is still true if `notSetValue`
  853. * is provided.
  854. *
  855. * <!-- runkit:activate
  856. * { "preamble": "const { Map } = require('immutable');" }
  857. * -->
  858. * ```js
  859. * const aMap = Map({ apples: 10 })
  860. * const newMap = aMap.update('oranges', 0, val => val)
  861. * // Map { "apples": 10 }
  862. * assert.strictEqual(newMap, map);
  863. * ```
  864. *
  865. * For code using ES2015 or later, using `notSetValue` is discourged in
  866. * favor of function parameter default values. This helps to avoid any
  867. * potential confusion with identify functions as described above.
  868. *
  869. * The previous example behaves differently when written with default values:
  870. *
  871. * <!-- runkit:activate
  872. * { "preamble": "const { Map } = require('immutable');" }
  873. * -->
  874. * ```js
  875. * const aMap = Map({ apples: 10 })
  876. * const newMap = aMap.update('oranges', (val = 0) => val)
  877. * // Map { "apples": 10, "oranges": 0 }
  878. * ```
  879. *
  880. * If no key is provided, then the `updater` function return value is
  881. * returned as well.
  882. *
  883. * <!-- runkit:activate
  884. * { "preamble": "const { Map } = require('immutable');" }
  885. * -->
  886. * ```js
  887. * const aMap = Map({ key: 'value' })
  888. * const result = aMap.update(aMap => aMap.get('key'))
  889. * // "value"
  890. * ```
  891. *
  892. * This can be very useful as a way to "chain" a normal function into a
  893. * sequence of methods. RxJS calls this "let" and lodash calls it "thru".
  894. *
  895. * For example, to sum the values in a Map
  896. *
  897. * <!-- runkit:activate
  898. * { "preamble": "const { Map } = require('immutable');" }
  899. * -->
  900. * ```js
  901. * function sum(collection) {
  902. * return collection.reduce((sum, x) => sum + x, 0)
  903. * }
  904. *
  905. * Map({ x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 })
  906. * .map(x => x + 1)
  907. * .filter(x => x % 2 === 0)
  908. * .update(sum)
  909. * // 6
  910. * ```
  911. *
  912. * Note: `update(key)` can be used in `withMutations`.
  913. */
  914. update(key: K, notSetValue: V, updater: (value: V) => V): this;
  915. update(key: K, updater: (value: V) => V): this;
  916. update<R>(updater: (value: this) => R): R;
  917. /**
  918. * Returns a new Map resulting from merging the provided Collections
  919. * (or JS objects) into this Map. In other words, this takes each entry of
  920. * each collection and sets it on this Map.
  921. *
  922. * Note: Values provided to `merge` are shallowly converted before being
  923. * merged. No nested values are altered.
  924. *
  925. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  926. * ```js
  927. * const { Map } = require('immutable')
  928. * const one = Map({ a: 10, b: 20, c: 30 })
  929. * const two = Map({ b: 40, a: 50, d: 60 })
  930. * one.merge(two) // Map { "a": 50, "b": 40, "c": 30, "d": 60 }
  931. * two.merge(one) // Map { "b": 20, "a": 10, "d": 60, "c": 30 }
  932. * ```
  933. *
  934. * Note: `merge` can be used in `withMutations`.
  935. *
  936. * @alias concat
  937. */
  938. merge<KC, VC>(...collections: Array<Iterable<[KC, VC]>>): Map$1<K | KC, V | VC>;
  939. merge<C>(...collections: Array<{[key: string]: C}>): Map$1<K | string, V | C>;
  940. concat<KC, VC>(...collections: Array<Iterable<[KC, VC]>>): Map$1<K | KC, V | VC>;
  941. concat<C>(...collections: Array<{[key: string]: C}>): Map$1<K | string, V | C>;
  942. /**
  943. * Like `merge()`, `mergeWith()` returns a new Map resulting from merging
  944. * the provided Collections (or JS objects) into this Map, but uses the
  945. * `merger` function for dealing with conflicts.
  946. *
  947. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  948. * ```js
  949. * const { Map } = require('immutable')
  950. * const one = Map({ a: 10, b: 20, c: 30 })
  951. * const two = Map({ b: 40, a: 50, d: 60 })
  952. * one.mergeWith((oldVal, newVal) => oldVal / newVal, two)
  953. * // { "a": 0.2, "b": 0.5, "c": 30, "d": 60 }
  954. * two.mergeWith((oldVal, newVal) => oldVal / newVal, one)
  955. * // { "b": 2, "a": 5, "d": 60, "c": 30 }
  956. * ```
  957. *
  958. * Note: `mergeWith` can be used in `withMutations`.
  959. */
  960. mergeWith(
  961. merger: (oldVal: V, newVal: V, key: K) => V,
  962. ...collections: Array<Iterable<[K, V]> | {[key: string]: V}>
  963. ): this;
  964. /**
  965. * Like `merge()`, but when two Collections conflict, it merges them as well,
  966. * recursing deeply through the nested data.
  967. *
  968. * Note: Values provided to `merge` are shallowly converted before being
  969. * merged. No nested values are altered unless they will also be merged at
  970. * a deeper level.
  971. *
  972. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  973. * ```js
  974. * const { Map } = require('immutable')
  975. * const one = Map({ a: Map({ x: 10, y: 10 }), b: Map({ x: 20, y: 50 }) })
  976. * const two = Map({ a: Map({ x: 2 }), b: Map({ y: 5 }), c: Map({ z: 3 }) })
  977. * one.mergeDeep(two)
  978. * // Map {
  979. * // "a": Map { "x": 2, "y": 10 },
  980. * // "b": Map { "x": 20, "y": 5 },
  981. * // "c": Map { "z": 3 }
  982. * // }
  983. * ```
  984. *
  985. * Note: `mergeDeep` can be used in `withMutations`.
  986. */
  987. mergeDeep(...collections: Array<Iterable<[K, V]> | {[key: string]: V}>): this;
  988. /**
  989. * Like `mergeDeep()`, but when two non-Collections conflict, it uses the
  990. * `merger` function to determine the resulting value.
  991. *
  992. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  993. * ```js
  994. * const { Map } = require('immutable')
  995. * const one = Map({ a: Map({ x: 10, y: 10 }), b: Map({ x: 20, y: 50 }) })
  996. * const two = Map({ a: Map({ x: 2 }), b: Map({ y: 5 }), c: Map({ z: 3 }) })
  997. * one.mergeDeepWith((oldVal, newVal) => oldVal / newVal, two)
  998. * // Map {
  999. * // "a": Map { "x": 5, "y": 10 },
  1000. * // "b": Map { "x": 20, "y": 10 },
  1001. * // "c": Map { "z": 3 }
  1002. * // }
  1003. * ```
  1004. * Note: `mergeDeepWith` can be used in `withMutations`.
  1005. */
  1006. mergeDeepWith(
  1007. merger: (oldVal: any, newVal: any, key: any) => any,
  1008. ...collections: Array<Iterable<[K, V]> | {[key: string]: V}>
  1009. ): this;
  1010. // Deep persistent changes
  1011. /**
  1012. * Returns a new Map having set `value` at this `keyPath`. If any keys in
  1013. * `keyPath` do not exist, a new immutable Map will be created at that key.
  1014. *
  1015. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  1016. * ```js
  1017. * const { Map } = require('immutable')
  1018. * const originalMap = Map({
  1019. * subObject: Map({
  1020. * subKey: 'subvalue',
  1021. * subSubObject: Map({
  1022. * subSubKey: 'subSubValue'
  1023. * })
  1024. * })
  1025. * })
  1026. *
  1027. * const newMap = originalMap.setIn(['subObject', 'subKey'], 'ha ha!')
  1028. * // Map {
  1029. * // "subObject": Map {
  1030. * // "subKey": "ha ha!",
  1031. * // "subSubObject": Map { "subSubKey": "subSubValue" }
  1032. * // }
  1033. * // }
  1034. *
  1035. * const newerMap = originalMap.setIn(
  1036. * ['subObject', 'subSubObject', 'subSubKey'],
  1037. * 'ha ha ha!'
  1038. * )
  1039. * // Map {
  1040. * // "subObject": Map {
  1041. * // "subKey": "subvalue",
  1042. * // "subSubObject": Map { "subSubKey": "ha ha ha!" }
  1043. * // }
  1044. * // }
  1045. * ```
  1046. *
  1047. * Plain JavaScript Object or Arrays may be nested within an Immutable.js
  1048. * Collection, and setIn() can update those values as well, treating them
  1049. * immutably by creating new copies of those values with the changes applied.
  1050. *
  1051. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  1052. * ```js
  1053. * const { Map } = require('immutable')
  1054. * const originalMap = Map({
  1055. * subObject: {
  1056. * subKey: 'subvalue',
  1057. * subSubObject: {
  1058. * subSubKey: 'subSubValue'
  1059. * }
  1060. * }
  1061. * })
  1062. *
  1063. * originalMap.setIn(['subObject', 'subKey'], 'ha ha!')
  1064. * // Map {
  1065. * // "subObject": {
  1066. * // subKey: "ha ha!",
  1067. * // subSubObject: { subSubKey: "subSubValue" }
  1068. * // }
  1069. * // }
  1070. * ```
  1071. *
  1072. * If any key in the path exists but cannot be updated (such as a primitive
  1073. * like number or a custom Object like Date), an error will be thrown.
  1074. *
  1075. * Note: `setIn` can be used in `withMutations`.
  1076. */
  1077. setIn(keyPath: Iterable<any>, value: any): this;
  1078. /**
  1079. * Returns a new Map having removed the value at this `keyPath`. If any keys
  1080. * in `keyPath` do not exist, no change will occur.
  1081. *
  1082. * Note: `deleteIn` can be used in `withMutations`.
  1083. *
  1084. * @alias removeIn
  1085. */
  1086. deleteIn(keyPath: Iterable<any>): this;
  1087. removeIn(keyPath: Iterable<any>): this;
  1088. /**
  1089. * Returns a new Map having applied the `updater` to the entry found at the
  1090. * keyPath.
  1091. *
  1092. * This is most commonly used to call methods on collections nested within a
  1093. * structure of data. For example, in order to `.push()` onto a nested `List`,
  1094. * `updateIn` and `push` can be used together:
  1095. *
  1096. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  1097. * ```js
  1098. * const { Map, List } = require('immutable')
  1099. * const map = Map({ inMap: Map({ inList: List([ 1, 2, 3 ]) }) })
  1100. * const newMap = map.updateIn(['inMap', 'inList'], list => list.push(4))
  1101. * // Map { "inMap": Map { "inList": List [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] } }
  1102. * ```
  1103. *
  1104. * If any keys in `keyPath` do not exist, new Immutable `Map`s will
  1105. * be created at those keys. If the `keyPath` does not already contain a
  1106. * value, the `updater` function will be called with `notSetValue`, if
  1107. * provided, otherwise `undefined`.
  1108. *
  1109. * <!-- runkit:activate
  1110. * { "preamble": "const { Map } = require('immutable')" }
  1111. * -->
  1112. * ```js
  1113. * const map = Map({ a: Map({ b: Map({ c: 10 }) }) })
  1114. * const newMap = map.updateIn(['a', 'b', 'c'], val => val * 2)
  1115. * // Map { "a": Map { "b": Map { "c": 20 } } }
  1116. * ```
  1117. *
  1118. * If the `updater` function returns the same value it was called with, then
  1119. * no change will occur. This is still true if `notSetValue` is provided.
  1120. *
  1121. * <!-- runkit:activate
  1122. * { "preamble": "const { Map } = require('immutable')" }
  1123. * -->
  1124. * ```js
  1125. * const map = Map({ a: Map({ b: Map({ c: 10 }) }) })
  1126. * const newMap = map.updateIn(['a', 'b', 'x'], 100, val => val)
  1127. * // Map { "a": Map { "b": Map { "c": 10 } } }
  1128. * assert.strictEqual(newMap, aMap)
  1129. * ```
  1130. *
  1131. * For code using ES2015 or later, using `notSetValue` is discourged in
  1132. * favor of function parameter default values. This helps to avoid any
  1133. * potential confusion with identify functions as described above.
  1134. *
  1135. * The previous example behaves differently when written with default values:
  1136. *
  1137. * <!-- runkit:activate
  1138. * { "preamble": "const { Map } = require('immutable')" }
  1139. * -->
  1140. * ```js
  1141. * const map = Map({ a: Map({ b: Map({ c: 10 }) }) })
  1142. * const newMap = map.updateIn(['a', 'b', 'x'], (val = 100) => val)
  1143. * // Map { "a": Map { "b": Map { "c": 10, "x": 100 } } }
  1144. * ```
  1145. *
  1146. * Plain JavaScript Object or Arrays may be nested within an Immutable.js
  1147. * Collection, and updateIn() can update those values as well, treating them
  1148. * immutably by creating new copies of those values with the changes applied.
  1149. *
  1150. * <!-- runkit:activate
  1151. * { "preamble": "const { Map } = require('immutable')" }
  1152. * -->
  1153. * ```js
  1154. * const map = Map({ a: { b: { c: 10 } } })
  1155. * const newMap = map.updateIn(['a', 'b', 'c'], val => val * 2)
  1156. * // Map { "a": { b: { c: 20 } } }
  1157. * ```
  1158. *
  1159. * If any key in the path exists but cannot be updated (such as a primitive
  1160. * like number or a custom Object like Date), an error will be thrown.
  1161. *
  1162. * Note: `updateIn` can be used in `withMutations`.
  1163. */
  1164. updateIn(keyPath: Iterable<any>, notSetValue: any, updater: (value: any) => any): this;
  1165. updateIn(keyPath: Iterable<any>, updater: (value: any) => any): this;
  1166. /**
  1167. * A combination of `updateIn` and `merge`, returning a new Map, but
  1168. * performing the merge at a point arrived at by following the keyPath.
  1169. * In other words, these two lines are equivalent:
  1170. *
  1171. * ```js
  1172. * map.updateIn(['a', 'b', 'c'], abc => abc.merge(y))
  1173. * map.mergeIn(['a', 'b', 'c'], y)
  1174. * ```
  1175. *
  1176. * Note: `mergeIn` can be used in `withMutations`.
  1177. */
  1178. mergeIn(keyPath: Iterable<any>, ...collections: Array<any>): this;
  1179. /**
  1180. * A combination of `updateIn` and `mergeDeep`, returning a new Map, but
  1181. * performing the deep merge at a point arrived at by following the keyPath.
  1182. * In other words, these two lines are equivalent:
  1183. *
  1184. * ```js
  1185. * map.updateIn(['a', 'b', 'c'], abc => abc.mergeDeep(y))
  1186. * map.mergeDeepIn(['a', 'b', 'c'], y)
  1187. * ```
  1188. *
  1189. * Note: `mergeDeepIn` can be used in `withMutations`.
  1190. */
  1191. mergeDeepIn(keyPath: Iterable<any>, ...collections: Array<any>): this;
  1192. // Transient changes
  1193. /**
  1194. * Every time you call one of the above functions, a new immutable Map is
  1195. * created. If a pure function calls a number of these to produce a final
  1196. * return value, then a penalty on performance and memory has been paid by
  1197. * creating all of the intermediate immutable Maps.
  1198. *
  1199. * If you need to apply a series of mutations to produce a new immutable
  1200. * Map, `withMutations()` creates a temporary mutable copy of the Map which
  1201. * can apply mutations in a highly performant manner. In fact, this is
  1202. * exactly how complex mutations like `merge` are done.
  1203. *
  1204. * As an example, this results in the creation of 2, not 4, new Maps:
  1205. *
  1206. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  1207. * ```js
  1208. * const { Map } = require('immutable')
  1209. * const map1 = Map()
  1210. * const map2 = map1.withMutations(map => {
  1211. * map.set('a', 1).set('b', 2).set('c', 3)
  1212. * })
  1213. * assert.equal(map1.size, 0)
  1214. * assert.equal(map2.size, 3)
  1215. * ```
  1216. *
  1217. * Note: Not all methods can be used on a mutable collection or within
  1218. * `withMutations`! Read the documentation for each method to see if it
  1219. * is safe to use in `withMutations`.
  1220. */
  1221. withMutations(mutator: (mutable: this) => any): this;
  1222. /**
  1223. * Another way to avoid creation of intermediate Immutable maps is to create
  1224. * a mutable copy of this collection. Mutable copies *always* return `this`,
  1225. * and thus shouldn't be used for equality. Your function should never return
  1226. * a mutable copy of a collection, only use it internally to create a new
  1227. * collection.
  1228. *
  1229. * If possible, use `withMutations` to work with temporary mutable copies as
  1230. * it provides an easier to use API and considers many common optimizations.
  1231. *
  1232. * Note: if the collection is already mutable, `asMutable` returns itself.
  1233. *
  1234. * Note: Not all methods can be used on a mutable collection or within
  1235. * `withMutations`! Read the documentation for each method to see if it
  1236. * is safe to use in `withMutations`.
  1237. *
  1238. * @see `Map#asImmutable`
  1239. */
  1240. asMutable(): this;
  1241. /**
  1242. * Returns true if this is a mutable copy (see `asMutable()`) and mutative
  1243. * alterations have been applied.
  1244. *
  1245. * @see `Map#asMutable`
  1246. */
  1247. wasAltered(): boolean;
  1248. /**
  1249. * The yin to `asMutable`'s yang. Because it applies to mutable collections,
  1250. * this operation is *mutable* and may return itself (though may not
  1251. * return itself, i.e. if the result is an empty collection). Once
  1252. * performed, the original mutable copy must no longer be mutated since it
  1253. * may be the immutable result.
  1254. *
  1255. * If possible, use `withMutations` to work with temporary mutable copies as
  1256. * it provides an easier to use API and considers many common optimizations.
  1257. *
  1258. * @see `Map#asMutable`
  1259. */
  1260. asImmutable(): this;
  1261. // Sequence algorithms
  1262. /**
  1263. * Returns a new Map with values passed through a
  1264. * `mapper` function.
  1265. *
  1266. * Map({ a: 1, b: 2 }).map(x => 10 * x)
  1267. * // Map { a: 10, b: 20 }
  1268. */
  1269. map<M>(
  1270. mapper: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => M,
  1271. context?: any
  1272. ): Map$1<K, M>;
  1273. /**
  1274. * @see Collection.Keyed.mapKeys
  1275. */
  1276. mapKeys<M>(
  1277. mapper: (key: K, value: V, iter: this) => M,
  1278. context?: any
  1279. ): Map$1<M, V>;
  1280. /**
  1281. * @see Collection.Keyed.mapEntries
  1282. */
  1283. mapEntries<KM, VM>(
  1284. mapper: (entry: [K, V], index: number, iter: this) => [KM, VM],
  1285. context?: any
  1286. ): Map$1<KM, VM>;
  1287. /**
  1288. * Flat-maps the Map, returning a new Map.
  1289. *
  1290. * Similar to ``.
  1291. */
  1292. flatMap<KM, VM>(
  1293. mapper: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => Iterable<[KM, VM]>,
  1294. context?: any
  1295. ): Map$1<KM, VM>;
  1296. /**
  1297. * Returns a new Map with only the entries for which the `predicate`
  1298. * function returns true.
  1299. *
  1300. * Note: `filter()` always returns a new instance, even if it results in
  1301. * not filtering out any values.
  1302. */
  1303. filter<F extends V>(
  1304. predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => value is F,
  1305. context?: any
  1306. ): Map$1<K, F>;
  1307. filter(
  1308. predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => any,
  1309. context?: any
  1310. ): this;
  1311. /**
  1312. * @see Collection.Keyed.flip
  1313. */
  1314. flip(): Map$1<V, K>;
  1315. }
  1316. /**
  1317. * A type of Map that has the additional guarantee that the iteration order of
  1318. * entries will be the order in which they were set().
  1319. *
  1320. * The iteration behavior of OrderedMap is the same as native ES6 Map and
  1321. * JavaScript Object.
  1322. *
  1323. * Note that `OrderedMap` are more expensive than non-ordered `Map` and may
  1324. * consume more memory. `OrderedMap#set` is amortized O(log32 N), but not
  1325. * stable.
  1326. */
  1327. declare module OrderedMap {
  1328. /**
  1329. * True if the provided value is an OrderedMap.
  1330. */
  1331. function isOrderedMap(maybeOrderedMap: any): maybeOrderedMap is OrderedMap<any, any>;
  1332. }
  1333. /**
  1334. * Creates a new Immutable OrderedMap.
  1335. *
  1336. * Created with the same key value pairs as the provided Collection.Keyed or
  1337. * JavaScript Object or expects a Collection of [K, V] tuple entries.
  1338. *
  1339. * The iteration order of key-value pairs provided to this constructor will
  1340. * be preserved in the OrderedMap.
  1341. *
  1342. * let newOrderedMap = OrderedMap({key: "value"})
  1343. * let newOrderedMap = OrderedMap([["key", "value"]])
  1344. *
  1345. * Note: `OrderedMap` is a factory function and not a class, and does not use
  1346. * the `new` keyword during construction.
  1347. */
  1348. declare function OrderedMap<K, V>(collection: Iterable<[K, V]>): OrderedMap<K, V>;
  1349. declare function OrderedMap<T>(collection: Iterable<Iterable<T>>): OrderedMap<T, T>;
  1350. declare function OrderedMap<V>(obj: {[key: string]: V}): OrderedMap<string, V>;
  1351. declare function OrderedMap<K, V>(): OrderedMap<K, V>;
  1352. declare function OrderedMap(): OrderedMap<any, any>;
  1353. interface OrderedMap<K, V> extends Map$1<K, V> {
  1354. /**
  1355. * The number of entries in this OrderedMap.
  1356. */
  1357. readonly size: number;
  1358. /**
  1359. * Returns a new OrderedMap also containing the new key, value pair. If an
  1360. * equivalent key already exists in this OrderedMap, it will be replaced
  1361. * while maintaining the existing order.
  1362. *
  1363. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  1364. * ```js
  1365. * const { OrderedMap } = require('immutable')
  1366. * const originalMap = OrderedMap({a:1, b:1, c:1})
  1367. * const updatedMap = originalMap.set('b', 2)
  1368. *
  1369. * originalMap
  1370. * // OrderedMap {a: 1, b: 1, c: 1}
  1371. * updatedMap
  1372. * // OrderedMap {a: 1, b: 2, c: 1}
  1373. * ```
  1374. *
  1375. * Note: `set` can be used in `withMutations`.
  1376. */
  1377. set(key: K, value: V): this;
  1378. /**
  1379. * Returns a new OrderedMap resulting from merging the provided Collections
  1380. * (or JS objects) into this OrderedMap. In other words, this takes each
  1381. * entry of each collection and sets it on this OrderedMap.
  1382. *
  1383. * Note: Values provided to `merge` are shallowly converted before being
  1384. * merged. No nested values are altered.
  1385. *
  1386. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  1387. * ```js
  1388. * const { OrderedMap } = require('immutable')
  1389. * const one = OrderedMap({ a: 10, b: 20, c: 30 })
  1390. * const two = OrderedMap({ b: 40, a: 50, d: 60 })
  1391. * one.merge(two) // OrderedMap { "a": 50, "b": 40, "c": 30, "d": 60 }
  1392. * two.merge(one) // OrderedMap { "b": 20, "a": 10, "d": 60, "c": 30 }
  1393. * ```
  1394. *
  1395. * Note: `merge` can be used in `withMutations`.
  1396. *
  1397. * @alias concat
  1398. */
  1399. merge<KC, VC>(...collections: Array<Iterable<[KC, VC]>>): OrderedMap<K | KC, V | VC>;
  1400. merge<C>(...collections: Array<{[key: string]: C}>): OrderedMap<K | string, V | C>;
  1401. concat<KC, VC>(...collections: Array<Iterable<[KC, VC]>>): OrderedMap<K | KC, V | VC>;
  1402. concat<C>(...collections: Array<{[key: string]: C}>): OrderedMap<K | string, V | C>;
  1403. // Sequence algorithms
  1404. /**
  1405. * Returns a new OrderedMap with values passed through a
  1406. * `mapper` function.
  1407. *
  1408. * OrderedMap({ a: 1, b: 2 }).map(x => 10 * x)
  1409. * // OrderedMap { "a": 10, "b": 20 }
  1410. *
  1411. * Note: `map()` always returns a new instance, even if it produced the same
  1412. * value at every step.
  1413. */
  1414. map<M>(
  1415. mapper: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => M,
  1416. context?: any
  1417. ): OrderedMap<K, M>;
  1418. /**
  1419. * @see Collection.Keyed.mapKeys
  1420. */
  1421. mapKeys<M>(
  1422. mapper: (key: K, value: V, iter: this) => M,
  1423. context?: any
  1424. ): OrderedMap<M, V>;
  1425. /**
  1426. * @see Collection.Keyed.mapEntries
  1427. */
  1428. mapEntries<KM, VM>(
  1429. mapper: (entry: [K, V], index: number, iter: this) => [KM, VM],
  1430. context?: any
  1431. ): OrderedMap<KM, VM>;
  1432. /**
  1433. * Flat-maps the OrderedMap, returning a new OrderedMap.
  1434. *
  1435. * Similar to ``.
  1436. */
  1437. flatMap<KM, VM>(
  1438. mapper: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => Iterable<[KM, VM]>,
  1439. context?: any
  1440. ): OrderedMap<KM, VM>;
  1441. /**
  1442. * Returns a new OrderedMap with only the entries for which the `predicate`
  1443. * function returns true.
  1444. *
  1445. * Note: `filter()` always returns a new instance, even if it results in
  1446. * not filtering out any values.
  1447. */
  1448. filter<F extends V>(
  1449. predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => value is F,
  1450. context?: any
  1451. ): OrderedMap<K, F>;
  1452. filter(
  1453. predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => any,
  1454. context?: any
  1455. ): this;
  1456. /**
  1457. * @see Collection.Keyed.flip
  1458. */
  1459. flip(): OrderedMap<V, K>;
  1460. }
  1461. /**
  1462. * A Collection of unique values with `O(log32 N)` adds and has.
  1463. *
  1464. * When iterating a Set, the entries will be (value, value) pairs. Iteration
  1465. * order of a Set is undefined, however is stable. Multiple iterations of the
  1466. * same Set will iterate in the same order.
  1467. *
  1468. * Set values, like Map keys, may be of any type. Equality is determined using
  1469. * ``, enabling Sets to uniquely include other Immutable
  1470. * collections, custom value types, and NaN.
  1471. */
  1472. declare module Set$1 {
  1473. /**
  1474. * True if the provided value is a Set
  1475. */
  1476. function isSet(maybeSet: any): maybeSet is Set$1<any>;
  1477. /**
  1478. * Creates a new Set containing `values`.
  1479. */
  1480. function of<T>(...values: Array<T>): Set$1<T>;
  1481. /**
  1482. * `Set.fromKeys()` creates a new immutable Set containing the keys from
  1483. * this Collection or JavaScript Object.
  1484. */
  1485. function fromKeys<T>(iter: Collection$1<T, any>): Set$1<T>;
  1486. function fromKeys(obj: {[key: string]: any}): Set$1<string>;
  1487. /**
  1488. * `Set.intersect()` creates a new immutable Set that is the intersection of
  1489. * a collection of other sets.
  1490. *
  1491. * ```js
  1492. * const { Set } = require('immutable')
  1493. * const intersected = Set.intersect([
  1494. * Set([ 'a', 'b', 'c' ])
  1495. * Set([ 'c', 'a', 't' ])
  1496. * ])
  1497. * // Set [ "a", "c"" ]
  1498. * ```
  1499. */
  1500. function intersect<T>(sets: Iterable<Iterable<T>>): Set$1<T>;
  1501. /**
  1502. * `Set.union()` creates a new immutable Set that is the union of a
  1503. * collection of other sets.
  1504. *
  1505. * ```js
  1506. * const { Set } = require('immutable')
  1507. * const unioned = Set.union([
  1508. * Set([ 'a', 'b', 'c' ])
  1509. * Set([ 'c', 'a', 't' ])
  1510. * ])
  1511. * // Set [ "a", "b", "c", "t"" ]
  1512. * ```
  1513. */
  1514. function union<T>(sets: Iterable<Iterable<T>>): Set$1<T>;
  1515. }
  1516. /**
  1517. * Create a new immutable Set containing the values of the provided
  1518. * collection-like.
  1519. *
  1520. * Note: `Set` is a factory function and not a class, and does not use the
  1521. * `new` keyword during construction.
  1522. */
  1523. declare function Set$1(): Set$1<any>;
  1524. declare function Set$1<T>(): Set$1<T>;
  1525. declare function Set$1<T>(collection: Iterable<T>): Set$1<T>;
  1526. interface Set$1<T> extends Collection$1.Set<T> {
  1527. /**
  1528. * The number of items in this Set.
  1529. */
  1530. readonly size: number;
  1531. // Persistent changes
  1532. /**
  1533. * Returns a new Set which also includes this value.
  1534. *
  1535. * Note: `add` can be used in `withMutations`.
  1536. */
  1537. add(value: T): this;
  1538. /**
  1539. * Returns a new Set which excludes this value.
  1540. *
  1541. * Note: `delete` can be used in `withMutations`.
  1542. *
  1543. * Note: `delete` **cannot** be safely used in IE8, use `remove` if
  1544. * supporting old browsers.
  1545. *
  1546. * @alias remove
  1547. */
  1548. delete(value: T): this;
  1549. remove(value: T): this;
  1550. /**
  1551. * Returns a new Set containing no values.
  1552. *
  1553. * Note: `clear` can be used in `withMutations`.
  1554. */
  1555. clear(): this;
  1556. /**
  1557. * Returns a Set including any value from `collections` that does not already
  1558. * exist in this Set.
  1559. *
  1560. * Note: `union` can be used in `withMutations`.
  1561. * @alias merge
  1562. * @alias concat
  1563. */
  1564. union<C>(...collections: Array<Iterable<C>>): Set$1<T | C>;
  1565. merge<C>(...collections: Array<Iterable<C>>): Set$1<T | C>;
  1566. concat<C>(...collections: Array<Iterable<C>>): Set$1<T | C>;
  1567. /**
  1568. * Returns a Set which has removed any values not also contained
  1569. * within `collections`.
  1570. *
  1571. * Note: `intersect` can be used in `withMutations`.
  1572. */
  1573. intersect(...collections: Array<Iterable<T>>): this;
  1574. /**
  1575. * Returns a Set excluding any values contained within `collections`.
  1576. *
  1577. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  1578. * ```js
  1579. * const { OrderedSet } = require('immutable')
  1580. * OrderedSet([ 1, 2, 3 ]).subtract([1, 3])
  1581. * // OrderedSet [2]
  1582. * ```
  1583. *
  1584. * Note: `subtract` can be used in `withMutations`.
  1585. */
  1586. subtract(...collections: Array<Iterable<T>>): this;
  1587. // Transient changes
  1588. /**
  1589. * Note: Not all methods can be used on a mutable collection or within
  1590. * `withMutations`! Check the documentation for each method to see if it
  1591. * mentions being safe to use in `withMutations`.
  1592. *
  1593. * @see `Map#withMutations`
  1594. */
  1595. withMutations(mutator: (mutable: this) => any): this;
  1596. /**
  1597. * Note: Not all methods can be used on a mutable collection or within
  1598. * `withMutations`! Check the documentation for each method to see if it
  1599. * mentions being safe to use in `withMutations`.
  1600. *
  1601. * @see `Map#asMutable`
  1602. */
  1603. asMutable(): this;
  1604. /**
  1605. * @see `Map#wasAltered`
  1606. */
  1607. wasAltered(): boolean;
  1608. /**
  1609. * @see `Map#asImmutable`
  1610. */
  1611. asImmutable(): this;
  1612. // Sequence algorithms
  1613. /**
  1614. * Returns a new Set with values passed through a
  1615. * `mapper` function.
  1616. *
  1617. * Set([1,2]).map(x => 10 * x)
  1618. * // Set [10,20]
  1619. */
  1620. map<M>(
  1621. mapper: (value: T, key: T, iter: this) => M,
  1622. context?: any
  1623. ): Set$1<M>;
  1624. /**
  1625. * Flat-maps the Set, returning a new Set.
  1626. *
  1627. * Similar to ``.
  1628. */
  1629. flatMap<M>(
  1630. mapper: (value: T, key: T, iter: this) => Iterable<M>,
  1631. context?: any
  1632. ): Set$1<M>;
  1633. /**
  1634. * Returns a new Set with only the values for which the `predicate`
  1635. * function returns true.
  1636. *
  1637. * Note: `filter()` always returns a new instance, even if it results in
  1638. * not filtering out any values.
  1639. */
  1640. filter<F extends T>(
  1641. predicate: (value: T, key: T, iter: this) => value is F,
  1642. context?: any
  1643. ): Set$1<F>;
  1644. filter(
  1645. predicate: (value: T, key: T, iter: this) => any,
  1646. context?: any
  1647. ): this;
  1648. }
  1649. /**
  1650. * A type of Set that has the additional guarantee that the iteration order of
  1651. * values will be the order in which they were `add`ed.
  1652. *
  1653. * The iteration behavior of OrderedSet is the same as native ES6 Set.
  1654. *
  1655. * Note that `OrderedSet` are more expensive than non-ordered `Set` and may
  1656. * consume more memory. `OrderedSet#add` is amortized O(log32 N), but not
  1657. * stable.
  1658. */
  1659. declare module OrderedSet {
  1660. /**
  1661. * True if the provided value is an OrderedSet.
  1662. */
  1663. function isOrderedSet(maybeOrderedSet: any): boolean;
  1664. /**
  1665. * Creates a new OrderedSet containing `values`.
  1666. */
  1667. function of<T>(...values: Array<T>): OrderedSet<T>;
  1668. /**
  1669. * `OrderedSet.fromKeys()` creates a new immutable OrderedSet containing
  1670. * the keys from this Collection or JavaScript Object.
  1671. */
  1672. function fromKeys<T>(iter: Collection$1<T, any>): OrderedSet<T>;
  1673. function fromKeys(obj: {[key: string]: any}): OrderedSet<string>;
  1674. }
  1675. /**
  1676. * Create a new immutable OrderedSet containing the values of the provided
  1677. * collection-like.
  1678. *
  1679. * Note: `OrderedSet` is a factory function and not a class, and does not use
  1680. * the `new` keyword during construction.
  1681. */
  1682. declare function OrderedSet(): OrderedSet<any>;
  1683. declare function OrderedSet<T>(): OrderedSet<T>;
  1684. declare function OrderedSet<T>(collection: Iterable<T>): OrderedSet<T>;
  1685. interface OrderedSet<T> extends Set$1<T> {
  1686. /**
  1687. * The number of items in this OrderedSet.
  1688. */
  1689. readonly size: number;
  1690. /**
  1691. * Returns an OrderedSet including any value from `collections` that does
  1692. * not already exist in this OrderedSet.
  1693. *
  1694. * Note: `union` can be used in `withMutations`.
  1695. * @alias merge
  1696. * @alias concat
  1697. */
  1698. union<C>(...collections: Array<Iterable<C>>): OrderedSet<T | C>;
  1699. merge<C>(...collections: Array<Iterable<C>>): OrderedSet<T | C>;
  1700. concat<C>(...collections: Array<Iterable<C>>): OrderedSet<T | C>;
  1701. // Sequence algorithms
  1702. /**
  1703. * Returns a new Set with values passed through a
  1704. * `mapper` function.
  1705. *
  1706. * OrderedSet([ 1, 2 ]).map(x => 10 * x)
  1707. * // OrderedSet [10, 20]
  1708. */
  1709. map<M>(
  1710. mapper: (value: T, key: T, iter: this) => M,
  1711. context?: any
  1712. ): OrderedSet<M>;
  1713. /**
  1714. * Flat-maps the OrderedSet, returning a new OrderedSet.
  1715. *
  1716. * Similar to ``.
  1717. */
  1718. flatMap<M>(
  1719. mapper: (value: T, key: T, iter: this) => Iterable<M>,
  1720. context?: any
  1721. ): OrderedSet<M>;
  1722. /**
  1723. * Returns a new OrderedSet with only the values for which the `predicate`
  1724. * function returns true.
  1725. *
  1726. * Note: `filter()` always returns a new instance, even if it results in
  1727. * not filtering out any values.
  1728. */
  1729. filter<F extends T>(
  1730. predicate: (value: T, key: T, iter: this) => value is F,
  1731. context?: any
  1732. ): OrderedSet<F>;
  1733. filter(
  1734. predicate: (value: T, key: T, iter: this) => any,
  1735. context?: any
  1736. ): this;
  1737. /**
  1738. * Returns an OrderedSet of the same type "zipped" with the provided
  1739. * collections.
  1740. *
  1741. * Like `zipWith`, but using the default `zipper`: creating an `Array`.
  1742. *
  1743. * ```js
  1744. * const a = OrderedSet([ 1, 2, 3 ])
  1745. * const b = OrderedSet([ 4, 5, 6 ])
  1746. * const c =
  1747. * // OrderedSet [ [ 1, 4 ], [ 2, 5 ], [ 3, 6 ] ]
  1748. * ```
  1749. */
  1750. zip<U>(other: Collection$1<any, U>): OrderedSet<[T,U]>;
  1751. zip<U,V>(other1: Collection$1<any, U>, other2: Collection$1<any, V>): OrderedSet<[T,U,V]>;
  1752. zip(...collections: Array<Collection$1<any, any>>): OrderedSet<any>;
  1753. /**
  1754. * Returns a OrderedSet of the same type "zipped" with the provided
  1755. * collections.
  1756. *
  1757. * Unlike `zip`, `zipAll` continues zipping until the longest collection is
  1758. * exhausted. Missing values from shorter collections are filled with `undefined`.
  1759. *
  1760. * ```js
  1761. * const a = OrderedSet([ 1, 2 ]);
  1762. * const b = OrderedSet([ 3, 4, 5 ]);
  1763. * const c = a.zipAll(b); // OrderedSet [ [ 1, 3 ], [ 2, 4 ], [ undefined, 5 ] ]
  1764. * ```
  1765. *
  1766. * Note: Since zipAll will return a collection as large as the largest
  1767. * input, some results may contain undefined values. TypeScript cannot
  1768. * account for these without cases (as of v2.5).
  1769. */
  1770. zipAll<U>(other: Collection$1<any, U>): OrderedSet<[T,U]>;
  1771. zipAll<U,V>(other1: Collection$1<any, U>, other2: Collection$1<any, V>): OrderedSet<[T,U,V]>;
  1772. zipAll(...collections: Array<Collection$1<any, any>>): OrderedSet<any>;
  1773. /**
  1774. * Returns an OrderedSet of the same type "zipped" with the provided
  1775. * collections by using a custom `zipper` function.
  1776. *
  1777. * @see Seq.Indexed.zipWith
  1778. */
  1779. zipWith<U, Z>(
  1780. zipper: (value: T, otherValue: U) => Z,
  1781. otherCollection: Collection$1<any, U>
  1782. ): OrderedSet<Z>;
  1783. zipWith<U, V, Z>(
  1784. zipper: (value: T, otherValue: U, thirdValue: V) => Z,
  1785. otherCollection: Collection$1<any, U>,
  1786. thirdCollection: Collection$1<any, V>
  1787. ): OrderedSet<Z>;
  1788. zipWith<Z>(
  1789. zipper: (...any: Array<any>) => Z,
  1790. ...collections: Array<Collection$1<any, any>>
  1791. ): OrderedSet<Z>;
  1792. }
  1793. /**
  1794. * Stacks are indexed collections which support very efficient O(1) addition
  1795. * and removal from the front using `unshift(v)` and `shift()`.
  1796. *
  1797. * For familiarity, Stack also provides `push(v)`, `pop()`, and `peek()`, but
  1798. * be aware that they also operate on the front of the list, unlike List or
  1799. * a JavaScript Array.
  1800. *
  1801. * Note: `reverse()` or any inherent reverse traversal (`reduceRight`,
  1802. * `lastIndexOf`, etc.) is not efficient with a Stack.
  1803. *
  1804. * Stack is implemented with a Single-Linked List.
  1805. */
  1806. declare module Stack {
  1807. /**
  1808. * True if the provided value is a Stack
  1809. */
  1810. function isStack(maybeStack: any): maybeStack is Stack<any>;
  1811. /**
  1812. * Creates a new Stack containing `values`.
  1813. */
  1814. function of<T>(...values: Array<T>): Stack<T>;
  1815. }
  1816. /**
  1817. * Create a new immutable Stack containing the values of the provided
  1818. * collection-like.
  1819. *
  1820. * The iteration order of the provided collection is preserved in the
  1821. * resulting `Stack`.
  1822. *
  1823. * Note: `Stack` is a factory function and not a class, and does not use the
  1824. * `new` keyword during construction.
  1825. */
  1826. declare function Stack(): Stack<any>;
  1827. declare function Stack<T>(): Stack<T>;
  1828. declare function Stack<T>(collection: Iterable<T>): Stack<T>;
  1829. interface Stack<T> extends Collection$1.Indexed<T> {
  1830. /**
  1831. * The number of items in this Stack.
  1832. */
  1833. readonly size: number;
  1834. // Reading values
  1835. /**
  1836. * Alias for `Stack.first()`.
  1837. */
  1838. peek(): T | undefined;
  1839. // Persistent changes
  1840. /**
  1841. * Returns a new Stack with 0 size and no values.
  1842. *
  1843. * Note: `clear` can be used in `withMutations`.
  1844. */
  1845. clear(): Stack<T>;
  1846. /**
  1847. * Returns a new Stack with the provided `values` prepended, shifting other
  1848. * values ahead to higher indices.
  1849. *
  1850. * This is very efficient for Stack.
  1851. *
  1852. * Note: `unshift` can be used in `withMutations`.
  1853. */
  1854. unshift(...values: Array<T>): Stack<T>;
  1855. /**
  1856. * Like `Stack#unshift`, but accepts a collection rather than varargs.
  1857. *
  1858. * Note: `unshiftAll` can be used in `withMutations`.
  1859. */
  1860. unshiftAll(iter: Iterable<T>): Stack<T>;
  1861. /**
  1862. * Returns a new Stack with a size ones less than this Stack, excluding
  1863. * the first item in this Stack, shifting all other values to a lower index.
  1864. *
  1865. * Note: this differs from `Array#shift` because it returns a new
  1866. * Stack rather than the removed value. Use `first()` or `peek()` to get the
  1867. * first value in this Stack.
  1868. *
  1869. * Note: `shift` can be used in `withMutations`.
  1870. */
  1871. shift(): Stack<T>;
  1872. /**
  1873. * Alias for `Stack#unshift` and is not equivalent to `List#push`.
  1874. */
  1875. push(...values: Array<T>): Stack<T>;
  1876. /**
  1877. * Alias for `Stack#unshiftAll`.
  1878. */
  1879. pushAll(iter: Iterable<T>): Stack<T>;
  1880. /**
  1881. * Alias for `Stack#shift` and is not equivalent to `List#pop`.
  1882. */
  1883. pop(): Stack<T>;
  1884. // Transient changes
  1885. /**
  1886. * Note: Not all methods can be used on a mutable collection or within
  1887. * `withMutations`! Check the documentation for each method to see if it
  1888. * mentions being safe to use in `withMutations`.
  1889. *
  1890. * @see `Map#withMutations`
  1891. */
  1892. withMutations(mutator: (mutable: this) => any): this;
  1893. /**
  1894. * Note: Not all methods can be used on a mutable collection or within
  1895. * `withMutations`! Check the documentation for each method to see if it
  1896. * mentions being safe to use in `withMutations`.
  1897. *
  1898. * @see `Map#asMutable`
  1899. */
  1900. asMutable(): this;
  1901. /**
  1902. * @see `Map#wasAltered`
  1903. */
  1904. wasAltered(): boolean;
  1905. /**
  1906. * @see `Map#asImmutable`
  1907. */
  1908. asImmutable(): this;
  1909. // Sequence algorithms
  1910. /**
  1911. * Returns a new Stack with other collections concatenated to this one.
  1912. */
  1913. concat<C>(...valuesOrCollections: Array<Iterable<C> | C>): Stack<T | C>;
  1914. /**
  1915. * Returns a new Stack with values passed through a
  1916. * `mapper` function.
  1917. *
  1918. * Stack([ 1, 2 ]).map(x => 10 * x)
  1919. * // Stack [ 10, 20 ]
  1920. *
  1921. * Note: `map()` always returns a new instance, even if it produced the same
  1922. * value at every step.
  1923. */
  1924. map<M>(
  1925. mapper: (value: T, key: number, iter: this) => M,
  1926. context?: any
  1927. ): Stack<M>;
  1928. /**
  1929. * Flat-maps the Stack, returning a new Stack.
  1930. *
  1931. * Similar to ``.
  1932. */
  1933. flatMap<M>(
  1934. mapper: (value: T, key: number, iter: this) => Iterable<M>,
  1935. context?: any
  1936. ): Stack<M>;
  1937. /**
  1938. * Returns a new Set with only the values for which the `predicate`
  1939. * function returns true.
  1940. *
  1941. * Note: `filter()` always returns a new instance, even if it results in
  1942. * not filtering out any values.
  1943. */
  1944. filter<F extends T>(
  1945. predicate: (value: T, index: number, iter: this) => value is F,
  1946. context?: any
  1947. ): Set$1<F>;
  1948. filter(
  1949. predicate: (value: T, index: number, iter: this) => any,
  1950. context?: any
  1951. ): this;
  1952. /**
  1953. * Returns a Stack "zipped" with the provided collections.
  1954. *
  1955. * Like `zipWith`, but using the default `zipper`: creating an `Array`.
  1956. *
  1957. * ```js
  1958. * const a = Stack([ 1, 2, 3 ]);
  1959. * const b = Stack([ 4, 5, 6 ]);
  1960. * const c =; // Stack [ [ 1, 4 ], [ 2, 5 ], [ 3, 6 ] ]
  1961. * ```
  1962. */
  1963. zip<U>(other: Collection$1<any, U>): Stack<[T,U]>;
  1964. zip<U,V>(other: Collection$1<any, U>, other2: Collection$1<any,V>): Stack<[T,U,V]>;
  1965. zip(...collections: Array<Collection$1<any, any>>): Stack<any>;
  1966. /**
  1967. * Returns a Stack "zipped" with the provided collections.
  1968. *
  1969. * Unlike `zip`, `zipAll` continues zipping until the longest collection is
  1970. * exhausted. Missing values from shorter collections are filled with `undefined`.
  1971. *
  1972. * ```js
  1973. * const a = Stack([ 1, 2 ]);
  1974. * const b = Stack([ 3, 4, 5 ]);
  1975. * const c = a.zipAll(b); // Stack [ [ 1, 3 ], [ 2, 4 ], [ undefined, 5 ] ]
  1976. * ```
  1977. *
  1978. * Note: Since zipAll will return a collection as large as the largest
  1979. * input, some results may contain undefined values. TypeScript cannot
  1980. * account for these without cases (as of v2.5).
  1981. */
  1982. zipAll<U>(other: Collection$1<any, U>): Stack<[T,U]>;
  1983. zipAll<U,V>(other: Collection$1<any, U>, other2: Collection$1<any,V>): Stack<[T,U,V]>;
  1984. zipAll(...collections: Array<Collection$1<any, any>>): Stack<any>;
  1985. /**
  1986. * Returns a Stack "zipped" with the provided collections by using a
  1987. * custom `zipper` function.
  1988. *
  1989. * ```js
  1990. * const a = Stack([ 1, 2, 3 ]);
  1991. * const b = Stack([ 4, 5, 6 ]);
  1992. * const c = a.zipWith((a, b) => a + b, b);
  1993. * // Stack [ 5, 7, 9 ]
  1994. * ```
  1995. */
  1996. zipWith<U, Z>(
  1997. zipper: (value: T, otherValue: U) => Z,
  1998. otherCollection: Collection$1<any, U>
  1999. ): Stack<Z>;
  2000. zipWith<U, V, Z>(
  2001. zipper: (value: T, otherValue: U, thirdValue: V) => Z,
  2002. otherCollection: Collection$1<any, U>,
  2003. thirdCollection: Collection$1<any, V>
  2004. ): Stack<Z>;
  2005. zipWith<Z>(
  2006. zipper: (...any: Array<any>) => Z,
  2007. ...collections: Array<Collection$1<any, any>>
  2008. ): Stack<Z>;
  2009. }
  2010. /**
  2011. * A record is similar to a JS object, but enforces a specific set of allowed
  2012. * string keys, and has default values.
  2013. *
  2014. * The `Record()` function produces new Record Factories, which when called
  2015. * create Record instances.
  2016. *
  2017. * ```js
  2018. * const { Record } = require('immutable')
  2019. * const ABRecord = Record({ a: 1, b: 2 })
  2020. * const myRecord = ABRecord({ b: 3 })
  2021. * ```
  2022. *
  2023. * Records always have a value for the keys they define. `remove`ing a key
  2024. * from a record simply resets it to the default value for that key.
  2025. *
  2026. * ```js
  2027. * myRecord.size // 2
  2028. * myRecord.get('a') // 1
  2029. * myRecord.get('b') // 3
  2030. * const myRecordWithoutB = myRecord.remove('b')
  2031. * myRecordWithoutB.get('b') // 2
  2032. * myRecordWithoutB.size // 2
  2033. * ```
  2034. *
  2035. * Values provided to the constructor not found in the Record type will
  2036. * be ignored. For example, in this case, ABRecord is provided a key "x" even
  2037. * though only "a" and "b" have been defined. The value for "x" will be
  2038. * ignored for this record.
  2039. *
  2040. * ```js
  2041. * const myRecord = ABRecord({ b: 3, x: 10 })
  2042. * myRecord.get('x') // undefined
  2043. * ```
  2044. *
  2045. * Because Records have a known set of string keys, property get access works
  2046. * as expected, however property sets will throw an Error.
  2047. *
  2048. * Note: IE8 does not support property access. Only use `get()` when
  2049. * supporting IE8.
  2050. *
  2051. * ```js
  2052. * myRecord.b // 3
  2053. * myRecord.b = 5 // throws Error
  2054. * ```
  2055. *
  2056. * Record Types can be extended as well, allowing for custom methods on your
  2057. * Record. This is not a common pattern in functional environments, but is in
  2058. * many JS programs.
  2059. *
  2060. * However Record Types are more restricted than typical JavaScript classes.
  2061. * They do not use a class constructor, which also means they cannot use
  2062. * class properties (since those are technically part of a constructor).
  2063. *
  2064. * While Record Types can be syntactically created with the JavaScript `class`
  2065. * form, the resulting Record function is actually a factory function, not a
  2066. * class constructor. Even though Record Types are not classes, JavaScript
  2067. * currently requires the use of `new` when creating new Record instances if
  2068. * they are defined as a `class`.
  2069. *
  2070. * ```
  2071. * class ABRecord extends Record({ a: 1, b: 2 }) {
  2072. * getAB() {
  2073. * return this.a + this.b;
  2074. * }
  2075. * }
  2076. *
  2077. * var myRecord = new ABRecord({b: 3})
  2078. * myRecord.getAB() // 4
  2079. * ```
  2080. *
  2081. *
  2082. * **Flow Typing Records:**
  2083. *
  2084. * Immutable.js exports two Flow types designed to make it easier to use
  2085. * Records with flow typed code, `RecordOf<TProps>` and `RecordFactory<TProps>`.
  2086. *
  2087. * When defining a new kind of Record factory function, use a flow type that
  2088. * describes the values the record contains along with `RecordFactory<TProps>`.
  2089. * To type instances of the Record (which the factory function returns),
  2090. * use `RecordOf<TProps>`.
  2091. *
  2092. * Typically, new Record definitions will export both the Record factory
  2093. * function as well as the Record instance type for use in other code.
  2094. *
  2095. * ```js
  2096. * import type { RecordFactory, RecordOf } from 'immutable';
  2097. *
  2098. * // Use RecordFactory<TProps> for defining new Record factory functions.
  2099. * type Point3DProps = { x: number, y: number, z: number };
  2100. * const defaultValues: Point3DProps = { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 };
  2101. * const makePoint3D: RecordFactory<Point3DProps> = Record(defaultValues);
  2102. * export makePoint3D;
  2103. *
  2104. * // Use RecordOf<T> for defining new instances of that Record.
  2105. * export type Point3D = RecordOf<Point3DProps>;
  2106. * const some3DPoint: Point3D = makePoint3D({ x: 10, y: 20, z: 30 });
  2107. * ```
  2108. *
  2109. * **Flow Typing Record Subclasses:**
  2110. *
  2111. * Records can be subclassed as a means to add additional methods to Record
  2112. * instances. This is generally discouraged in favor of a more functional API,
  2113. * since Subclasses have some minor overhead. However the ability to create
  2114. * a rich API on Record types can be quite valuable.
  2115. *
  2116. * When using Flow to type Subclasses, do not use `RecordFactory<TProps>`,
  2117. * instead apply the props type when subclassing:
  2118. *
  2119. * ```js
  2120. * type PersonProps = {name: string, age: number};
  2121. * const defaultValues: PersonProps = {name: 'Aristotle', age: 2400};
  2122. * const PersonRecord = Record(defaultValues);
  2123. * class Person extends PersonRecord<PersonProps> {
  2124. * getName(): string {
  2125. * return this.get('name')
  2126. * }
  2127. *
  2128. * setName(name: string): this {
  2129. * return this.set('name', name);
  2130. * }
  2131. * }
  2132. * ```
  2133. *
  2134. * **Choosing Records vs plain JavaScript objects**
  2135. *
  2136. * Records offer a persistently immutable alternative to plain JavaScript
  2137. * objects, however they're not required to be used within Immutable.js
  2138. * collections. In fact, the deep-access and deep-updating functions
  2139. * like `getIn()` and `setIn()` work with plain JavaScript Objects as well.
  2140. *
  2141. * Deciding to use Records or Objects in your application should be informed
  2142. * by the tradeoffs and relative benefits of each:
  2143. *
  2144. * - *Runtime immutability*: plain JS objects may be carefully treated as
  2145. * immutable, however Record instances will *throw* if attempted to be
  2146. * mutated directly. Records provide this additional guarantee, however at
  2147. * some marginal runtime cost. While JS objects are mutable by nature, the
  2148. * use of type-checking tools like [Flow](
  2149. * can help gain confidence in code written to favor immutability.
  2150. *
  2151. * - *Value equality*: Records use value equality when compared with `is()`
  2152. * or `record.equals()`. That is, two Records with the same keys and values
  2153. * are equal. Plain objects use *reference equality*. Two objects with the
  2154. * same keys and values are not equal since they are different objects.
  2155. * This is important to consider when using objects as keys in a `Map` or
  2156. * values in a `Set`, which use equality when retrieving values.
  2157. *
  2158. * - *API methods*: Records have a full featured API, with methods like
  2159. * `.getIn()`, and `.equals()`. These can make working with these values
  2160. * easier, but comes at the cost of not allowing keys with those names.
  2161. *
  2162. * - *Default values*: Records provide default values for every key, which
  2163. * can be useful when constructing Records with often unchanging values.
  2164. * However default values can make using Flow and TypeScript more laborious.
  2165. *
  2166. * - *Serialization*: Records use a custom internal representation to
  2167. * efficiently store and update their values. Converting to and from this
  2168. * form isn't free. If converting Records to plain objects is common,
  2169. * consider sticking with plain objects to begin with.
  2170. */
  2171. declare module Record$1 {
  2172. /**
  2173. * True if `maybeRecord` is an instance of a Record.
  2174. */
  2175. export function isRecord(maybeRecord: any): maybeRecord is Record$1<any>;
  2176. /**
  2177. * Records allow passing a second parameter to supply a descriptive name
  2178. * that appears when converting a Record to a string or in any error
  2179. * messages. A descriptive name for any record can be accessed by using this
  2180. * method. If one was not provided, the string "Record" is returned.
  2181. *
  2182. * ```js
  2183. * const { Record } = require('immutable')
  2184. * const Person = Record({
  2185. * name: null
  2186. * }, 'Person')
  2187. *
  2188. * var me = Person({ name: 'My Name' })
  2189. * me.toString() // "Person { "name": "My Name" }"
  2190. * Record.getDescriptiveName(me) // "Person"
  2191. * ```
  2192. */
  2193. export function getDescriptiveName(record: Record$1<any>): string;
  2194. /**
  2195. * A Record.Factory is created by the `Record()` function. Record instances
  2196. * are created by passing it some of the accepted values for that Record
  2197. * type:
  2198. *
  2199. * <!-- runkit:activate
  2200. * { "preamble": "const { Record } = require('immutable')" }
  2201. * -->
  2202. * ```js
  2203. * // makePerson is a Record Factory function
  2204. * const makePerson = Record({ name: null, favoriteColor: 'unknown' });
  2205. *
  2206. * // alan is a Record instance
  2207. * const alan = makePerson({ name: 'Alan' });
  2208. * ```
  2209. *
  2210. * Note that Record Factories return `Record<TProps> & Readonly<TProps>`,
  2211. * this allows use of both the Record instance API, and direct property
  2212. * access on the resulting instances:
  2213. *
  2214. * <!-- runkit:activate
  2215. * { "preamble": "const { Record } = require('immutable');const makePerson = Record({ name: null, favoriteColor: 'unknown' });const alan = makePerson({ name: 'Alan' });" }
  2216. * -->
  2217. * ```js
  2218. * // Use the Record API
  2219. * console.log('Record API: ' + alan.get('name'))
  2220. *
  2221. * // Or direct property access (Readonly)
  2222. * console.log('property access: ' +
  2223. * ```
  2224. *
  2225. * **Flow Typing Records:**
  2226. *
  2227. * Use the `RecordFactory<TProps>` Flow type to get high quality type checking of
  2228. * Records:
  2229. *
  2230. * ```js
  2231. * import type { RecordFactory, RecordOf } from 'immutable';
  2232. *
  2233. * // Use RecordFactory<TProps> for defining new Record factory functions.
  2234. * type PersonProps = { name: ?string, favoriteColor: string };
  2235. * const makePerson: RecordFactory<PersonProps> = Record({ name: null, favoriteColor: 'unknown' });
  2236. *
  2237. * // Use RecordOf<T> for defining new instances of that Record.
  2238. * type Person = RecordOf<PersonProps>;
  2239. * const alan: Person = makePerson({ name: 'Alan' });
  2240. * ```
  2241. */
  2242. export module Factory {}
  2243. export interface Factory<TProps extends Object> {
  2244. (values?: Partial<TProps> | Iterable<[string, any]>): Record$1<TProps> & Readonly<TProps>;
  2245. new (values?: Partial<TProps> | Iterable<[string, any]>): Record$1<TProps> & Readonly<TProps>;
  2246. }
  2247. export function Factory<TProps extends Object>(values?: Partial<TProps> | Iterable<[string, any]>): Record$1<TProps> & Readonly<TProps>;
  2248. }
  2249. /**
  2250. * Unlike other types in Immutable.js, the `Record()` function creates a new
  2251. * Record Factory, which is a function that creates Record instances.
  2252. *
  2253. * See above for examples of using `Record()`.
  2254. *
  2255. * Note: `Record` is a factory function and not a class, and does not use the
  2256. * `new` keyword during construction.
  2257. */
  2258. declare function Record$1<TProps extends object>(defaultValues: TProps, name?: string): Record$1.Factory<TProps>;
  2259. interface Record$1<TProps extends Object> {
  2260. // Reading values
  2261. has(key: string): key is keyof TProps & string;
  2262. /**
  2263. * Returns the value associated with the provided key, which may be the
  2264. * default value defined when creating the Record factory function.
  2265. *
  2266. * If the requested key is not defined by this Record type, then
  2267. * notSetValue will be returned if provided. Note that this scenario would
  2268. * produce an error when using Flow or TypeScript.
  2269. */
  2270. get<K extends keyof TProps>(key: K, notSetValue?: any): TProps[K];
  2271. get<T>(key: string, notSetValue: T): T;
  2272. // Reading deep values
  2273. hasIn(keyPath: Iterable<any>): boolean;
  2274. getIn(keyPath: Iterable<any>): any;
  2275. // Value equality
  2276. equals(other: any): boolean;
  2277. hashCode(): number;
  2278. // Persistent changes
  2279. set<K extends keyof TProps>(key: K, value: TProps[K]): this;
  2280. update<K extends keyof TProps>(key: K, updater: (value: TProps[K]) => TProps[K]): this;
  2281. merge(...collections: Array<Partial<TProps> | Iterable<[string, any]>>): this;
  2282. mergeDeep(...collections: Array<Partial<TProps> | Iterable<[string, any]>>): this;
  2283. mergeWith(
  2284. merger: (oldVal: any, newVal: any, key: keyof TProps) => any,
  2285. ...collections: Array<Partial<TProps> | Iterable<[string, any]>>
  2286. ): this;
  2287. mergeDeepWith(
  2288. merger: (oldVal: any, newVal: any, key: any) => any,
  2289. ...collections: Array<Partial<TProps> | Iterable<[string, any]>>
  2290. ): this;
  2291. /**
  2292. * Returns a new instance of this Record type with the value for the
  2293. * specific key set to its default value.
  2294. *
  2295. * @alias remove
  2296. */
  2297. delete<K extends keyof TProps>(key: K): this;
  2298. remove<K extends keyof TProps>(key: K): this;
  2299. /**
  2300. * Returns a new instance of this Record type with all values set
  2301. * to their default values.
  2302. */
  2303. clear(): this;
  2304. // Deep persistent changes
  2305. setIn(keyPath: Iterable<any>, value: any): this;
  2306. updateIn(keyPath: Iterable<any>, updater: (value: any) => any): this;
  2307. mergeIn(keyPath: Iterable<any>, ...collections: Array<any>): this;
  2308. mergeDeepIn(keyPath: Iterable<any>, ...collections: Array<any>): this;
  2309. /**
  2310. * @alias removeIn
  2311. */
  2312. deleteIn(keyPath: Iterable<any>): this;
  2313. removeIn(keyPath: Iterable<any>): this;
  2314. // Conversion to JavaScript types
  2315. /**
  2316. * Deeply converts this Record to equivalent native JavaScript Object.
  2317. *
  2318. * Note: This method may not be overridden. Objects with custom
  2319. * serialization to plain JS may override toJSON() instead.
  2320. */
  2321. toJS(): { [K in keyof TProps]: any };
  2322. /**
  2323. * Shallowly converts this Record to equivalent native JavaScript Object.
  2324. */
  2325. toJSON(): TProps;
  2326. /**
  2327. * Shallowly converts this Record to equivalent JavaScript Object.
  2328. */
  2329. toObject(): TProps;
  2330. // Transient changes
  2331. /**
  2332. * Note: Not all methods can be used on a mutable collection or within
  2333. * `withMutations`! Only `set` may be used mutatively.
  2334. *
  2335. * @see `Map#withMutations`
  2336. */
  2337. withMutations(mutator: (mutable: this) => any): this;
  2338. /**
  2339. * @see `Map#asMutable`
  2340. */
  2341. asMutable(): this;
  2342. /**
  2343. * @see `Map#wasAltered`
  2344. */
  2345. wasAltered(): boolean;
  2346. /**
  2347. * @see `Map#asImmutable`
  2348. */
  2349. asImmutable(): this;
  2350. // Sequence algorithms
  2351. toSeq(): Seq.Keyed<keyof TProps, TProps[keyof TProps]>;
  2352. [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<[keyof TProps, TProps[keyof TProps]]>;
  2353. }
  2354. /**
  2355. * `Seq` describes a lazy operation, allowing them to efficiently chain
  2356. * use of all the higher-order collection methods (such as `map` and `filter`)
  2357. * by not creating intermediate collections.
  2358. *
  2359. * **Seq is immutable** — Once a Seq is created, it cannot be
  2360. * changed, appended to, rearranged or otherwise modified. Instead, any
  2361. * mutative method called on a `Seq` will return a new `Seq`.
  2362. *
  2363. * **Seq is lazy** — `Seq` does as little work as necessary to respond to any
  2364. * method call. Values are often created during iteration, including implicit
  2365. * iteration when reducing or converting to a concrete data structure such as
  2366. * a `List` or JavaScript `Array`.
  2367. *
  2368. * For example, the following performs no work, because the resulting
  2369. * `Seq`'s values are never iterated:
  2370. *
  2371. * ```js
  2372. * const { Seq } = require('immutable')
  2373. * const oddSquares = Seq([ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ])
  2374. * .filter(x => x % 2 !== 0)
  2375. * .map(x => x * x)
  2376. * ```
  2377. *
  2378. * Once the `Seq` is used, it performs only the work necessary. In this
  2379. * example, no intermediate arrays are ever created, filter is called three
  2380. * times, and map is only called once:
  2381. *
  2382. * ```js
  2383. * oddSquares.get(1); // 9
  2384. * ```
  2385. *
  2386. * Any collection can be converted to a lazy Seq with `Seq()`.
  2387. *
  2388. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  2389. * ```js
  2390. * const { Map } = require('immutable')
  2391. * const map = Map({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }
  2392. * const lazySeq = Seq(map)
  2393. * ```
  2394. *
  2395. * `Seq` allows for the efficient chaining of operations, allowing for the
  2396. * expression of logic that can otherwise be very tedious:
  2397. *
  2398. * ```js
  2399. * lazySeq
  2400. * .flip()
  2401. * .map(key => key.toUpperCase())
  2402. * .flip()
  2403. * // Seq { A: 1, B: 1, C: 1 }
  2404. * ```
  2405. *
  2406. * As well as expressing logic that would otherwise seem memory or time
  2407. * limited, for example `Range` is a special kind of Lazy sequence.
  2408. *
  2409. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  2410. * ```js
  2411. * const { Range } = require('immutable')
  2412. * Range(1, Infinity)
  2413. * .skip(1000)
  2414. * .map(n => -n)
  2415. * .filter(n => n % 2 === 0)
  2416. * .take(2)
  2417. * .reduce((r, n) => r * n, 1)
  2418. * // 1006008
  2419. * ```
  2420. *
  2421. * Seq is often used to provide a rich collection API to JavaScript Object.
  2422. *
  2423. * ```js
  2424. * Seq({ x: 0, y: 1, z: 2 }).map(v => v * 2).toObject();
  2425. * // { x: 0, y: 2, z: 4 }
  2426. * ```
  2427. */
  2428. declare module Seq {
  2429. /**
  2430. * True if `maybeSeq` is a Seq, it is not backed by a concrete
  2431. * structure such as Map, List, or Set.
  2432. */
  2433. function isSeq(maybeSeq: any): maybeSeq is Seq.Indexed<any> | Seq.Keyed<any, any> | Seq.Set<any>;
  2434. /**
  2435. * `Seq` which represents key-value pairs.
  2436. */
  2437. export module Keyed {}
  2438. /**
  2439. * Always returns a Seq.Keyed, if input is not keyed, expects an
  2440. * collection of [K, V] tuples.
  2441. *
  2442. * Note: `Seq.Keyed` is a conversion function and not a class, and does not
  2443. * use the `new` keyword during construction.
  2444. */
  2445. export function Keyed<K, V>(collection: Iterable<[K, V]>): Seq.Keyed<K, V>;
  2446. export function Keyed<V>(obj: {[key: string]: V}): Seq.Keyed<string, V>;
  2447. export function Keyed<K, V>(): Seq.Keyed<K, V>;
  2448. export function Keyed(): Seq.Keyed<any, any>;
  2449. export interface Keyed<K, V> extends Seq<K, V>, Collection$1.Keyed<K, V> {
  2450. /**
  2451. * Deeply converts this Keyed Seq to equivalent native JavaScript Object.
  2452. *
  2453. * Converts keys to Strings.
  2454. */
  2455. toJS(): Object;
  2456. /**
  2457. * Shallowly converts this Keyed Seq to equivalent native JavaScript Object.
  2458. *
  2459. * Converts keys to Strings.
  2460. */
  2461. toJSON(): { [key: string]: V };
  2462. /**
  2463. * Shallowly converts this collection to an Array.
  2464. */
  2465. toArray(): Array<[K, V]>;
  2466. /**
  2467. * Returns itself
  2468. */
  2469. toSeq(): this;
  2470. /**
  2471. * Returns a new Seq with other collections concatenated to this one.
  2472. *
  2473. * All entries will be present in the resulting Seq, even if they
  2474. * have the same key.
  2475. */
  2476. concat<KC, VC>(...collections: Array<Iterable<[KC, VC]>>): Seq.Keyed<K | KC, V | VC>;
  2477. concat<C>(...collections: Array<{[key: string]: C}>): Seq.Keyed<K | string, V | C>;
  2478. /**
  2479. * Returns a new Seq.Keyed with values passed through a
  2480. * `mapper` function.
  2481. *
  2482. * ```js
  2483. * const { Seq } = require('immutable')
  2484. * Seq.Keyed({ a: 1, b: 2 }).map(x => 10 * x)
  2485. * // Seq { "a": 10, "b": 20 }
  2486. * ```
  2487. *
  2488. * Note: `map()` always returns a new instance, even if it produced the
  2489. * same value at every step.
  2490. */
  2491. map<M>(
  2492. mapper: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => M,
  2493. context?: any
  2494. ): Seq.Keyed<K, M>;
  2495. /**
  2496. * @see Collection.Keyed.mapKeys
  2497. */
  2498. mapKeys<M>(
  2499. mapper: (key: K, value: V, iter: this) => M,
  2500. context?: any
  2501. ): Seq.Keyed<M, V>;
  2502. /**
  2503. * @see Collection.Keyed.mapEntries
  2504. */
  2505. mapEntries<KM, VM>(
  2506. mapper: (entry: [K, V], index: number, iter: this) => [KM, VM],
  2507. context?: any
  2508. ): Seq.Keyed<KM, VM>;
  2509. /**
  2510. * Flat-maps the Seq, returning a Seq of the same type.
  2511. *
  2512. * Similar to ``.
  2513. */
  2514. flatMap<KM, VM>(
  2515. mapper: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => Iterable<[KM, VM]>,
  2516. context?: any
  2517. ): Seq.Keyed<KM, VM>;
  2518. /**
  2519. * Returns a new Seq with only the entries for which the `predicate`
  2520. * function returns true.
  2521. *
  2522. * Note: `filter()` always returns a new instance, even if it results in
  2523. * not filtering out any values.
  2524. */
  2525. filter<F extends V>(
  2526. predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => value is F,
  2527. context?: any
  2528. ): Seq.Keyed<K, F>;
  2529. filter(
  2530. predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => any,
  2531. context?: any
  2532. ): this;
  2533. /**
  2534. * @see Collection.Keyed.flip
  2535. */
  2536. flip(): Seq.Keyed<V, K>;
  2537. }
  2538. /**
  2539. * `Seq` which represents an ordered indexed list of values.
  2540. */
  2541. module Indexed {
  2542. /**
  2543. * Provides an Seq.Indexed of the values provided.
  2544. */
  2545. function of<T>(...values: Array<T>): Seq.Indexed<T>;
  2546. }
  2547. /**
  2548. * Always returns Seq.Indexed, discarding associated keys and
  2549. * supplying incrementing indices.
  2550. *
  2551. * Note: `Seq.Indexed` is a conversion function and not a class, and does
  2552. * not use the `new` keyword during construction.
  2553. */
  2554. export function Indexed(): Seq.Indexed<any>;
  2555. export function Indexed<T>(): Seq.Indexed<T>;
  2556. export function Indexed<T>(collection: Iterable<T>): Seq.Indexed<T>;
  2557. export interface Indexed<T> extends Seq<number, T>, Collection$1.Indexed<T> {
  2558. /**
  2559. * Deeply converts this Indexed Seq to equivalent native JavaScript Array.
  2560. */
  2561. toJS(): Array<any>;
  2562. /**
  2563. * Shallowly converts this Indexed Seq to equivalent native JavaScript Array.
  2564. */
  2565. toJSON(): Array<T>;
  2566. /**
  2567. * Shallowly converts this collection to an Array.
  2568. */
  2569. toArray(): Array<T>;
  2570. /**
  2571. * Returns itself
  2572. */
  2573. toSeq(): this
  2574. /**
  2575. * Returns a new Seq with other collections concatenated to this one.
  2576. */
  2577. concat<C>(...valuesOrCollections: Array<Iterable<C> | C>): Seq.Indexed<T | C>;
  2578. /**
  2579. * Returns a new Seq.Indexed with values passed through a
  2580. * `mapper` function.
  2581. *
  2582. * ```js
  2583. * const { Seq } = require('immutable')
  2584. * Seq.Indexed([ 1, 2 ]).map(x => 10 * x)
  2585. * // Seq [ 10, 20 ]
  2586. * ```
  2587. *
  2588. * Note: `map()` always returns a new instance, even if it produced the
  2589. * same value at every step.
  2590. */
  2591. map<M>(
  2592. mapper: (value: T, key: number, iter: this) => M,
  2593. context?: any
  2594. ): Seq.Indexed<M>;
  2595. /**
  2596. * Flat-maps the Seq, returning a a Seq of the same type.
  2597. *
  2598. * Similar to ``.
  2599. */
  2600. flatMap<M>(
  2601. mapper: (value: T, key: number, iter: this) => Iterable<M>,
  2602. context?: any
  2603. ): Seq.Indexed<M>;
  2604. /**
  2605. * Returns a new Seq with only the values for which the `predicate`
  2606. * function returns true.
  2607. *
  2608. * Note: `filter()` always returns a new instance, even if it results in
  2609. * not filtering out any values.
  2610. */
  2611. filter<F extends T>(
  2612. predicate: (value: T, index: number, iter: this) => value is F,
  2613. context?: any
  2614. ): Seq.Indexed<F>;
  2615. filter(
  2616. predicate: (value: T, index: number, iter: this) => any,
  2617. context?: any
  2618. ): this;
  2619. /**
  2620. * Returns a Seq "zipped" with the provided collections.
  2621. *
  2622. * Like `zipWith`, but using the default `zipper`: creating an `Array`.
  2623. *
  2624. * ```js
  2625. * const a = Seq([ 1, 2, 3 ]);
  2626. * const b = Seq([ 4, 5, 6 ]);
  2627. * const c =; // Seq [ [ 1, 4 ], [ 2, 5 ], [ 3, 6 ] ]
  2628. * ```
  2629. */
  2630. zip<U>(other: Collection$1<any, U>): Seq.Indexed<[T,U]>;
  2631. zip<U,V>(other: Collection$1<any, U>, other2: Collection$1<any, V>): Seq.Indexed<[T,U,V]>;
  2632. zip(...collections: Array<Collection$1<any, any>>): Seq.Indexed<any>;
  2633. /**
  2634. * Returns a Seq "zipped" with the provided collections.
  2635. *
  2636. * Unlike `zip`, `zipAll` continues zipping until the longest collection is
  2637. * exhausted. Missing values from shorter collections are filled with `undefined`.
  2638. *
  2639. * ```js
  2640. * const a = Seq([ 1, 2 ]);
  2641. * const b = Seq([ 3, 4, 5 ]);
  2642. * const c = a.zipAll(b); // Seq [ [ 1, 3 ], [ 2, 4 ], [ undefined, 5 ] ]
  2643. * ```
  2644. */
  2645. zipAll<U>(other: Collection$1<any, U>): Seq.Indexed<[T,U]>;
  2646. zipAll<U,V>(other: Collection$1<any, U>, other2: Collection$1<any, V>): Seq.Indexed<[T,U,V]>;
  2647. zipAll(...collections: Array<Collection$1<any, any>>): Seq.Indexed<any>;
  2648. /**
  2649. * Returns a Seq "zipped" with the provided collections by using a
  2650. * custom `zipper` function.
  2651. *
  2652. * ```js
  2653. * const a = Seq([ 1, 2, 3 ]);
  2654. * const b = Seq([ 4, 5, 6 ]);
  2655. * const c = a.zipWith((a, b) => a + b, b);
  2656. * // Seq [ 5, 7, 9 ]
  2657. * ```
  2658. */
  2659. zipWith<U, Z>(
  2660. zipper: (value: T, otherValue: U) => Z,
  2661. otherCollection: Collection$1<any, U>
  2662. ): Seq.Indexed<Z>;
  2663. zipWith<U, V, Z>(
  2664. zipper: (value: T, otherValue: U, thirdValue: V) => Z,
  2665. otherCollection: Collection$1<any, U>,
  2666. thirdCollection: Collection$1<any, V>
  2667. ): Seq.Indexed<Z>;
  2668. zipWith<Z>(
  2669. zipper: (...any: Array<any>) => Z,
  2670. ...collections: Array<Collection$1<any, any>>
  2671. ): Seq.Indexed<Z>;
  2672. }
  2673. /**
  2674. * `Seq` which represents a set of values.
  2675. *
  2676. * Because `Seq` are often lazy, `Seq.Set` does not provide the same guarantee
  2677. * of value uniqueness as the concrete `Set`.
  2678. */
  2679. export module Set {
  2680. /**
  2681. * Returns a Seq.Set of the provided values
  2682. */
  2683. function of<T>(...values: Array<T>): Seq.Set<T>;
  2684. }
  2685. /**
  2686. * Always returns a Seq.Set, discarding associated indices or keys.
  2687. *
  2688. * Note: `Seq.Set` is a conversion function and not a class, and does not
  2689. * use the `new` keyword during construction.
  2690. */
  2691. export function Set(): Seq.Set<any>;
  2692. export function Set<T>(): Seq.Set<T>;
  2693. export function Set<T>(collection: Iterable<T>): Seq.Set<T>;
  2694. export interface Set<T> extends Seq<T, T>, Collection$1.Set<T> {
  2695. /**
  2696. * Deeply converts this Set Seq to equivalent native JavaScript Array.
  2697. */
  2698. toJS(): Array<any>;
  2699. /**
  2700. * Shallowly converts this Set Seq to equivalent native JavaScript Array.
  2701. */
  2702. toJSON(): Array<T>;
  2703. /**
  2704. * Shallowly converts this collection to an Array.
  2705. */
  2706. toArray(): Array<T>;
  2707. /**
  2708. * Returns itself
  2709. */
  2710. toSeq(): this
  2711. /**
  2712. * Returns a new Seq with other collections concatenated to this one.
  2713. *
  2714. * All entries will be present in the resulting Seq, even if they
  2715. * are duplicates.
  2716. */
  2717. concat<U>(...collections: Array<Iterable<U>>): Seq.Set<T | U>;
  2718. /**
  2719. * Returns a new Seq.Set with values passed through a
  2720. * `mapper` function.
  2721. *
  2722. * ```js
  2723. * Seq.Set([ 1, 2 ]).map(x => 10 * x)
  2724. * // Seq { 10, 20 }
  2725. * ```
  2726. *
  2727. * Note: `map()` always returns a new instance, even if it produced the
  2728. * same value at every step.
  2729. */
  2730. map<M>(
  2731. mapper: (value: T, key: T, iter: this) => M,
  2732. context?: any
  2733. ): Seq.Set<M>;
  2734. /**
  2735. * Flat-maps the Seq, returning a Seq of the same type.
  2736. *
  2737. * Similar to ``.
  2738. */
  2739. flatMap<M>(
  2740. mapper: (value: T, key: T, iter: this) => Iterable<M>,
  2741. context?: any
  2742. ): Seq.Set<M>;
  2743. /**
  2744. * Returns a new Seq with only the values for which the `predicate`
  2745. * function returns true.
  2746. *
  2747. * Note: `filter()` always returns a new instance, even if it results in
  2748. * not filtering out any values.
  2749. */
  2750. filter<F extends T>(
  2751. predicate: (value: T, key: T, iter: this) => value is F,
  2752. context?: any
  2753. ): Seq.Set<F>;
  2754. filter(
  2755. predicate: (value: T, key: T, iter: this) => any,
  2756. context?: any
  2757. ): this;
  2758. }
  2759. }
  2760. /**
  2761. * Creates a Seq.
  2762. *
  2763. * Returns a particular kind of `Seq` based on the input.
  2764. *
  2765. * * If a `Seq`, that same `Seq`.
  2766. * * If an `Collection`, a `Seq` of the same kind (Keyed, Indexed, or Set).
  2767. * * If an Array-like, an `Seq.Indexed`.
  2768. * * If an Iterable Object, an `Seq.Indexed`.
  2769. * * If an Object, a `Seq.Keyed`.
  2770. *
  2771. * Note: An Iterator itself will be treated as an object, becoming a `Seq.Keyed`,
  2772. * which is usually not what you want. You should turn your Iterator Object into
  2773. * an iterable object by defining a Symbol.iterator (or @@iterator) method which
  2774. * returns `this`.
  2775. *
  2776. * Note: `Seq` is a conversion function and not a class, and does not use the
  2777. * `new` keyword during construction.
  2778. */
  2779. declare function Seq<S extends Seq<any, any>>(seq: S): S;
  2780. declare function Seq<K, V>(collection: Collection$1.Keyed<K, V>): Seq.Keyed<K, V>;
  2781. declare function Seq<T>(collection: Collection$1.Indexed<T>): Seq.Indexed<T>;
  2782. declare function Seq<T>(collection: Collection$1.Set<T>): Seq.Set<T>;
  2783. declare function Seq<T>(collection: Iterable<T>): Seq.Indexed<T>;
  2784. declare function Seq<V>(obj: {[key: string]: V}): Seq.Keyed<string, V>;
  2785. declare function Seq(): Seq<any, any>;
  2786. interface Seq<K, V> extends Collection$1<K, V> {
  2787. /**
  2788. * Some Seqs can describe their size lazily. When this is the case,
  2789. * size will be an integer. Otherwise it will be undefined.
  2790. *
  2791. * For example, Seqs returned from `map()` or `reverse()`
  2792. * preserve the size of the original `Seq` while `filter()` does not.
  2793. *
  2794. * Note: `Range`, `Repeat` and `Seq`s made from `Array`s and `Object`s will
  2795. * always have a size.
  2796. */
  2797. readonly size: number | undefined;
  2798. // Force evaluation
  2799. /**
  2800. * Because Sequences are lazy and designed to be chained together, they do
  2801. * not cache their results. For example, this map function is called a total
  2802. * of 6 times, as each `join` iterates the Seq of three values.
  2803. *
  2804. * var squares = Seq([ 1, 2, 3 ]).map(x => x * x)
  2805. * squares.join() + squares.join()
  2806. *
  2807. * If you know a `Seq` will be used multiple times, it may be more
  2808. * efficient to first cache it in memory. Here, the map function is called
  2809. * only 3 times.
  2810. *
  2811. * var squares = Seq([ 1, 2, 3 ]).map(x => x * x).cacheResult()
  2812. * squares.join() + squares.join()
  2813. *
  2814. * Use this method judiciously, as it must fully evaluate a Seq which can be
  2815. * a burden on memory and possibly performance.
  2816. *
  2817. * Note: after calling `cacheResult`, a Seq will always have a `size`.
  2818. */
  2819. cacheResult(): this;
  2820. // Sequence algorithms
  2821. /**
  2822. * Returns a new Seq with values passed through a
  2823. * `mapper` function.
  2824. *
  2825. * ```js
  2826. * const { Seq } = require('immutable')
  2827. * Seq([ 1, 2 ]).map(x => 10 * x)
  2828. * // Seq [ 10, 20 ]
  2829. * ```
  2830. *
  2831. * Note: `map()` always returns a new instance, even if it produced the same
  2832. * value at every step.
  2833. */
  2834. map<M>(
  2835. mapper: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => M,
  2836. context?: any
  2837. ): Seq<K, M>;
  2838. /**
  2839. * Returns a new Seq with values passed through a
  2840. * `mapper` function.
  2841. *
  2842. * ```js
  2843. * const { Seq } = require('immutable')
  2844. * Seq([ 1, 2 ]).map(x => 10 * x)
  2845. * // Seq [ 10, 20 ]
  2846. * ```
  2847. *
  2848. * Note: `map()` always returns a new instance, even if it produced the same
  2849. * value at every step.
  2850. * Note: used only for sets.
  2851. */
  2852. map<M>(
  2853. mapper: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => M,
  2854. context?: any
  2855. ): Seq<M, M>;
  2856. /**
  2857. * Flat-maps the Seq, returning a Seq of the same type.
  2858. *
  2859. * Similar to ``.
  2860. */
  2861. flatMap<M>(
  2862. mapper: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => Iterable<M>,
  2863. context?: any
  2864. ): Seq<K, M>;
  2865. /**
  2866. * Flat-maps the Seq, returning a Seq of the same type.
  2867. *
  2868. * Similar to ``.
  2869. * Note: Used only for sets.
  2870. */
  2871. flatMap<M>(
  2872. mapper: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => Iterable<M>,
  2873. context?: any
  2874. ): Seq<M, M>;
  2875. /**
  2876. * Returns a new Seq with only the values for which the `predicate`
  2877. * function returns true.
  2878. *
  2879. * Note: `filter()` always returns a new instance, even if it results in
  2880. * not filtering out any values.
  2881. */
  2882. filter<F extends V>(
  2883. predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => value is F,
  2884. context?: any
  2885. ): Seq<K, F>;
  2886. filter(
  2887. predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => any,
  2888. context?: any
  2889. ): this;
  2890. }
  2891. /**
  2892. * The `Collection` is a set of (key, value) entries which can be iterated, and
  2893. * is the base class for all collections in `immutable`, allowing them to
  2894. * make use of all the Collection methods (such as `map` and `filter`).
  2895. *
  2896. * Note: A collection is always iterated in the same order, however that order
  2897. * may not always be well defined, as is the case for the `Map` and `Set`.
  2898. *
  2899. * Collection is the abstract base class for concrete data structures. It
  2900. * cannot be constructed directly.
  2901. *
  2902. * Implementations should extend one of the subclasses, `Collection.Keyed`,
  2903. * `Collection.Indexed`, or `Collection.Set`.
  2904. */
  2905. declare module Collection$1 {
  2906. /**
  2907. * @deprecated use `const { isKeyed } = require('immutable')`
  2908. */
  2909. function isKeyed(maybeKeyed: any): maybeKeyed is Collection$1.Keyed<any, any>;
  2910. /**
  2911. * @deprecated use `const { isIndexed } = require('immutable')`
  2912. */
  2913. function isIndexed(maybeIndexed: any): maybeIndexed is Collection$1.Indexed<any>;
  2914. /**
  2915. * @deprecated use `const { isAssociative } = require('immutable')`
  2916. */
  2917. function isAssociative(maybeAssociative: any): maybeAssociative is Collection$1.Keyed<any, any> | Collection$1.Indexed<any>;
  2918. /**
  2919. * @deprecated use `const { isOrdered } = require('immutable')`
  2920. */
  2921. function isOrdered(maybeOrdered: any): boolean;
  2922. /**
  2923. * Keyed Collections have discrete keys tied to each value.
  2924. *
  2925. * When iterating `Collection.Keyed`, each iteration will yield a `[K, V]`
  2926. * tuple, in other words, `Collection#entries` is the default iterator for
  2927. * Keyed Collections.
  2928. */
  2929. export module Keyed {}
  2930. /**
  2931. * Creates a Collection.Keyed
  2932. *
  2933. * Similar to `Collection()`, however it expects collection-likes of [K, V]
  2934. * tuples if not constructed from a Collection.Keyed or JS Object.
  2935. *
  2936. * Note: `Collection.Keyed` is a conversion function and not a class, and
  2937. * does not use the `new` keyword during construction.
  2938. */
  2939. export function Keyed<K, V>(collection: Iterable<[K, V]>): Collection$1.Keyed<K, V>;
  2940. export function Keyed<V>(obj: {[key: string]: V}): Collection$1.Keyed<string, V>;
  2941. export interface Keyed<K, V> extends Collection$1<K, V> {
  2942. /**
  2943. * Deeply converts this Keyed collection to equivalent native JavaScript Object.
  2944. *
  2945. * Converts keys to Strings.
  2946. */
  2947. toJS(): Object;
  2948. /**
  2949. * Shallowly converts this Keyed collection to equivalent native JavaScript Object.
  2950. *
  2951. * Converts keys to Strings.
  2952. */
  2953. toJSON(): { [key: string]: V };
  2954. /**
  2955. * Shallowly converts this collection to an Array.
  2956. */
  2957. toArray(): Array<[K, V]>;
  2958. /**
  2959. * Returns Seq.Keyed.
  2960. * @override
  2961. */
  2962. toSeq(): Seq.Keyed<K, V>;
  2963. // Sequence functions
  2964. /**
  2965. * Returns a new Collection.Keyed of the same type where the keys and values
  2966. * have been flipped.
  2967. *
  2968. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  2969. * ```js
  2970. * const { Map } = require('immutable')
  2971. * Map({ a: 'z', b: 'y' }).flip()
  2972. * // Map { "z": "a", "y": "b" }
  2973. * ```
  2974. */
  2975. flip(): Collection$1.Keyed<V, K>;
  2976. /**
  2977. * Returns a new Collection with other collections concatenated to this one.
  2978. */
  2979. concat<KC, VC>(...collections: Array<Iterable<[KC, VC]>>): Collection$1.Keyed<K | KC, V | VC>;
  2980. concat<C>(...collections: Array<{[key: string]: C}>): Collection$1.Keyed<K | string, V | C>;
  2981. /**
  2982. * Returns a new Collection.Keyed with values passed through a
  2983. * `mapper` function.
  2984. *
  2985. * ```js
  2986. * const { Collection } = require('immutable')
  2987. * Collection.Keyed({ a: 1, b: 2 }).map(x => 10 * x)
  2988. * // Seq { "a": 10, "b": 20 }
  2989. * ```
  2990. *
  2991. * Note: `map()` always returns a new instance, even if it produced the
  2992. * same value at every step.
  2993. */
  2994. map<M>(
  2995. mapper: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => M,
  2996. context?: any
  2997. ): Collection$1.Keyed<K, M>;
  2998. /**
  2999. * Returns a new Collection.Keyed of the same type with keys passed through
  3000. * a `mapper` function.
  3001. *
  3002. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  3003. * ```js
  3004. * const { Map } = require('immutable')
  3005. * Map({ a: 1, b: 2 }).mapKeys(x => x.toUpperCase())
  3006. * // Map { "A": 1, "B": 2 }
  3007. * ```
  3008. *
  3009. * Note: `mapKeys()` always returns a new instance, even if it produced
  3010. * the same key at every step.
  3011. */
  3012. mapKeys<M>(
  3013. mapper: (key: K, value: V, iter: this) => M,
  3014. context?: any
  3015. ): Collection$1.Keyed<M, V>;
  3016. /**
  3017. * Returns a new Collection.Keyed of the same type with entries
  3018. * ([key, value] tuples) passed through a `mapper` function.
  3019. *
  3020. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  3021. * ```js
  3022. * const { Map } = require('immutable')
  3023. * Map({ a: 1, b: 2 })
  3024. * .mapEntries(([ k, v ]) => [ k.toUpperCase(), v * 2 ])
  3025. * // Map { "A": 2, "B": 4 }
  3026. * ```
  3027. *
  3028. * Note: `mapEntries()` always returns a new instance, even if it produced
  3029. * the same entry at every step.
  3030. */
  3031. mapEntries<KM, VM>(
  3032. mapper: (entry: [K, V], index: number, iter: this) => [KM, VM],
  3033. context?: any
  3034. ): Collection$1.Keyed<KM, VM>;
  3035. /**
  3036. * Flat-maps the Collection, returning a Collection of the same type.
  3037. *
  3038. * Similar to ``.
  3039. */
  3040. flatMap<KM, VM>(
  3041. mapper: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => Iterable<[KM, VM]>,
  3042. context?: any
  3043. ): Collection$1.Keyed<KM, VM>;
  3044. /**
  3045. * Returns a new Collection with only the values for which the `predicate`
  3046. * function returns true.
  3047. *
  3048. * Note: `filter()` always returns a new instance, even if it results in
  3049. * not filtering out any values.
  3050. */
  3051. filter<F extends V>(
  3052. predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => value is F,
  3053. context?: any
  3054. ): Collection$1.Keyed<K, F>;
  3055. filter(
  3056. predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => any,
  3057. context?: any
  3058. ): this;
  3059. [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<[K, V]>;
  3060. }
  3061. /**
  3062. * Indexed Collections have incrementing numeric keys. They exhibit
  3063. * slightly different behavior than `Collection.Keyed` for some methods in order
  3064. * to better mirror the behavior of JavaScript's `Array`, and add methods
  3065. * which do not make sense on non-indexed Collections such as `indexOf`.
  3066. *
  3067. * Unlike JavaScript arrays, `Collection.Indexed`s are always dense. "Unset"
  3068. * indices and `undefined` indices are indistinguishable, and all indices from
  3069. * 0 to `size` are visited when iterated.
  3070. *
  3071. * All Collection.Indexed methods return re-indexed Collections. In other words,
  3072. * indices always start at 0 and increment until size. If you wish to
  3073. * preserve indices, using them as keys, convert to a Collection.Keyed by
  3074. * calling `toKeyedSeq`.
  3075. */
  3076. export module Indexed {}
  3077. /**
  3078. * Creates a new Collection.Indexed.
  3079. *
  3080. * Note: `Collection.Indexed` is a conversion function and not a class, and
  3081. * does not use the `new` keyword during construction.
  3082. */
  3083. export function Indexed<T>(collection: Iterable<T>): Collection$1.Indexed<T>;
  3084. export interface Indexed<T> extends Collection$1<number, T> {
  3085. /**
  3086. * Deeply converts this Indexed collection to equivalent native JavaScript Array.
  3087. */
  3088. toJS(): Array<any>;
  3089. /**
  3090. * Shallowly converts this Indexed collection to equivalent native JavaScript Array.
  3091. */
  3092. toJSON(): Array<T>;
  3093. /**
  3094. * Shallowly converts this collection to an Array.
  3095. */
  3096. toArray(): Array<T>;
  3097. // Reading values
  3098. /**
  3099. * Returns the value associated with the provided index, or notSetValue if
  3100. * the index is beyond the bounds of the Collection.
  3101. *
  3102. * `index` may be a negative number, which indexes back from the end of the
  3103. * Collection. `s.get(-1)` gets the last item in the Collection.
  3104. */
  3105. get<NSV>(index: number, notSetValue: NSV): T | NSV;
  3106. get(index: number): T | undefined;
  3107. // Conversion to Seq
  3108. /**
  3109. * Returns Seq.Indexed.
  3110. * @override
  3111. */
  3112. toSeq(): Seq.Indexed<T>;
  3113. /**
  3114. * If this is a collection of [key, value] entry tuples, it will return a
  3115. * Seq.Keyed of those entries.
  3116. */
  3117. fromEntrySeq(): Seq.Keyed<any, any>;
  3118. // Combination
  3119. /**
  3120. * Returns a Collection of the same type with `separator` between each item
  3121. * in this Collection.
  3122. */
  3123. interpose(separator: T): this;
  3124. /**
  3125. * Returns a Collection of the same type with the provided `collections`
  3126. * interleaved into this collection.
  3127. *
  3128. * The resulting Collection includes the first item from each, then the
  3129. * second from each, etc.
  3130. *
  3131. * <!-- runkit:activate
  3132. * { "preamble": "require('immutable')"}
  3133. * -->
  3134. * ```js
  3135. * const { List } = require('immutable')
  3136. * List([ 1, 2, 3 ]).interleave(List([ 'A', 'B', 'C' ]))
  3137. * // List [ 1, "A", 2, "B", 3, "C"" ]
  3138. * ```
  3139. *
  3140. * The shortest Collection stops interleave.
  3141. *
  3142. * <!-- runkit:activate
  3143. * { "preamble": "const { List } = require('immutable')" }
  3144. * -->
  3145. * ```js
  3146. * List([ 1, 2, 3 ]).interleave(
  3147. * List([ 'A', 'B' ]),
  3148. * List([ 'X', 'Y', 'Z' ])
  3149. * )
  3150. * // List [ 1, "A", "X", 2, "B", "Y"" ]
  3151. * ```
  3152. *
  3153. * Since `interleave()` re-indexes values, it produces a complete copy,
  3154. * which has `O(N)` complexity.
  3155. *
  3156. * Note: `interleave` *cannot* be used in `withMutations`.
  3157. */
  3158. interleave(...collections: Array<Collection$1<any, T>>): this;
  3159. /**
  3160. * Splice returns a new indexed Collection by replacing a region of this
  3161. * Collection with new values. If values are not provided, it only skips the
  3162. * region to be removed.
  3163. *
  3164. * `index` may be a negative number, which indexes back from the end of the
  3165. * Collection. `s.splice(-2)` splices after the second to last item.
  3166. *
  3167. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  3168. * ```js
  3169. * const { List } = require('immutable')
  3170. * List([ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' ]).splice(1, 2, 'q', 'r', 's')
  3171. * // List [ "a", "q", "r", "s", "d" ]
  3172. * ```
  3173. *
  3174. * Since `splice()` re-indexes values, it produces a complete copy, which
  3175. * has `O(N)` complexity.
  3176. *
  3177. * Note: `splice` *cannot* be used in `withMutations`.
  3178. */
  3179. splice(
  3180. index: number,
  3181. removeNum: number,
  3182. ...values: Array<T>
  3183. ): this;
  3184. /**
  3185. * Returns a Collection of the same type "zipped" with the provided
  3186. * collections.
  3187. *
  3188. * Like `zipWith`, but using the default `zipper`: creating an `Array`.
  3189. *
  3190. *
  3191. * <!-- runkit:activate
  3192. * { "preamble": "const { List } = require('immutable')" }
  3193. * -->
  3194. * ```js
  3195. * const a = List([ 1, 2, 3 ]);
  3196. * const b = List([ 4, 5, 6 ]);
  3197. * const c =; // List [ [ 1, 4 ], [ 2, 5 ], [ 3, 6 ] ]
  3198. * ```
  3199. */
  3200. zip<U>(other: Collection$1<any, U>): Collection$1.Indexed<[T,U]>;
  3201. zip<U,V>(other: Collection$1<any, U>, other2: Collection$1<any, V>): Collection$1.Indexed<[T,U,V]>;
  3202. zip(...collections: Array<Collection$1<any, any>>): Collection$1.Indexed<any>;
  3203. /**
  3204. * Returns a Collection "zipped" with the provided collections.
  3205. *
  3206. * Unlike `zip`, `zipAll` continues zipping until the longest collection is
  3207. * exhausted. Missing values from shorter collections are filled with `undefined`.
  3208. *
  3209. * ```js
  3210. * const a = List([ 1, 2 ]);
  3211. * const b = List([ 3, 4, 5 ]);
  3212. * const c = a.zipAll(b); // List [ [ 1, 3 ], [ 2, 4 ], [ undefined, 5 ] ]
  3213. * ```
  3214. */
  3215. zipAll<U>(other: Collection$1<any, U>): Collection$1.Indexed<[T,U]>;
  3216. zipAll<U,V>(other: Collection$1<any, U>, other2: Collection$1<any, V>): Collection$1.Indexed<[T,U,V]>;
  3217. zipAll(...collections: Array<Collection$1<any, any>>): Collection$1.Indexed<any>;
  3218. /**
  3219. * Returns a Collection of the same type "zipped" with the provided
  3220. * collections by using a custom `zipper` function.
  3221. *
  3222. * <!-- runkit:activate
  3223. * { "preamble": "const { List } = require('immutable')" }
  3224. * -->
  3225. * ```js
  3226. * const a = List([ 1, 2, 3 ]);
  3227. * const b = List([ 4, 5, 6 ]);
  3228. * const c = a.zipWith((a, b) => a + b, b);
  3229. * // List [ 5, 7, 9 ]
  3230. * ```
  3231. */
  3232. zipWith<U, Z>(
  3233. zipper: (value: T, otherValue: U) => Z,
  3234. otherCollection: Collection$1<any, U>
  3235. ): Collection$1.Indexed<Z>;
  3236. zipWith<U, V, Z>(
  3237. zipper: (value: T, otherValue: U, thirdValue: V) => Z,
  3238. otherCollection: Collection$1<any, U>,
  3239. thirdCollection: Collection$1<any, V>
  3240. ): Collection$1.Indexed<Z>;
  3241. zipWith<Z>(
  3242. zipper: (...any: Array<any>) => Z,
  3243. ...collections: Array<Collection$1<any, any>>
  3244. ): Collection$1.Indexed<Z>;
  3245. // Search for value
  3246. /**
  3247. * Returns the first index at which a given value can be found in the
  3248. * Collection, or -1 if it is not present.
  3249. */
  3250. indexOf(searchValue: T): number;
  3251. /**
  3252. * Returns the last index at which a given value can be found in the
  3253. * Collection, or -1 if it is not present.
  3254. */
  3255. lastIndexOf(searchValue: T): number;
  3256. /**
  3257. * Returns the first index in the Collection where a value satisfies the
  3258. * provided predicate function. Otherwise -1 is returned.
  3259. */
  3260. findIndex(
  3261. predicate: (value: T, index: number, iter: this) => boolean,
  3262. context?: any
  3263. ): number;
  3264. /**
  3265. * Returns the last index in the Collection where a value satisfies the
  3266. * provided predicate function. Otherwise -1 is returned.
  3267. */
  3268. findLastIndex(
  3269. predicate: (value: T, index: number, iter: this) => boolean,
  3270. context?: any
  3271. ): number;
  3272. // Sequence algorithms
  3273. /**
  3274. * Returns a new Collection with other collections concatenated to this one.
  3275. */
  3276. concat<C>(...valuesOrCollections: Array<Iterable<C> | C>): Collection$1.Indexed<T | C>;
  3277. /**
  3278. * Returns a new Collection.Indexed with values passed through a
  3279. * `mapper` function.
  3280. *
  3281. * ```js
  3282. * const { Collection } = require('immutable')
  3283. * Collection.Indexed([1,2]).map(x => 10 * x)
  3284. * // Seq [ 1, 2 ]
  3285. * ```
  3286. *
  3287. * Note: `map()` always returns a new instance, even if it produced the
  3288. * same value at every step.
  3289. */
  3290. map<M>(
  3291. mapper: (value: T, key: number, iter: this) => M,
  3292. context?: any
  3293. ): Collection$1.Indexed<M>;
  3294. /**
  3295. * Flat-maps the Collection, returning a Collection of the same type.
  3296. *
  3297. * Similar to ``.
  3298. */
  3299. flatMap<M>(
  3300. mapper: (value: T, key: number, iter: this) => Iterable<M>,
  3301. context?: any
  3302. ): Collection$1.Indexed<M>;
  3303. /**
  3304. * Returns a new Collection with only the values for which the `predicate`
  3305. * function returns true.
  3306. *
  3307. * Note: `filter()` always returns a new instance, even if it results in
  3308. * not filtering out any values.
  3309. */
  3310. filter<F extends T>(
  3311. predicate: (value: T, index: number, iter: this) => value is F,
  3312. context?: any
  3313. ): Collection$1.Indexed<F>;
  3314. filter(
  3315. predicate: (value: T, index: number, iter: this) => any,
  3316. context?: any
  3317. ): this;
  3318. [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<T>;
  3319. }
  3320. /**
  3321. * Set Collections only represent values. They have no associated keys or
  3322. * indices. Duplicate values are possible in the lazy `Seq.Set`s, however
  3323. * the concrete `Set` Collection does not allow duplicate values.
  3324. *
  3325. * Collection methods on Collection.Set such as `map` and `forEach` will provide
  3326. * the value as both the first and second arguments to the provided function.
  3327. *
  3328. * ```js
  3329. * const { Collection } = require('immutable')
  3330. * const seq = Collection.Set([ 'A', 'B', 'C' ])
  3331. * // Seq { "A", "B", "C" }
  3332. * seq.forEach((v, k) =>
  3333. * assert.equal(v, k)
  3334. * )
  3335. * ```
  3336. */
  3337. export module Set {}
  3338. /**
  3339. * Similar to `Collection()`, but always returns a Collection.Set.
  3340. *
  3341. * Note: `Collection.Set` is a factory function and not a class, and does
  3342. * not use the `new` keyword during construction.
  3343. */
  3344. export function Set<T>(collection: Iterable<T>): Collection$1.Set<T>;
  3345. export interface Set<T> extends Collection$1<T, T> {
  3346. /**
  3347. * Deeply converts this Set collection to equivalent native JavaScript Array.
  3348. */
  3349. toJS(): Array<any>;
  3350. /**
  3351. * Shallowly converts this Set collection to equivalent native JavaScript Array.
  3352. */
  3353. toJSON(): Array<T>;
  3354. /**
  3355. * Shallowly converts this collection to an Array.
  3356. */
  3357. toArray(): Array<T>;
  3358. /**
  3359. * Returns Seq.Set.
  3360. * @override
  3361. */
  3362. toSeq(): Seq.Set<T>;
  3363. // Sequence algorithms
  3364. /**
  3365. * Returns a new Collection with other collections concatenated to this one.
  3366. */
  3367. concat<U>(...collections: Array<Iterable<U>>): Collection$1.Set<T | U>;
  3368. /**
  3369. * Returns a new Collection.Set with values passed through a
  3370. * `mapper` function.
  3371. *
  3372. * ```
  3373. * Collection.Set([ 1, 2 ]).map(x => 10 * x)
  3374. * // Seq { 1, 2 }
  3375. * ```
  3376. *
  3377. * Note: `map()` always returns a new instance, even if it produced the
  3378. * same value at every step.
  3379. */
  3380. map<M>(
  3381. mapper: (value: T, key: T, iter: this) => M,
  3382. context?: any
  3383. ): Collection$1.Set<M>;
  3384. /**
  3385. * Flat-maps the Collection, returning a Collection of the same type.
  3386. *
  3387. * Similar to ``.
  3388. */
  3389. flatMap<M>(
  3390. mapper: (value: T, key: T, iter: this) => Iterable<M>,
  3391. context?: any
  3392. ): Collection$1.Set<M>;
  3393. /**
  3394. * Returns a new Collection with only the values for which the `predicate`
  3395. * function returns true.
  3396. *
  3397. * Note: `filter()` always returns a new instance, even if it results in
  3398. * not filtering out any values.
  3399. */
  3400. filter<F extends T>(
  3401. predicate: (value: T, key: T, iter: this) => value is F,
  3402. context?: any
  3403. ): Collection$1.Set<F>;
  3404. filter(
  3405. predicate: (value: T, key: T, iter: this) => any,
  3406. context?: any
  3407. ): this;
  3408. [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<T>;
  3409. }
  3410. }
  3411. /**
  3412. * Creates a Collection.
  3413. *
  3414. * The type of Collection created is based on the input.
  3415. *
  3416. * * If an `Collection`, that same `Collection`.
  3417. * * If an Array-like, an `Collection.Indexed`.
  3418. * * If an Object with an Iterator defined, an `Collection.Indexed`.
  3419. * * If an Object, an `Collection.Keyed`.
  3420. *
  3421. * This methods forces the conversion of Objects and Strings to Collections.
  3422. * If you want to ensure that a Collection of one item is returned, use
  3423. * `Seq.of`.
  3424. *
  3425. * Note: An Iterator itself will be treated as an object, becoming a `Seq.Keyed`,
  3426. * which is usually not what you want. You should turn your Iterator Object into
  3427. * an iterable object by defining a Symbol.iterator (or @@iterator) method which
  3428. * returns `this`.
  3429. *
  3430. * Note: `Collection` is a conversion function and not a class, and does not
  3431. * use the `new` keyword during construction.
  3432. */
  3433. declare function Collection$1<I extends Collection$1<any, any>>(collection: I): I;
  3434. declare function Collection$1<T>(collection: Iterable<T>): Collection$1.Indexed<T>;
  3435. declare function Collection$1<V>(obj: {[key: string]: V}): Collection$1.Keyed<string, V>;
  3436. interface Collection$1<K, V> extends ValueObject {
  3437. // Value equality
  3438. /**
  3439. * True if this and the other Collection have value equality, as defined
  3440. * by ``.
  3441. *
  3442. * Note: This is equivalent to `, other)`, but provided to
  3443. * allow for chained expressions.
  3444. */
  3445. equals(other: any): boolean;
  3446. /**
  3447. * Computes and returns the hashed identity for this Collection.
  3448. *
  3449. * The `hashCode` of a Collection is used to determine potential equality,
  3450. * and is used when adding this to a `Set` or as a key in a `Map`, enabling
  3451. * lookup via a different instance.
  3452. *
  3453. * <!-- runkit:activate
  3454. * { "preamble": "const { Set, List } = require('immutable')" }
  3455. * -->
  3456. * ```js
  3457. * const a = List([ 1, 2, 3 ]);
  3458. * const b = List([ 1, 2, 3 ]);
  3459. * assert.notStrictEqual(a, b); // different instances
  3460. * const set = Set([ a ]);
  3461. * assert.equal(set.has(b), true);
  3462. * ```
  3463. *
  3464. * If two values have the same `hashCode`, they are [not guaranteed
  3465. * to be equal][Hash Collision]. If two values have different `hashCode`s,
  3466. * they must not be equal.
  3467. *
  3468. * [Hash Collision]:
  3469. */
  3470. hashCode(): number;
  3471. // Reading values
  3472. /**
  3473. * Returns the value associated with the provided key, or notSetValue if
  3474. * the Collection does not contain this key.
  3475. *
  3476. * Note: it is possible a key may be associated with an `undefined` value,
  3477. * so if `notSetValue` is not provided and this method returns `undefined`,
  3478. * that does not guarantee the key was not found.
  3479. */
  3480. get<NSV>(key: K, notSetValue: NSV): V | NSV;
  3481. get(key: K): V | undefined;
  3482. /**
  3483. * True if a key exists within this `Collection`, using ``
  3484. * to determine equality
  3485. */
  3486. has(key: K): boolean;
  3487. /**
  3488. * True if a value exists within this `Collection`, using ``
  3489. * to determine equality
  3490. * @alias contains
  3491. */
  3492. includes(value: V): boolean;
  3493. contains(value: V): boolean;
  3494. /**
  3495. * In case the `Collection` is not empty returns the first element of the
  3496. * `Collection`.
  3497. * In case the `Collection` is empty returns the optional default
  3498. * value if provided, if no default value is provided returns undefined.
  3499. */
  3500. first<NSV>(notSetValue?: NSV): V | NSV;
  3501. /**
  3502. * In case the `Collection` is not empty returns the last element of the
  3503. * `Collection`.
  3504. * In case the `Collection` is empty returns the optional default
  3505. * value if provided, if no default value is provided returns undefined.
  3506. */
  3507. last<NSV>(notSetValue?: NSV): V | NSV;
  3508. // Reading deep values
  3509. /**
  3510. * Returns the value found by following a path of keys or indices through
  3511. * nested Collections.
  3512. *
  3513. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  3514. * ```js
  3515. * const { Map, List } = require('immutable')
  3516. * const deepData = Map({ x: List([ Map({ y: 123 }) ]) });
  3517. * deepData.getIn(['x', 0, 'y']) // 123
  3518. * ```
  3519. *
  3520. * Plain JavaScript Object or Arrays may be nested within an Immutable.js
  3521. * Collection, and getIn() can access those values as well:
  3522. *
  3523. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  3524. * ```js
  3525. * const { Map, List } = require('immutable')
  3526. * const deepData = Map({ x: [ { y: 123 } ] });
  3527. * deepData.getIn(['x', 0, 'y']) // 123
  3528. * ```
  3529. */
  3530. getIn(searchKeyPath: Iterable<any>, notSetValue?: any): any;
  3531. /**
  3532. * True if the result of following a path of keys or indices through nested
  3533. * Collections results in a set value.
  3534. */
  3535. hasIn(searchKeyPath: Iterable<any>): boolean;
  3536. // Persistent changes
  3537. /**
  3538. * This can be very useful as a way to "chain" a normal function into a
  3539. * sequence of methods. RxJS calls this "let" and lodash calls it "thru".
  3540. *
  3541. * For example, to sum a Seq after mapping and filtering:
  3542. *
  3543. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  3544. * ```js
  3545. * const { Seq } = require('immutable')
  3546. *
  3547. * function sum(collection) {
  3548. * return collection.reduce((sum, x) => sum + x, 0)
  3549. * }
  3550. *
  3551. * Seq([ 1, 2, 3 ])
  3552. * .map(x => x + 1)
  3553. * .filter(x => x % 2 === 0)
  3554. * .update(sum)
  3555. * // 6
  3556. * ```
  3557. */
  3558. update<R>(updater: (value: this) => R): R;
  3559. // Conversion to JavaScript types
  3560. /**
  3561. * Deeply converts this Collection to equivalent native JavaScript Array or Object.
  3562. *
  3563. * `Collection.Indexed`, and `Collection.Set` become `Array`, while
  3564. * `Collection.Keyed` become `Object`, converting keys to Strings.
  3565. */
  3566. toJS(): Array<any> | { [key: string]: any };
  3567. /**
  3568. * Shallowly converts this Collection to equivalent native JavaScript Array or Object.
  3569. *
  3570. * `Collection.Indexed`, and `Collection.Set` become `Array`, while
  3571. * `Collection.Keyed` become `Object`, converting keys to Strings.
  3572. */
  3573. toJSON(): Array<V> | { [key: string]: V };
  3574. /**
  3575. * Shallowly converts this collection to an Array.
  3576. *
  3577. * `Collection.Indexed`, and `Collection.Set` produce an Array of values.
  3578. * `Collection.Keyed` produce an Array of [key, value] tuples.
  3579. */
  3580. toArray(): Array<V> | Array<[K, V]>;
  3581. /**
  3582. * Shallowly converts this Collection to an Object.
  3583. *
  3584. * Converts keys to Strings.
  3585. */
  3586. toObject(): { [key: string]: V };
  3587. // Conversion to Collections
  3588. /**
  3589. * Converts this Collection to a Map, Throws if keys are not hashable.
  3590. *
  3591. * Note: This is equivalent to `Map(this.toKeyedSeq())`, but provided
  3592. * for convenience and to allow for chained expressions.
  3593. */
  3594. toMap(): Map$1<K, V>;
  3595. /**
  3596. * Converts this Collection to a Map, maintaining the order of iteration.
  3597. *
  3598. * Note: This is equivalent to `OrderedMap(this.toKeyedSeq())`, but
  3599. * provided for convenience and to allow for chained expressions.
  3600. */
  3601. toOrderedMap(): OrderedMap<K, V>;
  3602. /**
  3603. * Converts this Collection to a Set, discarding keys. Throws if values
  3604. * are not hashable.
  3605. *
  3606. * Note: This is equivalent to `Set(this)`, but provided to allow for
  3607. * chained expressions.
  3608. */
  3609. toSet(): Set$1<V>;
  3610. /**
  3611. * Converts this Collection to a Set, maintaining the order of iteration and
  3612. * discarding keys.
  3613. *
  3614. * Note: This is equivalent to `OrderedSet(this.valueSeq())`, but provided
  3615. * for convenience and to allow for chained expressions.
  3616. */
  3617. toOrderedSet(): OrderedSet<V>;
  3618. /**
  3619. * Converts this Collection to a List, discarding keys.
  3620. *
  3621. * This is similar to `List(collection)`, but provided to allow for chained
  3622. * expressions. However, when called on `Map` or other keyed collections,
  3623. * `collection.toList()` discards the keys and creates a list of only the
  3624. * values, whereas `List(collection)` creates a list of entry tuples.
  3625. *
  3626. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  3627. * ```js
  3628. * const { Map, List } = require('immutable')
  3629. * var myMap = Map({ a: 'Apple', b: 'Banana' })
  3630. * List(myMap) // List [ [ "a", "Apple" ], [ "b", "Banana" ] ]
  3631. * myMap.toList() // List [ "Apple", "Banana" ]
  3632. * ```
  3633. */
  3634. toList(): List<V>;
  3635. /**
  3636. * Converts this Collection to a Stack, discarding keys. Throws if values
  3637. * are not hashable.
  3638. *
  3639. * Note: This is equivalent to `Stack(this)`, but provided to allow for
  3640. * chained expressions.
  3641. */
  3642. toStack(): Stack<V>;
  3643. // Conversion to Seq
  3644. /**
  3645. * Converts this Collection to a Seq of the same kind (indexed,
  3646. * keyed, or set).
  3647. */
  3648. toSeq(): Seq<K, V>;
  3649. /**
  3650. * Returns a Seq.Keyed from this Collection where indices are treated as keys.
  3651. *
  3652. * This is useful if you want to operate on an
  3653. * Collection.Indexed and preserve the [index, value] pairs.
  3654. *
  3655. * The returned Seq will have identical iteration order as
  3656. * this Collection.
  3657. *
  3658. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  3659. * ```js
  3660. * const { Seq } = require('immutable')
  3661. * const indexedSeq = Seq([ 'A', 'B', 'C' ])
  3662. * // Seq [ "A", "B", "C" ]
  3663. * indexedSeq.filter(v => v === 'B')
  3664. * // Seq [ "B" ]
  3665. * const keyedSeq = indexedSeq.toKeyedSeq()
  3666. * // Seq { 0: "A", 1: "B", 2: "C" }
  3667. * keyedSeq.filter(v => v === 'B')
  3668. * // Seq { 1: "B" }
  3669. * ```
  3670. */
  3671. toKeyedSeq(): Seq.Keyed<K, V>;
  3672. /**
  3673. * Returns an Seq.Indexed of the values of this Collection, discarding keys.
  3674. */
  3675. toIndexedSeq(): Seq.Indexed<V>;
  3676. /**
  3677. * Returns a Seq.Set of the values of this Collection, discarding keys.
  3678. */
  3679. toSetSeq(): Seq.Set<V>;
  3680. // Iterators
  3681. /**
  3682. * An iterator of this `Collection`'s keys.
  3683. *
  3684. * Note: this will return an ES6 iterator which does not support
  3685. * Immutable.js sequence algorithms. Use `keySeq` instead, if this is
  3686. * what you want.
  3687. */
  3688. keys(): IterableIterator<K>;
  3689. /**
  3690. * An iterator of this `Collection`'s values.
  3691. *
  3692. * Note: this will return an ES6 iterator which does not support
  3693. * Immutable.js sequence algorithms. Use `valueSeq` instead, if this is
  3694. * what you want.
  3695. */
  3696. values(): IterableIterator<V>;
  3697. /**
  3698. * An iterator of this `Collection`'s entries as `[ key, value ]` tuples.
  3699. *
  3700. * Note: this will return an ES6 iterator which does not support
  3701. * Immutable.js sequence algorithms. Use `entrySeq` instead, if this is
  3702. * what you want.
  3703. */
  3704. entries(): IterableIterator<[K, V]>;
  3705. // Collections (Seq)
  3706. /**
  3707. * Returns a new Seq.Indexed of the keys of this Collection,
  3708. * discarding values.
  3709. */
  3710. keySeq(): Seq.Indexed<K>;
  3711. /**
  3712. * Returns an Seq.Indexed of the values of this Collection, discarding keys.
  3713. */
  3714. valueSeq(): Seq.Indexed<V>;
  3715. /**
  3716. * Returns a new Seq.Indexed of [key, value] tuples.
  3717. */
  3718. entrySeq(): Seq.Indexed<[K, V]>;
  3719. // Sequence algorithms
  3720. /**
  3721. * Returns a new Collection of the same type with values passed through a
  3722. * `mapper` function.
  3723. *
  3724. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  3725. * ```js
  3726. * const { Collection } = require('immutable')
  3727. * Collection({ a: 1, b: 2 }).map(x => 10 * x)
  3728. * // Seq { "a": 10, "b": 20 }
  3729. * ```
  3730. *
  3731. * Note: `map()` always returns a new instance, even if it produced the same
  3732. * value at every step.
  3733. */
  3734. map<M>(
  3735. mapper: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => M,
  3736. context?: any
  3737. ): Collection$1<K, M>;
  3738. /**
  3739. * Note: used only for sets, which return Collection<M, M> but are otherwise
  3740. * identical to normal `map()`.
  3741. *
  3742. * @ignore
  3743. */
  3744. map<M>(...args: never[]): any;
  3745. /**
  3746. * Returns a new Collection of the same type with only the entries for which
  3747. * the `predicate` function returns true.
  3748. *
  3749. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  3750. * ```js
  3751. * const { Map } = require('immutable')
  3752. * Map({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4}).filter(x => x % 2 === 0)
  3753. * // Map { "b": 2, "d": 4 }
  3754. * ```
  3755. *
  3756. * Note: `filter()` always returns a new instance, even if it results in
  3757. * not filtering out any values.
  3758. */
  3759. filter<F extends V>(
  3760. predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => value is F,
  3761. context?: any
  3762. ): Collection$1<K, F>;
  3763. filter(
  3764. predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => any,
  3765. context?: any
  3766. ): this;
  3767. /**
  3768. * Returns a new Collection of the same type with only the entries for which
  3769. * the `predicate` function returns false.
  3770. *
  3771. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  3772. * ```js
  3773. * const { Map } = require('immutable')
  3774. * Map({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4}).filterNot(x => x % 2 === 0)
  3775. * // Map { "a": 1, "c": 3 }
  3776. * ```
  3777. *
  3778. * Note: `filterNot()` always returns a new instance, even if it results in
  3779. * not filtering out any values.
  3780. */
  3781. filterNot(
  3782. predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => boolean,
  3783. context?: any
  3784. ): this;
  3785. /**
  3786. * Returns a new Collection of the same type in reverse order.
  3787. */
  3788. reverse(): this;
  3789. /**
  3790. * Returns a new Collection of the same type which includes the same entries,
  3791. * stably sorted by using a `comparator`.
  3792. *
  3793. * If a `comparator` is not provided, a default comparator uses `<` and `>`.
  3794. *
  3795. * `comparator(valueA, valueB)`:
  3796. *
  3797. * * Returns `0` if the elements should not be swapped.
  3798. * * Returns `-1` (or any negative number) if `valueA` comes before `valueB`
  3799. * * Returns `1` (or any positive number) if `valueA` comes after `valueB`
  3800. * * Is pure, i.e. it must always return the same value for the same pair
  3801. * of values.
  3802. *
  3803. * When sorting collections which have no defined order, their ordered
  3804. * equivalents will be returned. e.g. `map.sort()` returns OrderedMap.
  3805. *
  3806. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  3807. * ```js
  3808. * const { Map } = require('immutable')
  3809. * Map({ "c": 3, "a": 1, "b": 2 }).sort((a, b) => {
  3810. * if (a < b) { return -1; }
  3811. * if (a > b) { return 1; }
  3812. * if (a === b) { return 0; }
  3813. * });
  3814. * // OrderedMap { "a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3 }
  3815. * ```
  3816. *
  3817. * Note: `sort()` Always returns a new instance, even if the original was
  3818. * already sorted.
  3819. *
  3820. * Note: This is always an eager operation.
  3821. */
  3822. sort(comparator?: (valueA: V, valueB: V) => number): this;
  3823. /**
  3824. * Like `sort`, but also accepts a `comparatorValueMapper` which allows for
  3825. * sorting by more sophisticated means:
  3826. *
  3827. * hitters.sortBy(hitter => hitter.avgHits)
  3828. *
  3829. * Note: `sortBy()` Always returns a new instance, even if the original was
  3830. * already sorted.
  3831. *
  3832. * Note: This is always an eager operation.
  3833. */
  3834. sortBy<C>(
  3835. comparatorValueMapper: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => C,
  3836. comparator?: (valueA: C, valueB: C) => number
  3837. ): this;
  3838. /**
  3839. * Returns a `Collection.Keyed` of `Collection.Keyeds`, grouped by the return
  3840. * value of the `grouper` function.
  3841. *
  3842. * Note: This is always an eager operation.
  3843. *
  3844. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  3845. * ```js
  3846. * const { List, Map } = require('immutable')
  3847. * const listOfMaps = List([
  3848. * Map({ v: 0 }),
  3849. * Map({ v: 1 }),
  3850. * Map({ v: 1 }),
  3851. * Map({ v: 0 }),
  3852. * Map({ v: 2 })
  3853. * ])
  3854. * const groupsOfMaps = listOfMaps.groupBy(x => x.get('v'))
  3855. * // Map {
  3856. * // 0: List [ Map{ "v": 0 }, Map { "v": 0 } ],
  3857. * // 1: List [ Map{ "v": 1 }, Map { "v": 1 } ],
  3858. * // 2: List [ Map{ "v": 2 } ],
  3859. * // }
  3860. * ```
  3861. */
  3862. groupBy<G>(
  3863. grouper: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => G,
  3864. context?: any
  3865. ): /*Map*/Seq.Keyed<G, /*this*/Collection$1<K, V>>;
  3866. // Side effects
  3867. /**
  3868. * The `sideEffect` is executed for every entry in the Collection.
  3869. *
  3870. * Unlike `Array#forEach`, if any call of `sideEffect` returns
  3871. * `false`, the iteration will stop. Returns the number of entries iterated
  3872. * (including the last iteration which returned false).
  3873. */
  3874. forEach(
  3875. sideEffect: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => any,
  3876. context?: any
  3877. ): number;
  3878. // Creating subsets
  3879. /**
  3880. * Returns a new Collection of the same type representing a portion of this
  3881. * Collection from start up to but not including end.
  3882. *
  3883. * If begin is negative, it is offset from the end of the Collection. e.g.
  3884. * `slice(-2)` returns a Collection of the last two entries. If it is not
  3885. * provided the new Collection will begin at the beginning of this Collection.
  3886. *
  3887. * If end is negative, it is offset from the end of the Collection. e.g.
  3888. * `slice(0, -1)` returns a Collection of everything but the last entry. If
  3889. * it is not provided, the new Collection will continue through the end of
  3890. * this Collection.
  3891. *
  3892. * If the requested slice is equivalent to the current Collection, then it
  3893. * will return itself.
  3894. */
  3895. slice(begin?: number, end?: number): this;
  3896. /**
  3897. * Returns a new Collection of the same type containing all entries except
  3898. * the first.
  3899. */
  3900. rest(): this;
  3901. /**
  3902. * Returns a new Collection of the same type containing all entries except
  3903. * the last.
  3904. */
  3905. butLast(): this;
  3906. /**
  3907. * Returns a new Collection of the same type which excludes the first `amount`
  3908. * entries from this Collection.
  3909. */
  3910. skip(amount: number): this;
  3911. /**
  3912. * Returns a new Collection of the same type which excludes the last `amount`
  3913. * entries from this Collection.
  3914. */
  3915. skipLast(amount: number): this;
  3916. /**
  3917. * Returns a new Collection of the same type which includes entries starting
  3918. * from when `predicate` first returns false.
  3919. *
  3920. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  3921. * ```js
  3922. * const { List } = require('immutable')
  3923. * List([ 'dog', 'frog', 'cat', 'hat', 'god' ])
  3924. * .skipWhile(x => x.match(/g/))
  3925. * // List [ "cat", "hat", "god"" ]
  3926. * ```
  3927. */
  3928. skipWhile(
  3929. predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => boolean,
  3930. context?: any
  3931. ): this;
  3932. /**
  3933. * Returns a new Collection of the same type which includes entries starting
  3934. * from when `predicate` first returns true.
  3935. *
  3936. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  3937. * ```js
  3938. * const { List } = require('immutable')
  3939. * List([ 'dog', 'frog', 'cat', 'hat', 'god' ])
  3940. * .skipUntil(x => x.match(/hat/))
  3941. * // List [ "hat", "god"" ]
  3942. * ```
  3943. */
  3944. skipUntil(
  3945. predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => boolean,
  3946. context?: any
  3947. ): this;
  3948. /**
  3949. * Returns a new Collection of the same type which includes the first `amount`
  3950. * entries from this Collection.
  3951. */
  3952. take(amount: number): this;
  3953. /**
  3954. * Returns a new Collection of the same type which includes the last `amount`
  3955. * entries from this Collection.
  3956. */
  3957. takeLast(amount: number): this;
  3958. /**
  3959. * Returns a new Collection of the same type which includes entries from this
  3960. * Collection as long as the `predicate` returns true.
  3961. *
  3962. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  3963. * ```js
  3964. * const { List } = require('immutable')
  3965. * List([ 'dog', 'frog', 'cat', 'hat', 'god' ])
  3966. * .takeWhile(x => x.match(/o/))
  3967. * // List [ "dog", "frog" ]
  3968. * ```
  3969. */
  3970. takeWhile(
  3971. predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => boolean,
  3972. context?: any
  3973. ): this;
  3974. /**
  3975. * Returns a new Collection of the same type which includes entries from this
  3976. * Collection as long as the `predicate` returns false.
  3977. *
  3978. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  3979. * ```js
  3980. * const { List } = require('immutable')
  3981. * List([ 'dog', 'frog', 'cat', 'hat', 'god' ])
  3982. * .takeUntil(x => x.match(/at/))
  3983. * // List [ "dog", "frog" ]
  3984. * ```
  3985. */
  3986. takeUntil(
  3987. predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => boolean,
  3988. context?: any
  3989. ): this;
  3990. // Combination
  3991. /**
  3992. * Returns a new Collection of the same type with other values and
  3993. * collection-like concatenated to this one.
  3994. *
  3995. * For Seqs, all entries will be present in the resulting Seq, even if they
  3996. * have the same key.
  3997. */
  3998. concat(...valuesOrCollections: Array<any>): Collection$1<any, any>;
  3999. /**
  4000. * Flattens nested Collections.
  4001. *
  4002. * Will deeply flatten the Collection by default, returning a Collection of the
  4003. * same type, but a `depth` can be provided in the form of a number or
  4004. * boolean (where true means to shallowly flatten one level). A depth of 0
  4005. * (or shallow: false) will deeply flatten.
  4006. *
  4007. * Flattens only others Collection, not Arrays or Objects.
  4008. *
  4009. * Note: `flatten(true)` operates on Collection<any, Collection<K, V>> and
  4010. * returns Collection<K, V>
  4011. */
  4012. flatten(depth?: number): Collection$1<any, any>;
  4013. flatten(shallow?: boolean): Collection$1<any, any>;
  4014. /**
  4015. * Flat-maps the Collection, returning a Collection of the same type.
  4016. *
  4017. * Similar to ``.
  4018. */
  4019. flatMap<M>(
  4020. mapper: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => Iterable<M>,
  4021. context?: any
  4022. ): Collection$1<K, M>;
  4023. /**
  4024. * Flat-maps the Collection, returning a Collection of the same type.
  4025. *
  4026. * Similar to ``.
  4027. * Used for Dictionaries only.
  4028. */
  4029. flatMap<KM, VM>(
  4030. mapper: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => Iterable<[KM, VM]>,
  4031. context?: any
  4032. ): Collection$1<KM, VM>;
  4033. // Reducing a value
  4034. /**
  4035. * Reduces the Collection to a value by calling the `reducer` for every entry
  4036. * in the Collection and passing along the reduced value.
  4037. *
  4038. * If `initialReduction` is not provided, the first item in the
  4039. * Collection will be used.
  4040. *
  4041. * @see `Array#reduce`.
  4042. */
  4043. reduce<R>(
  4044. reducer: (reduction: R, value: V, key: K, iter: this) => R,
  4045. initialReduction: R,
  4046. context?: any
  4047. ): R;
  4048. reduce<R>(
  4049. reducer: (reduction: V | R, value: V, key: K, iter: this) => R
  4050. ): R;
  4051. /**
  4052. * Reduces the Collection in reverse (from the right side).
  4053. *
  4054. * Note: Similar to this.reverse().reduce(), and provided for parity
  4055. * with `Array#reduceRight`.
  4056. */
  4057. reduceRight<R>(
  4058. reducer: (reduction: R, value: V, key: K, iter: this) => R,
  4059. initialReduction: R,
  4060. context?: any
  4061. ): R;
  4062. reduceRight<R>(
  4063. reducer: (reduction: V | R, value: V, key: K, iter: this) => R
  4064. ): R;
  4065. /**
  4066. * True if `predicate` returns true for all entries in the Collection.
  4067. */
  4068. every(
  4069. predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => boolean,
  4070. context?: any
  4071. ): boolean;
  4072. /**
  4073. * True if `predicate` returns true for any entry in the Collection.
  4074. */
  4075. some(
  4076. predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => boolean,
  4077. context?: any
  4078. ): boolean;
  4079. /**
  4080. * Joins values together as a string, inserting a separator between each.
  4081. * The default separator is `","`.
  4082. */
  4083. join(separator?: string): string;
  4084. /**
  4085. * Returns true if this Collection includes no values.
  4086. *
  4087. * For some lazy `Seq`, `isEmpty` might need to iterate to determine
  4088. * emptiness. At most one iteration will occur.
  4089. */
  4090. isEmpty(): boolean;
  4091. /**
  4092. * Returns the size of this Collection.
  4093. *
  4094. * Regardless of if this Collection can describe its size lazily (some Seqs
  4095. * cannot), this method will always return the correct size. E.g. it
  4096. * evaluates a lazy `Seq` if necessary.
  4097. *
  4098. * If `predicate` is provided, then this returns the count of entries in the
  4099. * Collection for which the `predicate` returns true.
  4100. */
  4101. count(): number;
  4102. count(
  4103. predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => boolean,
  4104. context?: any
  4105. ): number;
  4106. /**
  4107. * Returns a `Seq.Keyed` of counts, grouped by the return value of
  4108. * the `grouper` function.
  4109. *
  4110. * Note: This is not a lazy operation.
  4111. */
  4112. countBy<G>(
  4113. grouper: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => G,
  4114. context?: any
  4115. ): Map$1<G, number>;
  4116. // Search for value
  4117. /**
  4118. * Returns the first value for which the `predicate` returns true.
  4119. */
  4120. find(
  4121. predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => boolean,
  4122. context?: any,
  4123. notSetValue?: V
  4124. ): V | undefined;
  4125. /**
  4126. * Returns the last value for which the `predicate` returns true.
  4127. *
  4128. * Note: `predicate` will be called for each entry in reverse.
  4129. */
  4130. findLast(
  4131. predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => boolean,
  4132. context?: any,
  4133. notSetValue?: V
  4134. ): V | undefined;
  4135. /**
  4136. * Returns the first [key, value] entry for which the `predicate` returns true.
  4137. */
  4138. findEntry(
  4139. predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => boolean,
  4140. context?: any,
  4141. notSetValue?: V
  4142. ): [K, V] | undefined;
  4143. /**
  4144. * Returns the last [key, value] entry for which the `predicate`
  4145. * returns true.
  4146. *
  4147. * Note: `predicate` will be called for each entry in reverse.
  4148. */
  4149. findLastEntry(
  4150. predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => boolean,
  4151. context?: any,
  4152. notSetValue?: V
  4153. ): [K, V] | undefined;
  4154. /**
  4155. * Returns the key for which the `predicate` returns true.
  4156. */
  4157. findKey(
  4158. predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => boolean,
  4159. context?: any
  4160. ): K | undefined;
  4161. /**
  4162. * Returns the last key for which the `predicate` returns true.
  4163. *
  4164. * Note: `predicate` will be called for each entry in reverse.
  4165. */
  4166. findLastKey(
  4167. predicate: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => boolean,
  4168. context?: any
  4169. ): K | undefined;
  4170. /**
  4171. * Returns the key associated with the search value, or undefined.
  4172. */
  4173. keyOf(searchValue: V): K | undefined;
  4174. /**
  4175. * Returns the last key associated with the search value, or undefined.
  4176. */
  4177. lastKeyOf(searchValue: V): K | undefined;
  4178. /**
  4179. * Returns the maximum value in this collection. If any values are
  4180. * comparatively equivalent, the first one found will be returned.
  4181. *
  4182. * The `comparator` is used in the same way as `Collection#sort`. If it is not
  4183. * provided, the default comparator is `>`.
  4184. *
  4185. * When two values are considered equivalent, the first encountered will be
  4186. * returned. Otherwise, `max` will operate independent of the order of input
  4187. * as long as the comparator is commutative. The default comparator `>` is
  4188. * commutative *only* when types do not differ.
  4189. *
  4190. * If `comparator` returns 0 and either value is NaN, undefined, or null,
  4191. * that value will be returned.
  4192. */
  4193. max(comparator?: (valueA: V, valueB: V) => number): V | undefined;
  4194. /**
  4195. * Like `max`, but also accepts a `comparatorValueMapper` which allows for
  4196. * comparing by more sophisticated means:
  4197. *
  4198. * hitters.maxBy(hitter => hitter.avgHits);
  4199. *
  4200. */
  4201. maxBy<C>(
  4202. comparatorValueMapper: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => C,
  4203. comparator?: (valueA: C, valueB: C) => number
  4204. ): V | undefined;
  4205. /**
  4206. * Returns the minimum value in this collection. If any values are
  4207. * comparatively equivalent, the first one found will be returned.
  4208. *
  4209. * The `comparator` is used in the same way as `Collection#sort`. If it is not
  4210. * provided, the default comparator is `<`.
  4211. *
  4212. * When two values are considered equivalent, the first encountered will be
  4213. * returned. Otherwise, `min` will operate independent of the order of input
  4214. * as long as the comparator is commutative. The default comparator `<` is
  4215. * commutative *only* when types do not differ.
  4216. *
  4217. * If `comparator` returns 0 and either value is NaN, undefined, or null,
  4218. * that value will be returned.
  4219. */
  4220. min(comparator?: (valueA: V, valueB: V) => number): V | undefined;
  4221. /**
  4222. * Like `min`, but also accepts a `comparatorValueMapper` which allows for
  4223. * comparing by more sophisticated means:
  4224. *
  4225. * hitters.minBy(hitter => hitter.avgHits);
  4226. *
  4227. */
  4228. minBy<C>(
  4229. comparatorValueMapper: (value: V, key: K, iter: this) => C,
  4230. comparator?: (valueA: C, valueB: C) => number
  4231. ): V | undefined;
  4232. // Comparison
  4233. /**
  4234. * True if `iter` includes every value in this Collection.
  4235. */
  4236. isSubset(iter: Iterable<V>): boolean;
  4237. /**
  4238. * True if this Collection includes every value in `iter`.
  4239. */
  4240. isSuperset(iter: Iterable<V>): boolean;
  4241. }
  4242. /**
  4243. * The interface to fulfill to qualify as a Value Object.
  4244. */
  4245. interface ValueObject {
  4246. /**
  4247. * True if this and the other Collection have value equality, as defined
  4248. * by ``.
  4249. *
  4250. * Note: This is equivalent to `, other)`, but provided to
  4251. * allow for chained expressions.
  4252. */
  4253. equals(other: any): boolean;
  4254. /**
  4255. * Computes and returns the hashed identity for this Collection.
  4256. *
  4257. * The `hashCode` of a Collection is used to determine potential equality,
  4258. * and is used when adding this to a `Set` or as a key in a `Map`, enabling
  4259. * lookup via a different instance.
  4260. *
  4261. * <!-- runkit:activate -->
  4262. * ```js
  4263. * const { List, Set } = require('immutable');
  4264. * const a = List([ 1, 2, 3 ]);
  4265. * const b = List([ 1, 2, 3 ]);
  4266. * assert.notStrictEqual(a, b); // different instances
  4267. * const set = Set([ a ]);
  4268. * assert.equal(set.has(b), true);
  4269. * ```
  4270. *
  4271. * Note: hashCode() MUST return a Uint32 number. The easiest way to
  4272. * guarantee this is to return `myHash | 0` from a custom implementation.
  4273. *
  4274. * If two values have the same `hashCode`, they are [not guaranteed
  4275. * to be equal][Hash Collision]. If two values have different `hashCode`s,
  4276. * they must not be equal.
  4277. *
  4278. * Note: `hashCode()` is not guaranteed to always be called before
  4279. * `equals()`. Most but not all Immutable.js collections use hash codes to
  4280. * organize their internal data structures, while all Immutable.js
  4281. * collections use equality during lookups.
  4282. *
  4283. * [Hash Collision]:
  4284. */
  4285. hashCode(): number;
  4286. }
  4287. type IFunction<T = void> = (...args: Array<any>) => T;
  4288. type IObject$1 = Record<string, any>;
  4289. type Without<T, U> = {
  4290. [P in Exclude<keyof T, keyof U>]?: never;
  4291. };
  4292. type XOR<T, U> = T | U extends object ? (Without<T, U> & U) | (Without<U, T> & T) : T | U;
  4293. type Class<T> = new (...args: Array<any>) => T;
  4294. declare const TransformationMatrix_base: Record$1.Factory<{
  4295. a: number;
  4296. b: number;
  4297. c: number;
  4298. d: number;
  4299. e: number;
  4300. f: number;
  4301. }>;
  4302. declare class TransformationMatrix extends TransformationMatrix_base {
  4303. a: number;
  4304. b: number;
  4305. c: number;
  4306. d: number;
  4307. e: number;
  4308. f: number;
  4309. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  4310. static IDENTITY: TransformationMatrix;
  4311. translate({ x: tx, y: ty }: {
  4312. x: number;
  4313. y: number;
  4314. }): TransformationMatrix;
  4315. translateX(tx: number): TransformationMatrix;
  4316. translateY(ty: number): TransformationMatrix;
  4317. scale(sx: number, sy?: number): TransformationMatrix;
  4318. transform(a2: number, b2: number, c2: number, d2: number, e2: number, f2: number): TransformationMatrix;
  4319. rotate(degCW: number): TransformationMatrix;
  4320. rotateRad(a: number): TransformationMatrix;
  4321. inverse(): TransformationMatrix;
  4322. toCssValue(): string;
  4323. applyToPoint([x, y]: [number, number]): [number, number];
  4324. applyToVector([x, y]: [number, number]): [number, number];
  4325. }
  4326. interface PointCtorProps {
  4327. x?: number;
  4328. y?: number;
  4329. [k: string]: unknown;
  4330. }
  4331. declare const Point_base: Record$1.Factory<PointCtorProps>;
  4332. declare class Point extends Point_base {
  4333. x: number;
  4334. y: number;
  4335. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  4336. constructor(options?: PointCtorProps);
  4337. scale(sx: number, sy?: number): this;
  4338. translate({ x: tx, y: ty }: {
  4339. x: number;
  4340. y: number;
  4341. }): this;
  4342. translateX(tx: number): this;
  4343. translateY(ty: number): this;
  4344. distance(other: this): number;
  4345. rotate(deg: number): this;
  4346. apply(matrix: TransformationMatrix): this;
  4347. }
  4348. interface IDrawingPoint extends PointCtorProps {
  4349. intensity?: number;
  4350. }
  4351. declare class DrawingPoint extends Point {
  4352. intensity: number;
  4353. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  4354. constructor(options?: IDrawingPoint);
  4355. }
  4356. interface ISize {
  4357. width: number;
  4358. height: number;
  4359. }
  4360. declare const Size_base: Record$1.Factory<ISize>;
  4361. declare class Size extends Size_base {
  4362. scale(factor: number): Size;
  4363. ceil(): Size;
  4364. floor(): Size;
  4365. swapDimensions(): Size;
  4366. apply(matrix: TransformationMatrix): Size;
  4367. }
  4368. interface IRect {
  4369. left?: number;
  4370. top?: number;
  4371. width?: number;
  4372. height?: number;
  4373. }
  4374. declare const Rect_base: Record$1.Factory<IRect>;
  4375. declare class Rect extends Rect_base {
  4376. left: number;
  4377. top: number;
  4378. width: number;
  4379. height: number;
  4380. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  4381. constructor(options?: IRect);
  4382. get right(): number;
  4383. get bottom(): number;
  4384. static fromClientRect({ top, left, width, height }: ClientRect): Rect;
  4385. static union(rects: List<Rect>): Rect;
  4386. static getCenteredRect(inner: Size, outer: Size): Rect;
  4387. static fromInset(inset: Inset): Rect;
  4388. static fromPoints(...points: Point[]): Rect;
  4389. expandToIncludePoints(...points: Point[]): Rect;
  4390. static areRectsCloserThan(a: Rect, b: Rect, distance: number): boolean;
  4391. static areVerticallyAligned(a: Rect, b: Rect, thresholdDistance: number): boolean;
  4392. translate({ x: tx, y: ty }: Point): Rect;
  4393. translateX(tx: number): Rect;
  4394. translateY(ty: number): Rect;
  4395. scale(sx: number, sy?: number): Rect;
  4396. grow(growth: number): Rect;
  4397. getLocation(): Point;
  4398. getSize(): Size;
  4399. getCenter(): Point;
  4400. setLocation(location: Point): Rect;
  4401. roundOverlap(): Rect;
  4402. round(): Rect;
  4403. isPointInside(point: Point): boolean;
  4404. isRectInside(other: Rect): boolean;
  4405. isRectOverlapping(other: Rect): boolean;
  4406. normalize(): Rect;
  4407. apply(matrix: TransformationMatrix): Rect;
  4408. }
  4409. interface IInset {
  4410. left: number;
  4411. top: number;
  4412. right: number;
  4413. bottom: number;
  4414. }
  4415. declare const Inset_base: Record$1.Factory<IInset>;
  4416. declare class Inset extends Inset_base {
  4417. static applyToRect(inset: Inset, rect: Rect): Rect;
  4418. static fromRect(rect: Rect): Inset;
  4419. static fromValue(insetValue: number): Inset;
  4420. apply(matrix: TransformationMatrix): Inset;
  4421. setScale(scale: number): Inset;
  4422. }
  4423. type InsetJSON = [left: number, top: number, right: number, bottom: number];
  4424. type ActionCtorProps = {
  4425. subActions?: List<Action> | null;
  4426. };
  4427. declare abstract class Action extends InheritableImmutableRecord<ActionCtorProps> {
  4428. subActions?: List<Action> | null | undefined;
  4429. protected constructor(args?: ActionCtorProps);
  4430. }
  4431. type ActionTriggerEventType = 'onPointerEnter' | 'onPointerLeave' | 'onPointerDown' | 'onPointerUp' | 'onPageOpen' | 'onPageClose' | 'onPageVisible' | 'onPageHidden';
  4432. interface IGoToAction extends ActionCtorProps {
  4433. pageIndex?: number;
  4434. }
  4435. declare class GoToAction extends Action {
  4436. pageIndex: number;
  4437. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  4438. constructor(args?: IGoToAction);
  4439. }
  4440. interface IGoToEmbeddedAction extends ActionCtorProps {
  4441. newWindow?: boolean;
  4442. relativePath?: string;
  4443. targetType?: 'parent' | 'child';
  4444. }
  4445. declare class GoToEmbeddedAction extends Action {
  4446. newWindow: boolean;
  4447. relativePath: string;
  4448. targetType: 'parent' | 'child';
  4449. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  4450. constructor(args?: IGoToEmbeddedAction);
  4451. }
  4452. interface IGoToRemoteAction extends ActionCtorProps {
  4453. relativePath?: string;
  4454. namedDestination?: string;
  4455. }
  4456. declare class GoToRemoteAction extends Action {
  4457. relativePath: string;
  4458. namedDestination: string;
  4459. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  4460. constructor(args?: IGoToRemoteAction);
  4461. }
  4462. type AnnotationReference = {
  4463. fieldName: string;
  4464. } | {
  4465. pdfObjectId: number;
  4466. };
  4467. interface IHideAction extends ActionCtorProps {
  4468. hide?: boolean;
  4469. annotationReferences?: List<AnnotationReference>;
  4470. }
  4471. declare class HideAction extends Action {
  4472. hide: boolean;
  4473. annotationReferences: List<AnnotationReference>;
  4474. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  4475. constructor(args?: IHideAction);
  4476. }
  4477. interface IJavaScriptAction extends ActionCtorProps {
  4478. script?: string;
  4479. }
  4480. declare class JavaScriptAction extends Action {
  4481. script: string;
  4482. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  4483. constructor(args?: IJavaScriptAction);
  4484. }
  4485. interface ILaunchAction extends ActionCtorProps {
  4486. filePath?: string;
  4487. }
  4488. declare class LaunchAction extends Action {
  4489. filePath: string;
  4490. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  4491. constructor(args?: ILaunchAction);
  4492. }
  4493. interface INamedAction extends ActionCtorProps {
  4494. action?: string;
  4495. }
  4496. declare class NamedAction extends Action {
  4497. action: string;
  4498. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  4499. constructor(args?: INamedAction);
  4500. }
  4501. interface IResetFormAction extends ActionCtorProps {
  4502. fields?: List<string> | null | undefined;
  4503. includeExclude?: boolean;
  4504. }
  4505. declare class ResetFormAction extends Action {
  4506. fields: List<string> | null | undefined;
  4507. includeExclude: boolean;
  4508. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  4509. constructor(args?: IResetFormAction);
  4510. }
  4511. interface ISubmitFormAction extends ActionCtorProps {
  4512. uri?: string;
  4513. fields?: List<string>;
  4514. includeExclude?: boolean;
  4515. includeNoValueFields?: boolean;
  4516. exportFormat?: boolean;
  4517. getMethod?: boolean;
  4518. submitCoordinated?: boolean;
  4519. xfdf?: boolean;
  4520. includeAppendSaves?: boolean;
  4521. includeAnnotations?: boolean;
  4522. submitPDF?: boolean;
  4523. canonicalFormat?: boolean;
  4524. excludeNonUserAnnotations?: boolean;
  4525. excludeFKey?: boolean;
  4526. embedForm?: boolean;
  4527. }
  4528. declare class SubmitFormAction extends Action {
  4529. uri: string;
  4530. fields: List<string> | null | undefined;
  4531. includeExclude: boolean;
  4532. includeNoValueFields: boolean;
  4533. exportFormat: boolean;
  4534. getMethod: boolean;
  4535. submitCoordinated: boolean;
  4536. xfdf: boolean;
  4537. includeAppendSaves: boolean;
  4538. includeAnnotations: boolean;
  4539. submitPDF: boolean;
  4540. canonicalFormat: boolean;
  4541. excludeNonUserAnnotations: boolean;
  4542. excludeFKey: boolean;
  4543. embedForm: boolean;
  4544. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  4545. constructor(args?: ISubmitFormAction);
  4546. }
  4547. interface IURIAction extends ActionCtorProps {
  4548. uri?: string;
  4549. }
  4550. declare class URIAction extends Action {
  4551. uri: string;
  4552. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  4553. constructor(args?: IURIAction);
  4554. }
  4555. declare const Color_base: Record$1.Factory<{
  4556. r: number;
  4557. g: number;
  4558. b: number;
  4559. transparent: boolean;
  4560. }>;
  4561. declare class Color$2 extends Color_base {
  4562. static BLACK: Color$2;
  4563. static GREY: Color$2;
  4564. static WHITE: Color$2;
  4565. static DARK_BLUE: Color$2;
  4566. static RED: Color$2;
  4567. static PURPLE: Color$2;
  4568. static PINK: Color$2;
  4569. static GREEN: Color$2;
  4570. static ORANGE: Color$2;
  4571. static YELLOW: Color$2;
  4572. static LIGHT_BLUE: Color$2;
  4573. static LIGHT_RED: Color$2;
  4574. static LIGHT_GREEN: Color$2;
  4575. static LIGHT_YELLOW: Color$2;
  4576. static BLUE: Color$2;
  4577. static LIGHT_ORANGE: Color$2;
  4578. static LIGHT_GREY: Color$2;
  4579. static DARK_GREY: Color$2;
  4580. static MAUVE: Color$2;
  4581. static TRANSPARENT: Color$2;
  4582. static fromHex: (hexColor: string) => Color$2;
  4583. constructor(args: {
  4584. r?: number;
  4585. g?: number;
  4586. b?: number;
  4587. transparent?: boolean;
  4588. });
  4589. lighter(percent: number): Color$2;
  4590. darker(percent: number): Color$2;
  4591. equals(color: Color$2 | {
  4592. r: number;
  4593. g: number;
  4594. b: number;
  4595. transparent: boolean;
  4596. }): boolean;
  4597. saturate(percent: number): Color$2;
  4598. sRGBToRGBComponent(RGBComponent: number): number;
  4599. relativeLuminance(): number;
  4600. contrastRatio(color: Color$2): number;
  4601. toCSSValue(): string;
  4602. toHex(): string;
  4603. }
  4604. declare const BlendMode: {
  4605. readonly normal: "normal";
  4606. readonly multiply: "multiply";
  4607. readonly screen: "screen";
  4608. readonly overlay: "overlay";
  4609. readonly darken: "darken";
  4610. readonly lighten: "lighten";
  4611. readonly colorDodge: "colorDodge";
  4612. readonly colorBurn: "colorBurn";
  4613. readonly hardLight: "hardLight";
  4614. readonly softLight: "softLight";
  4615. readonly difference: "difference";
  4616. readonly exclusion: "exclusion";
  4617. };
  4618. type IBlendMode = (typeof BlendMode)[keyof typeof BlendMode];
  4619. interface ITextMarkupAnnotation extends AnnotationProperties {
  4620. rects: List<Rect>;
  4621. color: Color$2;
  4622. blendMode: IBlendMode;
  4623. }
  4624. declare class TextMarkupAnnotation<T extends ITextMarkupAnnotation = ITextMarkupAnnotation> extends Annotation<T> {
  4625. rects: List<Rect>;
  4626. color: Color$2;
  4627. blendMode: IBlendMode;
  4628. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  4629. static readableName: string;
  4630. }
  4631. interface IHighlightAnnotation extends ITextMarkupAnnotation {
  4632. color: Color$2;
  4633. blendMode: IBlendMode | 'multiply';
  4634. }
  4635. declare class HighlightAnnotation<T extends IHighlightAnnotation = IHighlightAnnotation> extends TextMarkupAnnotation<T> {
  4636. blendMode: IBlendMode;
  4637. static className: string;
  4638. static readableName: string;
  4639. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  4640. }
  4641. interface IImageAnnotation extends AnnotationProperties {
  4642. description: string | null;
  4643. fileName: string | null;
  4644. contentType: string | null;
  4645. imageAttachmentId: string | null;
  4646. isSignature: boolean;
  4647. xfdfAppearanceStream: string | null;
  4648. xfdfAppearanceStreamOriginalPageRotation: number | null;
  4649. }
  4650. declare class ImageAnnotation<T extends IImageAnnotation = IImageAnnotation> extends Annotation<T> {
  4651. description: null | string;
  4652. fileName: null | string;
  4653. contentType: string;
  4654. imageAttachmentId: string;
  4655. isSignature: boolean;
  4656. xfdfAppearanceStream: null | string;
  4657. xfdfAppearanceStreamOriginalPageRotation: null | number;
  4658. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  4659. static readableName: string;
  4660. }
  4661. interface IInkAnnotation extends AnnotationProperties {
  4662. lines: List<List<DrawingPoint>>;
  4663. lineWidth: number | null;
  4664. strokeColor: Color$2 | null;
  4665. backgroundColor: Color$2 | null;
  4666. isDrawnNaturally: boolean;
  4667. isSignature: boolean;
  4668. }
  4669. declare class InkAnnotation<T extends IInkAnnotation = IInkAnnotation> extends Annotation<T> {
  4670. lines: List<List<DrawingPoint>>;
  4671. lineWidth: number;
  4672. strokeColor: Color$2 | null;
  4673. backgroundColor: Color$2 | null;
  4674. isDrawnNaturally: boolean;
  4675. isSignature: boolean;
  4676. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  4677. static readableName: string;
  4678. }
  4679. declare const MeasurementPrecision: {
  4680. readonly WHOLE: "whole";
  4681. readonly ONE: "oneDp";
  4682. readonly TWO: "twoDp";
  4683. readonly THREE: "threeDp";
  4684. readonly FOUR: "fourDp";
  4685. readonly HALVES: "1/2";
  4686. readonly QUARTERS: "1/4";
  4687. readonly EIGHTHS: "1/8";
  4688. readonly SIXTEENTHS: "1/16";
  4689. };
  4690. type IMeasurementPrecision = (typeof MeasurementPrecision)[keyof typeof MeasurementPrecision];
  4691. declare const MeasurementScaleUnitFrom: {
  4692. readonly INCHES: "in";
  4693. readonly MILLIMETERS: "mm";
  4694. readonly CENTIMETERS: "cm";
  4695. readonly POINTS: "pt";
  4696. };
  4697. type IMeasurementScaleUnitFrom = (typeof MeasurementScaleUnitFrom)[keyof typeof MeasurementScaleUnitFrom];
  4698. declare const MeasurementScaleUnitTo: {
  4699. readonly INCHES: "in";
  4700. readonly MILLIMETERS: "mm";
  4701. readonly CENTIMETERS: "cm";
  4702. readonly POINTS: "pt";
  4703. readonly FEET: "ft";
  4704. readonly METERS: "m";
  4705. readonly YARDS: "yd";
  4706. readonly KILOMETERS: "km";
  4707. readonly MILES: "mi";
  4708. };
  4709. type IMeasurementScaleUnitTo = (typeof MeasurementScaleUnitTo)[keyof typeof MeasurementScaleUnitTo];
  4710. interface IMeasurementScale {
  4711. unitFrom: IMeasurementScaleUnitFrom;
  4712. unitTo: IMeasurementScaleUnitTo;
  4713. fromValue: number;
  4714. toValue: number;
  4715. }
  4716. declare const MeasurementScale_base: Record$1.Factory<IMeasurementScale>;
  4717. declare class MeasurementScale extends MeasurementScale_base {
  4718. }
  4719. interface IShapeAnnotation extends AnnotationProperties {
  4720. strokeDashArray: [number, number] | null;
  4721. strokeWidth: number | null;
  4722. strokeColor: Color$2 | null;
  4723. fillColor: Color$2 | null;
  4724. measurementScale: MeasurementScale | null;
  4725. measurementPrecision: IMeasurementPrecision | null;
  4726. }
  4727. declare abstract class ShapeAnnotation<T extends IShapeAnnotation = IShapeAnnotation> extends Annotation<T> {
  4728. strokeDashArray: null | [number, number];
  4729. strokeWidth: number;
  4730. strokeColor: null | Color$2;
  4731. fillColor: null | Color$2;
  4732. measurementPrecision: null | IMeasurementPrecision;
  4733. measurementScale: null | MeasurementScale;
  4734. static readableName: string;
  4735. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  4736. isMeasurement(): boolean;
  4737. getMeasurementDetails: () => {
  4738. value: number;
  4739. label: string;
  4740. };
  4741. }
  4742. declare const LineCap: {
  4743. readonly square: "square";
  4744. readonly circle: "circle";
  4745. readonly diamond: "diamond";
  4746. readonly openArrow: "openArrow";
  4747. readonly closedArrow: "closedArrow";
  4748. readonly butt: "butt";
  4749. readonly reverseOpenArrow: "reverseOpenArrow";
  4750. readonly reverseClosedArrow: "reverseClosedArrow";
  4751. readonly slash: "slash";
  4752. };
  4753. type ILineCap = (typeof LineCap)[keyof typeof LineCap];
  4754. type LineCapsType = {
  4755. start?: ILineCap | null;
  4756. end?: ILineCap | null;
  4757. };
  4758. interface ILineAnnotation extends IShapeAnnotation {
  4759. startPoint: Point | null;
  4760. endPoint: Point | null;
  4761. lineCaps: LineCapsType | null;
  4762. points: List<Point> | null;
  4763. }
  4764. declare class LineAnnotation<T extends ILineAnnotation = ILineAnnotation> extends ShapeAnnotation<T> {
  4765. startPoint: Point;
  4766. endPoint: Point;
  4767. lineCaps: LineCapsType | null;
  4768. points: List<Point> | null;
  4769. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  4770. static readableName: string;
  4771. }
  4772. interface IRectangleAnnotation extends IShapeAnnotation {
  4773. cloudyBorderIntensity?: number | null;
  4774. cloudyBorderInset?: Inset | null;
  4775. }
  4776. declare class RectangleAnnotation<T extends IRectangleAnnotation = IRectangleAnnotation> extends ShapeAnnotation<T> {
  4777. cloudyBorderIntensity: null | number;
  4778. cloudyBorderInset: null | Inset;
  4779. measurementBBox: null | Rect;
  4780. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  4781. static readableName: string;
  4782. constructor(options?: Partial<T>);
  4783. }
  4784. interface IEllipseAnnotation extends IShapeAnnotation {
  4785. cloudyBorderIntensity?: number | null;
  4786. cloudyBorderInset?: Inset | null;
  4787. }
  4788. declare class EllipseAnnotation<T extends IEllipseAnnotation = IEllipseAnnotation> extends ShapeAnnotation<T> {
  4789. cloudyBorderIntensity: null | number;
  4790. cloudyBorderInset: null | Inset;
  4791. measurementBBox: null | Rect;
  4792. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  4793. static readableName: string;
  4794. constructor(options?: Partial<T>);
  4795. }
  4796. interface IPolygonAnnotation extends IShapeAnnotation {
  4797. points: List<Point> | null;
  4798. cloudyBorderIntensity: number | null;
  4799. }
  4800. declare class PolygonAnnotation<T extends IPolygonAnnotation = IPolygonAnnotation> extends ShapeAnnotation<T> {
  4801. points: List<Point>;
  4802. cloudyBorderIntensity: null | number;
  4803. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  4804. static readableName: string;
  4805. }
  4806. interface IPolyLineAnnotation extends IShapeAnnotation {
  4807. points: List<Point> | null;
  4808. lineCaps: LineCapsType | null;
  4809. }
  4810. declare class PolylineAnnotation<T extends IPolyLineAnnotation = IPolyLineAnnotation> extends ShapeAnnotation<T> {
  4811. points: List<Point>;
  4812. lineCaps: null | LineCapsType;
  4813. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  4814. static readableName: string;
  4815. }
  4816. declare const BorderStyle: {
  4817. readonly solid: "solid";
  4818. readonly dashed: "dashed";
  4819. readonly beveled: "beveled";
  4820. readonly inset: "inset";
  4821. readonly underline: "underline";
  4822. };
  4823. type IBorderStyle = (typeof BorderStyle)[keyof typeof BorderStyle];
  4824. interface ILinkAnnotation extends AnnotationProperties {
  4825. action: Action | null;
  4826. borderColor: Color$2 | null;
  4827. borderStyle: IBorderStyle | null;
  4828. borderWidth: number | null;
  4829. }
  4830. declare class LinkAnnotation<T extends ILinkAnnotation = ILinkAnnotation> extends Annotation<T> {
  4831. action: Action;
  4832. borderColor: null | Color$2;
  4833. borderStyle: null | IBorderStyle;
  4834. borderWidth: null | number;
  4835. static readableName: string;
  4836. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  4837. }
  4838. declare const NoteIcon: {
  4839. readonly COMMENT: "COMMENT";
  4840. readonly RIGHT_POINTER: "RIGHT_POINTER";
  4841. readonly RIGHT_ARROW: "RIGHT_ARROW";
  4842. readonly CHECK: "CHECK";
  4843. readonly CIRCLE: "CIRCLE";
  4844. readonly CROSS: "CROSS";
  4845. readonly INSERT: "INSERT";
  4846. readonly NEW_PARAGRAPH: "NEW_PARAGRAPH";
  4847. readonly NOTE: "NOTE";
  4848. readonly PARAGRAPH: "PARAGRAPH";
  4849. readonly HELP: "HELP";
  4850. readonly STAR: "STAR";
  4851. readonly KEY: "KEY";
  4852. };
  4853. type INoteIcon = (typeof NoteIcon)[keyof typeof NoteIcon];
  4854. interface INoteAnnotation extends AnnotationProperties {
  4855. text: {
  4856. format: 'plain';
  4857. value: string;
  4858. };
  4859. icon: string | INoteIcon;
  4860. color: Color$2;
  4861. }
  4862. declare class NoteAnnotation<T extends INoteAnnotation = INoteAnnotation> extends Annotation<T> {
  4863. text: {
  4864. format: 'plain';
  4865. value: string;
  4866. };
  4867. icon: INoteIcon;
  4868. color: Color$2;
  4869. static isEditable: boolean;
  4870. static readableName: string;
  4871. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  4872. }
  4873. interface ISquiggleAnnotation extends ITextMarkupAnnotation {
  4874. color: Color$2;
  4875. }
  4876. declare class SquiggleAnnotation<T extends ISquiggleAnnotation = ISquiggleAnnotation> extends TextMarkupAnnotation<T> {
  4877. static className: string;
  4878. static readableName: string;
  4879. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  4880. }
  4881. interface IStrikeOutAnnotation extends ITextMarkupAnnotation {
  4882. color: Color$2;
  4883. }
  4884. declare class StrikeOutAnnotation<T extends IStrikeOutAnnotation = IStrikeOutAnnotation> extends TextMarkupAnnotation<T> {
  4885. static className: string;
  4886. static readableName: string;
  4887. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  4888. }
  4889. type ICallout = {
  4890. start: Point | null;
  4891. knee: Point | null;
  4892. end: Point | null;
  4893. cap: ILineCap | null;
  4894. innerRectInset: Inset | null;
  4895. };
  4896. declare class Callout extends InheritableImmutableRecord<ICallout> {
  4897. start: Point | null;
  4898. knee: Point | null;
  4899. end: Point | null;
  4900. cap: ILineCap | null;
  4901. innerRectInset: Inset | null;
  4902. static defaultValues: {
  4903. start: null;
  4904. knee: null;
  4905. end: null;
  4906. cap: null;
  4907. innerRectInset: null;
  4908. };
  4909. }
  4910. interface ITextAnnotation extends AnnotationProperties {
  4911. text: {
  4912. format: 'plain' | 'xhtml';
  4913. value: string | null;
  4914. };
  4915. fontColor: Color$2 | null;
  4916. backgroundColor: Color$2 | null;
  4917. font: string;
  4918. fontSize: number | null;
  4919. isBold: boolean | null;
  4920. isItalic: boolean | null;
  4921. horizontalAlign: 'left' | 'center' | 'right';
  4922. verticalAlign: 'top' | 'center' | 'bottom';
  4923. callout: Callout | null;
  4924. borderStyle: IBorderStyle | null;
  4925. borderWidth: number | null;
  4926. borderColor: Color$2 | null;
  4927. isFitting: boolean;
  4928. lineHeightFactor: number | null;
  4929. }
  4930. declare class TextAnnotation<T extends ITextAnnotation = ITextAnnotation> extends Annotation<T> {
  4931. text: {
  4932. format: 'plain' | 'xhtml';
  4933. value: string;
  4934. };
  4935. fontColor: null | Color$2;
  4936. backgroundColor: null | Color$2;
  4937. font: string;
  4938. fontSize: number;
  4939. isBold: boolean;
  4940. isItalic: boolean;
  4941. horizontalAlign: 'left' | 'center' | 'right';
  4942. verticalAlign: 'top' | 'center' | 'bottom';
  4943. isFitting: boolean;
  4944. callout: null | Callout;
  4945. borderStyle: null | IBorderStyle;
  4946. borderWidth: null | number;
  4947. borderColor: Color$2 | null;
  4948. lineHeightFactor: null | number;
  4949. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  4950. static readonly isEditable = true;
  4951. static readonly readableName = "Text";
  4952. static readonly fontSizePresets: readonly number[];
  4953. }
  4954. interface IUnderlineAnnotation extends ITextMarkupAnnotation {
  4955. color: Color$2;
  4956. }
  4957. declare class UnderlineAnnotation<T extends IUnderlineAnnotation = IUnderlineAnnotation> extends TextMarkupAnnotation<T> {
  4958. static className: string;
  4959. static readableName: string;
  4960. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  4961. }
  4962. declare class UnknownAnnotation extends Annotation {
  4963. }
  4964. type FontSize = 'auto' | number;
  4965. type WidgetActionTriggerEventType = ActionTriggerEventType | 'onFocus' | 'onBlur';
  4966. type WidgetAnnotationAdditionalActionsType = {
  4967. onFocus?: JavaScriptAction;
  4968. onBlur?: JavaScriptAction;
  4969. onChange?: JavaScriptAction;
  4970. onFormat?: JavaScriptAction;
  4971. onInput?: JavaScriptAction;
  4972. onPointerDown?: Action;
  4973. onPointerUp?: Action;
  4974. onPointerEnter?: Action;
  4975. onPointerLeave?: Action;
  4976. };
  4977. interface IWidgetAnnotation extends AnnotationProperties {
  4978. formFieldName: string | null;
  4979. borderColor: Color$2 | null;
  4980. borderStyle: IBorderStyle | null;
  4981. borderDashArray: number[] | null;
  4982. borderWidth: number | null;
  4983. backgroundColor: Color$2 | null;
  4984. fontSize: FontSize | null;
  4985. font: string | null;
  4986. fontColor: Color$2 | null;
  4987. isBold: boolean | null;
  4988. isItalic: boolean | null;
  4989. horizontalAlign: 'left' | 'center' | 'right' | null;
  4990. verticalAlign: 'top' | 'center' | 'bottom' | null;
  4991. additionalActions: WidgetAnnotationAdditionalActionsType | null;
  4992. rotation: number;
  4993. lineHeightFactor: number | null;
  4994. buttonIconUpdatedAt: number | null;
  4995. }
  4996. declare class WidgetAnnotation<T extends IWidgetAnnotation = IWidgetAnnotation> extends Annotation<T> {
  4997. formFieldName: string;
  4998. borderColor: null | Color$2;
  4999. borderStyle: null | IBorderStyle;
  5000. borderDashArray: null | number[];
  5001. borderWidth: null | number;
  5002. backgroundColor: null | Color$2;
  5003. fontSize: null | FontSize;
  5004. font: null | string;
  5005. fontColor: null | Color$2;
  5006. isBold: boolean;
  5007. isItalic: boolean;
  5008. horizontalAlign: 'left' | 'center' | 'right' | null;
  5009. verticalAlign: 'top' | 'center' | 'bottom' | null;
  5010. additionalActions: null | WidgetAnnotationAdditionalActionsType;
  5011. rotation: number;
  5012. lineHeightFactor: null | number;
  5013. action: null | Action;
  5014. buttonIconUpdatedAt: null | number;
  5015. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  5016. static readableName: string;
  5017. }
  5018. declare class CommentMarkerAnnotation extends Annotation {
  5019. static readableName: string;
  5020. }
  5021. interface IRedactionAnnotation extends ITextMarkupAnnotation {
  5022. color: Color$2;
  5023. fillColor: null | Color$2;
  5024. overlayText: null | string;
  5025. repeatOverlayText: null | boolean;
  5026. outlineColor: null | Color$2;
  5027. }
  5028. declare class RedactionAnnotation<T extends IRedactionAnnotation = IRedactionAnnotation> extends TextMarkupAnnotation<T> {
  5029. fillColor: null | Color$2;
  5030. overlayText: null | string;
  5031. repeatOverlayText: null | boolean;
  5032. outlineColor: null | Color$2;
  5033. color: Color$2;
  5034. static readableName: string;
  5035. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  5036. }
  5037. interface IMediaAnnotation extends AnnotationProperties {
  5038. description: null | string;
  5039. fileName: null | string;
  5040. contentType: string | null;
  5041. mediaAttachmentId: string | null;
  5042. }
  5043. declare class MediaAnnotation<T extends IMediaAnnotation = IMediaAnnotation> extends Annotation<T> {
  5044. description: null | string;
  5045. fileName: null | string;
  5046. contentType: string | null;
  5047. mediaAttachmentId: string | null;
  5048. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  5049. static readableName: string;
  5050. }
  5051. type SignatureInfo = {
  5052. type: 'pspdfkit/signature-info';
  5053. signatureType?: SignatureTypeType | null | undefined;
  5054. signerName: string | null | undefined;
  5055. creationDate: Date | null | undefined;
  5056. signatureReason: string | null | undefined;
  5057. signatureLocation: string | null | undefined;
  5058. documentIntegrityStatus: DocumentIntegrityStatusType;
  5059. certificateChainValidationStatus: CertificateChainValidationStatusType;
  5060. signatureValidationStatus: SignatureValidationStatusType;
  5061. isTrusted: boolean;
  5062. isSelfSigned: boolean;
  5063. isExpired: boolean;
  5064. documentModifiedSinceSignature: boolean;
  5065. signatureFormFQN: string;
  5066. PAdESSignatureLevel?: PAdESLevelType | null;
  5067. validFrom: string | null | undefined;
  5068. validUntil: string | null | undefined;
  5069. timestampInfo: {
  5070. type: 'pspdfkit/timestamp-info';
  5071. signerName: string | null | undefined;
  5072. };
  5073. ltv: boolean;
  5074. };
  5075. declare const DocumentIntegrityStatus: {
  5076. readonly ok: "ok";
  5077. readonly tampered_document: "tampered_document";
  5078. readonly failed_to_retrieve_signature_contents: "failed_to_retrieve_signature_contents";
  5079. readonly failed_to_retrieve_byterange: "failed_to_retrieve_byterange";
  5080. readonly failed_to_compute_digest: "failed_to_compute_digest";
  5081. readonly failed_retrieve_signing_certificate: "failed_retrieve_signing_certificate";
  5082. readonly failed_retrieve_public_key: "failed_retrieve_public_key";
  5083. readonly failed_encryption_padding: "failed_encryption_padding";
  5084. readonly tampered_or_invalid_timestamp: "tampered_or_invalid_timestamp";
  5085. readonly general_failure: "general_failure";
  5086. };
  5087. type DocumentIntegrityStatusType = (typeof DocumentIntegrityStatus)[keyof typeof DocumentIntegrityStatus];
  5088. declare const CertificateChainValidationStatus: {
  5089. readonly ok: "ok";
  5090. readonly ok_but_self_signed: "ok_but_self_signed";
  5091. readonly ok_but_could_not_check_revocation: "ok_but_could_not_check_revocation";
  5092. readonly untrusted: "untrusted";
  5093. readonly expired: "expired";
  5094. readonly not_yet_valid: "not_yet_valid";
  5095. readonly invalid: "invalid";
  5096. readonly revoked: "revoked";
  5097. readonly failed_to_retrieve_signature_contents: "failed_to_retrieve_signature_contents";
  5098. readonly general_validation_problem: "general_validation_problem";
  5099. };
  5100. type CertificateChainValidationStatusType = (typeof CertificateChainValidationStatus)[keyof typeof CertificateChainValidationStatus];
  5101. declare const SignatureValidationStatus: {
  5102. readonly valid: "valid";
  5103. readonly warning: "warning";
  5104. readonly error: "error";
  5105. };
  5106. type SignatureValidationStatusType = (typeof SignatureValidationStatus)[keyof typeof SignatureValidationStatus];
  5107. declare const SignatureType: {
  5108. CMS: string;
  5109. CAdES: string;
  5110. };
  5111. type SignatureTypeType = (typeof SignatureType)[keyof typeof SignatureType];
  5112. declare const PAdESLevel: {
  5113. readonly b_b: "b-b";
  5114. readonly b_t: "b-t";
  5115. readonly b_lt: "b-lt";
  5116. };
  5117. type PAdESLevelType = (typeof PAdESLevel)[keyof typeof PAdESLevel];
  5118. type SignaturesInfo = {
  5119. status: DocumentValidationStatusType;
  5120. checkedAt: Date;
  5121. signatures?: Array<SignatureInfo>;
  5122. documentModifiedSinceSignature?: boolean;
  5123. };
  5124. declare const DocumentValidationStatus: {
  5125. valid: string;
  5126. warning: string;
  5127. error: string;
  5128. not_signed: string;
  5129. };
  5130. type DocumentValidationStatusType = keyof typeof DocumentValidationStatus;
  5131. type Glyph = {
  5132. c: string;
  5133. rect: Rect;
  5134. };
  5135. type IAnnotationJSON = Omit<BaseAnnotationJSON, 'id' | 'group' | 'permissions'>;
  5136. declare class AnnotationSerializer {
  5137. static VERSION: number;
  5138. annotation: AnnotationsUnion;
  5139. constructor(annotation: AnnotationsUnion);
  5140. toJSON(): Omit<BaseAnnotationJSON, 'type'>;
  5141. static fromJSON(id: ID | null, json: IAnnotationJSON, options?: ICollaboratorPermissionsOptions): {
  5142. group?: string | null | undefined;
  5143. canSetGroup?: boolean | undefined;
  5144. isEditable?: boolean | undefined;
  5145. isDeletable?: boolean | undefined;
  5146. blendMode?: IBlendMode | undefined;
  5147. id: string | null;
  5148. name: string | null;
  5149. subject: string | null;
  5150. pdfObjectId: number | null;
  5151. pageIndex: number;
  5152. opacity: number;
  5153. boundingBox: Rect;
  5154. noPrint: boolean;
  5155. noZoom: boolean;
  5156. noRotate: boolean;
  5157. noView: boolean;
  5158. hidden: boolean;
  5159. locked: boolean;
  5160. lockedContents: boolean;
  5161. readOnly: boolean;
  5162. action: Action | null | undefined;
  5163. note: string | null;
  5164. createdAt: Date;
  5165. updatedAt: Date;
  5166. creatorName: string | null;
  5167. customData: Record<string, unknown> | null;
  5168. isCommentThreadRoot: boolean;
  5169. isAnonymous: boolean;
  5170. };
  5171. static blendModeObjectForAnnotation(json: IAnnotationJSON): {
  5172. blendMode: IBlendMode;
  5173. } | null;
  5174. serializeFlags(): ("noView" | "noPrint" | "locked" | "lockedContents" | "readOnly" | "hidden" | "noZoom" | "noRotate")[] | null;
  5175. }
  5176. declare class InkAnnotationSerializer extends AnnotationSerializer {
  5177. annotation: InkAnnotation;
  5178. constructor(annotation: InkAnnotation);
  5179. toJSON(): InkAnnotationJSON;
  5180. static fromJSON(id: ID | null, json: Omit<InkAnnotationJSON, 'id' | 'group' | 'permissions'>, options?: ICollaboratorPermissionsOptions): InkAnnotation;
  5181. _linesToJSON(): {
  5182. points: [number, number][][];
  5183. intensities: number[][];
  5184. };
  5185. static _JSONToLines(linesJSON: {
  5186. points: Array<Array<[number, number]>>;
  5187. intensities: Array<Array<number>>;
  5188. }): List<List<DrawingPoint>>;
  5189. }
  5190. declare abstract class ShapeAnnotationSerializer extends AnnotationSerializer {
  5191. annotation: ShapeAnnotationsUnion;
  5192. toJSON(): ShapeAnnotationJSON;
  5193. static fromJSON(id: ID | null, json: Omit<ShapeAnnotationJSON, 'id' | 'group' | 'permissions'>, options?: ICollaboratorPermissionsOptions): {
  5194. strokeWidth: number | null;
  5195. strokeColor: Color$2 | null;
  5196. fillColor: Color$2 | null;
  5197. strokeDashArray: [number, number] | null | undefined;
  5198. measurementPrecision: IMeasurementPrecision | null | undefined;
  5199. measurementScale: MeasurementScale | null;
  5200. group?: string | null | undefined;
  5201. canSetGroup?: boolean | undefined;
  5202. isEditable?: boolean | undefined;
  5203. isDeletable?: boolean | undefined;
  5204. blendMode?: IBlendMode | undefined;
  5205. id: string | null;
  5206. name: string | null;
  5207. subject: string | null;
  5208. pdfObjectId: number | null;
  5209. pageIndex: number;
  5210. opacity: number;
  5211. boundingBox: Rect;
  5212. noPrint: boolean;
  5213. noZoom: boolean;
  5214. noRotate: boolean;
  5215. noView: boolean;
  5216. hidden: boolean;
  5217. locked: boolean;
  5218. lockedContents: boolean;
  5219. readOnly: boolean;
  5220. action: Action | null | undefined;
  5221. note: string | null;
  5222. createdAt: Date;
  5223. updatedAt: Date;
  5224. creatorName: string | null;
  5225. customData: Record<string, unknown> | null;
  5226. isCommentThreadRoot: boolean;
  5227. isAnonymous: boolean;
  5228. };
  5229. _pointsToJSON(): Array<[number, number]>;
  5230. static _JSONToPoints(pointsJSON: Array<[number, number]>): List<Point>;
  5231. static _JSONLinesToPoints(linesJSON: {
  5232. points: Array<Array<[number, number]>>;
  5233. intensities: Array<Array<number>>;
  5234. }): List<Point>;
  5235. }
  5236. type MeasurementScaleJSON = {
  5237. unitFrom: IMeasurementScaleUnitFrom;
  5238. unitTo: IMeasurementScaleUnitTo;
  5239. from: number;
  5240. to: number;
  5241. };
  5242. declare class LineAnnotationSerializer extends ShapeAnnotationSerializer {
  5243. annotation: LineAnnotation;
  5244. toJSON(): LineAnnotationJSON;
  5245. static fromJSON(id: ID | null, json: Omit<LineAnnotationJSON, 'id' | 'group' | 'permissions'>, options?: ICollaboratorPermissionsOptions): LineAnnotation;
  5246. }
  5247. declare class RectangleAnnotationSerializer extends ShapeAnnotationSerializer {
  5248. annotation: RectangleAnnotation;
  5249. toJSON(): RectangleAnnotationJSON;
  5250. static fromJSON(id: ID | null, json: Omit<RectangleAnnotationJSON, 'id' | 'group' | 'permissions'>, options?: ICollaboratorPermissionsOptions): RectangleAnnotation;
  5251. }
  5252. declare class EllipseAnnotationSerializer extends ShapeAnnotationSerializer {
  5253. annotation: EllipseAnnotation;
  5254. toJSON(): EllipseAnnotationJSON;
  5255. static fromJSON(id: ID | null, json: Omit<EllipseAnnotationJSON, 'id' | 'group' | 'permissions'>, options?: ICollaboratorPermissionsOptions): EllipseAnnotation;
  5256. }
  5257. declare class PolygonAnnotationSerializer extends ShapeAnnotationSerializer {
  5258. annotation: PolygonAnnotation;
  5259. toJSON(): PolygonAnnotationJSON;
  5260. static fromJSON(id: ID | null, json: Omit<PolygonAnnotationJSON, 'id' | 'group' | 'permissions'>, options?: IObject$1): PolygonAnnotation;
  5261. }
  5262. declare class PolylineAnnotationSerializer extends ShapeAnnotationSerializer {
  5263. annotation: PolylineAnnotation;
  5264. toJSON(): PolylineAnnotationJSON;
  5265. static fromJSON(id: ID | null, json: Omit<PolylineAnnotationJSON, 'id' | 'group' | 'permissions'>, options?: ICollaboratorPermissionsOptions): PolylineAnnotation;
  5266. }
  5267. declare class LinkAnnotationSerializer extends AnnotationSerializer {
  5268. annotation: LinkAnnotation;
  5269. constructor(annotation: LinkAnnotation);
  5270. toJSON(): LinkAnnotationJSON;
  5271. static fromJSON(id: ID | null, json: Omit<LinkAnnotationJSON, 'id' | 'group' | 'permissions'>, options?: ICollaboratorPermissionsOptions): LinkAnnotation;
  5272. }
  5273. declare abstract class BaseTextMarkupSerializer extends AnnotationSerializer {
  5274. annotation: RedactionAnnotation | TextMarkupAnnotation;
  5275. constructor(annotation: RedactionAnnotation | TextMarkupAnnotation);
  5276. toJSON(): BaseTextMarkupAnnotationJSON;
  5277. static fromJSON(id: ID | null, json: Omit<BaseTextMarkupAnnotationJSON, 'id' | 'group' | 'permissions'>, options?: ICollaboratorPermissionsOptions): {
  5278. rects: List<Rect>;
  5279. group?: string | null | undefined;
  5280. canSetGroup?: boolean | undefined;
  5281. isEditable?: boolean | undefined;
  5282. isDeletable?: boolean | undefined;
  5283. blendMode?: IBlendMode | undefined;
  5284. id: string | null;
  5285. name: string | null;
  5286. subject: string | null;
  5287. pdfObjectId: number | null;
  5288. pageIndex: number;
  5289. opacity: number;
  5290. boundingBox: Rect;
  5291. noPrint: boolean;
  5292. noZoom: boolean;
  5293. noRotate: boolean;
  5294. noView: boolean;
  5295. hidden: boolean;
  5296. locked: boolean;
  5297. lockedContents: boolean;
  5298. readOnly: boolean;
  5299. action: Action | null | undefined;
  5300. note: string | null;
  5301. createdAt: Date;
  5302. updatedAt: Date;
  5303. creatorName: string | null;
  5304. customData: Record<string, unknown> | null;
  5305. isCommentThreadRoot: boolean;
  5306. isAnonymous: boolean;
  5307. };
  5308. }
  5309. declare class TextMarkupAnnotationSerializer extends BaseTextMarkupSerializer {
  5310. annotation: TextMarkupAnnotationsUnion;
  5311. constructor(annotation: TextMarkupAnnotationsUnion);
  5312. toJSON(): TextMarkupAnnotationJSON;
  5313. static fromJSON(id: ID | null, json: Omit<TextMarkupAnnotationJSON, 'id' | 'group' | 'permissions'>, options?: ICollaboratorPermissionsOptions): TextMarkupAnnotationsUnion;
  5314. typeForAnnotation(): "pspdfkit/markup/highlight" | "pspdfkit/markup/squiggly" | "pspdfkit/markup/strikeout" | "pspdfkit/markup/underline" | "pspdfkit/markup/redaction";
  5315. }
  5316. declare class RedactionAnnotationSerializer extends BaseTextMarkupSerializer {
  5317. annotation: RedactionAnnotation;
  5318. constructor(annotation: RedactionAnnotation);
  5319. toJSON(): RedactionAnnotationJSON;
  5320. static fromJSON(id: ID | null, json: Omit<RedactionAnnotationJSON, 'id' | 'group' | 'permissions'>, options?: ICollaboratorPermissionsOptions): RedactionAnnotation;
  5321. }
  5322. declare class TextAnnotationSerializer extends AnnotationSerializer {
  5323. annotation: TextAnnotation;
  5324. constructor(annotation: TextAnnotation);
  5325. toJSON(): TextAnnotationJSON;
  5326. static fromJSON(id: ID | null, json: Omit<TextAnnotationJSON, 'id' | 'group' | 'permissions'>, options?: ICollaboratorPermissionsOptions): TextAnnotation;
  5327. _calloutToJSON(): {
  5328. start: [number, number];
  5329. knee: [number, number] | null;
  5330. end: [number, number];
  5331. cap: ILineCap | null;
  5332. innerRectInset: InsetJSON | null;
  5333. } | null;
  5334. static _JSONToCallout(calloutJSON: TextAnnotationJSON['callout']): Callout | null | undefined;
  5335. }
  5336. declare class NoteAnnotationSerializer extends AnnotationSerializer {
  5337. annotation: NoteAnnotation;
  5338. constructor(annotation: NoteAnnotation);
  5339. toJSON(): NoteAnnotationJSON;
  5340. static fromJSON(id: ID | null, json: Omit<NoteAnnotationJSON, 'id' | 'group' | 'permissions'>, options?: ICollaboratorPermissionsOptions): NoteAnnotation;
  5341. }
  5342. declare class ImageAnnotationSerializer extends AnnotationSerializer {
  5343. annotation: ImageAnnotation;
  5344. constructor(annotation: ImageAnnotation);
  5345. toJSON(): ImageAnnotationJSON;
  5346. static fromJSON(id: ID | null, json: Omit<ImageAnnotationJSON, 'id' | 'group' | 'permissions'>, options?: ICollaboratorPermissionsOptions): ImageAnnotation;
  5347. }
  5348. declare class StampAnnotationSerializer extends AnnotationSerializer {
  5349. annotation: StampAnnotation;
  5350. constructor(annotation: StampAnnotation);
  5351. toJSON(): StampAnnotationJSON;
  5352. static fromJSON(id: ID | null, json: Omit<StampAnnotationJSON, 'id' | 'group' | 'permissions'>, options?: ICollaboratorPermissionsOptions): StampAnnotation;
  5353. }
  5354. declare class WidgetAnnotationSerializer extends AnnotationSerializer {
  5355. annotation: WidgetAnnotation;
  5356. constructor(annotation: WidgetAnnotation);
  5357. toJSON(): WidgetAnnotationJSON;
  5358. static fromJSON(id: ID | null, json: Omit<WidgetAnnotationJSON, 'id' | 'group' | 'permissions'>, options?: ICollaboratorPermissionsOptions): WidgetAnnotation;
  5359. }
  5360. type InstantID = string;
  5361. declare function generateInstantId(): InstantID;
  5362. declare class CommentMarkerAnnotationSerializer extends AnnotationSerializer {
  5363. annotation: CommentMarkerAnnotation;
  5364. constructor(annotation: CommentMarkerAnnotation);
  5365. toJSON(): CommentMarkerAnnotationJSON;
  5366. static fromJSON(id: InstantID | null, json: Omit<CommentMarkerAnnotationJSON, 'id' | 'group' | 'permissions'>, options?: ICollaboratorPermissionsOptions): CommentMarkerAnnotation;
  5367. }
  5368. declare class UnknownAnnotationSerializer extends AnnotationSerializer {
  5369. annotation: UnknownAnnotation;
  5370. constructor(annotation: UnknownAnnotation);
  5371. toJSON(): UnknownAnnotationJSON;
  5372. static fromJSON(id: ID | null, json: Omit<UnknownAnnotationJSON, 'id' | 'group' | 'permissions'>, options?: ICollaboratorPermissionsOptions): UnknownAnnotation;
  5373. }
  5374. declare class MediaAnnotationSerializer extends AnnotationSerializer {
  5375. annotation: MediaAnnotation;
  5376. constructor(annotation: MediaAnnotation);
  5377. toJSON(): MediaAnnotationJSON;
  5378. static fromJSON(id: ID | null, json: Omit<MediaAnnotationJSON, 'id' | 'group' | 'permissions'>, options?: ICollaboratorPermissionsOptions): MediaAnnotation;
  5379. }
  5380. type AnnotationSerializerTypeMap = {
  5381. 'pspdfkit/ink': {
  5382. serializer: InkAnnotationSerializer;
  5383. annotation: InkAnnotation;
  5384. json: InkAnnotationJSON;
  5385. jsonForBackend: AnnotationBackendJSON<InkAnnotationJSON>;
  5386. };
  5387. 'pspdfkit/shape/line': {
  5388. serializer: LineAnnotationSerializer;
  5389. annotation: LineAnnotation;
  5390. json: LineAnnotationJSON;
  5391. jsonForBackend: AnnotationBackendJSON<LineAnnotationJSON>;
  5392. };
  5393. 'pspdfkit/shape/rectangle': {
  5394. serializer: RectangleAnnotationSerializer;
  5395. annotation: RectangleAnnotation;
  5396. json: RectangleAnnotationJSON;
  5397. jsonForBackend: AnnotationBackendJSON<RectangleAnnotationJSON>;
  5398. };
  5399. 'pspdfkit/shape/ellipse': {
  5400. serializer: EllipseAnnotationSerializer;
  5401. annotation: EllipseAnnotation;
  5402. json: EllipseAnnotationJSON;
  5403. jsonForBackend: AnnotationBackendJSON<EllipseAnnotationJSON>;
  5404. };
  5405. 'pspdfkit/shape/polygon': {
  5406. serializer: PolygonAnnotationSerializer;
  5407. annotation: PolygonAnnotation;
  5408. json: PolygonAnnotationJSON;
  5409. jsonForBackend: AnnotationBackendJSON<PolygonAnnotationJSON>;
  5410. };
  5411. 'pspdfkit/shape/polyline': {
  5412. serializer: PolylineAnnotationSerializer;
  5413. annotation: PolylineAnnotation;
  5414. json: PolylineAnnotationJSON;
  5415. jsonForBackend: AnnotationBackendJSON<PolylineAnnotationJSON>;
  5416. };
  5417. 'pspdfkit/link': {
  5418. serializer: LinkAnnotationSerializer;
  5419. annotation: LinkAnnotation;
  5420. json: LinkAnnotationJSON;
  5421. jsonForBackend: AnnotationBackendJSON<LinkAnnotationJSON>;
  5422. };
  5423. 'pspdfkit/markup/highlight': {
  5424. serializer: TextMarkupAnnotationSerializer;
  5425. annotation: HighlightAnnotation;
  5426. json: TextMarkupAnnotationJSON;
  5427. jsonForBackend: AnnotationBackendJSON<TextMarkupAnnotationJSON>;
  5428. };
  5429. 'pspdfkit/markup/squiggly': {
  5430. serializer: TextMarkupAnnotationSerializer;
  5431. annotation: SquiggleAnnotation;
  5432. json: TextMarkupAnnotationJSON;
  5433. jsonForBackend: AnnotationBackendJSON<TextMarkupAnnotationJSON>;
  5434. };
  5435. 'pspdfkit/markup/strikeout': {
  5436. serializer: TextMarkupAnnotationSerializer;
  5437. annotation: StrikeOutAnnotation;
  5438. json: TextMarkupAnnotationJSON;
  5439. jsonForBackend: AnnotationBackendJSON<TextMarkupAnnotationJSON>;
  5440. };
  5441. 'pspdfkit/markup/underline': {
  5442. serializer: TextMarkupAnnotationSerializer;
  5443. annotation: UnderlineAnnotation;
  5444. json: TextMarkupAnnotationJSON;
  5445. jsonForBackend: AnnotationBackendJSON<TextMarkupAnnotationJSON>;
  5446. };
  5447. 'pspdfkit/markup/redaction': {
  5448. serializer: RedactionAnnotationSerializer;
  5449. annotation: RedactionAnnotation;
  5450. json: RedactionAnnotationJSON;
  5451. jsonForBackend: AnnotationBackendJSON<RedactionAnnotationJSON>;
  5452. };
  5453. 'pspdfkit/text': {
  5454. serializer: TextAnnotationSerializer;
  5455. annotation: TextAnnotation;
  5456. json: TextAnnotationJSON;
  5457. jsonForBackend: AnnotationBackendJSON<TextAnnotationJSON>;
  5458. };
  5459. 'pspdfkit/note': {
  5460. serializer: NoteAnnotationSerializer;
  5461. annotation: NoteAnnotation;
  5462. json: NoteAnnotationJSON;
  5463. jsonForBackend: AnnotationBackendJSON<NoteAnnotationJSON>;
  5464. };
  5465. 'pspdfkit/image': {
  5466. serializer: ImageAnnotationSerializer;
  5467. annotation: ImageAnnotation;
  5468. json: ImageAnnotationJSON;
  5469. jsonForBackend: AnnotationBackendJSON<ImageAnnotationJSON>;
  5470. };
  5471. 'pspdfkit/stamp': {
  5472. serializer: StampAnnotationSerializer;
  5473. annotation: StampAnnotation;
  5474. json: StampAnnotationJSON;
  5475. jsonForBackend: AnnotationBackendJSON<StampAnnotationJSON, 'color'>;
  5476. };
  5477. 'pspdfkit/widget': {
  5478. serializer: WidgetAnnotationSerializer;
  5479. annotation: WidgetAnnotation;
  5480. json: WidgetAnnotationJSON;
  5481. jsonForBackend: AnnotationBackendJSON<WidgetAnnotationJSON>;
  5482. };
  5483. 'pspdfkit/comment-marker': {
  5484. serializer: CommentMarkerAnnotationSerializer;
  5485. annotation: CommentMarkerAnnotation;
  5486. json: CommentMarkerAnnotationJSON;
  5487. jsonForBackend: AnnotationBackendJSON<CommentMarkerAnnotationJSON>;
  5488. };
  5489. 'pspdfkit/unknown': {
  5490. serializer: UnknownAnnotationSerializer;
  5491. annotation: UnknownAnnotation;
  5492. json: UnknownAnnotationJSON;
  5493. jsonForBackend: AnnotationBackendJSON<UnknownAnnotationJSON>;
  5494. };
  5495. 'pspdfkit/media': {
  5496. serializer: MediaAnnotationSerializer;
  5497. annotation: MediaAnnotation;
  5498. json: MediaAnnotationJSON;
  5499. jsonForBackend: AnnotationBackendJSON<MediaAnnotationJSON>;
  5500. };
  5501. };
  5502. type GetTypeFromAnnotationJSON<T extends {
  5503. type: keyof AnnotationSerializerTypeMap;
  5504. }> = T extends {
  5505. type: infer U;
  5506. } ? U : never;
  5507. type AnnotationJSONToAnnotation<T extends {
  5508. type: keyof AnnotationSerializerTypeMap;
  5509. }> = AnnotationSerializerTypeMap[GetTypeFromAnnotationJSON<T>]['annotation'];
  5510. type Intersection<T, U> = T extends U ? T : never;
  5511. type BackendRequiredKeys = 'id' | 'v' | 'pageIndex' | 'type' | 'bbox';
  5512. type AnnotationBackendJSON<K extends BaseAnnotationJSON = AnnotationJSONUnion, R extends string = never> = {
  5513. [P in keyof K]?: NonNullable<K[P]>;
  5514. } & {
  5515. [P in Intersection<keyof K, BackendRequiredKeys | R>]-?: Exclude<NonNullable<K[P]>, undefined>;
  5516. };
  5517. type AnnotationsUnion = {
  5518. [K in keyof AnnotationSerializerTypeMap]: AnnotationSerializerTypeMap[K]['annotation'];
  5519. }[keyof AnnotationSerializerTypeMap];
  5520. type AnnotationsUnionClass = {
  5521. [K in keyof AnnotationSerializerTypeMap]: Class<AnnotationSerializerTypeMap[K]['annotation']>;
  5522. }[keyof AnnotationSerializerTypeMap];
  5523. type ShapeAnnotationsUnion = PolylineAnnotation | PolygonAnnotation | LineAnnotation | RectangleAnnotation | EllipseAnnotation;
  5524. type AnnotationsBackendJSONUnion = {
  5525. [K in keyof AnnotationSerializerTypeMap]: AnnotationSerializerTypeMap[K]['jsonForBackend'];
  5526. }[keyof AnnotationSerializerTypeMap];
  5527. type TextMarkupAnnotationsUnion = HighlightAnnotation | UnderlineAnnotation | StrikeOutAnnotation | SquiggleAnnotation | RedactionAnnotation;
  5528. type CommentJSON = {
  5529. id?: string | null;
  5530. type: 'pspdfkit/comment';
  5531. v: 2;
  5532. rootId: string | number | null;
  5533. pageIndex: number | null;
  5534. pdfObjectId?: number | null;
  5535. creatorName?: string | null;
  5536. name?: string | null;
  5537. createdAt: string | Date;
  5538. updatedAt: string | Date;
  5539. text: {
  5540. value: string | null;
  5541. format: 'xhtml' | 'plain';
  5542. };
  5543. customData?: {
  5544. [key: string]: unknown;
  5545. } | null;
  5546. isAnonymous?: boolean | null;
  5547. } & ICollaboratorPermissionsOptions;
  5548. type CommentProps$1 = {
  5549. id: InstantID | null;
  5550. rootId: InstantID | null;
  5551. pageIndex: null | number;
  5552. pdfObjectId: number | null;
  5553. creatorName: string | null;
  5554. createdAt: Date;
  5555. updatedAt: Date;
  5556. text: {
  5557. format: 'plain' | 'xhtml';
  5558. value: string | null;
  5559. };
  5560. customData: Record<string, unknown> | null;
  5561. group?: string | null;
  5562. isEditable?: boolean;
  5563. isDeletable?: boolean;
  5564. canSetGroup?: boolean;
  5565. isAnonymous?: boolean | null;
  5566. };
  5567. declare const Comment_base: Record$1.Factory<CommentProps$1>;
  5568. declare class Comment$1 extends Comment_base {
  5569. static toSerializableObject: (comment: Comment$1) => CommentJSON;
  5570. static fromSerializableObject: (comment: CommentJSON) => Comment$1;
  5571. getMentionedUserIds(): Set$1<string>;
  5572. }
  5573. type MentionableUser$1 = {
  5574. id: string;
  5575. name: string;
  5576. avatarUrl?: string;
  5577. displayName: string;
  5578. description?: string;
  5579. };
  5580. type IGroup = string | null | undefined;
  5581. type IPermissions = {
  5582. edit: boolean;
  5583. delete: boolean;
  5584. setGroup: boolean;
  5585. fill?: boolean;
  5586. reply?: boolean;
  5587. };
  5588. type ICollaboratorPermissionsOptions = {
  5589. group?: IGroup;
  5590. permissions?: IPermissions;
  5591. };
  5592. type SerializedAdditionalActionsType = {
  5593. [key in ActionTriggerEventType | FormFieldEventTriggerType | FormFieldInputEventTriggerType | WidgetActionTriggerEventType]?: {
  5594. type: string;
  5595. [key: string]: unknown;
  5596. };
  5597. };
  5598. type FontSubstitution = {
  5599. pattern: string;
  5600. target: string;
  5601. };
  5602. declare const ComparisonOperationType: {
  5603. readonly TEXT: "text";
  5604. };
  5605. type IComparisonOperationType = (typeof ComparisonOperationType)[keyof typeof ComparisonOperationType];
  5606. declare global {
  5607. interface SymbolConstructor {
  5608. readonly observable: symbol;
  5609. }
  5610. }
  5611. type OnCommentCreationStartCallback = (comment: Comment$1) => Comment$1;
  5612. interface ITextLine {
  5613. id: number | null;
  5614. pageIndex: number | null;
  5615. boundingBox: Rect;
  5616. contents: string;
  5617. }
  5618. declare const TextLine_base: Record$1.Factory<ITextLine>;
  5619. declare class TextLine extends TextLine_base {
  5620. }
  5621. type CustomOverlayItemID = string;
  5622. interface ICustomOverlayItem {
  5623. disableAutoZoom?: boolean;
  5624. id: CustomOverlayItemID | null;
  5625. node: Node | null;
  5626. noRotate?: boolean;
  5627. pageIndex: number;
  5628. position: Point;
  5629. onAppear?: null | ((...args: Array<any>) => any);
  5630. onDisappear?: null | ((...args: Array<any>) => any);
  5631. }
  5632. declare const CustomOverlayItem_base: Record$1.Factory<ICustomOverlayItem>;
  5633. declare class CustomOverlayItem extends CustomOverlayItem_base {
  5634. disableAutoZoom: boolean;
  5635. id: CustomOverlayItemID;
  5636. node: Node;
  5637. noRotate: boolean;
  5638. pageIndex: number;
  5639. position: Point;
  5640. onAppear?: ((...args: Array<any>) => any) | null;
  5641. onDisappear?: ((...args: Array<any>) => any) | null;
  5642. constructor(args: ICustomOverlayItem);
  5643. }
  5644. declare class PageInfo {
  5645. index: number;
  5646. label: string;
  5647. height: number;
  5648. width: number;
  5649. rotation: number;
  5650. rawPdfBoxes: RawPdfBoxes;
  5651. }
  5652. declare const ViewportPadding_base: Record$1.Factory<{
  5653. horizontal: number;
  5654. vertical: number;
  5655. }>;
  5656. declare class ViewportPadding extends ViewportPadding_base {
  5657. }
  5658. declare const LayoutMode: {
  5659. readonly SINGLE: "SINGLE";
  5660. readonly DOUBLE: "DOUBLE";
  5661. readonly AUTO: "AUTO";
  5662. };
  5663. type ILayoutMode = (typeof LayoutMode)[keyof typeof LayoutMode];
  5664. declare const ScrollMode: {
  5665. readonly CONTINUOUS: "CONTINUOUS";
  5666. readonly PER_SPREAD: "PER_SPREAD";
  5667. readonly DISABLED: "DISABLED";
  5668. };
  5669. type IScrollMode = (typeof ScrollMode)[keyof typeof ScrollMode];
  5670. declare const SidebarPlacement: {
  5671. readonly START: "START";
  5672. readonly END: "END";
  5673. };
  5674. type ISidebarPlacement = (typeof SidebarPlacement)[keyof typeof SidebarPlacement];
  5675. declare const ZoomMode: {
  5676. readonly AUTO: "AUTO";
  5677. readonly FIT_TO_WIDTH: "FIT_TO_WIDTH";
  5678. readonly FIT_TO_VIEWPORT: "FIT_TO_VIEWPORT";
  5679. readonly CUSTOM: "CUSTOM";
  5680. };
  5681. type IZoomMode = (typeof ZoomMode)[keyof typeof ZoomMode];
  5682. declare const ShowSignatureValidationStatusMode: {
  5683. readonly IF_SIGNED: "IF_SIGNED";
  5684. readonly HAS_WARNINGS: "HAS_WARNINGS";
  5685. readonly HAS_ERRORS: "HAS_ERRORS";
  5686. readonly NEVER: "NEVER";
  5687. };
  5688. type IShowSignatureValidationStatusMode = (typeof ShowSignatureValidationStatusMode)[keyof typeof ShowSignatureValidationStatusMode];
  5689. declare const InteractionMode: {
  5691. readonly INK: "INK";
  5692. readonly INK_SIGNATURE: "INK_SIGNATURE";
  5693. readonly SIGNATURE: "SIGNATURE";
  5694. readonly STAMP_PICKER: "STAMP_PICKER";
  5695. readonly STAMP_CUSTOM: "STAMP_CUSTOM";
  5696. readonly SHAPE_LINE: "SHAPE_LINE";
  5698. readonly SHAPE_ELLIPSE: "SHAPE_ELLIPSE";
  5699. readonly SHAPE_POLYGON: "SHAPE_POLYGON";
  5701. readonly INK_ERASER: "INK_ERASER";
  5702. readonly NOTE: "NOTE";
  5704. readonly TEXT: "TEXT";
  5705. readonly CALLOUT: "CALLOUT";
  5706. readonly PAN: "PAN";
  5707. readonly SEARCH: "SEARCH";
  5709. readonly MARQUEE_ZOOM: "MARQUEE_ZOOM";
  5712. readonly DOCUMENT_CROP: "DOCUMENT_CROP";
  5713. readonly BUTTON_WIDGET: "BUTTON_WIDGET";
  5714. readonly TEXT_WIDGET: "TEXT_WIDGET";
  5718. readonly LIST_BOX_WIDGET: "LIST_BOX_WIDGET";
  5720. readonly DATE_WIDGET: "DATE_WIDGET";
  5721. readonly FORM_CREATOR: "FORM_CREATOR";
  5722. readonly LINK: "LINK";
  5723. readonly DISTANCE: "DISTANCE";
  5724. readonly PERIMETER: "PERIMETER";
  5726. readonly ELLIPSE_AREA: "ELLIPSE_AREA";
  5727. readonly POLYGON_AREA: "POLYGON_AREA";
  5730. readonly MEASUREMENT: "MEASUREMENT";
  5732. };
  5733. type IInteractionMode = (typeof InteractionMode)[keyof typeof InteractionMode];
  5734. declare const SidebarMode: {
  5735. readonly ANNOTATIONS: "ANNOTATIONS";
  5736. readonly BOOKMARKS: "BOOKMARKS";
  5738. readonly THUMBNAILS: "THUMBNAILS";
  5739. readonly SIGNATURES: "SIGNATURES";
  5740. readonly LAYERS: "LAYERS";
  5741. readonly CUSTOM: "CUSTOM";
  5742. };
  5743. type ISidebarMode = (typeof SidebarMode)[keyof typeof SidebarMode];
  5744. declare const Alignment: {
  5745. readonly START: "START";
  5746. readonly END: "END";
  5747. };
  5748. type IAlignment = (typeof Alignment)[keyof typeof Alignment];
  5749. type SidebarOptions<T extends AnnotationsSidebarOptions | LayersSidebarOptions> = T extends AnnotationsSidebarOptions ? {
  5750. [SidebarMode.ANNOTATIONS]: AnnotationsSidebarOptions;
  5751. } : {
  5752. [SidebarMode.LAYERS]: LayersSidebarOptions;
  5753. };
  5754. type AnnotationsSidebarOptions = {
  5755. includeContent: Array<AnnotationsUnionClass | Class<Comment$1>>;
  5756. };
  5757. type LayersSidebarOptions = {
  5758. lockedLayers: number[];
  5759. iconsAlignment: IAlignment;
  5760. };
  5761. type Rotation$1 = 0 | 90 | 180 | 270;
  5762. interface IViewState {
  5763. allowPrinting: boolean;
  5764. allowExport: boolean;
  5765. currentPageIndex: number;
  5766. instance: Instance | null;
  5767. interactionMode: IInteractionMode | null;
  5768. keepFirstSpreadAsSinglePage: boolean;
  5769. layoutMode: ILayoutMode;
  5770. pageSpacing: number;
  5771. pagesRotation: Rotation$1;
  5772. readOnly: boolean;
  5773. scrollMode: IScrollMode;
  5774. showAnnotations: boolean;
  5775. showComments: boolean;
  5776. showAnnotationNotes: boolean;
  5777. showToolbar: boolean;
  5778. enableAnnotationToolbar: boolean;
  5779. sidebarMode: ISidebarMode | null | undefined;
  5780. sidebarOptions: SidebarOptions<AnnotationsSidebarOptions | LayersSidebarOptions>;
  5781. sidebarPlacement: ISidebarPlacement;
  5782. spreadSpacing: number;
  5783. viewportPadding: ViewportPadding;
  5784. zoom: IZoomMode | number;
  5785. zoomStep: number;
  5786. formDesignMode: boolean;
  5787. showSignatureValidationStatus: IShowSignatureValidationStatusMode;
  5788. previewRedactionMode: boolean;
  5789. canScrollWhileDrawing: boolean;
  5790. keepSelectedTool: boolean;
  5791. resolvedLayoutMode: ILayoutMode;
  5792. sidebarWidth: number;
  5793. disablePointSnapping: boolean;
  5794. enableAlwaysScrollToZoom: boolean;
  5795. forceRenderWidgetsInAnnotationsOrder: boolean;
  5796. prerenderedPageSpreads: number | null;
  5797. }
  5798. declare const ViewState_base: Record$1.Factory<IViewState>;
  5799. declare class ViewState extends ViewState_base {
  5800. zoomIn(): ViewState;
  5801. zoomOut(): ViewState;
  5802. rotateLeft(): ViewState;
  5803. rotateRight(): ViewState;
  5804. goToNextPage(): ViewState;
  5805. goToPreviousPage(): ViewState;
  5806. }
  5807. declare class InstantClient {
  5808. clientId: string;
  5809. userId: string | null | undefined;
  5810. }
  5811. declare const PrintMode: {
  5812. readonly DOM: "DOM";
  5813. readonly EXPORT_PDF: "EXPORT_PDF";
  5814. };
  5815. type IPrintMode = (typeof PrintMode)[keyof typeof PrintMode];
  5816. declare function toJSON(bookmark: Bookmark): BookmarkJSON;
  5817. type ID$1 = string;
  5818. type BookmarkProps = {
  5819. id: ID$1 | null;
  5820. pdfBookmarkId: ID$1 | null;
  5821. name: string | null;
  5822. sortKey: number | null;
  5823. action: Action | null;
  5824. };
  5825. declare const Bookmark_base: Record$1.Factory<BookmarkProps>;
  5826. declare class Bookmark extends Bookmark_base {
  5827. id: ID$1;
  5828. action: Action;
  5829. static toSerializableObject: typeof toJSON;
  5830. static fromSerializableObject: (bookmark: BookmarkJSON) => Bookmark;
  5831. }
  5832. declare const allowedToolbarTypes: ("link" | "ellipse" | "image" | "line" | "polygon" | "polyline" | "text" | "spacer" | "distance" | "note" | "comment" | "zoom-in" | "zoom-out" | "callout" | "search" | "arrow" | "highlighter" | "undo" | "redo" | "custom" | "measure" | "print" | "redact-text-highlighter" | "document-assistant" | "rectangle" | "ink" | "stamp" | "cloudy-rectangle" | "dashed-rectangle" | "cloudy-ellipse" | "dashed-ellipse" | "cloudy-polygon" | "dashed-polygon" | "text-highlighter" | "perimeter" | "ellipse-area" | "rectangle-area" | "polygon-area" | "debug" | "multi-annotations-selection" | "annotate" | "responsive-group" | "layout-config" | "marquee-zoom" | "redact-rectangle" | "document-comparison" | "form-creator" | "content-editor" | "sidebar-thumbnails" | "sidebar-document-outline" | "sidebar-annotations" | "sidebar-bookmarks" | "sidebar-signatures" | "sidebar-layers" | "pager" | "pan" | "zoom-mode" | "ink-eraser" | "signature" | "document-editor" | "document-crop" | "export-pdf")[];
  5833. type ToolItemType = 'custom';
  5834. type ToolItem = {
  5835. type: ToolItemType;
  5836. node?: Node;
  5837. id?: string;
  5838. title?: string;
  5839. className?: string;
  5840. icon?: string;
  5841. onPress?: IFunction;
  5842. selected?: boolean;
  5843. disabled?: boolean;
  5844. };
  5845. type AnnotationPreset$1 = Record<string, any>;
  5846. type AnnotationPresetID$1 = string;
  5847. type ToolbarItemType = ToolItemType | (typeof allowedToolbarTypes)[number];
  5848. type ToolbarItem = Omit<ToolItem, 'type'> & {
  5849. type: ToolbarItemType;
  5850. mediaQueries?: string[];
  5851. responsiveGroup?: string;
  5852. dropdownGroup?: string;
  5853. preset?: AnnotationPresetID$1;
  5854. onKeyPress?: (...args: Array<any>) => any;
  5855. };
  5856. type OutlineElementProps = {
  5857. children: List<OutlineElement>;
  5858. title: string;
  5859. color: Color$2 | null;
  5860. isBold: boolean;
  5861. isItalic: boolean;
  5862. isExpanded: boolean;
  5863. action: Action | null;
  5864. };
  5865. declare const OutlineElement_base: Record$1.Factory<OutlineElementProps>;
  5866. declare class OutlineElement extends OutlineElement_base {
  5867. }
  5868. type BaseFormFieldJSON = {
  5869. v: 1;
  5870. pdfObjectId?: number | null;
  5871. annotationIds: Array<string>;
  5872. name: string;
  5873. label: string;
  5874. flags?: FormFieldFlags;
  5875. id: string;
  5876. additionalActions?: SerializedAdditionalActionsType;
  5877. group?: IGroup;
  5878. permissions?: IPermissions;
  5879. };
  5880. type ChoiceFormFieldJSON = BaseFormFieldJSON & {
  5881. type: 'pspdfkit/form-field/listbox' | 'pspdfkit/form-field/combobox';
  5882. options: Array<FormOptionJSON>;
  5883. multiSelect: boolean;
  5884. commitOnChange: boolean;
  5885. defaultValues: Array<string>;
  5886. };
  5887. type ListBoxFormFieldJSON = ChoiceFormFieldJSON & {
  5888. type: 'pspdfkit/form-field/listbox';
  5889. };
  5890. type DoNotSpellCheckPropertyPair = XOR<Record<'doNotSpellCheck', boolean>, Record<'doNotSpellcheck', boolean>>;
  5891. type ComboBoxFormFieldJSON = ChoiceFormFieldJSON & {
  5892. type: 'pspdfkit/form-field/combobox';
  5893. edit: boolean;
  5894. } & DoNotSpellCheckPropertyPair;
  5895. type CheckBoxFormFieldJSON = BaseFormFieldJSON & {
  5896. type: 'pspdfkit/form-field/checkbox';
  5897. options: Array<FormOptionJSON>;
  5898. defaultValues: Array<string>;
  5899. };
  5900. type RadioButtonFormFieldJSON = BaseFormFieldJSON & {
  5901. type: 'pspdfkit/form-field/radio';
  5902. options: Array<FormOptionJSON>;
  5903. noToggleToOff: boolean;
  5904. radiosInUnison: boolean;
  5905. defaultValue: string;
  5906. };
  5907. type TextFormFieldJSON = BaseFormFieldJSON & {
  5908. type: 'pspdfkit/form-field/text';
  5909. password: boolean;
  5910. maxLength?: number | null;
  5911. doNotScroll: boolean;
  5912. multiLine: boolean;
  5913. defaultValue: string;
  5914. comb: boolean;
  5915. } & DoNotSpellCheckPropertyPair;
  5916. type ButtonFormFieldJSON = BaseFormFieldJSON & {
  5917. type: 'pspdfkit/form-field/button';
  5918. buttonLabel: string | null;
  5919. };
  5920. type SignatureFormFieldJSON = BaseFormFieldJSON & {
  5921. type: 'pspdfkit/form-field/signature';
  5922. };
  5923. type FormFieldJSON = ListBoxFormFieldJSON | ComboBoxFormFieldJSON | RadioButtonFormFieldJSON | CheckBoxFormFieldJSON | TextFormFieldJSON | ButtonFormFieldJSON | SignatureFormFieldJSON;
  5924. type SerializedJSON = {
  5925. skippedPdfObjectIds?: number[];
  5926. annotations?: AnnotationJSONUnion[];
  5927. formFields?: FormFieldJSON[];
  5928. skippedPdfFormFieldIds?: number[];
  5929. formFieldValues?: Record<string, any>[];
  5930. comments?: Record<string, any>[];
  5931. skippedComments?: number[];
  5932. attachments?: Record<string, {
  5933. binary: string;
  5934. contentType: string;
  5935. }>;
  5936. skippedPdfBookmarkIds?: string[];
  5937. bookmarks?: BookmarkJSON[];
  5938. };
  5939. type InstantJSON = SerializedJSON & {
  5940. format: '';
  5941. pdfId?: {
  5942. permanent: string;
  5943. changing: string;
  5944. };
  5945. };
  5946. declare const SearchResult_base: Record$1.Factory<{
  5947. pageIndex: number | null;
  5948. previewText: string;
  5949. locationInPreview: number | null;
  5950. lengthInPreview: number | null;
  5951. rectsOnPage: List<Rect>;
  5952. isAnnotation: boolean | null;
  5953. annotationRect?: Rect | null | undefined;
  5954. }>;
  5955. declare class SearchResult extends SearchResult_base {
  5956. }
  5957. declare const SearchState_base: Record$1.Factory<ISearchState>;
  5958. declare class SearchState extends SearchState_base {
  5959. }
  5960. interface ISearchState {
  5961. isFocused: boolean;
  5962. isLoading: boolean;
  5963. term: string;
  5964. focusedResultIndex: number;
  5965. results: List<SearchResult>;
  5966. minSearchQueryLength: number;
  5967. }
  5968. type IsEditableAnnotationCallback = (annotation: AnnotationsUnion) => boolean;
  5969. type Rotation = 0 | 90 | 180 | 270;
  5970. type AddPageConfiguration = {
  5971. backgroundColor: Color$2;
  5972. pageWidth: number;
  5973. pageHeight: number;
  5974. rotateBy: Rotation;
  5975. insets?: Rect;
  5976. };
  5977. type OperationAttachment = string | File | Blob;
  5978. type min = number;
  5979. type max = number;
  5980. type Range$1 = [min, max];
  5981. type ImportPageIndex = Array<number | Range$1>;
  5982. type DocumentMetadata = {
  5983. title?: string;
  5984. author?: string;
  5985. };
  5986. type NonSerializableDocumentOperationsCommon = {
  5987. type: 'removePages';
  5988. pageIndexes: Array<number>;
  5989. } | {
  5990. type: 'duplicatePages';
  5991. pageIndexes: Array<number>;
  5992. } | {
  5993. type: 'movePages';
  5994. pageIndexes: Array<number>;
  5995. afterPageIndex: number;
  5996. } | {
  5997. type: 'movePages';
  5998. pageIndexes: Array<number>;
  5999. beforePageIndex: number;
  6000. } | {
  6001. type: 'rotatePages';
  6002. pageIndexes: Array<number>;
  6003. rotateBy: Rotation;
  6004. } | {
  6005. type: 'keepPages';
  6006. pageIndexes: Array<number>;
  6007. } | {
  6008. type: 'importDocument';
  6009. afterPageIndex: number;
  6010. treatImportedDocumentAsOnePage?: boolean;
  6011. document: OperationAttachment;
  6012. importedPageIndexes?: ImportPageIndex;
  6013. } | {
  6014. type: 'importDocument';
  6015. beforePageIndex: number;
  6016. treatImportedDocumentAsOnePage?: boolean;
  6017. document: OperationAttachment;
  6018. importedPageIndexes?: ImportPageIndex;
  6019. } | {
  6020. type: 'setPageLabel';
  6021. pageIndexes?: Array<number>;
  6022. pageLabel?: string;
  6023. } | {
  6024. type: 'performOcr';
  6025. pageIndexes?: Array<number> | 'all';
  6026. language: string;
  6027. } | {
  6028. type: 'applyRedactions';
  6029. } | {
  6030. type: 'updateMetadata';
  6031. metadata: DocumentMetadata;
  6032. };
  6033. type NonSerializableDocumentOperations = {
  6034. type: 'applyInstantJson';
  6035. instantJson: Record<string, any>;
  6036. dataFilePath?: OperationAttachment;
  6037. } | {
  6038. type: 'applyXfdf';
  6039. xfdf: string;
  6040. ignorePageRotation?: boolean;
  6041. dataFilePath?: OperationAttachment;
  6042. } | {
  6043. type: 'flattenAnnotations';
  6044. pageIndexes?: Array<number>;
  6045. annotationIds?: string[];
  6046. noteAnnotationBackgroundColor?: Color$2;
  6047. noteAnnotationOpacity?: number;
  6048. };
  6049. type DocumentOperation = (AddPageConfiguration & {
  6050. type: 'addPage';
  6051. afterPageIndex: number;
  6052. }) | (AddPageConfiguration & {
  6053. type: 'addPage';
  6054. beforePageIndex: number;
  6055. }) | {
  6056. type: 'cropPages';
  6057. pageIndexes?: Array<number>;
  6058. cropBox: Rect;
  6059. } | {
  6060. type: 'addPageMargins';
  6061. pageIndexes?: Array<number>;
  6062. margins: Inset;
  6063. } | NonSerializableDocumentOperationsCommon | NonSerializableDocumentOperations;
  6064. type RendererConfiguration = {
  6065. node: Node;
  6066. append?: boolean | null;
  6067. noZoom?: boolean | null;
  6068. onDisappear?: ((arg0: Node | null) => void) | null;
  6069. };
  6070. type CustomRenderers = {
  6071. Annotation?: (arg0: {
  6072. annotation: AnnotationsUnion;
  6073. }) => RendererConfiguration | null | undefined;
  6074. CommentAvatar?: (arg0: {
  6075. comment: Comment$1;
  6076. }) => RendererConfiguration | null | undefined;
  6077. };
  6078. type IsEditableCommentCallback = (comment: Comment$1) => boolean;
  6079. type TwoStepSignatureCallback = (arg0: {
  6080. hash: string;
  6081. fileContents: ArrayBuffer | null;
  6082. dataToBeSigned: ArrayBuffer;
  6083. }) => Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
  6084. type SignatureMetadata = {
  6085. signerName?: string;
  6086. signatureReason?: string;
  6087. signatureLocation?: string;
  6088. };
  6089. type SignaturePosition = {
  6090. pageIndex: number;
  6091. boundingBox: Rect;
  6092. };
  6093. declare const SignatureAppearanceMode: {
  6094. readonly signatureOnly: "signatureOnly";
  6095. readonly signatureAndDescription: "signatureAndDescription";
  6096. readonly descriptionOnly: "descriptionOnly";
  6097. };
  6098. type ISignatureAppearanceMode = (typeof SignatureAppearanceMode)[keyof typeof SignatureAppearanceMode];
  6099. type SignatureAppearance = {
  6100. mode?: ISignatureAppearanceMode;
  6101. showSigner?: boolean;
  6102. showSignDate?: boolean;
  6103. showReason?: boolean;
  6104. showLocation?: boolean;
  6105. showWatermark?: boolean;
  6106. showDateTimezone?: boolean;
  6107. watermarkImage?: Blob | File;
  6108. graphicImage?: Blob | File;
  6109. };
  6110. type SignatureContainerType = 'raw' | 'pkcs7';
  6111. type TimestampType = {
  6112. url: string;
  6113. username?: string;
  6114. password?: string;
  6115. };
  6116. type SigningData = {
  6117. certificates?: ArrayBuffer[] | string[];
  6118. signatureType: SignatureTypeType;
  6119. privateKey?: string;
  6120. signatureContainer?: SignatureContainerType;
  6121. timestamp?: TimestampType;
  6122. ltv?: boolean;
  6123. };
  6124. type SignaturePreparationData = {
  6125. placeholderSize?: number;
  6126. flatten?: boolean;
  6127. formFieldName?: string;
  6128. position?: SignaturePosition;
  6129. appearance?: SignatureAppearance;
  6130. };
  6131. type SignatureCreationData = SignaturePreparationData & {
  6132. signatureMetadata?: SignatureMetadata;
  6133. } & {
  6134. signingData?: SigningData;
  6135. };
  6136. type SigningServiceData = {
  6137. signingToken: string;
  6138. };
  6139. type RedactionAnnotationPreset = {
  6140. fillColor?: Color$2;
  6141. overlayText?: string;
  6142. repeatOverlayText?: boolean;
  6143. color?: Color$2;
  6144. outlineColor?: Color$2;
  6145. creatorName?: string;
  6146. };
  6147. type Change = AnnotationsUnion | Bookmark | FormField | FormFieldValue | Comment$1;
  6148. type DocumentEditorUIHandler = {
  6149. setOperations: (callback: (stagedDocumentOperations: List<DocumentOperation | List<DocumentOperation>>) => List<DocumentOperation | List<DocumentOperation>>, clearPagesSelection?: boolean) => void | Promise<void>;
  6150. getSelectedPageIndexes: () => number[];
  6151. };
  6152. type BuiltInDocumentEditorFooterItem = 'cancel' | 'spacer' | 'save-as' | 'save' | 'selected-pages' | 'loading-indicator';
  6153. type BasicDocumentEditorFooterItem = {
  6154. type: BuiltInDocumentEditorFooterItem | 'custom';
  6155. node?: Node;
  6156. className?: string;
  6157. id?: string;
  6158. onPress?: (e: MouseEvent, documentEditorUIHandler?: DocumentEditorUIHandler, id?: string) => void;
  6159. };
  6160. type DocumentEditorFooterItem = Omit<BasicDocumentEditorFooterItem, 'type' | 'onPress'> & ({
  6161. type: BuiltInDocumentEditorFooterItem;
  6162. onPress?: (e: Event) => void;
  6163. } | {
  6164. type: 'custom';
  6165. onPress?: (e: Event, documentEditorUIHandler: DocumentEditorUIHandler, id?: string) => void;
  6166. });
  6167. type BuiltInDocumentEditorToolbarItem = 'add' | 'remove' | 'duplicate' | 'rotate-left' | 'rotate-right' | 'move' | 'move-left' | 'move-right' | 'import-document' | 'spacer' | 'undo' | 'redo' | 'select-all' | 'select-none';
  6168. type DocumentEditorBuiltinToolbarItem = Omit<ToolItem, 'type' | 'onPress'> & {
  6169. type: BuiltInDocumentEditorToolbarItem;
  6170. onPress?: (e: Event) => void;
  6171. };
  6172. type DocumentEditorToolbarItem = Omit<ToolItem, 'type' | 'onPress'> & (DocumentEditorBuiltinToolbarItem | {
  6173. type: 'custom';
  6174. onPress?: (e: Event, documentEditorUIHandler: DocumentEditorUIHandler, id?: string) => void;
  6175. });
  6176. type AnnotationsResizeEvent = {
  6177. annotation: AnnotationsUnion;
  6178. isShiftPressed: boolean;
  6179. resizeAnchor: ResizeAnchor;
  6180. };
  6181. type ResizeAnchor = 'TOP' | 'BOTTOM' | 'LEFT' | 'RIGHT' | 'TOP_LEFT' | 'TOP_RIGHT' | 'BOTTOM_RIGHT' | 'BOTTOM_LEFT';
  6182. type AnnotationResizeStartCallbackConfiguration = {
  6183. maintainAspectRatio?: boolean;
  6184. minWidth?: number | undefined;
  6185. minHeight?: number | undefined;
  6186. maxWidth?: number | undefined;
  6187. maxHeight?: number | undefined;
  6188. };
  6189. type AnnotationResizeStartCallback = (event: AnnotationsResizeEvent) => AnnotationResizeStartCallbackConfiguration;
  6190. declare const UIElement: {
  6191. readonly Sidebar: "Sidebar";
  6192. };
  6193. type IUIElement = (typeof UIElement)[keyof typeof UIElement];
  6194. type RendererProps = {
  6195. containerNode: Node;
  6196. items?: List<any> | null;
  6197. };
  6198. type ItemRendererProps = {
  6199. itemContainerNode: Node;
  6200. item: any;
  6201. };
  6202. type ItemCustomRenderer = (itemRendererProps: ItemRendererProps) => void;
  6203. type UIRendererConfiguration = {
  6204. node: Node;
  6205. onRenderItem?: ItemCustomRenderer;
  6206. };
  6207. type Renderer$1 = (rendererProps: RendererProps) => UIRendererConfiguration;
  6208. type CustomUISidebarConfiguration = Partial<{
  6209. [K in ISidebarMode]: Renderer$1;
  6210. }>;
  6211. type CustomUIElementConfiguration = CustomUISidebarConfiguration;
  6212. type CustomUI = Partial<Record<IUIElement, CustomUIElementConfiguration>>;
  6213. declare const SearchType: {
  6214. readonly TEXT: "text";
  6215. readonly PRESET: "preset";
  6216. readonly REGEX: "regex";
  6217. };
  6218. type ISearchType = (typeof SearchType)[keyof typeof SearchType];
  6219. declare const SearchPattern: {
  6220. readonly CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER: "credit_card_number";
  6221. readonly DATE: "date";
  6222. readonly TIME: "time";
  6223. readonly EMAIL_ADDRESS: "email_address";
  6224. readonly INTERNATIONAL_PHONE_NUMBER: "international_phone_number";
  6225. readonly IP_V4: "ipv4";
  6226. readonly IP_V6: "ipv6";
  6227. readonly MAC_ADDRESS: "mac_address";
  6228. readonly NORTH_AMERICAN_PHONE_NUMBER: "north_american_phone_number";
  6229. readonly SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER: "social_security_number";
  6230. readonly URL: "url";
  6231. readonly US_ZIP_CODE: "us_zip_code";
  6232. readonly VIN: "vin";
  6233. };
  6234. type ISearchPattern = (typeof SearchPattern)[keyof typeof SearchPattern];
  6235. type AnnotationsPressEvent = {
  6236. annotation: AnnotationsUnion;
  6237. nativeEvent: Event;
  6238. preventDefault?: () => void;
  6239. selected: boolean;
  6240. };
  6241. declare enum AnnotationsWillChangeReason {
  6243. DRAW_END = "DRAW_END",
  6249. MOVE_END = "MOVE_END",
  6257. }
  6258. type PagePressEvent = {
  6259. pageIndex: number;
  6260. point: Point;
  6261. nativeEvent: Event;
  6262. };
  6263. type AnnotationPresetsUpdateEvent = {
  6264. preventDefault: () => boolean;
  6265. currentPreset: AnnotationPresetID;
  6266. currentPresetProperties: AnnotationPreset;
  6267. newPresetProperties: AnnotationPreset;
  6268. };
  6269. type AnnotationsFocusEvent = {
  6270. annotation: AnnotationsUnion;
  6271. nativeEvent: FocusEvent;
  6272. };
  6273. type AnnotationsBlurEvent = {
  6274. annotation: AnnotationsUnion;
  6275. nativeEvent: FocusEvent;
  6276. };
  6277. type SaveStateChangeEvent = {
  6278. hasUnsavedChanges: boolean;
  6279. };
  6280. type SearchTermChangeEvent = {
  6281. term: string;
  6282. preventDefault: () => void;
  6283. };
  6284. type TextLinePressEvent = {
  6285. textLine: TextLine;
  6286. point: Point;
  6287. nativeEvent: Event;
  6288. };
  6289. type CropAreaChangeStartEvent = {
  6290. cropBox: Rect;
  6291. pageIndex: number;
  6292. };
  6293. type CropAreaChangeStopEvent = {
  6294. cropBox: Rect;
  6295. pageIndex: number;
  6296. };
  6297. type AnnotationsTransformEvent = {
  6298. annotation: AnnotationsUnion;
  6299. };
  6300. type AnnotationsCopyEvent = {
  6301. annotation: AnnotationsUnion;
  6302. };
  6303. type AnnotationsCutEvent = {
  6304. annotation: AnnotationsUnion;
  6305. };
  6306. type AnnotationsDuplicateEvent = {
  6307. annotations: AnnotationsUnion[];
  6308. formFields?: FormField[];
  6309. originalAnnotations: AnnotationsUnion[];
  6310. originalFormFields?: Map$1<string, FormField>;
  6311. };
  6312. type AnnotationsPasteEvent = AnnotationsDuplicateEvent & {
  6313. previousAction: 'COPY' | 'CUT';
  6314. };
  6315. interface ITextSelection$1 {
  6316. startNestedContentBlockId: string | null;
  6317. startTextLineId: number | null;
  6318. startPageIndex: number | null;
  6319. startNode: Text | null;
  6320. startOffset: number | null;
  6321. endNestedContentBlockId: string | null;
  6322. endTextLineId: number | null;
  6323. endPageIndex: number | null;
  6324. endNode: Text | null;
  6325. endOffset: number | null;
  6326. getText: (() => Promise<string>) | null;
  6327. getSelectedTextLines: (() => Promise<List<TextLine>>) | null;
  6328. getBoundingClientRect: (() => Promise<Rect | null>) | null;
  6329. getSelectedRectsPerPage: (() => Promise<List<{
  6330. pageIndex: number;
  6331. rects: List<Rect>;
  6332. }>>) | null;
  6333. }
  6334. declare const PublicTextSelection_base: Record$1.Factory<ITextSelection$1>;
  6335. declare class PublicTextSelection extends PublicTextSelection_base {
  6336. startTextLineId: number;
  6337. startNestedContentBlockId: string;
  6338. startPageIndex: number;
  6339. startNode: Text;
  6340. startOffset: number;
  6341. endTextLineId: number;
  6342. endNestedContentBlockId: string;
  6343. endPageIndex: number;
  6344. endNode: Text;
  6345. endOffset: number;
  6346. getText: () => Promise<string>;
  6347. getSelectedTextLines: () => Promise<List<TextLine>>;
  6348. getBoundingClientRect: () => Promise<Rect | null>;
  6349. getSelectedRectsPerPage: () => Promise<List<{
  6350. pageIndex: number;
  6351. rects: List<Rect>;
  6352. }>>;
  6353. }
  6354. interface AnnotationNoteProps extends INoteAnnotation {
  6355. parentAnnotation: AnnotationsUnion | null;
  6356. position: Point;
  6357. notePosition?: Point;
  6358. }
  6359. declare class AnnotationNote<T extends AnnotationNoteProps = AnnotationNoteProps> extends NoteAnnotation<T> {
  6360. parentAnnotation?: AnnotationsUnion;
  6361. position: Point;
  6362. notePosition?: Point;
  6363. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  6364. }
  6365. type AnnotationNotePressEvent = {
  6366. preventDefault: () => boolean;
  6367. annotationNote?: AnnotationNote | null;
  6368. };
  6369. type AnnotationNoteHoverEvent = {
  6370. preventDefault: () => boolean;
  6371. annotationNote?: AnnotationNote | null;
  6372. };
  6373. declare const DocumentComparisonSourceType: {
  6375. readonly USE_FILE_DIALOG: "USE_FILE_DIALOG";
  6376. };
  6377. type IDocumentComparisonSourceType = (typeof DocumentComparisonSourceType)[keyof typeof DocumentComparisonSourceType];
  6378. type DocumentComparisonSource = {
  6379. source: IDocumentComparisonSourceType | string | ArrayBuffer | Promise<string | ArrayBuffer>;
  6380. pageIndex?: number;
  6381. };
  6382. type DocumentComparisonStrokeColors = {
  6383. documentA?: Color$2;
  6384. documentB?: Color$2;
  6385. };
  6386. type DocumentComparisonConfiguration = {
  6387. documentA: DocumentComparisonSource;
  6388. documentB: DocumentComparisonSource;
  6389. strokeColors?: DocumentComparisonStrokeColors;
  6390. blendMode?: IBlendMode;
  6391. autoCompare: boolean;
  6392. };
  6393. type DocumentComparisonUIStartEvent = DocumentComparisonConfiguration;
  6394. type CommentsMentionEvent = {
  6395. comment: Comment$1;
  6396. modifications: List<{
  6397. userId: string;
  6398. action: 'ADDED' | 'REMOVED';
  6399. }>;
  6400. };
  6401. type Signature = InkAnnotation | ImageAnnotation;
  6402. interface HistoryEvent<T> {
  6403. action: T;
  6404. before: AnnotationsUnion;
  6405. after: AnnotationsUnion;
  6406. }
  6407. interface EventMap {
  6408. 'viewState.change': (viewState: ViewState, previousViewState: ViewState) => void;
  6409. 'viewState.currentPageIndex.change': (pageIndex: number) => void;
  6410. 'viewState.zoom.change': (zoom: number) => void;
  6411. 'annotationPresets.update': (event: AnnotationPresetsUpdateEvent) => void;
  6412. 'annotations.blur': (event: AnnotationsBlurEvent) => void;
  6413. 'annotations.change': () => void;
  6414. 'annotations.create': (annotations: List<AnnotationsUnion>) => void;
  6415. 'annotations.delete': (annotations: List<AnnotationsUnion>) => void;
  6416. 'annotations.didSave': () => void;
  6417. 'annotations.focus': (event: AnnotationsFocusEvent) => void;
  6418. 'annotations.load': (annotations: List<AnnotationsUnion>) => void;
  6419. '': (event: AnnotationsPressEvent) => void;
  6420. 'annotations.update': (annotations: List<AnnotationsUnion>) => void;
  6421. 'annotations.willChange': (event: {
  6422. reason: AnnotationsWillChangeReason;
  6423. annotations: List<AnnotationsUnion>;
  6424. }) => void;
  6425. 'annotations.willSave': () => void;
  6426. 'annotationSelection.change': (annotation?: AnnotationsUnion) => void;
  6427. 'annotations.transform': (event: AnnotationsTransformEvent) => void;
  6428. 'annotations.copy': (event: AnnotationsCopyEvent) => void;
  6429. 'annotations.cut': (event: AnnotationsCutEvent) => void;
  6430. 'annotations.paste': (event: AnnotationsPasteEvent) => void;
  6431. 'annotations.duplicate': (event: AnnotationsDuplicateEvent) => void;
  6432. 'bookmarks.change': () => void;
  6433. 'bookmarks.create': (bookmarks: List<Bookmark>) => void;
  6434. 'bookmarks.update': (bookmarks: List<Bookmark>) => void;
  6435. 'bookmarks.delete': (bookmarks: List<Bookmark>) => void;
  6436. 'bookmarks.load': (bookmarks: List<Bookmark>) => void;
  6437. 'bookmarks.didSave': () => void;
  6438. 'bookmarks.willSave': () => void;
  6439. 'comments.change': () => void;
  6440. 'comments.create': (comments: List<Comment$1>) => void;
  6441. 'comments.delete': (comments: List<Comment$1>) => void;
  6442. 'comments.update': (comments: List<Comment$1>) => void;
  6443. 'comments.load': () => void;
  6444. 'comments.willSave': () => void;
  6445. 'comments.didSave': () => void;
  6446. 'instant.connectedClients.change': (clients: Map$1<string, InstantClient>) => void;
  6447. 'document.change': (operations: DocumentOperation[]) => void;
  6448. 'document.saveStateChange': (event: SaveStateChangeEvent) => void;
  6449. 'formFieldValues.update': (formFields: List<FormField>) => void;
  6450. 'formFieldValues.willSave': () => void;
  6451. 'formFieldValues.didSave': (res: {
  6452. response: Response;
  6453. error: Error;
  6454. }) => void;
  6455. 'forms.willSubmit': (event: {
  6456. preventDefault: () => void;
  6457. }) => void;
  6458. 'forms.didSubmit': (event: {
  6459. preventDefault: () => void;
  6460. }) => void;
  6461. 'formFields.change': () => void;
  6462. 'formFields.create': (formFields: List<FormField>) => void;
  6463. 'formFields.delete': (formFields: List<FormField>) => void;
  6464. 'formFields.didSave': () => void;
  6465. 'formFields.load': (formFields: List<FormField>) => void;
  6466. 'formFields.update': (formFields: List<FormField>) => void;
  6467. 'formFields.willSave': () => void;
  6468. 'search.stateChange': (searchState: SearchState) => void;
  6469. 'search.termChange': (event: SearchTermChangeEvent) => void;
  6470. 'storedSignatures.change': () => void;
  6471. 'storedSignatures.create': (signature: Signature) => void;
  6472. 'storedSignatures.delete': (signature: Signature) => void;
  6473. 'storedSignatures.update': (signatures: List<Signature>) => void;
  6474. '': (event: TextLinePressEvent) => void;
  6475. 'textSelection.change': (selection: PublicTextSelection | null) => void;
  6476. 'history.change': (event: HistoryEvent<'undo' | 'redo'>) => void;
  6477. 'history.willChange': (event: {
  6478. type: 'create' | 'update' | 'delete';
  6479. annotation: Annotation;
  6480. preventDefault: () => void;
  6481. }) => void;
  6482. 'history.clear': () => void;
  6483. 'history.redo': (event: HistoryEvent<'redo'>) => void;
  6484. 'history.undo': (event: HistoryEvent<'undo'>) => void;
  6485. '': (event: PagePressEvent) => void;
  6486. 'inkSignatures.create': (signature: Signature) => void;
  6487. 'inkSignatures.delete': (signature: Signature) => void;
  6488. 'inkSignatures.update': (signatures: Signature[]) => void;
  6489. 'inkSignatures.change': () => void;
  6490. 'cropArea.changeStart': (opts: CropAreaChangeStartEvent) => void;
  6491. 'cropArea.changeStop': (opts: CropAreaChangeStopEvent) => void;
  6492. 'documentComparisonUI.start': (opts: DocumentComparisonUIStartEvent) => void;
  6493. 'documentComparisonUI.end': () => void;
  6494. '': (event: AnnotationNotePressEvent) => void;
  6495. 'annotationNote.hover': (event: AnnotationNoteHoverEvent) => void;
  6496. 'comments.mention': (event: CommentsMentionEvent) => void;
  6497. }
  6498. interface IEmbeddedFile {
  6499. id: ID;
  6500. attachmentId: string;
  6501. description: null | string;
  6502. fileName: null | string;
  6503. fileSize: null | number;
  6504. updatedAt: null | Date;
  6505. }
  6506. declare const EmbeddedFile_base: Record$1.Factory<IEmbeddedFile>;
  6507. declare class EmbeddedFile extends EmbeddedFile_base {
  6508. }
  6509. type IAnnotationToolbarType = 'stroke-color' | 'fill-color' | 'background-color' | 'opacity' | 'line-width' | 'blend-mode' | 'spacer' | 'delete' | 'annotation-note' | 'border-color' | 'border-width' | 'border-style' | 'color' | 'linecaps-dasharray' | 'line-style' | 'font' | 'overlay-text' | 'outline-color' | 'apply-redactions' | 'measurementType' | 'measurementScale' | 'back';
  6510. type BuiltInAnnotationToolbarItem = {
  6511. type: IAnnotationToolbarType;
  6512. };
  6513. type Shared = Omit<ToolItem, 'selected' | 'type'> & {
  6514. onPress?: (nativeEvent: MouseEvent, id?: string) => void;
  6515. iconClassName?: string;
  6516. onIconPress?: (nativeEvent: MouseEvent, id?: string) => void;
  6517. };
  6518. type AnnotationToolbarItem = (Omit<Shared, 'node'> & {
  6519. type: IAnnotationToolbarType;
  6520. }) | (Omit<Shared, 'icon'> & {
  6521. id: string;
  6522. type: 'custom';
  6523. icon?: string | Node;
  6524. node?: Node;
  6525. });
  6526. type AnnotationToolbarItemsCallback = (annotation: AnnotationsUnion, options: {
  6527. defaultAnnotationToolbarItems: BuiltInAnnotationToolbarItem[];
  6528. hasDesktopLayout: boolean;
  6529. }) => AnnotationToolbarItem[];
  6530. type OnWidgetAnnotationCreationStartCallback = (annotation: WidgetAnnotation, formField: FormField) => {
  6531. annotation?: WidgetAnnotation;
  6532. formField?: FormField;
  6533. };
  6534. interface ITextRange {
  6535. startNode: Text | null;
  6536. startOffset: number | null;
  6537. endNode: Text | null;
  6538. endOffset: number | null;
  6539. }
  6540. declare const TextRange_base: Record$1.Factory<ITextRange>;
  6541. declare class TextRange extends TextRange_base {
  6542. startNode: Text;
  6543. startOffset: number;
  6544. endNode: Text;
  6545. endOffset: number;
  6546. startAndEndIds(): {
  6547. startTextLineId: number;
  6548. endTextLineId: number;
  6549. startNestedContentBlockId: string;
  6550. endNestedContentBlockId: string;
  6551. startPageIndex: number;
  6552. endPageIndex: number;
  6553. } | null;
  6554. }
  6555. interface ITextSelection {
  6556. textRange: TextRange | null;
  6557. startTextLineId: number | null;
  6558. endTextLineId: number | null;
  6559. startNestedContentBlockId: string | null;
  6560. endNestedContentBlockId: string | null;
  6561. startPageIndex: number | null;
  6562. endPageIndex: number | null;
  6563. }
  6564. declare const TextSelection_base: Record$1.Factory<ITextSelection>;
  6565. declare class TextSelection extends TextSelection_base {
  6566. }
  6567. declare const builtInItems: readonly ["highlight", "strikeout", "underline", "squiggle", "redact-text-highlighter", "comment", "document-assistant"];
  6568. type InlineToolbarType = (typeof builtInItems)[number];
  6569. type InlineTextSelectionToolbarItem = Omit<ToolItem, 'type'> & {
  6570. type: InlineToolbarType | 'custom';
  6571. };
  6572. type InlineTextSelectionToolbarItemsCallback = (options: {
  6573. defaultItems: InlineTextSelectionToolbarItem[];
  6574. hasDesktopLayout: boolean;
  6575. }, selection: TextSelection) => InlineTextSelectionToolbarItem[];
  6576. type MeasurementValueConfiguration = {
  6577. name?: string;
  6578. scale: IMeasurementScale;
  6579. precision: IMeasurementPrecision;
  6580. selected?: boolean;
  6581. };
  6582. type MeasurementValueConfigurationCallback = (configuration: MeasurementValueConfiguration[]) => MeasurementValueConfiguration[];
  6583. declare const DocumentPermissionsEnum: {
  6584. readonly annotationsAndForms: "annotationsAndForms";
  6585. readonly assemble: "assemble";
  6586. readonly extract: "extract";
  6587. readonly extractAccessibility: "extractAccessibility";
  6588. readonly fillForms: "fillForms";
  6589. readonly modification: "modification";
  6590. readonly printHighQuality: "printHighQuality";
  6591. readonly printing: "printing";
  6592. };
  6593. type IDocumentPermissions = (typeof DocumentPermissionsEnum)[keyof typeof DocumentPermissionsEnum];
  6594. type OCGLayer = {
  6595. name: string;
  6596. ocgId: number;
  6597. radioGroup?: number;
  6598. };
  6599. type OCGCollection = {
  6600. name?: string;
  6601. ocgId?: number;
  6602. layers: OCGLayer[];
  6603. };
  6604. type OCG = OCGLayer | OCGCollection;
  6605. type OCGLayers = OCG[];
  6606. type OCGLayersVisibilityState = {
  6607. visibleLayerIds: number[];
  6608. };
  6609. type ViewStateSetter = (currentState: ViewState) => ViewState;
  6610. type ToolbarItemsSetter = (currentState: ToolbarItem[]) => ToolbarItem[];
  6611. type StoredSignaturesSetter = (annotations: List<InkAnnotation | ImageAnnotation>) => List<InkAnnotation | ImageAnnotation>;
  6612. type SearchStateSetter = (currentState: SearchState) => SearchState;
  6613. type AnnotationPresetsSetter = (currentState: Record<string, AnnotationPreset$1>) => Record<string, AnnotationPreset$1>;
  6614. type StampAnnotationTemplatesSetter = (currentState: Array<StampAnnotation | ImageAnnotation>) => Array<StampAnnotation | ImageAnnotation>;
  6615. type SetDocumentEditorFooterFunction = (currentState: DocumentEditorFooterItem[]) => DocumentEditorFooterItem[];
  6616. type SetDocumentEditorToolbarFunction = (currentState: DocumentEditorToolbarItem[]) => DocumentEditorToolbarItem[];
  6617. declare class Instance {
  6618. totalPageCount: number;
  6619. pageInfoForIndex: (pageIndex: number) => PageInfo | null | undefined;
  6620. textLinesForPageIndex: (pageIndex: number) => Promise<List<TextLine>>;
  6621. getMarkupAnnotationText: (annotation: TextMarkupAnnotationsUnion) => Promise<string>;
  6622. getTextFromRects: (pageIndex: number, rects: List<Rect>) => Promise<string>;
  6623. getDocumentPermissions: () => Promise<Record<IDocumentPermissions, boolean>>;
  6624. currentZoomLevel: number;
  6625. maximumZoomLevel: number;
  6626. minimumZoomLevel: number;
  6627. zoomStep: number;
  6628. disablePointSnapping: boolean;
  6629. connectedClients: Map$1<string, InstantClient>;
  6630. addEventListener: <K extends keyof EventMap>(action: K, listener: EventMap[K]) => void;
  6631. removeEventListener: <K extends keyof EventMap>(action: K, listener: EventMap[K]) => void;
  6632. jumpToRect: (pageIndex: number, rect: Rect) => void;
  6633. jumpAndZoomToRect: (pageIndex: number, rect: Rect) => void;
  6634. transformContentClientToPageSpace: <T extends Rect | Point>(rectOrPoint: T, pageIndex: number) => T;
  6635. transformContentPageToClientSpace: <T extends Rect | Point>(rectOrPoint: T, pageIndex: number) => T;
  6636. transformClientToPageSpace: <T extends Rect | Point>(rectOrPoint: T, pageIndex: number) => T;
  6637. transformPageToClientSpace: <T extends Rect | Point>(rectOrPoint: T, pageIndex: number) => T;
  6638. transformRawToPageSpace: (rawInset: InsetJSON | Inset, pageIndex: number) => Rect;
  6639. transformPageToRawSpace: (rect: Rect, pageIndex: number) => Inset;
  6640. exportOffice: (options: ExportOfficeFlags) => Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
  6641. exportPDF: (flags?: ExportPDFFlags) => Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
  6642. exportXFDF: () => Promise<string>;
  6643. exportInstantJSON: (version?: number) => Promise<InstantJSON>;
  6644. renderPageAsArrayBuffer: (options: {
  6645. width: number;
  6646. } | {
  6647. height: number;
  6648. }, pageIndex: number) => Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
  6649. renderPageAsImageURL: (options: {
  6650. width: number;
  6651. } | {
  6652. height: number;
  6653. }, pageIndex: number) => Promise<string>;
  6654. print: (printMode?: IPrintMode | {
  6655. mode?: IPrintMode;
  6656. excludeAnnotations?: boolean;
  6657. }) => void;
  6658. abortPrint: () => void;
  6659. setCustomRenderers: (customRenderers: CustomRenderers) => void;
  6660. setCustomUIConfiguration: (customUIConfigurationOrConfigurationSetter: CustomUI | ((customUI: CustomUI | null) => CustomUI)) => void;
  6661. getDocumentOutline: () => Promise<List<OutlineElement>>;
  6662. setDocumentOutline: (outline: List<OutlineElement>) => void;
  6663. getPageGlyphs: (pageIndex: number) => Promise<List<Glyph>>;
  6664. setAnnotationCreatorName: (annotationCreatorName?: string | null) => void;
  6665. setOnWidgetAnnotationCreationStart: (callback: OnWidgetAnnotationCreationStartCallback) => void;
  6666. setOnCommentCreationStart: (callback: OnCommentCreationStartCallback) => void;
  6667. getLayers: () => Promise<OCGLayers>;
  6668. getLayersVisibilityState: () => Promise<OCGLayersVisibilityState>;
  6669. setLayersVisibilityState: (visibilityState: OCGLayersVisibilityState) => Promise<void>;
  6670. contentWindow: Window;
  6671. contentDocument: Document | ShadowRoot;
  6672. readonly viewState: ViewState;
  6673. setViewState: (stateOrFunction: ViewStateSetter | ViewState) => void;
  6674. readonly toolbarItems: ToolbarItem[];
  6675. setToolbarItems: (stateOrFunction: ToolbarItemsSetter | ToolbarItem[]) => void;
  6676. setAnnotationToolbarItems: (annotationToolbarItemsCallback: AnnotationToolbarItemsCallback) => void;
  6677. setInlineTextSelectionToolbarItems: (InlineTextSelectionToolbarItemsCallback: InlineTextSelectionToolbarItemsCallback) => void;
  6678. annotationPresets: Record<AnnotationPresetID$1, AnnotationPreset$1>;
  6679. setAnnotationPresets: (stateOrFunction: AnnotationPresetsSetter | Record<AnnotationPresetID$1, AnnotationPreset$1>) => void;
  6680. setCurrentAnnotationPreset: (annotationPresetID?: string | null) => void;
  6681. readonly currentAnnotationPreset: string | null | undefined;
  6682. readonly stampAnnotationTemplates: Array<StampAnnotation | ImageAnnotation>;
  6683. setStampAnnotationTemplates: (stateOrFunction: StampAnnotationTemplatesSetter | Array<StampAnnotation | ImageAnnotation>) => void;
  6684. getAnnotations: (pageIndex: number) => Promise<List<AnnotationsUnion>>;
  6685. createAttachment: (file: Blob) => Promise<string>;
  6686. getAttachment: (attachmentId: string) => Promise<Blob>;
  6687. calculateFittingTextAnnotationBoundingBox: (annotation: TextAnnotation) => TextAnnotation;
  6688. setOnAnnotationResizeStart: (callback: AnnotationResizeStartCallback) => void;
  6689. getOverlappingAnnotations: (annotationOrFormField: AnnotationsUnion | FormField) => Promise<List<AnnotationsUnion>>;
  6690. getBookmarks: () => Promise<List<Bookmark>>;
  6691. getFormFields: () => Promise<List<FormField>>;
  6692. getFormFieldValues: () => Record<string, null | string | Array<string>>;
  6693. setFormFieldValues: (formFieldValues: Record<string, null | string | Array<string>>) => void;
  6694. getTextSelection: () => Record<string, any> | null | undefined;
  6695. getSelectedAnnotation: () => AnnotationsUnion | null | undefined;
  6696. getSelectedAnnotations: () => List<AnnotationsUnion> | null | undefined;
  6697. getAnnotationsGroups: () => Map$1<string, {
  6698. groupKey: string;
  6699. annotationsIds: Set$1<ID>;
  6700. }> | null | undefined;
  6701. setSelectedAnnotation: (annotationOrAnnotationId?: (AnnotationsUnion | ID) | null) => void;
  6702. setSelectedAnnotations: (annotationsOrAnnotationsId?: List<AnnotationsUnion | ID> | null) => void;
  6703. groupAnnotations: (annotationsOrAnnotationsId?: List<AnnotationsUnion | ID>) => void;
  6704. deleteAnnotationsGroup: (annotationGroupId?: string) => void;
  6705. setEditingAnnotation: (annotationOrAnnotationId?: (AnnotationsUnion | ID) | null, autoSelectText?: boolean | null) => void;
  6706. setCustomOverlayItem: (item: CustomOverlayItem) => void;
  6707. removeCustomOverlayItem: (id: CustomOverlayItemID) => void;
  6708. readonly locale: string;
  6709. setLocale: (arg0: string) => Promise<void>;
  6710. getInkSignatures: () => Promise<List<InkAnnotation | ImageAnnotation>>;
  6711. getStoredSignatures: () => Promise<List<InkAnnotation | ImageAnnotation>>;
  6712. setInkSignatures: (stateOrFunction: StoredSignaturesSetter | List<InkAnnotation | ImageAnnotation>) => Promise<void>;
  6713. setStoredSignatures: (stateOrFunction: StoredSignaturesSetter | List<InkAnnotation | ImageAnnotation>) => Promise<void>;
  6714. search: (term: string, options?: {
  6715. startPageIndex?: number;
  6716. endPageIndex?: number;
  6717. searchType?: ISearchType;
  6718. searchInAnnotations?: boolean;
  6719. caseSensitive?: boolean;
  6720. }) => Promise<List<SearchResult>>;
  6721. startUISearch: (term: string) => void;
  6722. readonly searchState: SearchState;
  6723. setSearchState: (stateOrFunction: SearchStateSetter | SearchState) => void;
  6724. readonly editableAnnotationTypes: Array<Class<AnnotationsUnion>>;
  6725. setEditableAnnotationTypes: (arg0: Array<Class<AnnotationsUnion>>) => void;
  6726. setIsEditableAnnotation: (arg0: IsEditableAnnotationCallback) => void;
  6727. setIsEditableComment: (arg0: IsEditableCommentCallback) => void;
  6728. setGroup: (group: string) => void;
  6729. resetGroup: () => void;
  6730. setMentionableUsers: (users: MentionableUser$1[]) => void;
  6731. setMaxMentionSuggestions: (maxSuggestions: number) => void;
  6732. getComments: () => Promise<List<Comment$1>>;
  6733. setDocumentEditorFooterItems: (stateOrFunction: DocumentEditorFooterItem[] | SetDocumentEditorFooterFunction) => void;
  6734. setDocumentEditorToolbarItems: (stateOrFunction: DocumentEditorToolbarItem[] | SetDocumentEditorToolbarFunction) => void;
  6735. getSignaturesInfo: () => Promise<SignaturesInfo>;
  6736. signDocument: (arg0: SignatureCreationData | null, arg1?: TwoStepSignatureCallback | SigningServiceData) => Promise<void>;
  6737. setSignaturesLTV: (certificates?: ArrayBuffer[] | string[]) => Promise<SignaturesInfo>;
  6738. applyOperations: (operations: Array<DocumentOperation>) => Promise<void>;
  6739. exportPDFWithOperations: (arg0: Array<DocumentOperation>) => Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
  6740. applyRedactions: () => Promise<void>;
  6741. save: () => Promise<void>;
  6742. hasUnsavedChanges: () => boolean;
  6743. ensureChangesSaved: (changes: Change | Array<Change>) => Promise<Array<Change>>;
  6744. create: (changes: Change | Array<Change> | List<Change>) => Promise<Array<Change>>;
  6745. update: (changes: Change | Array<Change> | List<Change>) => Promise<Array<Change>>;
  6746. delete: (ids: InstantID | Change | Array<InstantID | Change> | List<InstantID | Change>) => Promise<Array<Change>>;
  6747. toggleClipboardActions: (enable: boolean) => void;
  6748. setMeasurementSnapping: (enable: boolean) => void;
  6749. setMeasurementPrecision: (precision: IMeasurementPrecision) => void;
  6750. setMeasurementScale: (scale: MeasurementScale) => void;
  6751. setMeasurementValueConfiguration: (configurationCallback: MeasurementValueConfigurationCallback) => void;
  6752. createRedactionsBySearch: (term: string | ISearchPattern, options?: {
  6753. searchType?: ISearchType;
  6754. searchInAnnotations?: boolean;
  6755. caseSensitive?: boolean;
  6756. annotationPreset?: RedactionAnnotationPreset;
  6757. }) => Promise<List<string>>;
  6758. history: {
  6759. undo: () => Promise<boolean>;
  6760. redo: () => Promise<boolean>;
  6761. clear: () => void;
  6762. enable: () => void;
  6763. disable: () => void;
  6764. canUndo: () => boolean;
  6765. canRedo: () => boolean;
  6766. };
  6767. setDocumentComparisonMode: (documentComparisonConfiguration: DocumentComparisonConfiguration | null) => void;
  6768. compareDocuments: (comparisonDocuments: ComparisonDocuments, operations: ComparisonOperation) => Promise<DocumentComparisonResult>;
  6769. getEmbeddedFiles: () => Promise<List<EmbeddedFile>>;
  6770. getPageTabOrder: (pageIndex: number) => Promise<ID[]>;
  6771. setPageTabOrder: (pageIndex: number, annotationIdsSortCallback: (tabOrderedAnnotations: AnnotationsUnion[]) => ID[]) => Promise<void>;
  6772. enableAlwaysScrollToZoom: boolean;
  6773. }
  6774. type ComparisonDocuments = {
  6775. originalDocument: DocumentDescriptor;
  6776. changedDocument: DocumentDescriptor;
  6777. };
  6778. type Range = {
  6779. position: number;
  6780. length: number;
  6781. };
  6782. type TextBlock = {
  6783. range: Range;
  6784. rects: number[][];
  6785. };
  6786. type Operation = {
  6787. type: 'insert' | 'delete' | 'equal';
  6788. text: string;
  6789. originalTextBlocks: TextBlock;
  6790. changedTextBlocks: TextBlock;
  6791. };
  6792. type Hunk = {
  6793. originalRange: Range;
  6794. changedRange: Range;
  6795. operations: Operation[];
  6796. };
  6797. type ComparisonResult = {
  6798. type: 'text';
  6799. hunks: Hunk[];
  6800. };
  6801. type PageComparisonResult = {
  6802. originalPageIndex: number;
  6803. changedPageIndex: number;
  6804. comparisonResults: ComparisonResult[];
  6805. };
  6806. type DocumentComparisonResult = {
  6807. documentComparisonResults: PageComparisonResult[];
  6808. } | null;
  6809. declare const ProductId: {
  6810. SharePoint: string;
  6811. Salesforce: string;
  6812. Maui_Android: string;
  6813. Maui_iOS: string;
  6814. Maui_MacCatalyst: string;
  6815. Maui_Windows: string;
  6816. FlutterForWeb: string;
  6817. Electron: string;
  6818. };
  6819. type IProductId = (typeof ProductId)[keyof typeof ProductId];
  6820. type ActionFlags = 'includeExclude' | 'includeNoValueFields' | 'exportFormat' | 'getMethod' | 'submitCoordinated' | 'xfdf' | 'includeAppendSaves' | 'includeAnnotations' | 'submitPDF' | 'canonicalFormat' | 'excludeNonUserAnnotations' | 'excludeFKey' | 'embedForm';
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  6826. type: 'goTo';
  6827. pageIndex: number;
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  6830. type: 'goToEmbedded';
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  6833. targetType: 'parent' | 'child';
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  6836. type: 'goToRemote';
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  6839. subactions?: Array<ActionJSON>;
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  6841. type: 'hide';
  6842. hide: boolean;
  6843. annotationReferences: Array<AnnotationReference>;
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  6846. type: 'resetForm';
  6847. fields: Array<string> | null;
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  6851. type: 'submitForm';
  6852. uri: string;
  6853. fields: Array<string> | null;
  6854. flags: Array<ActionFlags> | null;
  6855. subactions?: Array<ActionJSON>;
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  6857. type: 'launch';
  6858. filePath: string;
  6859. subactions?: Array<ActionJSON>;
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  6862. action: string;
  6863. subactions?: Array<ActionJSON>;
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  6865. type: 'javaScript';
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  6896. action?: ActionJSON | null;
  6897. note?: string | null;
  6898. createdAt?: string | Date;
  6899. updatedAt?: string | Date;
  6900. creatorName?: string | null;
  6901. customData?: Record<string, unknown> | null;
  6902. isCommentThreadRoot?: boolean;
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  6905. cache: string;
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  6907. attach: string;
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  6909. blendMode?: IBlendMode | null;
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  6911. type ImageAnnotationJSON = Omit<BaseAnnotationJSON, 'type'> & {
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  6947. type PolygonAnnotationJSON = ShapeAnnotationJSON & {
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  6949. points: [number, number][];
  6950. cloudyBorderIntensity: number | null;
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  6956. type PolylineAnnotationJSON = ShapeAnnotationJSON & {
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  6958. points: [number, number][];
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  6965. type RectangleAnnotationJSON = ShapeAnnotationJSON & {
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  6967. cloudyBorderIntensity: number | null;
  6968. cloudyBorderInset?: InsetJSON | null;
  6969. measurementBBox: IRectJSON | null;
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  6971. type InkAnnotationJSON = BaseAnnotationJSON & {
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  6973. lines: {
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  6975. intensities: number[][];
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  6977. lineWidth: number;
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  6979. backgroundColor: string | null;
  6980. isDrawnNaturally: boolean;
  6981. isSignature: boolean;
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  6983. type LinkAnnotationJSON = BaseAnnotationJSON & {
  6984. type: 'pspdfkit/link';
  6985. borderColor?: string | null;
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  6989. type NoteAnnotationJSON = Omit<BaseAnnotationJSON, 'type'> & {
  6990. type: 'pspdfkit/note';
  6991. text?: {
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  6993. value: string;
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  6998. type MediaAnnotationJSON = Omit<BaseAnnotationJSON, 'type'> & {
  6999. type: 'pspdfkit/media';
  7000. description: string | null;
  7001. fileName: string | null;
  7002. contentType: string | null;
  7003. mediaAttachmentId: string | null;
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  7005. type BaseTextMarkupAnnotationJSON = Omit<BaseAnnotationJSON, 'type'> & {
  7006. rects: [number, number, number, number][];
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  7008. type TextMarkupAnnotationJSON = BaseTextMarkupAnnotationJSON & {
  7009. type: 'pspdfkit/markup/highlight' | 'pspdfkit/markup/squiggly' | 'pspdfkit/markup/strikeout' | 'pspdfkit/markup/underline' | 'pspdfkit/markup/redaction';
  7010. color: string | null;
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  7012. type RedactionAnnotationJSON = BaseTextMarkupAnnotationJSON & {
  7013. type: 'pspdfkit/markup/redaction';
  7014. fillColor?: string | null;
  7015. outlineColor?: string | null;
  7016. overlayText?: string | null;
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  7021. type StampAnnotationJSON = Omit<BaseAnnotationJSON, 'type'> & {
  7022. type: 'pspdfkit/stamp';
  7023. stampType: StampKind;
  7024. title: string | null;
  7025. color?: string | null;
  7026. subTitle?: string | null;
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  7029. xfdfAppearanceStream?: string;
  7030. xfdfAppearanceStreamOriginalPageRotation?: number;
  7031. kind?: StampKind;
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  7033. type TextAnnotationJSON = Omit<BaseAnnotationJSON, 'type'> & {
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  7036. format: 'xhtml' | 'plain';
  7037. value: string;
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  7052. innerRectInset?: InsetJSON | null;
  7053. } | null;
  7054. borderStyle?: IBorderStyle | null;
  7055. borderWidth?: number | null;
  7056. borderColor?: string | null;
  7057. isFitting?: boolean;
  7058. lineHeightFactor?: number | null;
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  7060. type UnknownAnnotationJSON = Omit<BaseAnnotationJSON, 'type'> & {
  7061. type: 'pspdfkit/unknown';
  7062. };
  7063. type WidgetAnnotationJSON = Omit<BaseAnnotationJSON, 'type'> & {
  7064. type: 'pspdfkit/widget';
  7065. formFieldName: string;
  7066. borderColor?: string | null;
  7067. borderStyle?: IBorderStyle | null;
  7068. borderDashArray?: number[] | null;
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  7070. font?: string | null;
  7071. fontSize?: 'auto' | number | null;
  7072. fontColor?: string | null;
  7073. backgroundColor?: string | null;
  7074. horizontalAlign?: 'left' | 'center' | 'right' | null;
  7075. verticalAlign?: 'top' | 'center' | 'bottom' | null;
  7076. fontStyle?: string[] | null | undefined;
  7077. rotation?: number;
  7078. additionalActions?: SerializedAdditionalActionsType | null;
  7079. lineHeightFactor?: number | null;
  7080. };
  7081. type CommentMarkerAnnotationJSON = Omit<BaseAnnotationJSON, 'type'> & {
  7082. type: 'pspdfkit/comment-marker';
  7083. };
  7084. type AnnotationJSONUnion = TextMarkupAnnotationJSON | TextAnnotationJSON | WidgetAnnotationJSON | RedactionAnnotationJSON | StampAnnotationJSON | NoteAnnotationJSON | LinkAnnotationJSON | InkAnnotationJSON | RectangleAnnotationJSON | PolylineAnnotationJSON | PolygonAnnotationJSON | LineAnnotationJSON | EllipseAnnotationJSON | ImageAnnotationJSON | UnknownAnnotationJSON | MediaAnnotationJSON | CommentMarkerAnnotationJSON;
  7085. declare const Theme$1: {
  7086. readonly LIGHT: "LIGHT";
  7087. readonly DARK: "DARK";
  7088. readonly AUTO: "AUTO";
  7089. };
  7090. type ITheme = (typeof Theme$1)[keyof typeof Theme$1];
  7091. interface ResolvedDateTimeFormatOptions extends Intl.ResolvedDateTimeFormatOptions {
  7092. hourCycle?: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions['hourCycle'];
  7093. }
  7094. interface DateRangeFormatPart extends Intl.DateTimeFormatPart {
  7095. source: 'startRange' | 'endRange' | 'shared';
  7096. }
  7097. /** A wrapper around Intl.DateTimeFormat that fixes various browser bugs, and polyfills new features. */
  7098. declare class DateFormatter implements Intl.DateTimeFormat {
  7099. constructor(locale: string, options?: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions);
  7100. /** Formats a date as a string according to the locale and format options passed to the constructor. */
  7101. format(value: Date): string;
  7102. /** Formats a date to an array of parts such as separators, numbers, punctuation, and more. */
  7103. formatToParts(value: Date): Intl.DateTimeFormatPart[];
  7104. /** Formats a date range as a string. */
  7105. formatRange(start: Date, end: Date): string;
  7106. /** Formats a date range as an array of parts. */
  7107. formatRangeToParts(start: Date, end: Date): DateRangeFormatPart[];
  7108. /** Returns the resolved formatting options based on the values passed to the constructor. */
  7109. resolvedOptions(): ResolvedDateTimeFormatOptions;
  7110. }
  7111. /*
  7112. * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.
  7113. * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  7114. * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
  7115. * of the License at
  7116. *
  7117. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
  7118. * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS
  7119. * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
  7120. * governing permissions and limitations under the License.
  7121. */
  7122. interface AriaLabelingProps$1 {
  7123. /**
  7124. * Defines a string value that labels the current element.
  7125. */
  7126. 'aria-label'?: string,
  7127. /**
  7128. * Identifies the element (or elements) that labels the current element.
  7129. */
  7130. 'aria-labelledby'?: string,
  7131. /**
  7132. * Identifies the element (or elements) that describes the object.
  7133. */
  7134. 'aria-describedby'?: string,
  7135. /**
  7136. * Identifies the element (or elements) that provide a detailed, extended description for the object.
  7137. */
  7138. 'aria-details'?: string
  7139. }
  7140. interface AriaValidationProps {
  7141. //
  7142. /**
  7143. * Identifies the element that provides an error message for the object.
  7144. */
  7145. 'aria-errormessage'?: string
  7146. }
  7147. // A set of common DOM props that are allowed on any component
  7148. // Ensure this is synced with DOMPropNames in filterDOMProps
  7149. interface DOMProps {
  7150. /**
  7151. * The element's unique identifier. See [MDN](
  7152. */
  7153. id?: string
  7154. }
  7155. interface FocusableDOMProps extends DOMProps {
  7156. /**
  7157. * Whether to exclude the element from the sequential tab order. If true,
  7158. * the element will not be focusable via the keyboard by tabbing. This should
  7159. * be avoided except in rare scenarios where an alternative means of accessing
  7160. * the element or its functionality via the keyboard is available.
  7161. */
  7162. excludeFromTabOrder?: boolean
  7163. }
  7164. interface TextInputDOMEvents {
  7165. // Clipboard events
  7166. /**
  7167. * Handler that is called when the user copies text. See [MDN](
  7168. */
  7169. onCopy?: ClipboardEventHandler<HTMLInputElement>,
  7170. /**
  7171. * Handler that is called when the user cuts text. See [MDN](
  7172. */
  7173. onCut?: ClipboardEventHandler<HTMLInputElement>,
  7174. /**
  7175. * Handler that is called when the user pastes text. See [MDN](
  7176. */
  7177. onPaste?: ClipboardEventHandler<HTMLInputElement>,
  7178. // Composition events
  7179. /**
  7180. * Handler that is called when a text composition system starts a new text composition session. See [MDN](
  7181. */
  7182. onCompositionStart?: CompositionEventHandler<HTMLInputElement>,
  7183. /**
  7184. * Handler that is called when a text composition system completes or cancels the current text composition session. See [MDN](
  7185. */
  7186. onCompositionEnd?: CompositionEventHandler<HTMLInputElement>,
  7187. /**
  7188. * Handler that is called when a new character is received in the current text composition session. See [MDN](
  7189. */
  7190. onCompositionUpdate?: CompositionEventHandler<HTMLInputElement>,
  7191. // Selection events
  7192. /**
  7193. * Handler that is called when text in the input is selected. See [MDN](
  7194. */
  7195. onSelect?: ReactEventHandler<HTMLInputElement>,
  7196. // Input events
  7197. /**
  7198. * Handler that is called when the input value is about to be modified. See [MDN](
  7199. */
  7200. onBeforeInput?: FormEventHandler<HTMLInputElement>,
  7201. /**
  7202. * Handler that is called when the input value is modified. See [MDN](
  7203. */
  7204. onInput?: FormEventHandler<HTMLInputElement>
  7205. }
  7206. interface InputDOMProps {
  7207. /**
  7208. * The name of the input element, used when submitting an HTML form. See [MDN](
  7209. */
  7210. name?: string
  7211. }
  7212. // DOM props that apply to all text inputs
  7213. // Ensure this is synced with useTextField
  7214. interface TextInputDOMProps extends DOMProps, InputDOMProps, TextInputDOMEvents {
  7215. /**
  7216. * Describes the type of autocomplete functionality the input should provide if any. See [MDN](
  7217. */
  7218. autoComplete?: string,
  7219. /**
  7220. * The maximum number of characters supported by the input. See [MDN](
  7221. */
  7222. maxLength?: number,
  7223. /**
  7224. * The minimum number of characters required by the input. See [MDN](
  7225. */
  7226. minLength?: number,
  7227. /**
  7228. * Regex pattern that the value of the input must match to be valid. See [MDN](
  7229. */
  7230. pattern?: string,
  7231. /**
  7232. * Content that appears in the input when it is empty. See [MDN](
  7233. */
  7234. placeholder?: string,
  7235. /**
  7236. * The type of input to render. See [MDN](
  7237. */
  7238. type?: 'text' | 'search' | 'url' | 'tel' | 'email' | 'password' | (string & {}),
  7239. /**
  7240. * Hints at the type of data that might be entered by the user while editing the element or its contents. See [MDN](
  7241. */
  7242. inputMode?: 'none' | 'text' | 'tel' | 'url' | 'email' | 'numeric' | 'decimal' | 'search'
  7243. }
  7244. // Make sure to update filterDOMProps.ts when updating this.
  7245. interface LinkDOMProps {
  7246. /** A URL to link to. See [MDN]( */
  7247. href?: string,
  7248. /** The target window for the link. See [MDN]( */
  7249. target?: HTMLAttributeAnchorTarget,
  7250. /** The relationship between the linked resource and the current page. See [MDN]( */
  7251. rel?: string,
  7252. /** Causes the browser to download the linked URL. A string may be provided to suggest a file name. See [MDN]( */
  7253. download?: boolean | string,
  7254. /** A space-separated list of URLs to ping when the link is followed. See [MDN]( */
  7255. ping?: string,
  7256. /** How much of the referrer to send when following the link. See [MDN]( */
  7257. referrerPolicy?: HTMLAttributeReferrerPolicy
  7258. }
  7259. /** Any focusable element, including both HTML and SVG elements. */
  7260. interface FocusableElement extends Element, HTMLOrSVGElement {}
  7261. /** All DOM attributes supported across both HTML and SVG elements. */
  7262. interface DOMAttributes<T = FocusableElement> extends AriaAttributes, DOMAttributes$1<T> {
  7263. id?: string | undefined,
  7264. role?: AriaRole | undefined,
  7265. tabIndex?: number | undefined,
  7266. style?: CSSProperties | undefined,
  7267. className?: string | undefined
  7268. }
  7269. /*
  7270. * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.
  7271. * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  7272. * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
  7273. * of the License at
  7274. *
  7275. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
  7276. * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS
  7277. * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
  7278. * governing permissions and limitations under the License.
  7279. */
  7280. type ValidationState = 'valid' | 'invalid';
  7281. type ValidationError = string | string[];
  7282. interface Validation<T> {
  7283. /** Whether user input is required on the input before form submission. */
  7284. isRequired?: boolean,
  7285. /** Whether the input value is invalid. */
  7286. isInvalid?: boolean,
  7287. /** @deprecated Use `isInvalid` instead. */
  7288. validationState?: ValidationState,
  7289. /**
  7290. * Whether to use native HTML form validation to prevent form submission
  7291. * when the value is missing or invalid, or mark the field as required
  7292. * or invalid via ARIA.
  7293. * @default 'aria'
  7294. */
  7295. validationBehavior?: 'aria' | 'native',
  7296. /**
  7297. * A function that returns an error message if a given value is invalid.
  7298. * Validation errors are displayed to the user when the form is submitted
  7299. * if `validationBehavior="native"`. For realtime validation, use the `isInvalid`
  7300. * prop instead.
  7301. */
  7302. validate?: (value: T) => ValidationError | true | null | undefined
  7303. }
  7304. interface ValidationResult {
  7305. /** Whether the input value is invalid. */
  7306. isInvalid: boolean,
  7307. /** The current error messages for the input if it is invalid, otherwise an empty array. */
  7308. validationErrors: string[],
  7309. /** The native validation details for the input. */
  7310. validationDetails: ValidityState
  7311. }
  7312. interface InputBase {
  7313. /** Whether the input is disabled. */
  7314. isDisabled?: boolean,
  7315. /** Whether the input can be selected but not changed by the user. */
  7316. isReadOnly?: boolean
  7317. }
  7318. interface ValueBase<T, C = T> {
  7319. /** The current value (controlled). */
  7320. value?: T,
  7321. /** The default value (uncontrolled). */
  7322. defaultValue?: T,
  7323. /** Handler that is called when the value changes. */
  7324. onChange?: (value: C) => void
  7325. }
  7326. interface TextInputBase {
  7327. /** Temporary text that occupies the text input when it is empty. */
  7328. placeholder?: string
  7329. }
  7330. interface RangeInputBase<T> {
  7331. /** The smallest value allowed for the input. */
  7332. minValue?: T,
  7333. /** The largest value allowed for the input. */
  7334. maxValue?: T,
  7335. /** The amount that the input value changes with each increment or decrement "tick". */
  7336. step?: T // ??
  7337. }
  7338. interface HelpTextProps {
  7339. /** A description for the field. Provides a hint such as specific requirements for what to choose. */
  7340. description?: ReactNode,
  7341. /** An error message for the field. */
  7342. errorMessage?: ReactNode | ((v: ValidationResult) => ReactNode)
  7343. }
  7344. /*
  7345. * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.
  7346. * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  7347. * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
  7348. * of the License at
  7349. *
  7350. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
  7351. * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS
  7352. * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
  7353. * governing permissions and limitations under the License.
  7354. */
  7355. interface SingleSelection {
  7356. /** Whether the collection allows empty selection. */
  7357. disallowEmptySelection?: boolean,
  7358. /** The currently selected key in the collection (controlled). */
  7359. selectedKey?: Key$1 | null,
  7360. /** The initial selected key in the collection (uncontrolled). */
  7361. defaultSelectedKey?: Key$1,
  7362. /** Handler that is called when the selection changes. */
  7363. onSelectionChange?: (key: Key$1) => any
  7364. }
  7365. type SelectionMode = 'none' | 'single' | 'multiple';
  7366. type SelectionBehavior = 'toggle' | 'replace';
  7367. type Selection$1 = 'all' | Set<Key$1>;
  7368. interface MultipleSelection {
  7369. /** The type of selection that is allowed in the collection. */
  7370. selectionMode?: SelectionMode,
  7371. /** Whether the collection allows empty selection. */
  7372. disallowEmptySelection?: boolean,
  7373. /** The currently selected keys in the collection (controlled). */
  7374. selectedKeys?: 'all' | Iterable<Key$1>,
  7375. /** The initial selected keys in the collection (uncontrolled). */
  7376. defaultSelectedKeys?: 'all' | Iterable<Key$1>,
  7377. /** Handler that is called when the selection changes. */
  7378. onSelectionChange?: (keys: Selection$1) => any,
  7379. /** The currently disabled keys in the collection (controlled). */
  7380. disabledKeys?: Iterable<Key$1>
  7381. }
  7382. type FocusStrategy = 'first' | 'last';
  7383. type DisabledBehavior = 'selection' | 'all';
  7384. /*
  7385. * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.
  7386. * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  7387. * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
  7388. * of the License at
  7389. *
  7390. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
  7391. * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS
  7392. * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
  7393. * governing permissions and limitations under the License.
  7394. */
  7395. interface DragDropEvent {
  7396. /** The x coordinate of the event, relative to the target element. */
  7397. x: number,
  7398. /** The y coordinate of the event, relative to the target element. */
  7399. y: number
  7400. }
  7401. type DropOperation = 'copy' | 'link' | 'move' | 'cancel';
  7402. interface DragItem {
  7403. [type: string]: string
  7404. }
  7405. interface DragStartEvent extends DragDropEvent {
  7406. /** The event type. */
  7407. type: 'dragstart'
  7408. }
  7409. interface DragMoveEvent extends DragDropEvent {
  7410. /** The event type. */
  7411. type: 'dragmove'
  7412. }
  7413. interface DragEndEvent extends DragDropEvent {
  7414. /** The event type. */
  7415. type: 'dragend',
  7416. /** The drop operation that occurred. */
  7417. dropOperation: DropOperation
  7418. }
  7419. interface DropEnterEvent extends DragDropEvent {
  7420. /** The event type. */
  7421. type: 'dropenter'
  7422. }
  7423. interface DropMoveEvent extends DragDropEvent {
  7424. /** The event type. */
  7425. type: 'dropmove'
  7426. }
  7427. interface DropActivateEvent extends DragDropEvent {
  7428. /** The event type. */
  7429. type: 'dropactivate'
  7430. }
  7431. interface DropExitEvent extends DragDropEvent {
  7432. /** The event type. */
  7433. type: 'dropexit'
  7434. }
  7435. interface TextDropItem {
  7436. /** The item kind. */
  7437. kind: 'text',
  7438. /**
  7439. * The drag types available for this item.
  7440. * These are often mime types, but may be custom app-specific types.
  7441. */
  7442. types: Set<string>,
  7443. /** Returns the data for the given type as a string. */
  7444. getText(type: string): Promise<string>
  7445. }
  7446. interface FileDropItem {
  7447. /** The item kind. */
  7448. kind: 'file',
  7449. /** The file type (usually a mime type). */
  7450. type: string,
  7451. /** The file name. */
  7452. name: string,
  7453. /** Returns the contents of the file as a blob. */
  7454. getFile(): Promise<File>,
  7455. /** Returns the contents of the file as a string. */
  7456. getText(): Promise<string>
  7457. }
  7458. interface DirectoryDropItem {
  7459. /** The item kind. */
  7460. kind: 'directory',
  7461. /** The directory name. */
  7462. name: string,
  7463. /** Returns the entries contained within the directory. */
  7464. getEntries(): AsyncIterable<FileDropItem | DirectoryDropItem>
  7465. }
  7466. type DropItem = TextDropItem | FileDropItem | DirectoryDropItem;
  7467. interface DropEvent extends DragDropEvent {
  7468. /** The event type. */
  7469. type: 'drop',
  7470. /** The drop operation that should occur. */
  7471. dropOperation: DropOperation,
  7472. /** The dropped items. */
  7473. items: DropItem[]
  7474. }
  7475. type DropPosition = 'on' | 'before' | 'after';
  7476. interface RootDropTarget {
  7477. /** The event type. */
  7478. type: 'root'
  7479. }
  7480. interface ItemDropTarget {
  7481. /** The drop target type. */
  7482. type: 'item',
  7483. /** The item key. */
  7484. key: Key$1,
  7485. /** The drop position relative to the item. */
  7486. dropPosition: DropPosition
  7487. }
  7488. type DropTarget = RootDropTarget | ItemDropTarget;
  7489. interface DroppableCollectionEnterEvent extends DropEnterEvent {
  7490. /** The drop target. */
  7491. target: DropTarget
  7492. }
  7493. interface DroppableCollectionActivateEvent extends DropActivateEvent {
  7494. /** The drop target. */
  7495. target: DropTarget
  7496. }
  7497. interface DroppableCollectionExitEvent extends DropExitEvent {
  7498. /** The drop target. */
  7499. target: DropTarget
  7500. }
  7501. interface DroppableCollectionDropEvent extends DropEvent {
  7502. /** The drop target. */
  7503. target: DropTarget
  7504. }
  7505. interface DroppableCollectionInsertDropEvent {
  7506. /** The dropped items. */
  7507. items: DropItem[],
  7508. /** The drop operation that should occur. */
  7509. dropOperation: DropOperation,
  7510. /** The drop target. */
  7511. target: ItemDropTarget
  7512. }
  7513. interface DroppableCollectionRootDropEvent {
  7514. /** The dropped items. */
  7515. items: DropItem[],
  7516. /** The drop operation that should occur. */
  7517. dropOperation: DropOperation
  7518. }
  7519. interface DroppableCollectionOnItemDropEvent {
  7520. /** The dropped items. */
  7521. items: DropItem[],
  7522. /** The drop operation that should occur. */
  7523. dropOperation: DropOperation,
  7524. /** Whether the drag originated within the same collection as the drop. */
  7525. isInternal: boolean,
  7526. /** The drop target. */
  7527. target: ItemDropTarget
  7528. }
  7529. interface DroppableCollectionReorderEvent {
  7530. /** The keys of the items that were reordered. */
  7531. keys: Set<Key$1>,
  7532. /** The drop operation that should occur. */
  7533. dropOperation: DropOperation,
  7534. /** The drop target. */
  7535. target: ItemDropTarget
  7536. }
  7537. interface DragTypes {
  7538. /** Returns whether the drag contains data of the given type. */
  7539. has(type: string | symbol): boolean
  7540. }
  7541. interface DropTargetDelegate {
  7542. /**
  7543. * Returns a drop target within a collection for the given x and y coordinates.
  7544. * The point is provided relative to the top left corner of the collection container.
  7545. * A drop target can be checked to see if it is valid using the provided `isValidDropTarget` function.
  7546. */
  7547. getDropTargetFromPoint(x: number, y: number, isValidDropTarget: (target: DropTarget) => boolean): DropTarget | null
  7548. }
  7549. interface DroppableCollectionUtilityOptions {
  7550. /**
  7551. * The drag types that the droppable collection accepts. If the collection accepts directories, include `DIRECTORY_DRAG_TYPE` in your array of allowed types.
  7552. * @default 'all'
  7553. */
  7554. acceptedDragTypes?: 'all' | Array<string | symbol>,
  7555. /**
  7556. * Handler that is called when external items are dropped "between" items.
  7557. */
  7558. onInsert?: (e: DroppableCollectionInsertDropEvent) => void,
  7559. /**
  7560. * Handler that is called when external items are dropped on the droppable collection's root.
  7561. */
  7562. onRootDrop?: (e: DroppableCollectionRootDropEvent) => void,
  7563. /**
  7564. * Handler that is called when items are dropped "on" an item.
  7565. */
  7566. onItemDrop?: (e: DroppableCollectionOnItemDropEvent) => void,
  7567. /**
  7568. * Handler that is called when items are reordered via drag in the source collection.
  7569. */
  7570. onReorder?: (e: DroppableCollectionReorderEvent) => void,
  7571. /**
  7572. * A function returning whether a given target in the droppable collection is a valid "on" drop target for the current drag types.
  7573. */
  7574. shouldAcceptItemDrop?: (target: ItemDropTarget, types: DragTypes) => boolean
  7575. }
  7576. interface DroppableCollectionBaseProps {
  7577. /** Handler that is called when a valid drag enters a drop target. */
  7578. onDropEnter?: (e: DroppableCollectionEnterEvent) => void,
  7579. /**
  7580. * Handler that is called after a valid drag is held over a drop target for a period of time.
  7581. * @private
  7582. */
  7583. onDropActivate?: (e: DroppableCollectionActivateEvent) => void,
  7584. /** Handler that is called when a valid drag exits a drop target. */
  7585. onDropExit?: (e: DroppableCollectionExitEvent) => void,
  7586. /**
  7587. * Handler that is called when a valid drag is dropped on a drop target. When defined, this overrides other
  7588. * drop handlers such as `onInsert`, and `onItemDrop`.
  7589. */
  7590. onDrop?: (e: DroppableCollectionDropEvent) => void,
  7591. /**
  7592. * A function returning the drop operation to be performed when items matching the given types are dropped
  7593. * on the drop target.
  7594. */
  7595. getDropOperation?: (target: DropTarget, types: DragTypes, allowedOperations: DropOperation[]) => DropOperation
  7596. }
  7597. interface DroppableCollectionProps extends DroppableCollectionUtilityOptions, DroppableCollectionBaseProps {}
  7598. interface DraggableCollectionStartEvent extends DragStartEvent {
  7599. /** The keys of the items that were dragged. */
  7600. keys: Set<Key$1>
  7601. }
  7602. interface DraggableCollectionMoveEvent extends DragMoveEvent {
  7603. /** The keys of the items that were dragged. */
  7604. keys: Set<Key$1>
  7605. }
  7606. interface DraggableCollectionEndEvent extends DragEndEvent {
  7607. /** The keys of the items that were dragged. */
  7608. keys: Set<Key$1>,
  7609. /** Whether the drop ended within the same collection as it originated. */
  7610. isInternal: boolean
  7611. }
  7612. type DragPreviewRenderer = (items: DragItem[], callback: (node: HTMLElement) => void) => void;
  7613. interface DraggableCollectionProps {
  7614. /** Handler that is called when a drag operation is started. */
  7615. onDragStart?: (e: DraggableCollectionStartEvent) => void,
  7616. /** Handler that is called when the drag is moved. */
  7617. onDragMove?: (e: DraggableCollectionMoveEvent) => void,
  7618. /** Handler that is called when the drag operation is ended, either as a result of a drop or a cancellation. */
  7619. onDragEnd?: (e: DraggableCollectionEndEvent) => void,
  7620. /** A function that returns the items being dragged. */
  7621. getItems: (keys: Set<Key$1>) => DragItem[],
  7622. /** The ref of the element that will be rendered as the drag preview while dragging. */
  7623. preview?: RefObject<DragPreviewRenderer>,
  7624. /** Function that returns the drop operations that are allowed for the dragged items. If not provided, all drop operations are allowed. */
  7625. getAllowedDropOperations?: () => DropOperation[]
  7626. }
  7627. /*
  7628. * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.
  7629. * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  7630. * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
  7631. * of the License at
  7632. *
  7633. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
  7634. * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS
  7635. * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
  7636. * governing permissions and limitations under the License.
  7637. */
  7638. interface ItemProps$1<T> extends LinkDOMProps {
  7639. /** Rendered contents of the item or child items. */
  7640. children: ReactNode,
  7641. /** Rendered contents of the item if `children` contains child items. */
  7642. title?: ReactNode, // label?? contents?
  7643. /** A string representation of the item's contents, used for features like typeahead. */
  7644. textValue?: string,
  7645. /** An accessibility label for this item. */
  7646. 'aria-label'?: string,
  7647. /** A list of child item objects. Used for dynamic collections. */
  7648. childItems?: Iterable<T>,
  7649. /** Whether this item has children, even if not loaded yet. */
  7650. hasChildItems?: boolean
  7651. }
  7652. type ItemElement<T> = ReactElement<ItemProps$1<T>>;
  7653. type ItemRenderer<T> = (item: T) => ItemElement<T>;
  7654. interface SectionProps<T> {
  7655. /** Rendered contents of the section, e.g. a header. */
  7656. title?: ReactNode,
  7657. /** An accessibility label for the section. */
  7658. 'aria-label'?: string,
  7659. /** Static child items or a function to render children. */
  7660. children: ItemElement<T> | ItemElement<T>[] | ItemRenderer<T>,
  7661. /** Item objects in the section. */
  7662. items?: Iterable<T>
  7663. }
  7664. type SectionElement<T> = ReactElement<SectionProps<T>>;
  7665. type CollectionElement<T> = SectionElement<T> | ItemElement<T>;
  7666. type CollectionChildren<T> = CollectionElement<T> | CollectionElement<T>[] | ((item: T) => CollectionElement<T>);
  7667. interface CollectionBase<T> {
  7668. /** The contents of the collection. */
  7669. children: CollectionChildren<T>,
  7670. /** Item objects in the collection. */
  7671. items?: Iterable<T>,
  7672. /** The item keys that are disabled. These items cannot be selected, focused, or otherwise interacted with. */
  7673. disabledKeys?: Iterable<Key$1>
  7674. }
  7675. interface CollectionStateBase<T, C extends Collection<Node$1<T>> = Collection<Node$1<T>>> extends Partial<CollectionBase<T>> {
  7676. /** A pre-constructed collection to use instead of building one from items and children. */
  7677. collection?: C
  7678. }
  7679. interface KeyboardDelegate {
  7680. /** Returns the key visually below the given one, or `null` for none. */
  7681. getKeyBelow?(key: Key$1): Key$1 | null,
  7682. /** Returns the key visually above the given one, or `null` for none. */
  7683. getKeyAbove?(key: Key$1): Key$1 | null,
  7684. /** Returns the key visually to the left of the given one, or `null` for none. */
  7685. getKeyLeftOf?(key: Key$1): Key$1 | null,
  7686. /** Returns the key visually to the right of the given one, or `null` for none. */
  7687. getKeyRightOf?(key: Key$1): Key$1 | null,
  7688. /** Returns the key visually one page below the given one, or `null` for none. */
  7689. getKeyPageBelow?(key: Key$1): Key$1 | null,
  7690. /** Returns the key visually one page above the given one, or `null` for none. */
  7691. getKeyPageAbove?(key: Key$1): Key$1 | null,
  7692. /** Returns the first key, or `null` for none. */
  7693. getFirstKey?(key?: Key$1, global?: boolean): Key$1 | null,
  7694. /** Returns the last key, or `null` for none. */
  7695. getLastKey?(key?: Key$1, global?: boolean): Key$1 | null,
  7696. /** Returns the next key after `fromKey` that matches the given search string, or `null` for none. */
  7697. getKeyForSearch?(search: string, fromKey?: Key$1): Key$1 | null
  7698. }
  7699. /**
  7700. * A generic interface to access a readonly sequential
  7701. * collection of unique keyed items.
  7702. */
  7703. interface Collection<T> extends Iterable<T> {
  7704. /** The number of items in the collection. */
  7705. readonly size: number,
  7706. /** Iterate over all keys in the collection. */
  7707. getKeys(): Iterable<Key$1>,
  7708. /** Get an item by its key. */
  7709. getItem(key: Key$1): T | null,
  7710. /** Get an item by the index of its key. */
  7711. at(idx: number): T | null,
  7712. /** Get the key that comes before the given key in the collection. */
  7713. getKeyBefore(key: Key$1): Key$1 | null,
  7714. /** Get the key that comes after the given key in the collection. */
  7715. getKeyAfter(key: Key$1): Key$1 | null,
  7716. /** Get the first key in the collection. */
  7717. getFirstKey(): Key$1 | null,
  7718. /** Get the last key in the collection. */
  7719. getLastKey(): Key$1 | null,
  7720. /** Iterate over the child items of the given key. */
  7721. getChildren?(key: Key$1): Iterable<T>,
  7722. /** Returns a string representation of the item's contents. */
  7723. getTextValue?(key: Key$1): string
  7724. }
  7725. interface Node$1<T> {
  7726. /** The type of item this node represents. */
  7727. type: string,
  7728. /** A unique key for the node. */
  7729. key: Key$1,
  7730. /** The object value the node was created from. */
  7731. value: T | null,
  7732. /** The level of depth this node is at in the hierarchy. */
  7733. level: number,
  7734. /** Whether this item has children, even if not loaded yet. */
  7735. hasChildNodes: boolean,
  7736. /**
  7737. * The loaded children of this node.
  7738. * @deprecated Use `collection.getChildren(node.key)` instead.
  7739. */
  7740. childNodes: Iterable<Node$1<T>>,
  7741. /** The rendered contents of this node (e.g. JSX). */
  7742. rendered: ReactNode,
  7743. /** A string value for this node, used for features like typeahead. */
  7744. textValue: string,
  7745. /** An accessibility label for this node. */
  7746. 'aria-label'?: string,
  7747. /** The index of this node within its parent. */
  7748. index?: number,
  7749. /** A function that should be called to wrap the rendered node. */
  7750. wrapper?: (element: ReactElement) => ReactElement,
  7751. /** The key of the parent node. */
  7752. parentKey?: Key$1 | null,
  7753. /** The key of the node before this node. */
  7754. prevKey?: Key$1 | null,
  7755. /** The key of the node after this node. */
  7756. nextKey?: Key$1 | null,
  7757. /** Additional properties specific to a particular node type. */
  7758. props?: any,
  7759. /** @private */
  7760. shouldInvalidate?: (context: unknown) => boolean
  7761. }
  7762. /*
  7763. * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.
  7764. * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  7765. * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
  7766. * of the License at
  7767. *
  7768. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
  7769. * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS
  7770. * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
  7771. * governing permissions and limitations under the License.
  7772. */
  7773. // Event bubbling can be problematic in real-world applications, so the default for React Spectrum components
  7774. // is not to propagate. This can be overridden by calling continuePropagation() on the event.
  7775. type BaseEvent<T extends SyntheticEvent> = T & {
  7776. /**
  7777. * Use continuePropagation.
  7778. * @deprecated */
  7779. stopPropagation(): void,
  7780. continuePropagation(): void
  7781. }
  7782. type KeyboardEvent = BaseEvent<KeyboardEvent$1<any>>;
  7783. type PointerType = 'mouse' | 'pen' | 'touch' | 'keyboard' | 'virtual';
  7784. interface PressEvent {
  7785. /** The type of press event being fired. */
  7786. type: 'pressstart' | 'pressend' | 'pressup' | 'press',
  7787. /** The pointer type that triggered the press event. */
  7788. pointerType: PointerType,
  7789. /** The target element of the press event. */
  7790. target: Element,
  7791. /** Whether the shift keyboard modifier was held during the press event. */
  7792. shiftKey: boolean,
  7793. /** Whether the ctrl keyboard modifier was held during the press event. */
  7794. ctrlKey: boolean,
  7795. /** Whether the meta keyboard modifier was held during the press event. */
  7796. metaKey: boolean,
  7797. /** Whether the alt keyboard modifier was held during the press event. */
  7798. altKey: boolean,
  7799. /**
  7800. * By default, press events stop propagation to parent elements.
  7801. * In cases where a handler decides not to handle a specific event,
  7802. * it can call `continuePropagation()` to allow a parent to handle it.
  7803. */
  7804. continuePropagation(): void
  7805. }
  7806. interface LongPressEvent extends Omit<PressEvent, 'type' | 'continuePropagation'> {
  7807. /** The type of long press event being fired. */
  7808. type: 'longpressstart' | 'longpressend' | 'longpress'
  7809. }
  7810. interface KeyboardEvents {
  7811. /** Handler that is called when a key is pressed. */
  7812. onKeyDown?: (e: KeyboardEvent) => void,
  7813. /** Handler that is called when a key is released. */
  7814. onKeyUp?: (e: KeyboardEvent) => void
  7815. }
  7816. interface FocusEvents<Target = Element> {
  7817. /** Handler that is called when the element receives focus. */
  7818. onFocus?: (e: FocusEvent$1<Target>) => void,
  7819. /** Handler that is called when the element loses focus. */
  7820. onBlur?: (e: FocusEvent$1<Target>) => void,
  7821. /** Handler that is called when the element's focus status changes. */
  7822. onFocusChange?: (isFocused: boolean) => void
  7823. }
  7824. interface PressEvents {
  7825. /** Handler that is called when the press is released over the target. */
  7826. onPress?: (e: PressEvent) => void,
  7827. /** Handler that is called when a press interaction starts. */
  7828. onPressStart?: (e: PressEvent) => void,
  7829. /**
  7830. * Handler that is called when a press interaction ends, either
  7831. * over the target or when the pointer leaves the target.
  7832. */
  7833. onPressEnd?: (e: PressEvent) => void,
  7834. /** Handler that is called when the press state changes. */
  7835. onPressChange?: (isPressed: boolean) => void,
  7836. /**
  7837. * Handler that is called when a press is released over the target, regardless of
  7838. * whether it started on the target or not.
  7839. */
  7840. onPressUp?: (e: PressEvent) => void
  7841. }
  7842. interface FocusableProps<Target = Element> extends FocusEvents<Target>, KeyboardEvents {
  7843. /** Whether the element should receive focus on render. */
  7844. autoFocus?: boolean
  7845. }
  7846. /*
  7847. * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.
  7848. * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  7849. * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
  7850. * of the License at
  7851. *
  7852. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
  7853. * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS
  7854. * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
  7855. * governing permissions and limitations under the License.
  7856. */
  7857. interface LabelableProps {
  7858. /** The content to display as the label. */
  7859. label?: ReactNode
  7860. }
  7861. /*
  7862. * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.
  7863. * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  7864. * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
  7865. * of the License at
  7866. *
  7867. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
  7868. * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS
  7869. * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
  7870. * governing permissions and limitations under the License.
  7871. */
  7872. type Orientation = 'horizontal' | 'vertical';
  7873. /*
  7874. * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.
  7875. * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  7876. * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
  7877. * of the License at
  7878. *
  7879. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
  7880. * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS
  7881. * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
  7882. * governing permissions and limitations under the License.
  7883. */
  7884. type Direction = 'ltr' | 'rtl';
  7885. /*
  7886. * Copyright 2023 Adobe. All rights reserved.
  7887. * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  7888. * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
  7889. * of the License at
  7890. *
  7891. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
  7892. * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS
  7893. * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
  7894. * governing permissions and limitations under the License.
  7895. */
  7896. type Key$1 = string | number;
  7897. /*
  7898. * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.
  7899. * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  7900. * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
  7901. * of the License at
  7902. *
  7903. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
  7904. * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS
  7905. * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
  7906. * governing permissions and limitations under the License.
  7907. */
  7908. interface ToggleProps extends InputBase, Validation<boolean>, FocusableProps {
  7909. /**
  7910. * The label for the element.
  7911. */
  7912. children?: ReactNode,
  7913. /**
  7914. * Whether the element should be selected (uncontrolled).
  7915. */
  7916. defaultSelected?: boolean,
  7917. /**
  7918. * Whether the element should be selected (controlled).
  7919. */
  7920. isSelected?: boolean,
  7921. /**
  7922. * Handler that is called when the element's selection state changes.
  7923. */
  7924. onChange?: (isSelected: boolean) => void,
  7925. /**
  7926. * The value of the input element, used when submitting an HTML form. See [MDN](
  7927. */
  7928. value?: string
  7929. }
  7930. interface AriaToggleProps extends ToggleProps, FocusableDOMProps, AriaLabelingProps$1, AriaValidationProps, InputDOMProps {
  7931. /**
  7932. * Identifies the element (or elements) whose contents or presence are controlled by the current element.
  7933. */
  7934. 'aria-controls'?: string
  7935. }
  7936. interface CheckboxProps$1 extends ToggleProps {
  7937. /**
  7938. * Indeterminism is presentational only.
  7939. * The indeterminate visual representation remains regardless of user interaction.
  7940. */
  7941. isIndeterminate?: boolean
  7942. }
  7943. interface AriaCheckboxProps extends CheckboxProps$1, AriaToggleProps {}
  7944. /*
  7945. * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.
  7946. * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  7947. * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
  7948. * of the License at
  7949. *
  7950. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
  7951. * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS
  7952. * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
  7953. * governing permissions and limitations under the License.
  7954. */
  7955. type Placement = 'bottom' | 'bottom left' | 'bottom right' | 'bottom start' | 'bottom end' |
  7956. 'top' | 'top left' | 'top right' | 'top start' | 'top end' |
  7957. 'left' | 'left top' | 'left bottom' | 'start' | 'start top' | 'start bottom' |
  7958. 'right' | 'right top' | 'right bottom' | 'end' | 'end top' | 'end bottom';
  7959. interface PositionProps {
  7960. /**
  7961. * The placement of the element with respect to its anchor element.
  7962. * @default 'bottom'
  7963. */
  7964. placement?: Placement,
  7965. /**
  7966. * The placement padding that should be applied between the element and its
  7967. * surrounding container.
  7968. * @default 12
  7969. */
  7970. containerPadding?: number,
  7971. /**
  7972. * The additional offset applied along the main axis between the element and its
  7973. * anchor element.
  7974. * @default 0
  7975. */
  7976. offset?: number,
  7977. /**
  7978. * The additional offset applied along the cross axis between the element and its
  7979. * anchor element.
  7980. * @default 0
  7981. */
  7982. crossOffset?: number,
  7983. /**
  7984. * Whether the element should flip its orientation (e.g. top to bottom or left to right) when
  7985. * there is insufficient room for it to render completely.
  7986. * @default true
  7987. */
  7988. shouldFlip?: boolean,
  7989. // /**
  7990. // * The element that should be used as the bounding container when calculating container offset
  7991. // * or whether it should flip.
  7992. // */
  7993. // boundaryElement?: Element,
  7994. /** Whether the element is rendered. */
  7995. isOpen?: boolean
  7996. }
  7997. interface OverlayTriggerProps$1 {
  7998. /** Whether the overlay is open by default (controlled). */
  7999. isOpen?: boolean,
  8000. /** Whether the overlay is open by default (uncontrolled). */
  8001. defaultOpen?: boolean,
  8002. /** Handler that is called when the overlay's open state changes. */
  8003. onOpenChange?: (isOpen: boolean) => void
  8004. }
  8005. interface OverlayTriggerState {
  8006. /** Whether the overlay is currently open. */
  8007. readonly isOpen: boolean;
  8008. /** Sets whether the overlay is open. */
  8009. setOpen(isOpen: boolean): void;
  8010. /** Opens the overlay. */
  8011. open(): void;
  8012. /** Closes the overlay. */
  8013. close(): void;
  8014. /** Toggles the overlay's visibility. */
  8015. toggle(): void;
  8016. }
  8017. /*
  8018. * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.
  8019. * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  8020. * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
  8021. * of the License at
  8022. *
  8023. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
  8024. * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS
  8025. * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
  8026. * governing permissions and limitations under the License.
  8027. */
  8028. interface SelectProps$1<T> extends CollectionBase<T>, Omit<InputBase, 'isReadOnly'>, Validation<Key$1>, HelpTextProps, LabelableProps, TextInputBase, Omit<SingleSelection, 'disallowEmptySelection'>, FocusableProps {
  8029. /** Sets the open state of the menu. */
  8030. isOpen?: boolean,
  8031. /** Sets the default open state of the menu. */
  8032. defaultOpen?: boolean,
  8033. /** Method that is called when the open state of the menu changes. */
  8034. onOpenChange?: (isOpen: boolean) => void
  8035. }
  8036. interface AriaSelectProps<T> extends SelectProps$1<T>, DOMProps, AriaLabelingProps$1, FocusableDOMProps {
  8037. /**
  8038. * Describes the type of autocomplete functionality the input should provide if any. See [MDN](
  8039. */
  8040. autoComplete?: string,
  8041. /**
  8042. * The name of the input, used when submitting an HTML form.
  8043. */
  8044. name?: string
  8045. }
  8046. interface FocusState {
  8047. /** Whether the collection is currently focused. */
  8048. readonly isFocused: boolean;
  8049. /** Sets whether the collection is focused. */
  8050. setFocused(isFocused: boolean): void;
  8051. /** The current focused key in the collection. */
  8052. readonly focusedKey: Key$1;
  8053. /** Whether the first or last child of the focused key should receive focus. */
  8054. readonly childFocusStrategy: FocusStrategy;
  8055. /** Sets the focused key, and optionally, whether the first or last child of that key should receive focus. */
  8056. setFocusedKey(key: Key$1, child?: FocusStrategy): void;
  8057. }
  8058. interface MultipleSelectionState extends FocusState {
  8059. /** The type of selection that is allowed in the collection. */
  8060. readonly selectionMode: SelectionMode;
  8061. /** The selection behavior for the collection. */
  8062. readonly selectionBehavior: SelectionBehavior;
  8063. /** Sets the selection behavior for the collection. */
  8064. setSelectionBehavior(selectionBehavior: SelectionBehavior): void;
  8065. /** Whether the collection allows empty selection. */
  8066. readonly disallowEmptySelection: boolean;
  8067. /** The currently selected keys in the collection. */
  8068. readonly selectedKeys: Selection$1;
  8069. /** Sets the selected keys in the collection. */
  8070. setSelectedKeys(keys: Selection$1): void;
  8071. /** The currently disabled keys in the collection. */
  8072. readonly disabledKeys: Set<Key$1>;
  8073. /** Whether `disabledKeys` applies to selection, actions, or both. */
  8074. readonly disabledBehavior: DisabledBehavior;
  8075. }
  8076. interface MultipleSelectionManager extends FocusState {
  8077. /** The type of selection that is allowed in the collection. */
  8078. readonly selectionMode: SelectionMode;
  8079. /** The selection behavior for the collection. */
  8080. readonly selectionBehavior: SelectionBehavior;
  8081. /** Whether the collection allows empty selection. */
  8082. readonly disallowEmptySelection?: boolean;
  8083. /** The currently selected keys in the collection. */
  8084. readonly selectedKeys: Set<Key$1>;
  8085. /** Whether the selection is empty. */
  8086. readonly isEmpty: boolean;
  8087. /** Whether all items in the collection are selected. */
  8088. readonly isSelectAll: boolean;
  8089. /** The first selected key in the collection. */
  8090. readonly firstSelectedKey: Key$1 | null;
  8091. /** The last selected key in the collection. */
  8092. readonly lastSelectedKey: Key$1 | null;
  8093. /** The currently disabled keys in the collection. */
  8094. readonly disabledKeys: Set<Key$1>;
  8095. /** Whether `disabledKeys` applies to selection, actions, or both. */
  8096. readonly disabledBehavior: DisabledBehavior;
  8097. /** Returns whether a key is selected. */
  8098. isSelected(key: Key$1): boolean;
  8099. /** Returns whether the current selection is equal to the given selection. */
  8100. isSelectionEqual(selection: Set<Key$1>): boolean;
  8101. /** Extends the selection to the given key. */
  8102. extendSelection(toKey: Key$1): void;
  8103. /** Toggles whether the given key is selected. */
  8104. toggleSelection(key: Key$1): void;
  8105. /** Replaces the selection with only the given key. */
  8106. replaceSelection(key: Key$1): void;
  8107. /** Replaces the selection with the given keys. */
  8108. setSelectedKeys(keys: Iterable<Key$1>): void;
  8109. /** Selects all items in the collection. */
  8110. selectAll(): void;
  8111. /** Removes all keys from the selection. */
  8112. clearSelection(): void;
  8113. /** Toggles between select all and an empty selection. */
  8114. toggleSelectAll(): void;
  8115. /**
  8116. * Toggles, replaces, or extends selection to the given key depending
  8117. * on the pointer event and collection's selection mode.
  8118. */
  8119. select(key: Key$1, e?: PressEvent | LongPressEvent | PointerEvent): void;
  8120. /** Returns whether the given key can be selected. */
  8121. canSelectItem(key: Key$1): boolean;
  8122. /** Returns whether the given key is non-interactive, i.e. both selection and actions are disabled. */
  8123. isDisabled(key: Key$1): boolean;
  8124. /** Sets the selection behavior for the collection. */
  8125. setSelectionBehavior(selectionBehavior: SelectionBehavior): void;
  8126. /** Returns whether the given key is a hyperlink. */
  8127. isLink(key: Key$1): boolean;
  8128. }
  8129. interface MultipleSelectionStateProps extends MultipleSelection {
  8130. /** How multiple selection should behave in the collection. */
  8131. selectionBehavior?: SelectionBehavior;
  8132. /** Whether onSelectionChange should fire even if the new set of keys is the same as the last. */
  8133. allowDuplicateSelectionEvents?: boolean;
  8134. /** Whether `disabledKeys` applies to all interactions, or only selection. */
  8135. disabledBehavior?: DisabledBehavior;
  8136. }
  8137. interface SelectionManagerOptions {
  8138. allowsCellSelection?: boolean;
  8139. }
  8140. /**
  8141. * An interface for reading and updating multiple selection state.
  8142. */
  8143. declare class SelectionManager implements MultipleSelectionManager {
  8144. constructor(collection: Collection<Node$1<unknown>>, state: MultipleSelectionState, options?: SelectionManagerOptions);
  8145. /**
  8146. * The type of selection that is allowed in the collection.
  8147. */
  8148. get selectionMode(): SelectionMode;
  8149. /**
  8150. * Whether the collection allows empty selection.
  8151. */
  8152. get disallowEmptySelection(): boolean;
  8153. /**
  8154. * The selection behavior for the collection.
  8155. */
  8156. get selectionBehavior(): SelectionBehavior;
  8157. /**
  8158. * Sets the selection behavior for the collection.
  8159. */
  8160. setSelectionBehavior(selectionBehavior: SelectionBehavior): void;
  8161. /**
  8162. * Whether the collection is currently focused.
  8163. */
  8164. get isFocused(): boolean;
  8165. /**
  8166. * Sets whether the collection is focused.
  8167. */
  8168. setFocused(isFocused: boolean): void;
  8169. /**
  8170. * The current focused key in the collection.
  8171. */
  8172. get focusedKey(): Key$1;
  8173. /** Whether the first or last child of the focused key should receive focus. */
  8174. get childFocusStrategy(): FocusStrategy;
  8175. /**
  8176. * Sets the focused key.
  8177. */
  8178. setFocusedKey(key: Key$1 | null, childFocusStrategy?: FocusStrategy): void;
  8179. /**
  8180. * The currently selected keys in the collection.
  8181. */
  8182. get selectedKeys(): Set<Key$1>;
  8183. /**
  8184. * The raw selection value for the collection.
  8185. * Either 'all' for select all, or a set of keys.
  8186. */
  8187. get rawSelection(): Selection$1;
  8188. /**
  8189. * Returns whether a key is selected.
  8190. */
  8191. isSelected(key: Key$1): boolean;
  8192. /**
  8193. * Whether the selection is empty.
  8194. */
  8195. get isEmpty(): boolean;
  8196. /**
  8197. * Whether all items in the collection are selected.
  8198. */
  8199. get isSelectAll(): boolean;
  8200. get firstSelectedKey(): Key$1 | null;
  8201. get lastSelectedKey(): Key$1 | null;
  8202. get disabledKeys(): Set<Key$1>;
  8203. get disabledBehavior(): DisabledBehavior;
  8204. /**
  8205. * Extends the selection to the given key.
  8206. */
  8207. extendSelection(toKey: Key$1): void;
  8208. /**
  8209. * Toggles whether the given key is selected.
  8210. */
  8211. toggleSelection(key: Key$1): void;
  8212. /**
  8213. * Replaces the selection with only the given key.
  8214. */
  8215. replaceSelection(key: Key$1): void;
  8216. /**
  8217. * Replaces the selection with the given keys.
  8218. */
  8219. setSelectedKeys(keys: Iterable<Key$1>): void;
  8220. /**
  8221. * Selects all items in the collection.
  8222. */
  8223. selectAll(): void;
  8224. /**
  8225. * Removes all keys from the selection.
  8226. */
  8227. clearSelection(): void;
  8228. /**
  8229. * Toggles between select all and an empty selection.
  8230. */
  8231. toggleSelectAll(): void;
  8232. select(key: Key$1, e?: PressEvent | LongPressEvent | PointerEvent): void;
  8233. /**
  8234. * Returns whether the current selection is equal to the given selection.
  8235. */
  8236. isSelectionEqual(selection: Set<Key$1>): boolean;
  8237. canSelectItem(key: Key$1): boolean;
  8238. isDisabled(key: Key$1): boolean;
  8239. isLink(key: Key$1): boolean;
  8240. }
  8241. interface ListProps<T> extends CollectionStateBase<T>, MultipleSelectionStateProps {
  8242. /** Filter function to generate a filtered list of nodes. */
  8243. filter?: (nodes: Iterable<Node$1<T>>) => Iterable<Node$1<T>>;
  8244. /** @private */
  8245. suppressTextValueWarning?: boolean;
  8246. }
  8247. interface ListState<T> {
  8248. /** A collection of items in the list. */
  8249. collection: Collection<Node$1<T>>;
  8250. /** A set of items that are disabled. */
  8251. disabledKeys: Set<Key$1>;
  8252. /** A selection manager to read and update multiple selection state. */
  8253. selectionManager: SelectionManager;
  8254. }
  8255. interface SelectStateOptions<T> extends Omit<SelectProps$1<T>, 'children'>, CollectionStateBase<T> {
  8256. }
  8257. interface DraggableCollectionStateOptions extends DraggableCollectionProps {
  8258. /** A collection of items. */
  8259. collection: Collection<Node$1<unknown>>;
  8260. /** An interface for reading and updating multiple selection state. */
  8261. selectionManager: MultipleSelectionManager;
  8262. }
  8263. interface DroppableCollectionStateOptions extends Omit<DroppableCollectionProps, 'onDropMove' | 'onDropActivate'> {
  8264. /** A collection of items. */
  8265. collection: Collection<Node$1<unknown>>;
  8266. /** An interface for reading and updating multiple selection state. */
  8267. selectionManager: MultipleSelectionManager;
  8268. }
  8269. /*
  8270. * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.
  8271. * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  8272. * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
  8273. * of the License at
  8274. *
  8275. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
  8276. * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS
  8277. * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
  8278. * governing permissions and limitations under the License.
  8279. */
  8280. type MenuTriggerType = 'press' | 'longPress';
  8281. interface MenuTriggerProps extends OverlayTriggerProps$1 {
  8282. /**
  8283. * How the menu is triggered.
  8284. * @default 'press'
  8285. */
  8286. trigger?: MenuTriggerType
  8287. }
  8288. interface MenuProps$1<T> extends CollectionBase<T>, MultipleSelection {
  8289. /** Where the focus should be set. */
  8290. autoFocus?: boolean | FocusStrategy,
  8291. /** Whether keyboard navigation is circular. */
  8292. shouldFocusWrap?: boolean,
  8293. /** Handler that is called when an item is selected. */
  8294. onAction?: (key: Key$1) => void,
  8295. /** Handler that is called when the menu should close after selecting an item. */
  8296. onClose?: () => void
  8297. }
  8298. interface AriaMenuProps<T> extends MenuProps$1<T>, DOMProps, AriaLabelingProps$1 {}
  8299. /*
  8300. * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.
  8301. * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  8302. * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
  8303. * of the License at
  8304. *
  8305. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
  8306. * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS
  8307. * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
  8308. * governing permissions and limitations under the License.
  8309. */
  8310. interface RadioGroupProps$1 extends ValueBase<string>, InputBase, InputDOMProps, Validation<string | null>, LabelableProps, HelpTextProps, FocusEvents {
  8311. /**
  8312. * The axis the Radio Button(s) should align with.
  8313. * @default 'vertical'
  8314. */
  8315. orientation?: Orientation
  8316. }
  8317. interface AriaRadioGroupProps extends RadioGroupProps$1, DOMProps, AriaLabelingProps$1, AriaValidationProps {}
  8318. /*
  8319. * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.
  8320. * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  8321. * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
  8322. * of the License at
  8323. *
  8324. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
  8325. * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS
  8326. * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
  8327. * governing permissions and limitations under the License.
  8328. */
  8329. interface TextFieldProps extends InputBase, Validation<string>, HelpTextProps, FocusableProps, TextInputBase, ValueBase<string>, LabelableProps {}
  8330. interface AriaTextFieldProps extends TextFieldProps, AriaLabelingProps$1, FocusableDOMProps, TextInputDOMProps, AriaValidationProps {
  8331. //
  8332. /** Identifies the currently active element when DOM focus is on a composite widget, textbox, group, or application. */
  8333. 'aria-activedescendant'?: string,
  8334. /**
  8335. * Indicates whether inputting text could trigger display of one or more predictions of the user's intended value for an input and specifies how predictions would be
  8336. * presented if they are made.
  8337. */
  8338. 'aria-autocomplete'?: 'none' | 'inline' | 'list' | 'both',
  8339. /** Indicates the availability and type of interactive popup element, such as menu or dialog, that can be triggered by an element. */
  8340. 'aria-haspopup'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | 'menu' | 'listbox' | 'tree' | 'grid' | 'dialog'
  8341. }
  8342. /*
  8343. * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.
  8344. * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  8345. * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
  8346. * of the License at
  8347. *
  8348. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
  8349. * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS
  8350. * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
  8351. * governing permissions and limitations under the License.
  8352. */
  8353. interface SearchFieldProps extends TextFieldProps {
  8354. /** Handler that is called when the SearchField is submitted. */
  8355. onSubmit?: (value: string) => void,
  8356. /** Handler that is called when the clear button is pressed. */
  8357. onClear?: () => void
  8358. }
  8359. interface AriaSearchFieldProps extends SearchFieldProps, AriaTextFieldProps {}
  8360. interface SliderProps$1<T = number | number[]> extends RangeInputBase<number>, ValueBase<T>, LabelableProps {
  8361. /**
  8362. * The orientation of the Slider.
  8363. * @default 'horizontal'
  8364. */
  8365. orientation?: Orientation,
  8366. /** Whether the whole Slider is disabled. */
  8367. isDisabled?: boolean,
  8368. /** Fired when the slider stops moving, due to being let go. */
  8369. onChangeEnd?: (value: T) => void,
  8370. // These are duplicated from ValueBase to define defaults for the docs.
  8371. /**
  8372. * The slider's minimum value.
  8373. * @default 0
  8374. */
  8375. minValue?: number,
  8376. /**
  8377. * The slider's maximum value.
  8378. * @default 100
  8379. */
  8380. maxValue?: number,
  8381. /**
  8382. * The slider's step value.
  8383. * @default 1
  8384. */
  8385. step?: number
  8386. }
  8387. interface AriaSliderProps<T = number | number[]> extends SliderProps$1<T>, DOMProps, AriaLabelingProps$1 {}
  8388. interface SliderStateOptions<T> extends SliderProps$1<T> {
  8389. numberFormatter: Intl.NumberFormat;
  8390. }
  8391. /*
  8392. * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.
  8393. * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  8394. * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
  8395. * of the License at
  8396. *
  8397. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
  8398. * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS
  8399. * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
  8400. * governing permissions and limitations under the License.
  8401. */
  8402. interface NumberFieldProps extends InputBase, Validation<number>, FocusableProps, TextInputBase, ValueBase<number>, RangeInputBase<number>, LabelableProps, HelpTextProps {
  8403. /**
  8404. * Formatting options for the value displayed in the number field.
  8405. * This also affects what characters are allowed to be typed by the user.
  8406. */
  8407. formatOptions?: Intl.NumberFormatOptions
  8408. }
  8409. interface AriaNumberFieldProps extends NumberFieldProps, DOMProps, AriaLabelingProps$1, TextInputDOMEvents {
  8410. /** A custom aria-label for the decrement button. If not provided, the localized string "Decrement" is used. */
  8411. decrementAriaLabel?: string,
  8412. /** A custom aria-label for the increment button. If not provided, the localized string "Increment" is used. */
  8413. incrementAriaLabel?: string,
  8414. /**
  8415. * Enables or disables changing the value with scroll.
  8416. */
  8417. isWheelDisabled?: boolean
  8418. }
  8419. interface NumberFieldStateOptions extends NumberFieldProps {
  8420. /**
  8421. * The locale that should be used for parsing.
  8422. * @default 'en-US'
  8423. */
  8424. locale: string;
  8425. }
  8426. declare let Item$1: <T>(props: ItemProps$1<T>) => JSX.Element;
  8427. /*
  8428. * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.
  8429. * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  8430. * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
  8431. * of the License at
  8432. *
  8433. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
  8434. * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS
  8435. * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
  8436. * governing permissions and limitations under the License.
  8437. */
  8438. interface TabListProps<T> extends CollectionBase<T>, Omit<SingleSelection, 'disallowEmptySelection'> {
  8439. /**
  8440. * Whether the TabList is disabled.
  8441. * Shows that a selection exists, but is not available in that circumstance.
  8442. */
  8443. isDisabled?: boolean
  8444. }
  8445. interface AriaTabListBase extends AriaLabelingProps$1 {
  8446. /**
  8447. * Whether tabs are activated automatically on focus or manually.
  8448. * @default 'automatic'
  8449. */
  8450. keyboardActivation?: 'automatic' | 'manual',
  8451. /**
  8452. * The orientation of the tabs.
  8453. * @default 'horizontal'
  8454. */
  8455. orientation?: Orientation
  8456. }
  8457. interface AriaTabListProps<T> extends TabListProps<T>, AriaTabListBase, DOMProps, AriaLabelingProps$1 {}
  8458. /*
  8459. * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.
  8460. * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  8461. * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
  8462. * of the License at
  8463. *
  8464. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
  8465. * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS
  8466. * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
  8467. * governing permissions and limitations under the License.
  8468. */
  8469. interface TooltipTriggerProps extends OverlayTriggerProps$1 {
  8470. /**
  8471. * Whether the tooltip should be disabled, independent from the trigger.
  8472. */
  8473. isDisabled?: boolean,
  8474. /**
  8475. * The delay time for the tooltip to show up. [See guidelines](
  8476. * @default 1500
  8477. */
  8478. delay?: number,
  8479. /**
  8480. * The delay time for the tooltip to close. [See guidelines](
  8481. * @default 500
  8482. */
  8483. closeDelay?: number,
  8484. /**
  8485. * By default, opens for both focus and hover. Can be made to open only for focus.
  8486. */
  8487. trigger?: 'focus'
  8488. }
  8489. interface TooltipProps$1 {
  8490. isOpen?: boolean
  8491. }
  8492. interface AriaTooltipProps extends TooltipProps$1, DOMProps, AriaLabelingProps$1 {}
  8493. /*
  8494. * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.
  8495. * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  8496. * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
  8497. * of the License at
  8498. *
  8499. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
  8500. * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS
  8501. * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
  8502. * governing permissions and limitations under the License.
  8503. */
  8504. interface LinkProps$1 extends PressEvents, FocusableProps {}
  8505. interface AriaLinkProps extends LinkProps$1, LinkDOMProps, AriaLabelingProps$1 { }
  8506. /*
  8507. * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.
  8508. * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  8509. * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
  8510. * of the License at
  8511. *
  8512. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
  8513. * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS
  8514. * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
  8515. * governing permissions and limitations under the License.
  8516. */
  8517. interface ButtonProps extends PressEvents, FocusableProps {
  8518. /** Whether the button is disabled. */
  8519. isDisabled?: boolean,
  8520. /** The content to display in the button. */
  8521. children?: ReactNode
  8522. }
  8523. interface ToggleButtonProps$1 extends ButtonProps {
  8524. /** Whether the element should be selected (controlled). */
  8525. isSelected?: boolean,
  8526. /** Whether the element should be selected (uncontrolled). */
  8527. defaultSelected?: boolean,
  8528. /** Handler that is called when the element's selection state changes. */
  8529. onChange?: (isSelected: boolean) => void
  8530. }
  8531. interface AriaButtonElementTypeProps<T extends ElementType = 'button'> {
  8532. /**
  8533. * The HTML element or React element used to render the button, e.g. 'div', 'a', or `RouterLink`.
  8534. * @default 'button'
  8535. */
  8536. elementType?: T | JSXElementConstructor<any>
  8537. }
  8538. interface LinkButtonProps<T extends ElementType = 'button'> extends AriaButtonElementTypeProps<T> {
  8539. /** A URL to link to if elementType="a". */
  8540. href?: string,
  8541. /** The target window for the link. */
  8542. target?: string,
  8543. /** The relationship between the linked resource and the current page. See [MDN]( */
  8544. rel?: string
  8545. }
  8546. interface AriaBaseButtonProps extends FocusableDOMProps, AriaLabelingProps$1 {
  8547. /** Indicates whether the element, or another grouping element it controls, is currently expanded or collapsed. */
  8548. 'aria-expanded'?: boolean | 'true' | 'false',
  8549. /** Indicates the availability and type of interactive popup element, such as menu or dialog, that can be triggered by an element. */
  8550. 'aria-haspopup'?: boolean | 'menu' | 'listbox' | 'tree' | 'grid' | 'dialog' | 'true' | 'false',
  8551. /** Identifies the element (or elements) whose contents or presence are controlled by the current element. */
  8552. 'aria-controls'?: string,
  8553. /** Indicates the current "pressed" state of toggle buttons. */
  8554. 'aria-pressed'?: boolean | 'true' | 'false' | 'mixed',
  8555. /**
  8556. * The behavior of the button when used in an HTML form.
  8557. * @default 'button'
  8558. */
  8559. type?: 'button' | 'submit' | 'reset'
  8560. }
  8561. interface AriaButtonProps<T extends ElementType = 'button'> extends ButtonProps, LinkButtonProps<T>, AriaBaseButtonProps {}
  8562. interface AriaToggleButtonProps<T extends ElementType = 'button'> extends ToggleButtonProps$1, AriaBaseButtonProps, AriaButtonElementTypeProps<T> {}
  8563. /*
  8564. * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.
  8565. * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  8566. * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
  8567. * of the License at
  8568. *
  8569. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
  8570. * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS
  8571. * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
  8572. * governing permissions and limitations under the License.
  8573. */
  8574. interface ListBoxProps$1<T> extends CollectionBase<T>, MultipleSelection, FocusEvents {
  8575. /** Whether to auto focus the listbox or an option. */
  8576. autoFocus?: boolean | FocusStrategy,
  8577. /** Whether focus should wrap around when the end/start is reached. */
  8578. shouldFocusWrap?: boolean
  8579. }
  8580. interface AriaListBoxPropsBase<T> extends ListBoxProps$1<T>, DOMProps, AriaLabelingProps$1 {}
  8581. interface AriaListBoxProps<T> extends AriaListBoxPropsBase<T> {
  8582. /**
  8583. * An optional visual label for the listbox.
  8584. */
  8585. label?: ReactNode,
  8586. /** How multiple selection should behave in the collection. */
  8587. selectionBehavior?: SelectionBehavior,
  8588. /**
  8589. * Handler that is called when a user performs an action on an item. The exact user event depends on
  8590. * the collection's `selectionBehavior` prop and the interaction modality.
  8591. */
  8592. onAction?: (key: Key$1) => void
  8593. }
  8594. interface SelectableItemStates {
  8595. /** Whether the item is currently in a pressed state. */
  8596. isPressed: boolean;
  8597. /** Whether the item is currently selected. */
  8598. isSelected: boolean;
  8599. /** Whether the item is currently focused. */
  8600. isFocused: boolean;
  8601. /**
  8602. * Whether the item is non-interactive, i.e. both selection and actions are disabled and the item may
  8603. * not be focused. Dependent on `disabledKeys` and `disabledBehavior`.
  8604. */
  8605. isDisabled: boolean;
  8606. /**
  8607. * Whether the item may be selected, dependent on `selectionMode`, `disabledKeys`, and `disabledBehavior`.
  8608. */
  8609. allowsSelection: boolean;
  8610. /**
  8611. * Whether the item has an action, dependent on `onAction`, `disabledKeys`,
  8612. * and `disabledBehavior`. It may also change depending on the current selection state
  8613. * of the list (e.g. when selection is primary). This can be used to enable or disable hover
  8614. * styles or other visual indications of interactivity.
  8615. */
  8616. hasAction: boolean;
  8617. }
  8618. interface AriaListBoxOptions<T> extends Omit<AriaListBoxProps<T>, 'children'> {
  8619. /** Whether the listbox uses virtual scrolling. */
  8620. isVirtualized?: boolean;
  8621. /**
  8622. * An optional keyboard delegate implementation for type to select,
  8623. * to override the default.
  8624. */
  8625. keyboardDelegate?: KeyboardDelegate;
  8626. /**
  8627. * Whether the listbox items should use virtual focus instead of being focused directly.
  8628. */
  8629. shouldUseVirtualFocus?: boolean;
  8630. /** Whether selection should occur on press up instead of press down. */
  8631. shouldSelectOnPressUp?: boolean;
  8632. /** Whether options should be focused when the user hovers over them. */
  8633. shouldFocusOnHover?: boolean;
  8634. /**
  8635. * The behavior of links in the collection.
  8636. * - 'action': link behaves like onAction.
  8637. * - 'selection': link follows selection interactions (e.g. if URL drives selection).
  8638. * - 'override': links override all other interactions (link items are not selectable).
  8639. * @default 'override'
  8640. */
  8641. linkBehavior?: 'action' | 'selection' | 'override';
  8642. }
  8643. interface OptionAria extends SelectableItemStates {
  8644. /** Props for the option element. */
  8645. optionProps: DOMAttributes;
  8646. /** Props for the main text element inside the option. */
  8647. labelProps: DOMAttributes;
  8648. /** Props for the description text element inside the option, if any. */
  8649. descriptionProps: DOMAttributes;
  8650. /** Whether the option is currently focused. */
  8651. isFocused: boolean;
  8652. /** Whether the option is keyboard focused. */
  8653. isFocusVisible: boolean;
  8654. }
  8655. /*
  8656. * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.
  8657. * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  8658. * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
  8659. * of the License at
  8660. *
  8661. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
  8662. * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS
  8663. * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
  8664. * governing permissions and limitations under the License.
  8665. */
  8666. interface AriaDialogProps extends DOMProps, AriaLabelingProps$1 {
  8667. /**
  8668. * The accessibility role for the dialog.
  8669. * @default 'dialog'
  8670. */
  8671. role?: 'dialog' | 'alertdialog'
  8672. }
  8673. interface DropOptions {
  8674. /** A ref for the droppable element. */
  8675. ref: RefObject<HTMLElement>;
  8676. /**
  8677. * A function returning the drop operation to be performed when items matching the given types are dropped
  8678. * on the drop target.
  8679. */
  8680. getDropOperation?: (types: DragTypes, allowedOperations: DropOperation[]) => DropOperation;
  8681. /** A function that returns the drop operation for a specific point within the target. */
  8682. getDropOperationForPoint?: (types: DragTypes, allowedOperations: DropOperation[], x: number, y: number) => DropOperation;
  8683. /** Handler that is called when a valid drag enters the drop target. */
  8684. onDropEnter?: (e: DropEnterEvent) => void;
  8685. /** Handler that is called when a valid drag is moved within the drop target. */
  8686. onDropMove?: (e: DropMoveEvent) => void;
  8687. /**
  8688. * Handler that is called after a valid drag is held over the drop target for a period of time.
  8689. * This typically opens the item so that the user can drop within it.
  8690. * @private
  8691. */
  8692. onDropActivate?: (e: DropActivateEvent) => void;
  8693. /** Handler that is called when a valid drag exits the drop target. */
  8694. onDropExit?: (e: DropExitEvent) => void;
  8695. /** Handler that is called when a valid drag is dropped on the drop target. */
  8696. onDrop?: (e: DropEvent) => void;
  8697. /**
  8698. * Whether the item has an explicit focusable drop affordance to initiate accessible drag and drop mode.
  8699. * If true, the dropProps will omit these event handlers, and they will be applied to dropButtonProps instead.
  8700. */
  8701. hasDropButton?: boolean;
  8702. }
  8703. interface DroppableCollectionOptions extends DroppableCollectionProps {
  8704. /** A delegate object that implements behavior for keyboard focus movement. */
  8705. keyboardDelegate: KeyboardDelegate;
  8706. /** A delegate object that provides drop targets for pointer coordinates within the collection. */
  8707. dropTargetDelegate: DropTargetDelegate;
  8708. }
  8709. interface DraggableCollectionOptions {
  8710. }
  8711. interface ClipboardProps {
  8712. /** A function that returns the items to copy. */
  8713. getItems?: () => DragItem[];
  8714. /** Handler that is called when the user triggers a copy interaction. */
  8715. onCopy?: () => void;
  8716. /** Handler that is called when the user triggers a cut interaction. */
  8717. onCut?: () => void;
  8718. /** Handler that is called when the user triggers a paste interaction. */
  8719. onPaste?: (items: DropItem[]) => void;
  8720. }
  8721. declare global {
  8722. namespace FormatjsIntl {
  8723. interface Message {
  8724. }
  8725. interface IntlConfig {
  8726. }
  8727. interface Formats {
  8728. }
  8729. }
  8730. }
  8731. type LocalizedStrings = {
  8732. [lang: string]: {
  8733. [key: string]: string;
  8734. };
  8735. };
  8736. interface NumberFormatOptions extends Intl.NumberFormatOptions {
  8737. /** Overrides default numbering system for the current locale. */
  8738. numberingSystem?: string;
  8739. }
  8740. interface Locale {
  8741. /** The [BCP47]( language code for the locale. */
  8742. locale: string;
  8743. /** The writing direction for the locale. */
  8744. direction: Direction;
  8745. }
  8746. interface I18nProviderProps$1 {
  8747. /** Contents that should have the locale applied. */
  8748. children: ReactNode;
  8749. /** The locale to apply to the children. */
  8750. locale?: string;
  8751. }
  8752. interface DateFormatterOptions extends Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions {
  8753. calendar?: string;
  8754. }
  8755. /**
  8756. * Provides localized date formatting for the current locale. Automatically updates when the locale changes,
  8757. * and handles caching of the date formatter for performance.
  8758. * @param options - Formatting options.
  8759. */
  8760. declare function useDateFormatter(options?: DateFormatterOptions): DateFormatter;
  8761. /**
  8762. * Provides localized number formatting for the current locale. Automatically updates when the locale changes,
  8763. * and handles caching of the number formatter for performance.
  8764. * @param options - Formatting options.
  8765. */
  8766. declare function useNumberFormatter(options?: NumberFormatOptions): Intl.NumberFormat;
  8767. /**
  8768. * Provides localized string collation for the current locale. Automatically updates when the locale changes,
  8769. * and handles caching of the collator for performance.
  8770. * @param options - Collator options.
  8771. */
  8772. declare function useCollator(options?: Intl.CollatorOptions): Intl.Collator;
  8773. interface PressProps extends PressEvents {
  8774. /** Whether the target is in a controlled press state (e.g. an overlay it triggers is open). */
  8775. isPressed?: boolean;
  8776. /** Whether the press events should be disabled. */
  8777. isDisabled?: boolean;
  8778. /** Whether the target should not receive focus on press. */
  8779. preventFocusOnPress?: boolean;
  8780. /**
  8781. * Whether press events should be canceled when the pointer leaves the target while pressed.
  8782. * By default, this is `false`, which means if the pointer returns back over the target while
  8783. * still pressed, onPressStart will be fired again. If set to `true`, the press is canceled
  8784. * when the pointer leaves the target and onPressStart will not be fired if the pointer returns.
  8785. */
  8786. shouldCancelOnPointerExit?: boolean;
  8787. /** Whether text selection should be enabled on the pressable element. */
  8788. allowTextSelectionOnPress?: boolean;
  8789. }
  8790. interface AriaLinkOptions extends AriaLinkProps {
  8791. /** Whether the link is disabled. */
  8792. isDisabled?: boolean;
  8793. /**
  8794. * The HTML element used to render the link, e.g. 'a', or 'span'.
  8795. * @default 'a'
  8796. */
  8797. elementType?: string;
  8798. }
  8799. interface AriaPositionProps extends PositionProps {
  8800. /**
  8801. * Cross size of the overlay arrow in pixels.
  8802. * @default 0
  8803. */
  8804. arrowSize?: number;
  8805. /**
  8806. * Element that that serves as the positioning boundary.
  8807. * @default document.body
  8808. */
  8809. boundaryElement?: Element;
  8810. /**
  8811. * The ref for the element which the overlay positions itself with respect to.
  8812. */
  8813. targetRef: RefObject<Element>;
  8814. /**
  8815. * The ref for the overlay element.
  8816. */
  8817. overlayRef: RefObject<Element>;
  8818. /**
  8819. * A ref for the scrollable region within the overlay.
  8820. * @default overlayRef
  8821. */
  8822. scrollRef?: RefObject<Element>;
  8823. /**
  8824. * Whether the overlay should update its position automatically.
  8825. * @default true
  8826. */
  8827. shouldUpdatePosition?: boolean;
  8828. /** Handler that is called when the overlay should close. */
  8829. onClose?: () => void;
  8830. /**
  8831. * The maxHeight specified for the overlay element.
  8832. * By default, it will take all space up to the current viewport height.
  8833. */
  8834. maxHeight?: number;
  8835. /**
  8836. * The minimum distance the arrow's edge should be from the edge of the overlay element.
  8837. * @default 0
  8838. */
  8839. arrowBoundaryOffset?: number;
  8840. }
  8841. interface AriaOverlayProps {
  8842. /** Whether the overlay is currently open. */
  8843. isOpen?: boolean;
  8844. /** Handler that is called when the overlay should close. */
  8845. onClose?: () => void;
  8846. /**
  8847. * Whether to close the overlay when the user interacts outside it.
  8848. * @default false
  8849. */
  8850. isDismissable?: boolean;
  8851. /** Whether the overlay should close when focus is lost or moves outside it. */
  8852. shouldCloseOnBlur?: boolean;
  8853. /**
  8854. * Whether pressing the escape key to close the overlay should be disabled.
  8855. * @default false
  8856. */
  8857. isKeyboardDismissDisabled?: boolean;
  8858. /**
  8859. * When user interacts with the argument element outside of the overlay ref,
  8860. * return true if onClose should be called. This gives you a chance to filter
  8861. * out interaction with elements that should not dismiss the overlay.
  8862. * By default, onClose will always be called on interaction outside the overlay ref.
  8863. */
  8864. shouldCloseOnInteractOutside?: (element: Element) => boolean;
  8865. }
  8866. interface OverlayTriggerProps {
  8867. /** Type of overlay that is opened by the trigger. */
  8868. type: 'dialog' | 'menu' | 'listbox' | 'tree' | 'grid';
  8869. }
  8870. interface OverlayTriggerAria {
  8871. /** Props for the trigger element. */
  8872. triggerProps: AriaButtonProps;
  8873. /** Props for the overlay container element. */
  8874. overlayProps: DOMProps;
  8875. }
  8876. /**
  8877. * Handles the behavior and accessibility for an overlay trigger, e.g. a button
  8878. * that opens a popover, menu, or other overlay that is positioned relative to the trigger.
  8879. */
  8880. declare function useOverlayTrigger(props: OverlayTriggerProps, state: OverlayTriggerState, ref?: RefObject<Element>): OverlayTriggerAria;
  8881. interface AriaPopoverProps extends Omit<AriaPositionProps, 'isOpen' | 'onClose' | 'targetRef' | 'overlayRef'> {
  8882. /**
  8883. * The ref for the element which the popover positions itself with respect to.
  8884. */
  8885. triggerRef: RefObject<Element>;
  8886. /**
  8887. * The ref for the popover element.
  8888. */
  8889. popoverRef: RefObject<Element>;
  8890. /**
  8891. * Whether the popover is non-modal, i.e. elements outside the popover may be
  8892. * interacted with by assistive technologies.
  8893. *
  8894. * Most popovers should not use this option as it may negatively impact the screen
  8895. * reader experience. Only use with components such as combobox, which are designed
  8896. * to handle this situation carefully.
  8897. */
  8898. isNonModal?: boolean;
  8899. /**
  8900. * Whether pressing the escape key to close the popover should be disabled.
  8901. *
  8902. * Most popovers should not use this option. When set to true, an alternative
  8903. * way to close the popover with a keyboard must be provided.
  8904. *
  8905. * @default false
  8906. */
  8907. isKeyboardDismissDisabled?: boolean;
  8908. /**
  8909. * When user interacts with the argument element outside of the popover ref,
  8910. * return true if onClose should be called. This gives you a chance to filter
  8911. * out interaction with elements that should not dismiss the popover.
  8912. * By default, onClose will always be called on interaction outside the popover ref.
  8913. */
  8914. shouldCloseOnInteractOutside?: (element: Element) => boolean;
  8915. }
  8916. interface OverlayProps {
  8917. /**
  8918. * The container element in which the overlay portal will be placed.
  8919. * @default document.body
  8920. */
  8921. portalContainer?: Element;
  8922. /** The overlay to render in the portal. */
  8923. children: ReactNode;
  8924. /**
  8925. * Disables default focus management for the overlay, including containment and restoration.
  8926. * This option should be used very carefully. When focus management is disabled, you must
  8927. * implement focus containment and restoration to ensure the overlay is keyboard accessible.
  8928. */
  8929. disableFocusManagement?: boolean;
  8930. /**
  8931. * Whether the overlay is currently performing an exit animation. When true,
  8932. * focus is allowed to move outside.
  8933. */
  8934. isExiting?: boolean;
  8935. }
  8936. interface AriaModalOverlayProps extends Pick<AriaOverlayProps, 'shouldCloseOnInteractOutside'> {
  8937. /**
  8938. * Whether to close the modal when the user interacts outside it.
  8939. * @default false
  8940. */
  8941. isDismissable?: boolean;
  8942. /**
  8943. * Whether pressing the escape key to close the modal should be disabled.
  8944. * @default false
  8945. */
  8946. isKeyboardDismissDisabled?: boolean;
  8947. }
  8948. interface AriaMenuTriggerProps {
  8949. /** The type of menu that the menu trigger opens. */
  8950. type?: 'menu' | 'listbox';
  8951. /** Whether menu trigger is disabled. */
  8952. isDisabled?: boolean;
  8953. /** How menu is triggered. */
  8954. trigger?: MenuTriggerType;
  8955. }
  8956. /*
  8957. * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.
  8958. * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  8959. * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
  8960. * of the License at
  8961. *
  8962. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
  8963. * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS
  8964. * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
  8965. * governing permissions and limitations under the License.
  8966. */
  8967. interface ProgressBaseProps {
  8968. /**
  8969. * The current value (controlled).
  8970. * @default 0
  8971. */
  8972. value?: number,
  8973. /**
  8974. * The smallest value allowed for the input.
  8975. * @default 0
  8976. */
  8977. minValue?: number,
  8978. /**
  8979. * The largest value allowed for the input.
  8980. * @default 100
  8981. */
  8982. maxValue?: number
  8983. }
  8984. interface ProgressBarBaseProps extends ProgressBaseProps {
  8985. /** The content to display as the label. */
  8986. label?: ReactNode,
  8987. /**
  8988. * The display format of the value label.
  8989. * @default {style: 'percent'}
  8990. */
  8991. formatOptions?: Intl.NumberFormatOptions,
  8992. /** The content to display as the value's label (e.g. 1 of 4). */
  8993. valueLabel?: ReactNode
  8994. }
  8995. interface ProgressBarProps$1 extends ProgressBarBaseProps {
  8996. /**
  8997. * Whether presentation is indeterminate when progress isn't known.
  8998. */
  8999. isIndeterminate?: boolean
  9000. }
  9001. interface AriaProgressBarProps extends ProgressBarProps$1, DOMProps, AriaLabelingProps$1 {}
  9002. interface AriaSelectOptions<T> extends Omit<AriaSelectProps<T>, 'children'> {
  9003. /**
  9004. * An optional keyboard delegate implementation for type to select,
  9005. * to override the default.
  9006. */
  9007. keyboardDelegate?: KeyboardDelegate;
  9008. }
  9009. interface SeparatorProps$1 extends DOMProps, AriaLabelingProps$1 {
  9010. /**
  9011. * The orientation of the separator.
  9012. * @default 'horizontal'
  9013. */
  9014. orientation?: Orientation;
  9015. /** The HTML element type that will be used to render the separator. */
  9016. elementType?: string;
  9017. }
  9018. /*
  9019. * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.
  9020. * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  9021. * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
  9022. * of the License at
  9023. *
  9024. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
  9025. * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS
  9026. * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
  9027. * governing permissions and limitations under the License.
  9028. */
  9029. interface SwitchBase extends InputBase, FocusableProps {
  9030. /**
  9031. * The content to render as the Switch's label.
  9032. */
  9033. children?: ReactNode,
  9034. /**
  9035. * Whether the Switch should be selected (uncontrolled).
  9036. */
  9037. defaultSelected?: boolean,
  9038. /**
  9039. * Whether the Switch should be selected (controlled).
  9040. */
  9041. isSelected?: boolean,
  9042. /**
  9043. * Handler that is called when the Switch's selection state changes.
  9044. */
  9045. onChange?: (isSelected: boolean) => void,
  9046. /**
  9047. * The value of the input element, used when submitting an HTML form. See [MDN](
  9048. */
  9049. value?: string
  9050. }
  9051. interface SwitchProps$1 extends SwitchBase {}
  9052. interface AriaSwitchBase extends SwitchBase, FocusableDOMProps, InputDOMProps, AriaLabelingProps$1 {
  9053. /**
  9054. * Identifies the element (or elements) whose contents or presence are controlled by the current element.
  9055. */
  9056. 'aria-controls'?: string
  9057. }
  9058. interface AriaSwitchProps extends SwitchProps$1, AriaSwitchBase {}
  9059. interface AriaTagGroupProps<T> extends CollectionBase<T>, MultipleSelection, DOMProps, LabelableProps, AriaLabelingProps$1, Omit<HelpTextProps, 'errorMessage'> {
  9060. /** How multiple selection should behave in the collection. */
  9061. selectionBehavior?: SelectionBehavior;
  9062. /** Handler that is called when a user deletes a tag. */
  9063. onRemove?: (keys: Set<Key$1>) => void;
  9064. /** An error message for the field. */
  9065. errorMessage?: ReactNode;
  9066. }
  9067. /**
  9068. * A map of HTML element names and their interface types.
  9069. * For example `'a'` -> `HTMLAnchorElement`.
  9070. */
  9071. type IntrinsicHTMLElements = {
  9072. [K in keyof IntrinsicHTMLAttributes]: IntrinsicHTMLAttributes[K] extends HTMLAttributes<infer T> ? T : never;
  9073. };
  9074. /**
  9075. * A map of HTML element names and their attribute interface types.
  9076. * For example `'a'` -> `AnchorHTMLAttributes<HTMLAnchorElement>`.
  9077. */
  9078. type IntrinsicHTMLAttributes = {
  9079. [K in keyof ReactDOM]: ReactDOM[K] extends DOMFactory<infer T, any> ? T : never;
  9080. };
  9081. /**
  9082. * The intrinsic HTML element names that `useTextField` supports; e.g. `input`,
  9083. * `textarea`.
  9084. */
  9085. type TextFieldIntrinsicElements = keyof Pick<IntrinsicHTMLElements, 'input' | 'textarea'>;
  9086. interface AriaTextFieldOptions<T extends TextFieldIntrinsicElements> extends AriaTextFieldProps {
  9087. /**
  9088. * The HTML element used to render the input, e.g. 'input', or 'textarea'.
  9089. * It determines whether certain HTML attributes will be included in `inputProps`.
  9090. * For example, [`type`](
  9091. * @default 'input'
  9092. */
  9093. inputElementType?: T;
  9094. /**
  9095. * Controls whether inputted text is automatically capitalized and, if so, in what manner.
  9096. * See [MDN](
  9097. */
  9098. autoCapitalize?: 'off' | 'none' | 'on' | 'sentences' | 'words' | 'characters';
  9099. }
  9100. interface SVGRProps {
  9101. title?: string;
  9102. titleId?: string;
  9103. size?: CSSProperties["width"];
  9104. }
  9105. declare type IconProps = SVGRProps & SVGProps<SVGSVGElement>;
  9106. interface ResponsiveArray<Length extends number, Value> extends ReadonlyArray<Value> {
  9107. 0: Value;
  9108. length: Length;
  9109. }
  9110. declare const createLayerSprinkles: (layer: string) => ((props: {
  9111. paddingBlockStart?: ("none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | {
  9112. mobile?: "none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | undefined;
  9113. tablet?: "none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | undefined;
  9114. desktop?: "none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | undefined;
  9115. } | undefined) | ResponsiveArray<1 | 2 | 3, "none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | null>;
  9116. paddingInlineEnd?: ("none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | {
  9117. mobile?: "none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | undefined;
  9118. tablet?: "none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | undefined;
  9119. desktop?: "none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | undefined;
  9120. } | undefined) | ResponsiveArray<1 | 2 | 3, "none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | null>;
  9121. paddingBlockEnd?: ("none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | {
  9122. mobile?: "none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | undefined;
  9123. tablet?: "none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | undefined;
  9124. desktop?: "none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | undefined;
  9125. } | undefined) | ResponsiveArray<1 | 2 | 3, "none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | null>;
  9126. paddingInlineStart?: ("none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | {
  9127. mobile?: "none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | undefined;
  9128. tablet?: "none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | undefined;
  9129. desktop?: "none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | undefined;
  9130. } | undefined) | ResponsiveArray<1 | 2 | 3, "none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | null>;
  9131. marginBlockStart?: ("none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | {
  9132. mobile?: "none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | undefined;
  9133. tablet?: "none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | undefined;
  9134. desktop?: "none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | undefined;
  9135. } | undefined) | ResponsiveArray<1 | 2 | 3, "none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | null>;
  9136. marginInlineEnd?: ("none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | {
  9137. mobile?: "none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | undefined;
  9138. tablet?: "none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | undefined;
  9139. desktop?: "none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | undefined;
  9140. } | undefined) | ResponsiveArray<1 | 2 | 3, "none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | null>;
  9141. marginBlockEnd?: ("none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | {
  9142. mobile?: "none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | undefined;
  9143. tablet?: "none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | undefined;
  9144. desktop?: "none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | undefined;
  9145. } | undefined) | ResponsiveArray<1 | 2 | 3, "none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | null>;
  9146. marginInlineStart?: ("none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | {
  9147. mobile?: "none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | undefined;
  9148. tablet?: "none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | undefined;
  9149. desktop?: "none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | undefined;
  9150. } | undefined) | ResponsiveArray<1 | 2 | 3, "none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | null>;
  9151. gap?: ("none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | {
  9152. mobile?: "none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | undefined;
  9153. tablet?: "none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | undefined;
  9154. desktop?: "none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | undefined;
  9155. } | undefined) | ResponsiveArray<1 | 2 | 3, "none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | null>;
  9156. paddingLeft?: ("none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | {
  9157. mobile?: "none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | undefined;
  9158. tablet?: "none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | undefined;
  9159. desktop?: "none" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl" | "3xl" | "4xl" | "5xl" | "6xl" | "7xl" | "8xl" | "9xl" | undefined;
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  9281. borderColor?: "transparent" | "support.error.subtler" | "support.error.subtle" | "support.error.medium" | "support.error.strong" | "support.success.subtler" | "support.success.subtle" | "support.success.medium" | "support.success.strong" | "support.warning.subtler" | "support.warning.subtle" | "support.warning.medium" | "support.warning.strong" | "" | "" | "" | "" | "focused.primary" | "focused.inset" | "border.subtle" | "border.medium" | "border.strong" | "border.inverse" | "border.interactive" | "border.disabled" | undefined;
  9282. outlineColor?: "transparent" | "support.error.subtler" | "support.error.subtle" | "support.error.medium" | "support.error.strong" | "support.success.subtler" | "support.success.subtle" | "support.success.medium" | "support.success.strong" | "support.warning.subtler" | "support.warning.subtle" | "support.warning.medium" | "support.warning.strong" | "" | "" | "" | "" | "focused.primary" | "focused.inset" | "border.subtle" | "border.medium" | "border.strong" | "border.inverse" | "border.interactive" | "border.disabled" | undefined;
  9283. } & {
  9284. position?: ("fixed" | "absolute" | "relative" | {
  9285. mobile?: "fixed" | "absolute" | "relative" | undefined;
  9286. tablet?: "fixed" | "absolute" | "relative" | undefined;
  9287. desktop?: "fixed" | "absolute" | "relative" | undefined;
  9288. } | undefined) | ResponsiveArray<1 | 2 | 3, "fixed" | "absolute" | "relative" | null>;
  9289. display?: ("none" | "block" | "flex" | "grid" | "inline-flex" | {
  9290. mobile?: "none" | "block" | "flex" | "grid" | "inline-flex" | undefined;
  9291. tablet?: "none" | "block" | "flex" | "grid" | "inline-flex" | undefined;
  9292. desktop?: "none" | "block" | "flex" | "grid" | "inline-flex" | undefined;
  9293. } | undefined) | ResponsiveArray<1 | 2 | 3, "none" | "block" | "flex" | "grid" | "inline-flex" | null>;
  9294. flexDirection?: ("column" | "column-reverse" | "row" | "row-reverse" | {
  9295. mobile?: "column" | "column-reverse" | "row" | "row-reverse" | undefined;
  9296. tablet?: "column" | "column-reverse" | "row" | "row-reverse" | undefined;
  9297. desktop?: "column" | "column-reverse" | "row" | "row-reverse" | undefined;
  9298. } | undefined) | ResponsiveArray<1 | 2 | 3, "column" | "column-reverse" | "row" | "row-reverse" | null>;
  9299. alignItems?: ("stretch" | "center" | "flex-end" | "flex-start" | {
  9300. mobile?: "stretch" | "center" | "flex-end" | "flex-start" | undefined;
  9301. tablet?: "stretch" | "center" | "flex-end" | "flex-start" | undefined;
  9302. desktop?: "stretch" | "center" | "flex-end" | "flex-start" | undefined;
  9303. } | undefined) | ResponsiveArray<1 | 2 | 3, "stretch" | "center" | "flex-end" | "flex-start" | null>;
  9304. alignSelf?: ("stretch" | "center" | "flex-end" | "flex-start" | {
  9305. mobile?: "stretch" | "center" | "flex-end" | "flex-start" | undefined;
  9306. tablet?: "stretch" | "center" | "flex-end" | "flex-start" | undefined;
  9307. desktop?: "stretch" | "center" | "flex-end" | "flex-start" | undefined;
  9308. } | undefined) | ResponsiveArray<1 | 2 | 3, "stretch" | "center" | "flex-end" | "flex-start" | null>;
  9309. flex?: (number | {
  9310. mobile?: number | undefined;
  9311. tablet?: number | undefined;
  9312. desktop?: number | undefined;
  9313. } | undefined) | ResponsiveArray<1 | 2 | 3, number | null>;
  9314. justifyContent?: ("space-between" | "stretch" | "center" | "flex-end" | "flex-start" | {
  9315. mobile?: "space-between" | "stretch" | "center" | "flex-end" | "flex-start" | undefined;
  9316. tablet?: "space-between" | "stretch" | "center" | "flex-end" | "flex-start" | undefined;
  9317. desktop?: "space-between" | "stretch" | "center" | "flex-end" | "flex-start" | undefined;
  9318. } | undefined) | ResponsiveArray<1 | 2 | 3, "space-between" | "stretch" | "center" | "flex-end" | "flex-start" | null>;
  9319. justifySelf?: ("stretch" | "center" | "flex-end" | "flex-start" | {
  9320. mobile?: "stretch" | "center" | "flex-end" | "flex-start" | undefined;
  9321. tablet?: "stretch" | "center" | "flex-end" | "flex-start" | undefined;
  9322. desktop?: "stretch" | "center" | "flex-end" | "flex-start" | undefined;
  9323. } | undefined) | ResponsiveArray<1 | 2 | 3, "stretch" | "center" | "flex-end" | "flex-start" | null>;
  9324. placeItems?: ("stretch" | "center" | "flex-end" | "flex-start" | {
  9325. mobile?: "stretch" | "center" | "flex-end" | "flex-start" | undefined;
  9326. tablet?: "stretch" | "center" | "flex-end" | "flex-start" | undefined;
  9327. desktop?: "stretch" | "center" | "flex-end" | "flex-start" | undefined;
  9328. } | undefined) | ResponsiveArray<1 | 2 | 3, "stretch" | "center" | "flex-end" | "flex-start" | null>;
  9329. } & {
  9330. transition?: "transition.medium" | undefined;
  9331. transitionProperty?: "opacity" | "transform" | "background-color" | undefined;
  9332. } & {
  9333. readonly flexWrap?: "nowrap" | "wrap" | undefined;
  9334. readonly insetBlockStart?: 0 | undefined;
  9335. readonly insetBlockEnd?: 0 | undefined;
  9336. readonly insetInlineStart?: 0 | undefined;
  9337. readonly insetInlineEnd?: 0 | undefined;
  9338. readonly flexShrink?: 0 | undefined;
  9339. readonly flexGrow?: 0 | 1 | undefined;
  9340. readonly width?: "full" | undefined;
  9341. readonly height?: "full" | undefined;
  9342. readonly cursor?: "pointer" | undefined;
  9343. inset?: 0 | undefined;
  9344. } & {
  9345. outline?: "none" | undefined;
  9346. outlineStyle?: "solid" | undefined;
  9347. outlineWidth?: number | undefined;
  9348. outlineOffset?: number | undefined;
  9349. border?: "none" | undefined;
  9350. borderStyle?: "dashed" | "solid" | undefined;
  9351. borderWidth?: number | undefined;
  9352. }) => string) & {
  9353. properties: Set<"alignItems" | "alignSelf" | "backgroundColor" | "borderEndEndRadius" | "borderEndStartRadius" | "borderStartEndRadius" | "borderStartStartRadius" | "boxShadow" | "color" | "cursor" | "display" | "flexDirection" | "flexGrow" | "flexShrink" | "flexWrap" | "height" | "insetBlockEnd" | "insetBlockStart" | "insetInlineEnd" | "insetInlineStart" | "justifyContent" | "justifySelf" | "marginBlockEnd" | "marginBlockStart" | "marginBottom" | "marginInlineEnd" | "marginInlineStart" | "marginLeft" | "marginRight" | "marginTop" | "opacity" | "outlineColor" | "outlineOffset" | "outlineStyle" | "outlineWidth" | "paddingBlockEnd" | "paddingBlockStart" | "paddingBottom" | "paddingInlineEnd" | "paddingInlineStart" | "paddingLeft" | "paddingRight" | "paddingTop" | "position" | "transitionProperty" | "width" | "border" | "borderColor" | "borderRadius" | "borderStyle" | "borderWidth" | "flex" | "gap" | "inset" | "margin" | "outline" | "padding" | "placeItems" | "transition" | "typography" | "paddingX" | "paddingY" | "marginX" | "marginY" | "borderTopRadius" | "borderBottomRadius" | "borderLeftRadius" | "borderRightRadius">;
  9354. };
  9355. declare type BaseSprinkles = ReturnType<typeof createLayerSprinkles>;
  9356. interface Theme {
  9357. elevation: Elevation;
  9358. opacity: Opacity;
  9359. rounded: Rounded;
  9360. spacing: Spacing;
  9361. color: Color$1;
  9362. typography: Typography;
  9363. }
  9364. interface Typography {
  9365. heading: Heading;
  9366. label: Label;
  9367. body: Label;
  9368. }
  9369. interface Label {
  9370. sm: H6;
  9371. md: H6;
  9372. lg: H6;
  9373. }
  9374. interface Heading {
  9375. h6: H6;
  9376. h5: H6;
  9377. h4: H6;
  9378. h3: H6;
  9379. h2: H6;
  9380. h1: H6;
  9381. }
  9382. interface H6 {
  9383. regular: Regular;
  9384. medium: Regular;
  9385. semibold: Regular;
  9386. }
  9387. interface Regular {
  9388. font: string;
  9389. letterSpacing: string;
  9390. }
  9391. interface Color$1 {
  9392. support: Support;
  9393. focused: Focused;
  9394. background: Background;
  9395. text: Text$2;
  9396. icon: Icon;
  9397. border: Border;
  9398. interactive: Interactive;
  9399. positive: Positive;
  9400. }
  9401. interface Positive {
  9402. subtle: string;
  9403. medium: string;
  9404. strong: string;
  9405. interactive: string;
  9406. }
  9407. interface Interactive {
  9408. primary: string;
  9409. hovered: string;
  9410. active: string;
  9411. visited: string;
  9412. disabled: string;
  9413. }
  9414. interface Border {
  9415. subtle: string;
  9416. medium: string;
  9417. strong: string;
  9418. inverse: string;
  9419. interactive: string;
  9420. disabled: string;
  9421. }
  9422. interface Icon {
  9423. primary: string;
  9424. secondary: string;
  9425. inverse: string;
  9426. interactive: string;
  9427. disabled: string;
  9428. }
  9429. interface Text$2 {
  9430. primary: string;
  9431. secondary: string;
  9432. helper: string;
  9433. placeholder: string;
  9434. inverse: string;
  9435. disabled: string;
  9436. }
  9437. interface Background {
  9438. primary: Primary;
  9439. inverse: Primary;
  9440. secondary: Primary;
  9441. overlay: Overlay;
  9442. }
  9443. interface Overlay {
  9444. subtle: string;
  9445. medium: string;
  9446. interactive: string;
  9447. }
  9448. interface Primary {
  9449. subtle: string;
  9450. medium: string;
  9451. strong: string;
  9452. }
  9453. interface Focused {
  9454. primary: string;
  9455. inset: string;
  9456. }
  9457. interface Support {
  9458. error: Error$1;
  9459. success: Error$1;
  9460. warning: Error$1;
  9461. info: Error$1;
  9462. }
  9463. interface Error$1 {
  9464. subtler: string;
  9465. subtle: string;
  9466. medium: string;
  9467. strong: string;
  9468. }
  9469. interface Spacing {
  9470. xs: string;
  9471. sm: string;
  9472. md: string;
  9473. lg: string;
  9474. xl: string;
  9475. '2xl': string;
  9476. '3xl': string;
  9477. '4xl': string;
  9478. '5xl': string;
  9479. '6xl': string;
  9480. '7xl': string;
  9481. '8xl': string;
  9482. '9xl': string;
  9483. }
  9484. interface Rounded {
  9485. xs: string;
  9486. sm: string;
  9487. md: string;
  9488. lg: string;
  9489. xl: string;
  9490. '2xl': string;
  9491. full: string;
  9492. }
  9493. interface Opacity {
  9494. none: string;
  9495. low: string;
  9496. medium: string;
  9497. high: string;
  9498. }
  9499. interface Elevation {
  9500. low: string;
  9501. medium: string;
  9502. }
  9503. interface Sprinkles extends BaseSprinkles {
  9504. base: BaseSprinkles;
  9505. variants: BaseSprinkles;
  9506. compoundVariants: BaseSprinkles;
  9507. overrides: BaseSprinkles;
  9508. }
  9509. /*
  9510. * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.
  9511. * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  9512. * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
  9513. * of the License at
  9514. *
  9515. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
  9516. * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS
  9517. * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
  9518. * governing permissions and limitations under the License.
  9519. */
  9520. /** A list of supported color formats. */
  9521. type ColorFormat = 'hex' | 'hexa' | 'rgb' | 'rgba' | 'hsl' | 'hsla' | 'hsb' | 'hsba';
  9522. /** A list of color channels. */
  9523. type ColorChannel = 'hue' | 'saturation' | 'brightness' | 'lightness' | 'red' | 'green' | 'blue' | 'alpha';
  9524. type ColorAxes = {xChannel: ColorChannel, yChannel: ColorChannel, zChannel: ColorChannel};
  9525. interface ColorChannelRange {
  9526. /** The minimum value of the color channel. */
  9527. minValue: number,
  9528. /** The maximum value of the color channel. */
  9529. maxValue: number,
  9530. /** The step value of the color channel, used when incrementing and decrementing. */
  9531. step: number,
  9532. /** The page step value of the color channel, used when incrementing and decrementing. */
  9533. pageSize: number
  9534. }
  9535. /** Represents a color value. */
  9536. interface Color {
  9537. /** Converts the color to the given color format, and returns a new Color object. */
  9538. toFormat(format: ColorFormat): Color,
  9539. /** Converts the color to a string in the given format. */
  9540. toString(format: ColorFormat | 'css'): string,
  9541. /** Converts the color to hex, and returns an integer representation. */
  9542. toHexInt(): number,
  9543. /**
  9544. * Returns the numeric value for a given channel.
  9545. * Throws an error if the channel is unsupported in the current color format.
  9546. */
  9547. getChannelValue(channel: ColorChannel): number,
  9548. /**
  9549. * Sets the numeric value for a given channel, and returns a new Color object.
  9550. * Throws an error if the channel is unsupported in the current color format.
  9551. */
  9552. withChannelValue(channel: ColorChannel, value: number): Color,
  9553. /**
  9554. * Returns the minimum, maximum, and step values for a given channel.
  9555. */
  9556. getChannelRange(channel: ColorChannel): ColorChannelRange,
  9557. /**
  9558. * Returns a localized color channel name for a given channel and locale,
  9559. * for use in visual or accessibility labels.
  9560. */
  9561. getChannelName(channel: ColorChannel, locale: string): string,
  9562. /**
  9563. * Formats the numeric value for a given channel for display according to the provided locale.
  9564. */
  9565. formatChannelValue(channel: ColorChannel, locale: string): string,
  9566. /**
  9567. * Returns the color space, 'rgb', 'hsb' or 'hsl', for the current color.
  9568. */
  9569. getColorSpace(): ColorFormat,
  9570. /**
  9571. * Returns the color space axes, xChannel, yChannel, zChannel.
  9572. */
  9573. getColorSpaceAxes(xyChannels: {xChannel?: ColorChannel, yChannel?: ColorChannel}): ColorAxes,
  9574. /**
  9575. * Returns an array of the color channels within the current color space space.
  9576. */
  9577. getColorChannels(): [ColorChannel, ColorChannel, ColorChannel]
  9578. }
  9579. interface ColorFieldProps extends Omit<ValueBase<string | Color | null>, 'onChange'>, InputBase, Validation<Color | null>, FocusableProps, TextInputBase, LabelableProps, HelpTextProps {
  9580. /** Handler that is called when the value changes. */
  9581. onChange?: (color: Color | null) => void
  9582. }
  9583. interface IObject<T> {
  9584. [name: string]: T;
  9585. }
  9586. declare type TargetParam<Param> = Pick<Param, Exclude<keyof Param, keyof EmitterParam>> & Partial<EmitterParam>;
  9587. interface EmitterParam<Target = any> {
  9588. type: string;
  9589. currentTarget: Target;
  9590. stop(): void;
  9591. }
  9592. declare type OnEvent$1<Param, Target = any> = EmitterParam<Target> & Param;
  9593. declare type EventHash<Events, Target> = Partial<{
  9594. [Key in keyof Events]: EventListener<Events[Key], Target>;
  9595. }>;
  9596. declare type EventListener<Param, Target> = (e: OnEvent$1<Param, Target>) => any;
  9597. declare class EventEmitter<Events extends {} = {
  9598. [key: string]: {
  9599. [key: string]: any;
  9600. };
  9601. }> {
  9602. private _events;
  9603. on<Name extends keyof Events, Param = Events[Name]>(eventName: Name, listener: EventListener<Param, this>): this;
  9604. on(events: EventHash<Events, this>): this;
  9605. off<Name extends keyof Events, Param = Events[Name]>(eventName?: Name, listener?: EventListener<Param, this>): this;
  9606. off(events: EventHash<Events, this>): this;
  9607. once<Name extends keyof Events & string, Param = Events[Name]>(eventName: Name, listener?: EventListener<Param, this>): Promise<OnEvent$1<Param, this>>;
  9608. emit<Name extends keyof Events, Param = Events[Name]>(eventName: {} extends Param ? Name : never): boolean;
  9609. emit<Name extends keyof Events, Param = Events[Name]>(eventName: Name, param: TargetParam<Param>): boolean;
  9610. trigger<Name extends keyof Events, Param = Events[Name]>(eventName: {} extends TargetParam<Param> ? Name : never): boolean;
  9611. trigger<Name extends keyof Events, Param = Events[Name]>(eventName: Name, param: TargetParam<Param>): boolean;
  9612. private _addEvent;
  9613. }
  9614. /**
  9615. * @typedef
  9616. * @memberof Gesto
  9617. */
  9618. interface Client {
  9619. clientX: number;
  9620. clientY: number;
  9621. originalClientX?: number;
  9622. originalClientY?: number;
  9623. }
  9624. /**
  9625. * @typedef
  9626. * @memberof Gesto
  9627. */
  9628. interface Dist {
  9629. distX: number;
  9630. distY: number;
  9631. }
  9632. /**
  9633. * @typedef
  9634. * @memberof Gesto
  9635. */
  9636. interface Delta {
  9637. deltaX: number;
  9638. deltaY: number;
  9639. }
  9640. /**
  9641. * @typedef
  9642. * @memberof Gesto
  9643. * @extends Gesto.Client
  9644. * @extends Gesto.Dist
  9645. * @extends Gesto.Delta
  9646. */
  9647. interface Position extends Client, Dist, Delta {
  9648. }
  9649. /**
  9650. * @typedef
  9651. * @memberof Gesto
  9652. * @extends Gesto.Position
  9653. * @extends EventEmitter.EmitterParam
  9654. */
  9655. interface OnDragStart$1<T = Gesto> extends Position, EmitterParam<T> {
  9656. datas: IObject<any>;
  9657. data: IObject<any>;
  9658. inputEvent: any;
  9659. isTrusted: boolean;
  9660. isMouseEvent: boolean;
  9661. isSecondaryButton: boolean;
  9662. isDouble: boolean;
  9663. preventDefault: () => void;
  9664. preventDrag: () => void;
  9665. }
  9666. /**
  9667. * @typedef
  9668. * @memberof Gesto
  9669. * @extends Gesto.Position
  9670. * @extends EventEmitter.EmitterParam
  9671. */
  9672. interface OnDrag$1<T = Gesto> extends Position, EmitterParam<T> {
  9673. isDrag: boolean;
  9674. isMouseEvent: boolean;
  9675. isSecondaryButton: boolean;
  9676. isPinch: boolean;
  9677. movement: number;
  9678. datas: IObject<any>;
  9679. data: IObject<any>;
  9680. isScroll: boolean;
  9681. isFirstDrag: boolean;
  9682. inputEvent: any;
  9683. isTrusted: boolean;
  9684. }
  9685. /**
  9686. * @typedef
  9687. * @memberof Gesto
  9688. * @extends Gesto.Position
  9689. * @extends EventEmitter.EmitterParam
  9690. */
  9691. interface OnDragEnd$1<T = Gesto> extends Position, EmitterParam<T> {
  9692. isDrag: boolean;
  9693. isClick: boolean;
  9694. isMouseEvent: boolean;
  9695. isSecondaryButton: boolean;
  9696. isDouble: boolean;
  9697. datas: IObject<any>;
  9698. data: IObject<any>;
  9699. inputEvent: any;
  9700. isTrusted: boolean;
  9701. }
  9702. /**
  9703. * @typedef
  9704. * @memberof Gesto
  9705. * @extends Gesto.Position
  9706. * @extends EventEmitter.EmitterParam
  9707. */
  9708. interface OnPinchStart<T = Gesto> extends Position, EmitterParam<T> {
  9709. datas: IObject<any>;
  9710. data: IObject<any>;
  9711. touches: Position[];
  9712. angle: number;
  9713. inputEvent: any;
  9714. isTrusted: boolean;
  9715. preventDefault: () => void;
  9716. preventDrag: () => void;
  9717. }
  9718. /**
  9719. * @typedef
  9720. * @memberof Gesto
  9721. * @extends Gesto.Position
  9722. * @extends EventEmitter.EmitterParam
  9723. */
  9724. interface OnPinch<T = Gesto> extends Position, EmitterParam<T> {
  9725. datas: IObject<any>;
  9726. data: IObject<any>;
  9727. touches: Position[];
  9728. rotation: number;
  9729. angle: number;
  9730. scale: number;
  9731. distance: number;
  9732. movement: number;
  9733. inputEvent: any;
  9734. isTrusted: boolean;
  9735. }
  9736. /**
  9737. * @typedef
  9738. * @memberof Gesto
  9739. * @extends Gesto.Position
  9740. * @extends EventEmitter.EmitterParam
  9741. */
  9742. interface OnPinchEnd<T = Gesto> extends Position, EmitterParam<T> {
  9743. isPinch: boolean;
  9744. datas: IObject<any>;
  9745. data: IObject<any>;
  9746. touches: Position[];
  9747. inputEvent: any;
  9748. }
  9749. /**
  9750. * @typedef
  9751. * @memberof Gesto
  9752. */
  9753. interface GestoOptions {
  9754. container?: Window | Node | Element;
  9755. /**
  9756. * @default ["mouse", "touch"]
  9757. */
  9758. events?: Array<"drag" | "mouse" | "touch">;
  9759. /**
  9760. * Whether to prevent dragging of the right mouse button
  9761. * @default true
  9762. */
  9763. preventRightClick?: boolean;
  9764. /**
  9765. * @default true
  9766. */
  9767. preventWheelClick?: boolean;
  9768. preventDefault?: boolean;
  9769. /**
  9770. * Prevents pinching when the drag is moved more than a certain distance. That distance allowance is pinchThreshold.
  9771. * @default 0
  9772. */
  9773. pinchThreshold?: number;
  9774. /**
  9775. * Whether to keep dragging even when pinch ends
  9776. * @default false
  9777. */
  9778. keepDragging?: boolean;
  9779. /**
  9780. * Prevent click event on drag. (mousemove, touchmove)
  9781. * @default false
  9782. */
  9783. preventClickEventOnDrag?: boolean;
  9784. /**
  9785. * Prevent click event on dragStart. (mousedown, touchstart)
  9786. * @default false
  9787. */
  9788. preventClickEventOnDragStart?: boolean;
  9789. /**
  9790. * Prevent click event according to specific conditions.
  9791. * Returning true allows the click event, returning false prevents it.
  9792. * @default null
  9793. */
  9794. preventClickEventByCondition?: ((e: MouseEvent) => boolean) | null;
  9795. pinchOutside?: boolean;
  9796. /**
  9797. * Prevent dragging of `input`, `textarea`, and contenteditable.
  9798. * @default false
  9799. */
  9800. checkInput?: boolean;
  9801. /**
  9802. * Whether to drag the focused input
  9803. * If `checkInput` is true, this option is not applied.
  9804. * @default false
  9805. */
  9806. dragFocusedInput?: boolean;
  9807. checkWindowBlur?: boolean;
  9808. }
  9809. /**
  9810. * @typedef
  9811. * @memberof Gesto
  9812. */
  9813. type GestoEvents = {
  9814. "dragStart": OnDragStart$1;
  9815. "drag": OnDrag$1;
  9816. "dragEnd": OnDragEnd$1;
  9817. "pinchStart": OnPinchStart;
  9818. "pinch": OnPinch;
  9819. "pinchEnd": OnPinchEnd;
  9820. };
  9821. /**
  9822. * You can set up drag, pinch events in any browser.
  9823. */
  9824. declare class Gesto extends EventEmitter<GestoEvents> {
  9825. options: GestoOptions;
  9826. private flag;
  9827. private pinchFlag;
  9828. private data;
  9829. private isDrag;
  9830. private isPinch;
  9831. private clientStores;
  9832. private targets;
  9833. private prevTime;
  9834. private doubleFlag;
  9835. private _useMouse;
  9836. private _useTouch;
  9837. private _useDrag;
  9838. private _dragFlag;
  9839. private _isTrusted;
  9840. private _isMouseEvent;
  9841. private _isSecondaryButton;
  9842. private _preventMouseEvent;
  9843. private _prevInputEvent;
  9844. private _isDragAPI;
  9845. private _isIdle;
  9846. private _preventMouseEventId;
  9847. private _window;
  9848. /**
  9849. *
  9850. */
  9851. constructor(targets: Array<Element | Window> | Element | Window, options?: GestoOptions);
  9852. /**
  9853. * Stop Gesto's drag events.
  9854. */
  9855. stop(): void;
  9856. /**
  9857. * The total moved distance
  9858. */
  9859. getMovement(clients?: Client[]): number;
  9860. /**
  9861. * Whether to drag
  9862. */
  9863. isDragging(): boolean;
  9864. /**
  9865. * Whether the operation of gesto is finished and is in idle state
  9866. */
  9867. isIdle(): boolean;
  9868. /**
  9869. * Whether to start drag
  9870. */
  9871. isFlag(): boolean;
  9872. /**
  9873. * Whether to start pinch
  9874. */
  9875. isPinchFlag(): boolean;
  9876. /**
  9877. * Whether to start double click
  9878. */
  9879. isDoubleFlag(): boolean;
  9880. /**
  9881. * Whether to pinch
  9882. */
  9883. isPinching(): boolean;
  9884. /**
  9885. * If a scroll event occurs, it is corrected by the scroll distance.
  9886. */
  9887. scrollBy(deltaX: number, deltaY: number, e: any, isCallDrag?: boolean): void;
  9888. /**
  9889. * Create a virtual drag event.
  9890. */
  9891. move([deltaX, deltaY]: number[], inputEvent: any): TargetParam<OnDrag$1>;
  9892. /**
  9893. * The dragStart event is triggered by an external event.
  9894. */
  9895. triggerDragStart(e: any): void;
  9896. /**
  9897. * Set the event data while dragging.
  9898. */
  9899. setEventData(data: IObject<any>): this;
  9900. /**
  9901. * Set the event data while dragging.
  9902. * Use `setEventData`
  9903. * @deprecated
  9904. */
  9905. setEventDatas(data: IObject<any>): this;
  9906. /**
  9907. * Get the current event state while dragging.
  9908. */
  9909. getCurrentEvent(inputEvent?: any): {
  9910. movement: number;
  9911. isDrag: boolean;
  9912. isPinch: boolean;
  9913. isScroll: boolean;
  9914. inputEvent: any;
  9915. distX: number;
  9916. distY: number;
  9917. clientX: number;
  9918. clientY: number;
  9919. originalClientX?: number | undefined;
  9920. originalClientY?: number | undefined;
  9921. deltaX: number;
  9922. deltaY: number;
  9923. data: IObject<any>;
  9924. datas: IObject<any>;
  9925. };
  9926. /**
  9927. * Get & Set the event data while dragging.
  9928. */
  9929. getEventData(): IObject<any>;
  9930. /**
  9931. * Get & Set the event data while dragging.
  9932. * Use getEventData method
  9933. * @depreacated
  9934. */
  9935. getEventDatas(): IObject<any>;
  9936. /**
  9937. * Unset Gesto
  9938. */
  9939. unset(): void;
  9940. onDragStart: (e: any, isTrusted?: boolean) => false | undefined;
  9941. onDrag: (e: any, isScroll?: boolean) => void;
  9942. onDragEnd: (e?: any) => void;
  9943. onPinchStart(e: TouchEvent): void;
  9944. onPinch(e: TouchEvent, clients: Client[]): void;
  9945. onPinchEnd(e: TouchEvent): void;
  9946. private getCurrentStore;
  9947. private moveClients;
  9948. private onBlur;
  9949. private _addStore;
  9950. private _getPosition;
  9951. private _allowClickEvent;
  9952. private _attchDragEvent;
  9953. private _dettachDragEvent;
  9954. private _onClick;
  9955. private _onContextMenu;
  9956. private _allowMouseEvent;
  9957. private _passCallback;
  9958. }
  9959. declare class CustomGesto {
  9960. private ableName;
  9961. private prevX;
  9962. private prevY;
  9963. private startX;
  9964. private startY;
  9965. private isDrag;
  9966. private isFlag;
  9967. private datas;
  9968. constructor(ableName?: string);
  9969. dragStart(client: number[], e: any): {
  9970. type: string;
  9971. inputEvent: any;
  9972. isDrag: boolean;
  9973. isFirstDrag: boolean;
  9974. datas: IObject<any>;
  9975. originalDatas: IObject<any>;
  9976. parentEvent: boolean;
  9977. parentGesto: CustomGesto;
  9978. clientX: number;
  9979. clientY: number;
  9980. originalClientX?: number | undefined;
  9981. originalClientY?: number | undefined;
  9982. distX: number;
  9983. distY: number;
  9984. deltaX: number;
  9985. deltaY: number;
  9986. };
  9987. drag(client: number[], inputEvent: any): OnCustomDrag;
  9988. move(delta: number[], inputEvent: any): OnCustomDrag;
  9989. }
  9990. interface MoveableElementMatrixInfo {
  9991. hasZoom: boolean;
  9992. hasFixed: boolean;
  9993. originalRootMatrix: number[];
  9994. rootMatrix: number[];
  9995. beforeMatrix: number[];
  9996. offsetMatrix: number[];
  9997. allMatrix: number[];
  9998. targetMatrix: number[];
  9999. transformOrigin: number[];
  10000. targetOrigin: number[];
  10001. is3d: boolean;
  10002. targetTransform: string;
  10003. inlineTransform: string;
  10004. offsetContainer: HTMLElement | null;
  10005. offsetRootContainer: HTMLElement | null;
  10006. matrixes: MatrixInfo[];
  10007. }
  10008. interface MoveableElementInfo extends MoveableElementMatrixInfo, MoveablePosition, ElementSizes {
  10009. width: number;
  10010. height: number;
  10011. rotation: number;
  10012. }
  10013. interface MoveableTargetInfo extends MoveableElementInfo {
  10014. targetClientRect: MoveableClientRect;
  10015. containerClientRect: MoveableClientRect;
  10016. moveableClientRect: MoveableClientRect;
  10017. rootContainerClientRect: MoveableClientRect;
  10018. beforeDirection: 1 | -1;
  10019. beforeOrigin: number[];
  10020. offsetDelta: number[];
  10021. originalBeforeOrigin: number[];
  10022. target: HTMLElement | SVGElement | null | undefined;
  10023. style: Partial<Writable<CSSStyleDeclaration>>;
  10024. }
  10025. interface MoveableClientRect {
  10026. left: number;
  10027. top: number;
  10028. right: number;
  10029. bottom: number;
  10030. width: number;
  10031. height: number;
  10032. clientLeft?: number;
  10033. clientTop?: number;
  10034. clientWidth?: number;
  10035. clientHeight?: number;
  10036. scrollWidth?: number;
  10037. scrollHeight?: number;
  10038. overflow?: boolean;
  10039. }
  10040. declare type MoveableManagerProps<T = {}> = {
  10041. cssStyled: any;
  10042. customStyledMap: Record<string, any>;
  10043. wrapperMoveable?: MoveableManagerInterface | null;
  10044. isWrapperMounted?: boolean;
  10045. parentMoveable?: MoveableManagerInterface | null;
  10046. parentPosition?: number[] | null;
  10047. groupable?: boolean;
  10048. } & MoveableDefaultOptions & (unknown extends T ? IObject<any> : T);
  10049. /**
  10050. * @typedef
  10051. * @memberof Moveable
  10052. */
  10053. interface MoveablePosition {
  10054. left: number;
  10055. top: number;
  10056. right: number;
  10057. bottom: number;
  10058. origin: number[];
  10059. pos1: number[];
  10060. pos2: number[];
  10061. pos3: number[];
  10062. pos4: number[];
  10063. direction: 1 | -1;
  10064. }
  10065. /**
  10066. * @typedef
  10067. * @memberof Moveable
  10068. * @options
  10069. */
  10070. interface DefaultOptions {
  10071. /**
  10072. * The target(s) to indicate Moveable Control Box.
  10073. * @default null
  10074. */
  10075. target?: SVGElement | HTMLElement | null;
  10076. /**
  10077. * The external target(s) to drag Moveable target(s)
  10078. * @default target
  10079. */
  10080. dragTarget?: MoveableRefType | null;
  10081. /**
  10082. * If dragTarget is set directly, taget itself cannot be dragged.
  10083. * Whether to drag the target as well.
  10084. * @default false
  10085. */
  10086. dragTargetSelf?: boolean;
  10087. /**
  10088. * Container area where drag works
  10089. * @default window
  10090. */
  10091. dragContainer?: null | Window | MoveableRefType<HTMLElement>;
  10092. /**
  10093. * A container into which Moveables are inserted.
  10094. * Set it only when used within the slot of Web Components or when the container is different.
  10095. * @default parentElement
  10096. */
  10097. container?: SVGElement | HTMLElement | null;
  10098. /**
  10099. * Whether to warp itself to the container itself. Don't set it.
  10100. * @private
  10101. * @default false
  10102. */
  10103. warpSelf?: boolean;
  10104. /**
  10105. * Moveable Root Container (No Transformed Container)
  10106. * @default parentElement
  10107. * @story options--options-root-container
  10108. */
  10109. rootContainer?: MoveableRefType<HTMLElement>;
  10110. /**
  10111. * If you want to set the dragging information to the viewer, refer to the following.
  10112. * @default null
  10113. * @story options--options-view-container
  10114. */
  10115. viewContainer?: MoveableRefType<HTMLElement>;
  10116. /**
  10117. * Whether the target size is detected and updated whenever it changes.
  10118. * It is more effective when used together with `useMutationObserver`.
  10119. * @default false
  10120. * @story options--options-resize-observer
  10121. */
  10122. useResizeObserver?: boolean;
  10123. /**
  10124. * Whether the target size, pos in inline style is detected and updated whenever it changes.
  10125. * It is more effective when used together with `useResizeObserver`.
  10126. * @default false
  10127. * @story options--options-mutation-observer
  10128. */
  10129. useMutationObserver?: boolean;
  10130. /**
  10131. * Zooms in the elements of a moveable.
  10132. * @default 1
  10133. */
  10134. zoom?: number;
  10135. /**
  10136. * The default transformOrigin of the target can be set in advance.
  10137. * @default ""
  10138. */
  10139. transformOrigin?: Array<string | number> | string | "";
  10140. /**
  10141. * You can add your custom able.
  10142. * @default []
  10143. */
  10144. ables?: Able[];
  10145. /**
  10146. * You can specify the className of the moveable controlbox.
  10147. * @default ""
  10148. */
  10149. className?: string;
  10150. /**
  10151. * Minimum distance to pinch.
  10152. * @default 20
  10153. */
  10154. pinchThreshold?: number;
  10155. /**
  10156. * Whether the container containing the target becomes a pinch.
  10157. * @default true
  10158. */
  10159. pinchOutside?: boolean;
  10160. /**
  10161. * Lets generate events of ables at the same time. (like Resizable, Scalable)
  10162. * @default false
  10163. */
  10164. triggerAblesSimultaneously?: boolean;
  10165. /**
  10166. * Checks whether this is an element to input text or contentEditable, and prevents dragging.
  10167. * @default false
  10168. */
  10169. checkInput?: boolean;
  10170. /**
  10171. * add nonce property to style for CSP.
  10172. * @deprecated
  10173. * @default ""
  10174. */
  10175. cspNonce?: string;
  10176. /**
  10177. * You can set the translateZ value of moveable.
  10178. * @default 50
  10179. */
  10180. translateZ?: number | string;
  10181. /**
  10182. * Whether to hide the line corresponding to the rect of the target.
  10183. * @default false
  10184. */
  10185. hideDefaultLines?: boolean;
  10186. /**
  10187. * Whether to prevent bubbling of events like mousedown, touchstart, etc.
  10188. * @default false
  10189. */
  10190. stopPropagation?: boolean;
  10191. /**
  10192. * Whether to call preventDefault on touchstart or mousedown
  10193. * @since 0.44.0
  10194. * @default true
  10195. */
  10196. preventDefault?: boolean;
  10197. /**
  10198. * Whether to prevent dragging using the right mouse button
  10199. * @default true
  10200. */
  10201. preventRightClick?: boolean;
  10202. /**
  10203. * Whether to prevent dragging using the wheel (middle) mouse button
  10204. * @default true
  10205. */
  10206. preventWheelClick?: boolean;
  10207. /**
  10208. * Prevent click event on drag. (mousemove, touchmove)
  10209. * @default true
  10210. */
  10211. preventClickEventOnDrag?: boolean;
  10212. /**
  10213. * Whether to drag the focused input
  10214. * If `checkInput` is true, this option is not applied.
  10215. * @since 0.47.0
  10216. * @story options--options-drag-focused-input
  10217. * @default false
  10218. */
  10219. dragFocusedInput?: boolean;
  10220. /**
  10221. * Prevent click event on dragStart. (mousedown, touchstart)
  10222. * @default false
  10223. */
  10224. preventClickDefault?: boolean;
  10225. /**
  10226. * You can use props in object format or custom props.
  10227. * @default empty object
  10228. */
  10229. props?: Record<string, any>;
  10230. /**
  10231. * Data for first render
  10232. * @default null
  10233. */
  10234. persistData?: PersistRectData | null;
  10235. /**
  10236. * Whether to accurately show the position of a movable control box
  10237. * Because getBoundingClientRect is used, css zoom, transform: rotate between container and rootContainer cannot be used.
  10238. * group is not supported.
  10239. * @default false
  10240. */
  10241. useAccuratePosition?: boolean;
  10242. /**
  10243. * By adding padding to the line, you can increase the area of the line that can be clicked and dragged.
  10244. * @since 0.43.0
  10245. * @story options--options-line-padding
  10246. * @default 0
  10247. */
  10248. linePadding?: number;
  10249. /**
  10250. * By adding padding to the control, you can increase the area of the control that can be clicked and dragged.
  10251. * Either `rotateAroundControls` or `displayAroundControls` can be used.
  10252. * @since 0.44.0
  10253. * @story options--options-control-padding
  10254. * @default 0
  10255. */
  10256. controlPadding?: number;
  10257. /**
  10258. * @private
  10259. * single => group로 변환과정에 도형 유지를 위한 첫 렌더링 state
  10260. */
  10261. firstRenderState?: MoveableManagerState | null;
  10262. /**
  10263. * @private
  10264. */
  10265. requestStyles?: string[];
  10266. /**
  10267. * If you are using React 18's concurrent mode, use `flushSync` for UI sync.
  10268. * @default empty function
  10269. * @example
  10270. * ```jsx
  10271. * import { flushSync } from "react-dom";
  10272. *
  10273. * <Moveable flushSync={flushSync} />
  10274. * ```
  10275. */
  10276. flushSync?: (callback: () => void) => void;
  10277. }
  10278. /**
  10279. * @typedef
  10280. * @extends Moveable.DefaultOptions
  10281. * @extends Moveable.DragAreaOptions
  10282. * @extends Moveable.OriginOptions
  10283. * @extends Moveable.PaddingOptions
  10284. */
  10285. interface MoveableDefaultOptions extends DefaultOptions, DragAreaOptions, OriginOptions, PaddingOptions {
  10286. }
  10287. interface MatrixInfo {
  10288. type: "offset" | "target" | "zoom";
  10289. target: SVGElement | HTMLElement;
  10290. matrix?: number[];
  10291. origin?: number[];
  10292. zoom?: number;
  10293. }
  10294. declare type MoveableManagerState<T = {}> = {
  10295. container: SVGElement | HTMLElement | null | undefined;
  10296. disableNativeEvent: boolean;
  10297. gestos: Record<string, Gesto | CustomGesto | null>;
  10298. renderLines: number[][][];
  10299. renderPoses: number[][];
  10300. posDelta: number[];
  10301. style: Partial<Writable<CSSStyleDeclaration>>;
  10302. isPersisted?: boolean;
  10303. } & MoveableTargetInfo & T;
  10304. /**
  10305. * @typedef
  10306. * @memberof Moveable
  10307. */
  10308. interface ElementSizes {
  10309. svg: boolean;
  10310. offsetWidth: number;
  10311. offsetHeight: number;
  10312. clientWidth: number;
  10313. clientHeight: number;
  10314. inlineCSSWidth: number;
  10315. inlineCSSHeight: number;
  10316. cssWidth: number;
  10317. cssHeight: number;
  10318. contentWidth: number;
  10319. contentHeight: number;
  10320. minWidth: number;
  10321. minHeight: number;
  10322. maxWidth: number;
  10323. maxHeight: number;
  10324. minOffsetWidth: number;
  10325. minOffsetHeight: number;
  10326. maxOffsetWidth: number;
  10327. maxOffsetHeight: number;
  10328. }
  10329. /**
  10330. * @typedef
  10331. * @memberof Moveable
  10332. * @property - left padding
  10333. * @property - top padding
  10334. * @property - right padding
  10335. * @property - bottom padding
  10336. */
  10337. interface PaddingBox {
  10338. left?: number;
  10339. top?: number;
  10340. right?: number;
  10341. bottom?: number;
  10342. }
  10343. interface Renderer {
  10344. createElement(type: any, props?: any, ...children: any[]): any;
  10345. }
  10346. /**
  10347. * @typedef
  10348. * @memberof Moveable.Snappable
  10349. */
  10350. interface SnapGuideline {
  10351. type: "horizontal" | "vertical";
  10352. direction: string;
  10353. hide?: boolean;
  10354. element?: Element | null;
  10355. isStart?: boolean;
  10356. isEnd?: boolean;
  10357. isCenter?: boolean;
  10358. isInner?: boolean;
  10359. grid?: boolean;
  10360. pos: number[];
  10361. size: number;
  10362. className?: string;
  10363. sizes?: number[];
  10364. gap?: number;
  10365. elementDirection?: string;
  10366. elementRect?: SnapElementRect;
  10367. gapRects?: SnapElementRect[];
  10368. }
  10369. /**
  10370. * @memberof Moveable
  10371. * @typedef
  10372. */
  10373. declare type MoveableRefType<T extends Element = HTMLElement | SVGElement> = string | (() => T) | MoveableRefObject<T> | T | null | undefined;
  10374. /**
  10375. * @memberof Moveable
  10376. * @typedef
  10377. */
  10378. interface MoveableRefObject<T extends Element = HTMLElement | SVGElement> {
  10379. current: T | undefined | null;
  10380. }
  10381. /**
  10382. * You can make Able that can work in Moveable.
  10383. * @typedef
  10384. * In Able, you can manage drag events, props, state, fire event props, and render elements.
  10385. * @memberof Moveable
  10386. */
  10387. interface Able<Props extends IObject<any> = IObject<any>, Events extends IObject<any> = IObject<any>> {
  10388. name: string;
  10389. props?: readonly (keyof Props)[];
  10390. events?: readonly (keyof Events)[];
  10391. always?: boolean;
  10392. ableGroup?: string;
  10393. updateRect?: boolean;
  10394. canPinch?: boolean;
  10395. css?: string[];
  10396. /**
  10397. * You can request style. Specify the name of the style in camel case.
  10398. * You can check it with ``
  10399. * @exmaple
  10400. * ["borderRadius", "top", "left"]
  10401. */
  10402. requestStyle?(): string[];
  10403. /**
  10404. * If you use group, you can request child style. Specify the name of the style in camel case.
  10405. * You can check it with ``
  10406. * @exmaple
  10407. * ["borderRadius", "top", "left"]
  10408. */
  10409. requestChildStyle?(): string[];
  10410. /**
  10411. * You can specify the class name to be added to the Moveable control box.
  10412. */
  10413. className?(moveable: any): string;
  10414. /**
  10415. * You can specify the class name to be added to the Moveable View Container
  10416. */
  10417. viewClassName?(moveable: any): string;
  10418. /**
  10419. * Check how related to drag
  10420. */
  10421. dragRelation?: "strong" | "weak" | undefined | null | false;
  10422. /**
  10423. * Fired when the event is cleared
  10424. */
  10425. unset?(moveable: any): any;
  10426. /**
  10427. * Renders the React DOM structure for the able.
  10428. */
  10429. render?(moveable: any, renderer: Renderer): any;
  10430. dragStart?(moveable: any, e: any): any;
  10431. drag?(moveable: any, e: any): any;
  10432. dragEnd?(moveable: any, e: any): any;
  10433. dragAfter?(moveable: any, e: any): any;
  10434. pinchStart?(moveable: any, e: OnPinchStart): any;
  10435. pinch?(moveable: any, e: OnPinch): any;
  10436. pinchEnd?(moveable: any, e: OnPinchEnd): any;
  10437. dragControlCondition?(moveable: any, e: any): boolean;
  10438. dragControlStart?(moveable: any, e: any): any;
  10439. dragControl?(moveable: any, e: any): any;
  10440. dragControlEnd?(moveable: any, e: any): any;
  10441. dragControlAfter?(moveable: any, e: any): any;
  10442. dragGroupCondition?(moveable: any, e: any): boolean;
  10443. dragGroupStart?(moveable: any, e: any): any;
  10444. dragGroup?(moveable: any, e: any): any;
  10445. dragGroupEnd?(moveable: any, e: any): any;
  10446. pinchGroupStart?(moveable: any, e: OnPinchStart): any;
  10447. pinchGroup?(moveable: any, e: OnPinch): any;
  10448. pinchGroupEnd?(moveable: any, e: OnPinchEnd): any;
  10449. dragGroupControlCondition?(moveable: any, e: any): boolean;
  10450. dragGroupControlStart?(moveable: any, e: any): any;
  10451. dragGroupControl?(moveable: any, e: any): any;
  10452. dragGroupControlEnd?(moveable: any, e: any): any;
  10453. mouseEnter?(moveable: any, e: any): any;
  10454. mouseLeave?(moveable: any, e: any): any;
  10455. mouseGroupEnter?(moveable: any, e: any): any;
  10456. mouseGroupLeave?(moveable: any, e: any): any;
  10457. request?(moveable: any): AbleRequester;
  10458. }
  10459. /**
  10460. * @typedef
  10461. * @memberof Moveable
  10462. */
  10463. interface OnEvent {
  10464. /**
  10465. * The Moveable instance
  10466. */
  10467. currentTarget: MoveableManagerInterface<Record<string, any>, Record<string, any>>;
  10468. /**
  10469. * The Moveable instance
  10470. */
  10471. moveable: MoveableManagerInterface<Record<string, any>, Record<string, any>>;
  10472. /**
  10473. * The Moveable's target
  10474. */
  10475. target: HTMLElement | SVGElement;
  10476. /**
  10477. * The horizontal coordinate within the application's client area at which the event occurred.
  10478. */
  10479. clientX: number;
  10480. /**
  10481. * The vertical coordinate within the application's client area at which the event occurred.
  10482. */
  10483. clientY: number;
  10484. /**
  10485. * Whether this is the first drag in the drag event
  10486. */
  10487. isFirstDrag: number;
  10488. /**
  10489. * Objects that can send information to the following events.
  10490. */
  10491. datas: IObject<any>;
  10492. /**
  10493. * The mouse or touch input event that is invoking the moveable event
  10494. */
  10495. inputEvent: any;
  10496. /**
  10497. * Stop the currently working able.
  10498. */
  10499. stopAble(): void;
  10500. /**
  10501. * Calling `stopDrag` in a drag-related event ends the drag.
  10502. */
  10503. stopDrag(): void;
  10504. /**
  10505. * Whether the event did not occur externally
  10506. */
  10507. isTrusted: boolean;
  10508. }
  10509. /**
  10510. * @typedef
  10511. * @memberof Moveable
  10512. * @extends Moveable.OnEvent
  10513. * @property - This is the last dragged event. No, if you haven't dragged.
  10514. * @property - Whether this moved
  10515. * @property - Whether it is double-click
  10516. */
  10517. interface OnEndEvent extends OnEvent {
  10518. lastEvent: any | undefined;
  10519. isDrag: boolean;
  10520. isDouble: boolean;
  10521. }
  10522. /**
  10523. * @typedef
  10524. * @memberof Moveable
  10525. */
  10526. interface OnTransformStartEvent {
  10527. /**
  10528. * Set your original transform.
  10529. * `transformIndex` is the sequence of functions used in the event.
  10530. * If you use `setTransform`, you don't need to use `set` function.
  10531. * @default transform of target's inline style
  10532. */
  10533. setTransform(transform: string | string[], transformIndex?: number): void;
  10534. /**
  10535. * `transformIndex` is the sequence of functions used in the event.
  10536. * @default index with that property in transform or last
  10537. */
  10538. setTransformIndex(transformIndex: number): void;
  10539. }
  10540. /**
  10541. * @typedef
  10542. * @memberof Moveable
  10543. * @extends Moveable.CSSObject
  10544. */
  10545. interface TransformObject extends CSSObject {
  10546. /**
  10547. * a target's next transform string value.
  10548. */
  10549. transform: string;
  10550. /**
  10551. * A transform obtained by the simultaneous occurrence of other events in the current event
  10552. */
  10553. afterTransform: string;
  10554. }
  10555. /**
  10556. * @typedef
  10557. * @memberof Moveable
  10558. * @extends Moveable.TransformObject
  10559. */
  10560. interface OnTransformEvent extends TransformObject {
  10561. /**
  10562. * transform events causes a `drag` event. In some events, there may be no value.
  10563. */
  10564. drag: OnDrag;
  10565. }
  10566. /**
  10567. * @typedef
  10568. * @memberof Moveable
  10569. */
  10570. interface AbleRequestParam {
  10571. /**
  10572. * Run the request instantly. (requestStart, request, requestEnd happen at the same time)
  10573. */
  10574. isInstant?: boolean;
  10575. [key: string]: any;
  10576. }
  10577. /**
  10578. * @typedef
  10579. * @memberof Moveable
  10580. * @see {@link|Request Method}
  10581. * @see {@link|Draggable Requester}
  10582. * @see {@link|Resizable Requester}
  10583. * @see {@link|Scalable Requester}
  10584. * @see {@link|Rotatable Requester}
  10585. * @property - Continue executing the request.
  10586. * @property - End the request.
  10587. */
  10588. interface Requester<RequestParam extends {} = AbleRequestParam> {
  10589. request(param: RequestParam): this;
  10590. requestEnd(): this;
  10591. }
  10592. interface AbleRequester {
  10593. isControl: boolean;
  10594. requestStart(param: IObject<any>): IObject<any>;
  10595. request(param: IObject<any>): IObject<any>;
  10596. requestEnd(): IObject<any>;
  10597. }
  10598. /**
  10599. * When the drag starts, the dragStart event is called.
  10600. * @typedef
  10601. * @memberof Moveable.Draggable
  10602. * @extends Moveable.OnEvent
  10603. * @extends Moveable.OnTransformStartEvent
  10604. */
  10605. interface OnDragStart extends OnEvent, OnTransformStartEvent {
  10606. /**
  10607. * You can set the start translate value.
  10608. */
  10609. set: (translate: number[]) => void;
  10610. }
  10611. /**
  10612. * @typedef
  10613. * @memberof Moveable.Draggable
  10614. * @extends Moveable.OnEvent
  10615. * @extends Moveable.CSSObject
  10616. * @property - The delta of [left, top]
  10617. * @property - The distance of [left, top]
  10618. * @property - The position of [left, top]
  10619. * @property - The delta of [translateX, translateY]
  10620. * @property - The distance of [translateX, translateY]
  10621. * @property - The position of [translateX, translateY]
  10622. * @property - a target's transform
  10623. * @property - a target's left
  10624. * @property - a target's top
  10625. * @property - a target's bottom
  10626. * @property - a target's offset width
  10627. * @property - a target's offset height
  10628. * @property - a target's right
  10629. * @property - Whether or not it is being pinched.
  10630. */
  10631. interface OnDrag extends OnEvent, CSSObject {
  10632. beforeDelta: number[];
  10633. beforeDist: number[];
  10634. beforeTranslate: number[];
  10635. delta: number[];
  10636. dist: number[];
  10637. translate: number[];
  10638. transform: string;
  10639. left: number;
  10640. top: number;
  10641. bottom: number;
  10642. width: number;
  10643. height: number;
  10644. right: number;
  10645. isPinch: boolean;
  10646. }
  10647. /**
  10648. * @typedef
  10649. * @memberof Moveable.Draggable
  10650. * @extends Moveable.OnEndEvent
  10651. */
  10652. interface OnDragEnd extends OnEndEvent {
  10653. }
  10654. /**
  10655. * @typedef
  10656. * @memberof Moveable.Resizable
  10657. * @extends Moveable.OnEvent
  10658. * @property - The direction of resize.
  10659. * @property - resize causes a `dragStart` event.
  10660. * @property - You can set the css width, height value.
  10661. * @property - You can set the css min width, min height value. (default: min-width)
  10662. * @property - You can set the css max width, max height value. (default: max-width)
  10663. * @property - You can set the css origin (default: % %)
  10664. * @property - Set a fixed direction to resize. (default: Opposite direction)
  10665. * @property - Set the ratio of width and height. (default: offsetWidth / offsetHeight)
  10666. */
  10667. interface OnResizeStart extends OnEvent {
  10668. /**
  10669. * The direction of resize.
  10670. */
  10671. direction: number[];
  10672. /**
  10673. * First set (boundingWidth / boundingHeight) value
  10674. */
  10675. startRatio: number;
  10676. /**
  10677. * resize causes a `dragStart` event.
  10678. */
  10679. dragStart: OnDragStart | false;
  10680. /**
  10681. * You can set the css width, height value.
  10682. */
  10683. set: (size: number[]) => any;
  10684. /**
  10685. * You can set the css min offset width, min offset height value.
  10686. * @default [minOffsetWidth, minOffsetHeight])
  10687. */
  10688. setMin: (minSize: Array<string | number>) => any;
  10689. /**
  10690. * You can set the css max offset width, max offset height value.
  10691. * @default [maxOffsetWidth, maxOffsetHeight])
  10692. */
  10693. setMax: (maxSize: Array<string | number>) => any;
  10694. /**
  10695. * You can set the css origin
  10696. * @default transformOrigin
  10697. */
  10698. setOrigin: (origin: Array<string | number>) => any;
  10699. /**
  10700. * Set a fixed direction to resize.
  10701. * @default Opposite direction
  10702. */
  10703. setFixedDirection: (startDirecition: number[]) => any;
  10704. /**
  10705. * Set a fixed direction to resize.
  10706. * @default Opposite position
  10707. * @private
  10708. */
  10709. setFixedPosition: (startPosition: number[]) => any;
  10710. /**
  10711. * Set the ratio of width and height.
  10712. * @default offsetWidth / offsetHeight
  10713. */
  10714. setRatio: (ratio: number) => any;
  10715. }
  10716. /**
  10717. * @typedef
  10718. * @memberof Moveable
  10719. */
  10720. interface CSSObject {
  10721. /**
  10722. * You can get the style you can get from the event.
  10723. */
  10724. style: Record<string, string>;
  10725. /**
  10726. * You can get it as a cssText that you can get from that event.
  10727. */
  10728. cssText: string;
  10729. }
  10730. /**
  10731. * @typedef
  10732. * @memberof Moveable.Resizable
  10733. * @extends Moveable.OnEvent
  10734. * @extends Moveable.OnTransformEvent
  10735. */
  10736. interface OnResize extends OnEvent, OnTransformEvent {
  10737. /**
  10738. * The direction of resize.
  10739. */
  10740. direction: number[];
  10741. /**
  10742. * a target's cssWidth
  10743. */
  10744. width: number;
  10745. /**
  10746. * a target's cssHeight
  10747. */
  10748. height: number;
  10749. /**
  10750. * a target's offset width as an integer with bounding width
  10751. */
  10752. offsetWidth: number;
  10753. /**
  10754. * a target's offset height as an integer with bounding height
  10755. */
  10756. offsetHeight: number;
  10757. /**
  10758. * a target's bounding width
  10759. */
  10760. boundingWidth: number;
  10761. /**
  10762. * a target's bounding height
  10763. */
  10764. boundingHeight: number;
  10765. /**
  10766. * The distance of [boundingWidth, boundingHeight]
  10767. */
  10768. dist: number[];
  10769. /**
  10770. * The delta of [boundingWidth, boundingHeight]
  10771. */
  10772. delta: number[];
  10773. /**
  10774. * First set (boundingWidth / boundingHeight) value
  10775. */
  10776. startRatio: number;
  10777. /**
  10778. * Whether or not it is being pinched.
  10779. */
  10780. isPinch: boolean;
  10781. }
  10782. /**
  10783. * @typedef
  10784. * @memberof Moveable.Resizable
  10785. * @extends Moveable.OnEndEvent
  10786. */
  10787. interface OnResizeEnd extends OnEndEvent {
  10788. }
  10789. /**
  10790. * @typedef
  10791. * @memberof Moveable.Rotatable
  10792. * @extends Moveable.OnEvent
  10793. * @extends Moveable.OnTransformStartEvent
  10794. */
  10795. interface OnRotateStart extends OnEvent, OnTransformStartEvent {
  10796. /**
  10797. * You can set the start rotate value.
  10798. */
  10799. set: (rotate: number) => void;
  10800. /**
  10801. * Set a fixed direction to rotate.
  10802. * @default target's transformOrigin
  10803. */
  10804. setFixedDirection: (fixedDirection: number[]) => void;
  10805. /**
  10806. * Set a fixed position to rotate.
  10807. * @default target's transformOrigin
  10808. */
  10809. setFixedPosition: (fixedPosition: number[]) => void;
  10810. /**
  10811. * rotate causes a `dragStart` event.
  10812. */
  10813. dragStart: OnDragStart | false;
  10814. /**
  10815. * rotate causes a `resizeStart` event.
  10816. */
  10817. resizeStart: OnResizeStart | false;
  10818. }
  10819. /**
  10820. * @typedef
  10821. * @description Parameters for the `rotate` event
  10822. * @memberof Moveable.Rotatable
  10823. * @extends Moveable.OnEvent
  10824. * @extends Moveable.OnTransformEvent
  10825. */
  10826. interface OnRotate extends OnEvent, OnTransformEvent {
  10827. /**
  10828. * The distance of rotation degree before transform is applied
  10829. */
  10830. beforeDist: number;
  10831. /**
  10832. * The delta of rotation degree before transform is applied
  10833. */
  10834. beforeDelta: number;
  10835. /**
  10836. * The now rotation degree before transform is applied
  10837. * @deprecated
  10838. */
  10839. beforeRotate: number;
  10840. /**
  10841. * The now rotation degree before transform is applied
  10842. */
  10843. beforeRotation: number;
  10844. /**
  10845. * The distance of rotation degree
  10846. */
  10847. dist: number;
  10848. /**
  10849. * The delta of rotation degree
  10850. */
  10851. delta: number;
  10852. /**
  10853. * The now rotation degree
  10854. * @deprecated
  10855. */
  10856. rotate: number;
  10857. /**
  10858. * The now rotation degree
  10859. */
  10860. rotation: number;
  10861. /**
  10862. * The distance of client rotation degree
  10863. */
  10864. absoluteDist: number;
  10865. /**
  10866. * The delta of client rotation degree
  10867. */
  10868. absoluteDelta: number;
  10869. /**
  10870. * The now client rotation degree
  10871. * @deprecated
  10872. */
  10873. absoluteRotate: number;
  10874. /**
  10875. * The now client rotation degree
  10876. */
  10877. absoluteRotation: number;
  10878. /**
  10879. * Whether or not it is being pinched.
  10880. */
  10881. isPinch: boolean;
  10882. /**
  10883. * rotate causes a `resize` event.
  10884. */
  10885. resize?: OnResize;
  10886. }
  10887. /**
  10888. * @typedef
  10889. * @memberof Moveable.Rotatable
  10890. * @extends Moveable.OnEndEvent
  10891. */
  10892. interface OnRotateEnd extends OnEndEvent {
  10893. }
  10894. /**
  10895. * `renderStart` event occurs at the first start of all events.
  10896. * @typedef
  10897. * @memberof Moveable
  10898. * @extends Moveable.OnEvent
  10899. * @property - Whether or not it is being pinched.
  10900. */
  10901. interface OnRenderStart extends OnEvent {
  10902. isPinch: boolean;
  10903. }
  10904. /**
  10905. * `render` event occurs before the target is drawn on the screen.
  10906. * @typedef
  10907. * @memberof Moveable
  10908. * @extends Moveable.OnEvent
  10909. * @extends Moveable.CSSObject
  10910. */
  10911. interface OnRender extends OnEvent, CSSObject {
  10912. /**
  10913. * a target's next transform string value.
  10914. */
  10915. transform: string;
  10916. /**
  10917. * Whether or not it is being pinched.
  10918. */
  10919. isPinch: boolean;
  10920. /**
  10921. * Return transform as a transform object.
  10922. * `rotate` is a number and everything else is an array of numbers.
  10923. */
  10924. transformObject: Record<string, any>;
  10925. }
  10926. /**
  10927. * @typedef
  10928. * @memberof Moveable
  10929. */
  10930. interface PaddingOptions {
  10931. /**
  10932. * Add padding around the target to increase the drag area.
  10933. * @default null
  10934. */
  10935. padding?: PaddingBox | number;
  10936. }
  10937. /**
  10938. * @typedef
  10939. * @memberof Moveable
  10940. */
  10941. interface OriginOptions {
  10942. /**
  10943. * Whether or not the origin control box will be visible or not.
  10944. * @default true
  10945. */
  10946. origin?: boolean;
  10947. /**
  10948. * Sets the transform origin based on the svg target. If not set, it is set as the transform origin based on the owner of svg.
  10949. * @since 0.47.0
  10950. * @default ""
  10951. */
  10952. svgOrigin?: string;
  10953. }
  10954. /**
  10955. * @typedef
  10956. * @memberof Moveable
  10957. * @extends Moveable.AbleRequestParam
  10958. * @description the Resizable's request parameter
  10959. */
  10960. interface AbleRequesters {
  10961. draggable: DraggableRequestParam;
  10962. resizable: ResizableRequestParam;
  10963. scalable: ScalableRequestParam;
  10964. rotatable: RotatableRequestParam;
  10965. [key: string]: AbleRequestParam;
  10966. }
  10967. /**
  10968. * @typedef
  10969. * @memberof Moveable.Draggable
  10970. * @extends Moveable.AbleRequestParam
  10971. * @description the Draggable's request parameter
  10972. */
  10973. interface DraggableRequestParam extends AbleRequestParam {
  10974. /**
  10975. * x position
  10976. */
  10977. x?: number;
  10978. /**
  10979. * y position
  10980. */
  10981. y?: number;
  10982. /**
  10983. * X number to move
  10984. */
  10985. deltaX?: number;
  10986. /**
  10987. * Y number to move
  10988. */
  10989. deltaY?: number;
  10990. /**
  10991. * whether to use with `snappable`
  10992. */
  10993. useSnap?: boolean;
  10994. }
  10995. /**
  10996. * @typedef
  10997. * @memberof Moveable.Resizable
  10998. * @extends Moveable.AbleRequestParam
  10999. * @description the Resizable's request parameter
  11000. */
  11001. interface ResizableRequestParam extends AbleRequestParam {
  11002. /**
  11003. * Direction to resize
  11004. * @default [1, 1]
  11005. */
  11006. direction?: number[];
  11007. /**
  11008. * Whether to force keepRatio to resize
  11009. */
  11010. keepRatio?: boolean;
  11011. /**
  11012. * delta number of width
  11013. */
  11014. deltaWidth?: number;
  11015. /**
  11016. * delta number of height
  11017. */
  11018. deltaHeight?: number;
  11019. /**
  11020. * offset number of width
  11021. */
  11022. offsetWidth?: number;
  11023. /**
  11024. * offset number of height
  11025. */
  11026. offsetHeight?: number;
  11027. /**
  11028. *
  11029. */
  11030. horizontal?: boolean;
  11031. /**
  11032. * whether to use with `snappable`
  11033. */
  11034. useSnap?: boolean;
  11035. }
  11036. /**
  11037. * @typedef
  11038. * @memberof Moveable.Scalable
  11039. * @extends Moveable.AbleRequestParam
  11040. * @description the Scalable's request parameter
  11041. */
  11042. interface ScalableRequestParam extends AbleRequestParam {
  11043. /**
  11044. * Direction to scale
  11045. * @default [1, 1]
  11046. */
  11047. direction?: number[];
  11048. /**
  11049. * Whether to force keepRatio to resize
  11050. */
  11051. keepRatio?: boolean;
  11052. /**
  11053. * delta number of width
  11054. */
  11055. deltaWidth?: number;
  11056. /**
  11057. * delta number of height
  11058. */
  11059. deltaHeight?: number;
  11060. /**
  11061. * whether to use with `snappable`
  11062. */
  11063. useSnap?: boolean;
  11064. }
  11065. /**
  11066. * @typedef
  11067. * @memberof Moveable.Rotatable
  11068. * @extends Moveable.AbleRequestParam
  11069. * @description the Rotatable's request parameter
  11070. */
  11071. interface RotatableRequestParam extends AbleRequestParam {
  11072. /**
  11073. * delta number of rotation
  11074. */
  11075. deltaRotate?: number;
  11076. /**
  11077. * absolute number of moveable's rotation
  11078. */
  11079. rotate?: number;
  11080. }
  11081. declare type RotationPosition = "top" | "bottom" | "left" | "right" | "top-right" | "top-left" | "bottom-right" | "bottom-left" | "left-top" | "left-bottom" | "right-top" | "right-bottom" | "none";
  11082. /**
  11083. * @typedef
  11084. * @memberof Moveable.Snappable
  11085. */
  11086. interface SnapDirections {
  11087. /**
  11088. * Whether to snap the top of the element
  11089. * @default true
  11090. */
  11091. left?: boolean;
  11092. /**
  11093. * Whether to snap the left of the element
  11094. * @default true
  11095. */
  11096. top?: boolean;
  11097. /**
  11098. * Whether to snap the right of the element
  11099. * @default true
  11100. */
  11101. right?: boolean;
  11102. /**
  11103. * Whether to snap the bottom of the element
  11104. * @default true
  11105. */
  11106. bottom?: boolean;
  11107. /**
  11108. * Whether to snap the center((left + right) / 2) of the element
  11109. * @default false
  11110. */
  11111. center?: boolean;
  11112. /**
  11113. * Whether to snap the middle((top + bottom) / 2) of the element
  11114. * @default false
  11115. */
  11116. middle?: boolean;
  11117. }
  11118. /**
  11119. * @typedef
  11120. * @memberof Moveable.Snappable
  11121. * @extends Moveable.Snappable.SnapDirections
  11122. */
  11123. interface ElementGuidelineValue extends SnapDirections {
  11124. /**
  11125. * guideline element
  11126. */
  11127. element: Element;
  11128. /**
  11129. * class names to add to guideline
  11130. * @default ""
  11131. * @example
  11132. *
  11133. * ```css
  11134. * {
  11135. * background: red!important;
  11136. * }
  11137. * ```
  11138. * ```css
  11139. * {
  11140. * background: red!important;
  11141. * }
  11142. * ```
  11143. * ```css
  11144. * {
  11145. * border-top-color: red!important;
  11146. * }
  11147. * ```
  11148. */
  11149. className?: string;
  11150. /**
  11151. * Whether to update the element size at every render
  11152. * @default false
  11153. */
  11154. refresh?: boolean;
  11155. }
  11156. /**
  11157. * @typedef
  11158. * @memberof Moveable.Snappable
  11159. * @extends Moveable.Snappable.SnapDirections
  11160. */
  11161. interface ElementGuidelineValue extends SnapDirections {
  11162. /**
  11163. * guideline element
  11164. */
  11165. element: Element;
  11166. /**
  11167. * class names to add to guideline
  11168. * @default ""
  11169. */
  11170. className?: string;
  11171. /**
  11172. * Whether to update the element size at every render
  11173. * @default false
  11174. */
  11175. refresh?: boolean;
  11176. }
  11177. /**
  11178. * @typedef
  11179. * @memberof Moveable.Snappable
  11180. */
  11181. interface OnSnap {
  11182. /**
  11183. * snapped verticalGuidelines, horizontalGuidelines,
  11184. */
  11185. guidelines: SnapGuideline[];
  11186. /**
  11187. * snapped elements (group by element)
  11188. */
  11189. elements: SnapGuideline[];
  11190. /**
  11191. * gaps is snapped guidelines that became gap snap between elements.
  11192. */
  11193. gaps: SnapGuideline[];
  11194. }
  11195. interface SnapDirectionPoses {
  11196. left?: number;
  11197. top?: number;
  11198. right?: number;
  11199. bottom?: number;
  11200. center?: number;
  11201. middle?: number;
  11202. }
  11203. interface SnapElementRect extends ElementGuidelineValue {
  11204. rect: SnapDirectionPoses;
  11205. }
  11206. /**
  11207. * @typedef
  11208. * @memberof Moveable
  11209. */
  11210. interface DragAreaOptions {
  11211. /**
  11212. * Instead of firing an event on the target, we add it to the moveable control element. You can use click and clickGroup events.
  11213. * @default if group, true, else fals
  11214. */
  11215. dragArea?: boolean;
  11216. /**
  11217. * Set `pointerEvents: none;` css to pass events in dragArea.
  11218. * @default false
  11219. */
  11220. passDragArea?: boolean;
  11221. }
  11222. interface OnCustomDrag extends Position {
  11223. type: string;
  11224. inputEvent: any;
  11225. isDrag: boolean;
  11226. isFirstDrag: boolean;
  11227. datas: IObject<any>;
  11228. originalDatas: IObject<any>;
  11229. parentEvent: boolean;
  11230. parentGesto: CustomGesto;
  11231. }
  11232. /**
  11233. * @typedef
  11234. * @memberof Moveable
  11235. */
  11236. declare type PersistRectData = Omit<Partial<RectInfo>, "children"> & {
  11237. children?: Array<Partial<RectInfo>>;
  11238. };
  11239. /**
  11240. * @typedef
  11241. * @memberof Moveable
  11242. */
  11243. interface RectInfo {
  11244. /**
  11245. * The coordinates of the vertex 1
  11246. */
  11247. pos1: number[];
  11248. /**
  11249. * The coordinates of the vertex 2
  11250. */
  11251. pos2: number[];
  11252. /**
  11253. * The coordinates of the vertex 3
  11254. */
  11255. pos3: number[];
  11256. /**
  11257. * The coordinates of the vertex 4
  11258. */
  11259. pos4: number[];
  11260. /**
  11261. * left position of the target relative to the container
  11262. */
  11263. left: number;
  11264. /**
  11265. * top position of the target relative to the container
  11266. */
  11267. top: number;
  11268. /**
  11269. * The width of moveable element
  11270. */
  11271. width: number;
  11272. /**
  11273. * The height of moveable element
  11274. */
  11275. height: number;
  11276. /**
  11277. * The offset width of the target
  11278. */
  11279. offsetWidth: number;
  11280. /**
  11281. * The offset height of the target
  11282. */
  11283. offsetHeight: number;
  11284. /**
  11285. * The absolute transform origin
  11286. */
  11287. origin: number[];
  11288. /**
  11289. * The absolute transform origin before transformation
  11290. */
  11291. beforeOrigin: number[];
  11292. /**
  11293. * The target transform origin
  11294. */
  11295. transformOrigin: number[];
  11296. /**
  11297. * you can get the absolute rotation value
  11298. */
  11299. rotation: number;
  11300. /**
  11301. * If you use a group, you can get child moveables' rect info
  11302. */
  11303. children?: RectInfo[];
  11304. }
  11305. /**
  11306. * @typedef
  11307. * @memberof Moveable
  11308. * @property - top position
  11309. * @property - left position
  11310. * @property - target's width
  11311. * @property - target's height
  11312. */
  11313. interface HitRect {
  11314. top: number;
  11315. left: number;
  11316. width?: number;
  11317. height?: number;
  11318. }
  11319. /**
  11320. * @typedef
  11321. * @memberof Moveable
  11322. * @extends Moveable.MoveableInterface
  11323. */
  11324. interface MoveableManagerInterface<T = {}, U = {}> extends MoveableInterface {
  11325. moveables?: MoveableManagerInterface[];
  11326. props: MoveableManagerProps<T>;
  11327. state: MoveableManagerState<U>;
  11328. renderState: Record<string, any>;
  11329. rotation: number;
  11330. scale: number[];
  11331. controlGesto: Gesto;
  11332. targetGesto: Gesto;
  11333. enabledAbles: Able[];
  11334. controlAbles: Able[];
  11335. targetAbles: Able[];
  11336. areaElement: HTMLElement;
  11337. controlBox: HTMLElement;
  11338. isUnmounted: boolean;
  11339. useCSS(tag: string, css: string): any;
  11340. getContainer(): HTMLElement | SVGElement;
  11341. getRotation(): number;
  11342. getState(): MoveableManagerState<U>;
  11343. triggerEvent(name: string, params: IObject<any>, isManager?: boolean): any;
  11344. }
  11345. /**
  11346. * @typedef
  11347. * @memberof Moveable
  11348. */
  11349. interface MoveableInterface {
  11350. getManager(): MoveableManagerInterface<any, any>;
  11351. getRect(): RectInfo;
  11352. getAble<T extends Able>(ableName: string): T | undefined;
  11353. isMoveableElement(target: Element): boolean;
  11354. /**
  11355. * If the location or size of the target is changed, call the `.updateRect()` method.
  11356. * Use the `useResizeObserver` and `useMutationObserver` props to update automatically.
  11357. */
  11358. updateRect(type?: "Start" | "" | "End", isTarget?: boolean, isSetState?: boolean): void;
  11359. /**
  11360. * @deprecated
  11361. * Use `.updateRect()` method
  11362. */
  11363. updateTarget(): void;
  11364. /**
  11365. * Request able through a method rather than an event.
  11366. * At the moment of execution, requestStart is executed,
  11367. * and then request and requestEnd can be executed through Requester.
  11368. * @see {@link Draggable Requester}
  11369. * @see {@link Resizable Requester}
  11370. * @see {@link Scalable Requester}
  11371. * @see {@link Rotatable Requester}
  11372. * @see {@link OriginDraggable Requester}
  11373. * @param - ableName
  11374. * @param - request to be able params.
  11375. * @param - If isInstant is true, request and requestEnd are executed immediately.
  11376. * @return - Able Requester. If there is no request in able, nothing will work.
  11377. * @example
  11378. * import Moveable from "moveable";
  11379. *
  11380. * const moveable = new Moveable(document.body);
  11381. *
  11382. * // Instantly Request (requestStart - request - requestEnd)
  11383. * moveable.request("draggable", { deltaX: 10, deltaY: 10 }, true);
  11384. *
  11385. * // Start move
  11386. * const requester = moveable.request("draggable");
  11387. * requester.request({ deltaX: 10, deltaY: 10 });
  11388. * requester.request({ deltaX: 10, deltaY: 10 });
  11389. * requester.request({ deltaX: 10, deltaY: 10 });
  11390. * requester.requestEnd();
  11391. */
  11392. request<RequestParam extends AbleRequesters[Name], Name extends string = string>(ableName: Name, params?: RequestParam, isInstant?: boolean): Requester<RequestParam>;
  11393. /**
  11394. * moveable is the top level that manages targets
  11395. * `Single`: MoveableManager instance
  11396. * `Group`: MoveableGroup instance
  11397. * `IndividualGroup`: MoveableIndividaulGroup instance
  11398. * Returns leaf target MoveableManagers.
  11399. */
  11400. getMoveables(): MoveableManagerInterface[];
  11401. /**
  11402. * Returns the element of the control box.
  11403. */
  11404. getControlBoxElement(): HTMLElement;
  11405. /**
  11406. * Target element to be dragged in moveable
  11407. */
  11408. getDragElement(): HTMLElement | SVGElement | null | undefined;
  11409. destroy(): void;
  11410. dragStart(e: MouseEvent | TouchEvent, target?: EventTarget | null): void;
  11411. isInside(clientX: number, clientY: number): boolean;
  11412. isDragging(ableName?: string): boolean;
  11413. hitTest(el: Element | HitRect): number;
  11414. setState(state: any, callback?: () => any): any;
  11415. waitToChangeTarget(): Promise<void>;
  11416. forceUpdate(callback?: () => any): any;
  11417. updateSelectors(): void;
  11418. getTargets(): Array<HTMLElement | SVGElement>;
  11419. stopDrag(type?: "target" | "control"): void;
  11420. }
  11421. declare type Writable<T> = {
  11422. -readonly [key in keyof T]: T[key];
  11423. };
  11424. interface AriaToolbarProps extends AriaLabelingProps$1 {
  11425. /**
  11426. * The orientation of the entire toolbar.
  11427. * @default 'horizontal'
  11428. */
  11429. orientation?: Orientation;
  11430. }
  11431. /** These types can be animated */
  11432. type Animatable<T = any> = T extends number ? number : T extends string ? string : T extends ReadonlyArray<number | string> ? Array<number | string> extends T ? ReadonlyArray<number | string> : {
  11433. [P in keyof T]: Animatable<T[P]>;
  11434. } : never;
  11435. /**
  11436. * MIT License
  11437. * Copyright (c) Alec Larson
  11438. * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
  11439. * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
  11440. * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
  11441. * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
  11442. * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
  11443. * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
  11444. *
  11445. * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
  11446. * copies or substantial portions of the Software.
  11447. *
  11454. * SOFTWARE.
  11455. */
  11456. /** Ensure each type of `T` is an array */
  11457. type Arrify<T> = [T, T] extends [infer T, infer DT] ? DT extends ReadonlyArray<any> ? Array<DT[number]> extends DT ? ReadonlyArray<T extends ReadonlyArray<infer U> ? U : T> : DT : ReadonlyArray<T extends ReadonlyArray<infer U> ? U : T> : never;
  11458. /** Override the property types of `A` with `B` and merge any new properties */
  11459. type Merge<A, B> = Remap<{
  11460. [P in keyof A]: P extends keyof B ? B[P] : A[P];
  11461. } & Omit$1<B, keyof A>>;
  11462. /** Better type errors for overloads with generic types */
  11463. type Constrain<T, U> = [T] extends [Any$2] ? U : [T] extends [U] ? T : U;
  11464. /** Try to simplify `&` out of an object type */
  11465. type Remap<T> = {} & {
  11466. [P in keyof T]: T[P];
  11467. };
  11468. type Pick$1<T, K extends keyof T> = {} & {
  11469. [P in K]: T[P];
  11470. };
  11471. type Omit$1<T, K> = Pick$1<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>;
  11472. type OneOrMore<T> = T | readonly T[];
  11473. type Falsy = false | null | undefined;
  11474. interface Lookup<T = any> {
  11475. [key: string]: T;
  11476. }
  11477. /** Intersected with other object types to allow for unknown properties */
  11478. interface UnknownProps extends Lookup<unknown> {
  11479. }
  11480. /** Use `[T] extends [Any]` to know if a type parameter is `any` */
  11481. declare class Any$2 {
  11482. private _;
  11483. }
  11484. type EasingFunction = (t: number) => number;
  11485. type ExtrapolateType = 'identity' | 'clamp' | 'extend';
  11486. type InterpolatorArgs<Input = any, Output = any> = [InterpolatorFn<Arrify<Input>, Output>] | [InterpolatorConfig<Output>] | [
  11487. readonly number[],
  11488. readonly Constrain<Output, Animatable>[],
  11489. (ExtrapolateType | undefined)?
  11490. ];
  11491. type InterpolatorFn<Input, Output> = (...inputs: Arrify<Input>) => Output;
  11492. type InterpolatorConfig<Output = Animatable> = {
  11493. /**
  11494. * What happens when the spring goes below its target value.
  11495. *
  11496. * - `extend` continues the interpolation past the target value
  11497. * - `clamp` limits the interpolation at the max value
  11498. * - `identity` sets the value to the interpolation input as soon as it hits the boundary
  11499. *
  11500. * @default 'extend'
  11501. */
  11502. extrapolateLeft?: ExtrapolateType;
  11503. /**
  11504. * What happens when the spring exceeds its target value.
  11505. *
  11506. * - `extend` continues the interpolation past the target value
  11507. * - `clamp` limits the interpolation at the max value
  11508. * - `identity` sets the value to the interpolation input as soon as it hits the boundary
  11509. *
  11510. * @default 'extend'
  11511. */
  11512. extrapolateRight?: ExtrapolateType;
  11513. /**
  11514. * What happens when the spring exceeds its target value.
  11515. * Shortcut to set `extrapolateLeft` and `extrapolateRight`.
  11516. *
  11517. * - `extend` continues the interpolation past the target value
  11518. * - `clamp` limits the interpolation at the max value
  11519. * - `identity` sets the value to the interpolation input as soon as it hits the boundary
  11520. *
  11521. * @default 'extend'
  11522. */
  11523. extrapolate?: ExtrapolateType;
  11524. /**
  11525. * Input ranges mapping the interpolation to the output values.
  11526. *
  11527. * @example
  11528. *
  11529. * range: [0, 0.5, 1], output: ['yellow', 'orange', 'red']
  11530. *
  11531. * @default [0,1]
  11532. */
  11533. range?: readonly number[];
  11534. /**
  11535. * Output values from the interpolation function. Should match the length of the `range` array.
  11536. */
  11537. output: readonly Constrain<Output, Animatable>[];
  11538. /**
  11539. * Transformation to apply to the value before interpolation.
  11540. */
  11541. map?: (value: number) => number;
  11542. /**
  11543. * Custom easing to apply in interpolator.
  11544. */
  11545. easing?: EasingFunction;
  11546. };
  11547. interface Timeout {
  11548. time: number;
  11549. handler: () => void;
  11550. cancel: () => void;
  11551. }
  11552. /**
  11553. * MIT License
  11554. * Copyright (c) Alec Larson
  11555. * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
  11556. * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
  11557. * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
  11558. * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
  11559. * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
  11560. * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
  11561. *
  11562. * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
  11563. * copies or substantial portions of the Software.
  11564. *
  11571. * SOFTWARE.
  11572. */
  11573. declare const $get: unique symbol;
  11574. declare const $observers: unique symbol;
  11575. /** An event sent to `FluidObserver` objects. */
  11576. interface FluidEvent<T = any> {
  11577. type: string;
  11578. parent: FluidValue<T>;
  11579. }
  11580. /**
  11581. * Extend this class for automatic TypeScript support when passing this
  11582. * value to `fluids`-compatible libraries.
  11583. */
  11584. declare abstract class FluidValue<T = any, E extends FluidEvent<T> = any> {
  11585. private [$get];
  11586. private [$observers]?;
  11587. constructor(get?: () => T);
  11588. /** Get the current value. */
  11589. protected get?(): T;
  11590. /** Called after an observer is added. */
  11591. protected observerAdded?(count: number, observer: FluidObserver<E>): void;
  11592. /** Called after an observer is removed. */
  11593. protected observerRemoved?(count: number, observer: FluidObserver<E>): void;
  11594. }
  11595. /** An observer of `FluidValue` objects. */
  11596. type FluidObserver<E extends FluidEvent = any> = {
  11597. eventObserved(event: E): void;
  11598. } | {
  11599. (event: E): void;
  11600. };
  11601. /** Add the `FluidValue` type to every property. */
  11602. type FluidProps<T> = T extends object ? {
  11603. [P in keyof T]: T[P] | FluidValue<Exclude<T[P], void>>;
  11604. } : unknown;
  11605. /** An animated number or a native attribute value */
  11606. declare class AnimatedValue<T = any> extends Animated {
  11607. protected _value: T;
  11608. done: boolean;
  11609. elapsedTime: number;
  11610. lastPosition: number;
  11611. lastVelocity?: number | null;
  11612. v0?: number | null;
  11613. durationProgress: number;
  11614. constructor(_value: T);
  11615. /** @internal */
  11616. static create(value: any): AnimatedValue<any>;
  11617. getPayload(): Payload;
  11618. getValue(): T;
  11619. setValue(value: T, step?: number): boolean;
  11620. reset(): void;
  11621. }
  11622. declare abstract class Animated<T = any> {
  11623. /** The cache of animated values */
  11624. protected payload?: Payload;
  11625. constructor();
  11626. /** Get the current value. Pass `true` for only animated values. */
  11627. abstract getValue(animated?: boolean): T;
  11628. /** Set the current value. Returns `true` if the value changed. */
  11629. abstract setValue(value: T): boolean | void;
  11630. /** Reset any animation state. */
  11631. abstract reset(goal?: T): void;
  11632. /** Get every `AnimatedValue` used by this node. */
  11633. getPayload(): Payload;
  11634. }
  11635. type Payload = readonly AnimatedValue[];
  11636. /**
  11637. * An `Interpolation` is a memoized value that's computed whenever one of its
  11638. * `FluidValue` dependencies has its value changed.
  11639. *
  11640. * Other `FrameValue` objects can depend on this. For example, passing an
  11641. * `Interpolation` as the `to` prop of a `useSpring` call will trigger an
  11642. * animation toward the memoized value.
  11643. */
  11644. declare class Interpolation<Input = any, Output = any> extends FrameValue<Output> {
  11645. /** The source of input values */
  11646. readonly source: unknown;
  11647. /** Useful for debugging. */
  11648. key?: string;
  11649. /** Equals false when in the frameloop */
  11650. idle: boolean;
  11651. /** The function that maps inputs values to output */
  11652. readonly calc: InterpolatorFn<Input, Output>;
  11653. /** The inputs which are currently animating */
  11654. protected _active: Set<FluidValue<any, any>>;
  11655. constructor(
  11656. /** The source of input values */
  11657. source: unknown, args: InterpolatorArgs<Input, Output>);
  11658. advance(_dt?: number): void;
  11659. protected _get(): Output;
  11660. protected _start(): void;
  11661. protected _attach(): void;
  11662. protected _detach(): void;
  11663. /** @internal */
  11664. eventObserved(event: FrameValue.Event): void;
  11665. }
  11666. /**
  11667. * A kind of `FluidValue` that manages an `AnimatedValue` node.
  11668. *
  11669. * Its underlying value can be accessed and even observed.
  11670. */
  11671. declare abstract class FrameValue<T = any> extends FluidValue<T, FrameValue.Event<T>> {
  11672. readonly id: number;
  11673. abstract key?: string;
  11674. abstract get idle(): boolean;
  11675. protected _priority: number;
  11676. get priority(): number;
  11677. set priority(priority: number);
  11678. /** Get the current value */
  11679. get(): T;
  11680. /** Create a spring that maps our value to another value */
  11681. to<Out>(...args: InterpolatorArgs<T, Out>): Interpolation<T, Out>;
  11682. /** @deprecated Use the `to` method instead. */
  11683. interpolate<Out>(...args: InterpolatorArgs<T, Out>): Interpolation<T, Out>;
  11684. toJSON(): T;
  11685. protected observerAdded(count: number): void;
  11686. protected observerRemoved(count: number): void;
  11687. /** @internal */
  11688. abstract advance(dt: number): void;
  11689. /** @internal */
  11690. abstract eventObserved(_event: FrameValue.Event): void;
  11691. /** Called when the first child is added. */
  11692. protected _attach(): void;
  11693. /** Called when the last child is removed. */
  11694. protected _detach(): void;
  11695. /** Tell our children about our new value */
  11696. protected _onChange(value: T, idle?: boolean): void;
  11697. /** Tell our children about our new priority */
  11698. protected _onPriorityChange(priority: number): void;
  11699. }
  11700. declare namespace FrameValue {
  11701. /** A parent changed its value */
  11702. interface ChangeEvent<T = any> {
  11703. parent: FrameValue<T>;
  11704. type: 'change';
  11705. value: T;
  11706. idle: boolean;
  11707. }
  11708. /** A parent changed its priority */
  11709. interface PriorityEvent<T = any> {
  11710. parent: FrameValue<T>;
  11711. type: 'priority';
  11712. priority: number;
  11713. }
  11714. /** A parent is done animating */
  11715. interface IdleEvent<T = any> {
  11716. parent: FrameValue<T>;
  11717. type: 'idle';
  11718. }
  11719. /** Events sent to children of `FrameValue` objects */
  11720. type Event<T = any> = ChangeEvent<T> | PriorityEvent<T> | IdleEvent<T>;
  11721. }
  11722. declare class AnimationConfig {
  11723. /**
  11724. * With higher tension, the spring will resist bouncing and try harder to stop at its end value.
  11725. *
  11726. * When tension is zero, no animation occurs.
  11727. *
  11728. * @default 170
  11729. */
  11730. tension: number;
  11731. /**
  11732. * The damping ratio coefficient, or just the damping ratio when `speed` is defined.
  11733. *
  11734. * When `speed` is defined, this value should be between 0 and 1.
  11735. *
  11736. * Higher friction means the spring will slow down faster.
  11737. *
  11738. * @default 26
  11739. */
  11740. friction: number;
  11741. /**
  11742. * The natural frequency (in seconds), which dictates the number of bounces
  11743. * per second when no damping exists.
  11744. *
  11745. * When defined, `tension` is derived from this, and `friction` is derived
  11746. * from `tension` and `damping`.
  11747. */
  11748. frequency?: number;
  11749. /**
  11750. * The damping ratio, which dictates how the spring slows down.
  11751. *
  11752. * Set to `0` to never slow down. Set to `1` to slow down without bouncing.
  11753. * Between `0` and `1` is for you to explore.
  11754. *
  11755. * Only works when `frequency` is defined.
  11756. *
  11757. * @default 1
  11758. */
  11759. damping: number;
  11760. /**
  11761. * Higher mass means more friction is required to slow down.
  11762. *
  11763. * Defaults to 1, which works fine most of the time.
  11764. *
  11765. * @default 1
  11766. */
  11767. mass: number;
  11768. /**
  11769. * The initial velocity of one or more values.
  11770. *
  11771. * @default 0
  11772. */
  11773. velocity: number | number[];
  11774. /**
  11775. * The smallest velocity before the animation is considered "not moving".
  11776. *
  11777. * When undefined, `precision` is used instead.
  11778. */
  11779. restVelocity?: number;
  11780. /**
  11781. * The smallest distance from a value before that distance is essentially zero.
  11782. *
  11783. * This helps in deciding when a spring is "at rest". The spring must be within
  11784. * this distance from its final value, and its velocity must be lower than this
  11785. * value too (unless `restVelocity` is defined).
  11786. *
  11787. * @default 0.01
  11788. */
  11789. precision?: number;
  11790. /**
  11791. * For `duration` animations only. Note: The `duration` is not affected
  11792. * by this property.
  11793. *
  11794. * Defaults to `0`, which means "start from the beginning".
  11795. *
  11796. * Setting to `1+` makes an immediate animation.
  11797. *
  11798. * Setting to `0.5` means "start from the middle of the easing function".
  11799. *
  11800. * Any number `>= 0` and `<= 1` makes sense here.
  11801. */
  11802. progress?: number;
  11803. /**
  11804. * Animation length in number of milliseconds.
  11805. */
  11806. duration?: number;
  11807. /**
  11808. * The animation curve. Only used when `duration` is defined.
  11809. *
  11810. * Defaults to quadratic ease-in-out.
  11811. */
  11812. easing: EasingFunction;
  11813. /**
  11814. * Avoid overshooting by ending abruptly at the goal value.
  11815. *
  11816. * @default false
  11817. */
  11818. clamp: boolean;
  11819. /**
  11820. * When above zero, the spring will bounce instead of overshooting when
  11821. * exceeding its goal value. Its velocity is multiplied by `-1 + bounce`
  11822. * whenever its current value equals or exceeds its goal. For example,
  11823. * setting `bounce` to `0.5` chops the velocity in half on each bounce,
  11824. * in addition to any friction.
  11825. */
  11826. bounce?: number;
  11827. /**
  11828. * "Decay animations" decelerate without an explicit goal value.
  11829. * Useful for scrolling animations.
  11830. *
  11831. * Use `true` for the default exponential decay factor (`0.998`).
  11832. *
  11833. * When a `number` between `0` and `1` is given, a lower number makes the
  11834. * animation slow down faster. And setting to `1` would make an unending
  11835. * animation.
  11836. *
  11837. * @default false
  11838. */
  11839. decay?: boolean | number;
  11840. /**
  11841. * While animating, round to the nearest multiple of this number.
  11842. * The `from` and `to` values are never rounded, as well as any value
  11843. * passed to the `set` method of an animated value.
  11844. */
  11845. round?: number;
  11846. constructor();
  11847. }
  11848. /** The object type of the `config` prop. */
  11849. type SpringConfig = Partial<AnimationConfig>;
  11850. /** The object given to the `onRest` prop and `start` promise. */
  11851. interface AnimationResult<T extends Readable = any> {
  11852. value: T extends Readable<infer U> ? U : never;
  11853. /** When true, no animation ever started. */
  11854. noop?: boolean;
  11855. /** When true, the animation was neither cancelled nor stopped prematurely. */
  11856. finished?: boolean;
  11857. /** When true, the animation was cancelled before it could finish. */
  11858. cancelled?: boolean;
  11859. }
  11860. /** The promised result of an animation. */
  11861. type AsyncResult<T extends Readable = any> = Promise<AnimationResult<T>>;
  11862. /**
  11863. * The set of `SpringValue` objects returned by a `useSpring` call (or similar).
  11864. */
  11865. type SpringValues<T extends Lookup = any> = [T] extends [Any$2] ? Lookup<SpringValue<unknown> | undefined> : {
  11866. [P in keyof T]: SpringWrap<T[P]>;
  11867. };
  11868. type SpringWrap<T> = [
  11869. Exclude<T, FluidValue>,
  11870. Extract<T, readonly any[]>
  11871. ] extends [object | void, never] ? never : SpringValue<Exclude<T, FluidValue | void>> | Extract<T, void>;
  11872. /** @internal */
  11873. interface Readable<T = any> {
  11874. get(): T;
  11875. }
  11876. /** @internal */
  11877. type InferState<T extends Readable> = T extends Controller<infer State> ? State : T extends SpringValue<infer U> ? U : unknown;
  11878. /** @internal */
  11879. type InferProps<T extends Readable> = T extends Controller<infer State> ? ControllerUpdate<State> : T extends SpringValue<infer U> ? SpringUpdate<U> : Lookup;
  11880. /** @internal */
  11881. type InferTarget<T> = T extends object ? T extends ReadonlyArray<number | string> ? SpringValue<T> : Controller<T> : SpringValue<T>;
  11882. /** @internal */
  11883. interface AnimationTarget<T = any> extends Readable<T> {
  11884. start(props: any): AsyncResult<this>;
  11885. stop: Function;
  11886. item?: unknown;
  11887. }
  11888. /** @internal */
  11889. interface AnimationRange<T> {
  11890. to: T | FluidValue<T> | undefined;
  11891. from: T | FluidValue<T> | undefined;
  11892. }
  11893. /** @internal */
  11894. type AnimationResolver<T extends Readable> = (result: AnimationResult<T> | AsyncResult<T>) => void;
  11895. /** @internal */
  11896. type EventKey = Exclude<keyof ReservedEventProps, 'onResolve' | 'onDestroyed'>;
  11897. /** @internal */
  11898. type PickEventFns<T> = {
  11899. [P in Extract<keyof T, EventKey>]?: Extract<T[P], Function>;
  11900. };
  11901. /** An animation being executed by the frameloop */
  11902. declare class Animation<T = any> {
  11903. changed: boolean;
  11904. values: readonly AnimatedValue[];
  11905. toValues: readonly number[] | null;
  11906. fromValues: readonly number[];
  11907. to: T | FluidValue<T>;
  11908. from: T | FluidValue<T>;
  11909. config: AnimationConfig;
  11910. immediate: boolean;
  11911. }
  11912. interface Animation<T> extends PickEventFns<SpringProps<T>> {
  11913. }
  11914. type AsyncTo<T> = SpringChain<T> | SpringToFn<T>;
  11915. /** @internal */
  11916. type RunAsyncProps<T extends AnimationTarget = any> = InferProps<T> & {
  11917. callId: number;
  11918. parentId?: number;
  11919. cancel: boolean;
  11920. to?: any;
  11921. };
  11922. /** @internal */
  11923. interface RunAsyncState<T extends AnimationTarget = any> {
  11924. paused: boolean;
  11925. pauseQueue: Set<() => void>;
  11926. resumeQueue: Set<() => void>;
  11927. timeouts: Set<Timeout>;
  11928. delayed?: boolean;
  11929. asyncId?: number;
  11930. asyncTo?: AsyncTo<InferState<T>>;
  11931. promise?: AsyncResult<T>;
  11932. cancelId?: number;
  11933. }
  11934. interface DefaultSpringProps<T> extends Pick<SpringProps<T>, 'pause' | 'cancel' | 'immediate' | 'config'>, PickEventFns<SpringProps<T>> {
  11935. }
  11936. /**
  11937. * Only numbers, strings, and arrays of numbers/strings are supported.
  11938. * Non-animatable strings are also supported.
  11939. */
  11940. declare class SpringValue<T = any> extends FrameValue<T> {
  11941. /** The property name used when `to` or `from` is an object. Useful when debugging too. */
  11942. key?: string;
  11943. /** The animation state */
  11944. animation: Animation<T>;
  11945. /** The queue of pending props */
  11946. queue?: SpringUpdate<T>[];
  11947. /** Some props have customizable default values */
  11948. defaultProps: DefaultSpringProps<T>;
  11949. /** The state for `runAsync` calls */
  11950. protected _state: RunAsyncState<SpringValue<T>>;
  11951. /** The promise resolvers of pending `start` calls */
  11952. protected _pendingCalls: Set<AnimationResolver<this>>;
  11953. /** The counter for tracking `scheduleProps` calls */
  11954. protected _lastCallId: number;
  11955. /** The last `scheduleProps` call that changed the `to` prop */
  11956. protected _lastToId: number;
  11957. protected _memoizedDuration: number;
  11958. constructor(from: Exclude<T, object>, props?: SpringUpdate<T>);
  11959. constructor(props?: SpringUpdate<T>);
  11960. /** Equals true when not advancing on each frame. */
  11961. get idle(): boolean;
  11962. get goal(): T;
  11963. get velocity(): VelocityProp<T>;
  11964. /**
  11965. * When true, this value has been animated at least once.
  11966. */
  11967. get hasAnimated(): boolean;
  11968. /**
  11969. * When true, this value has an unfinished animation,
  11970. * which is either active or paused.
  11971. */
  11972. get isAnimating(): boolean;
  11973. /**
  11974. * When true, all current and future animations are paused.
  11975. */
  11976. get isPaused(): boolean;
  11977. /**
  11978. *
  11979. *
  11980. */
  11981. get isDelayed(): boolean | undefined;
  11982. /** Advance the current animation by a number of milliseconds */
  11983. advance(dt: number): void;
  11984. /** Set the current value, while stopping the current animation */
  11985. set(value: T | FluidValue<T>): this;
  11986. /**
  11987. * Freeze the active animation in time, as well as any updates merged
  11988. * before `resume` is called.
  11989. */
  11990. pause(): void;
  11991. /** Resume the animation if paused. */
  11992. resume(): void;
  11993. /** Skip to the end of the current animation. */
  11994. finish(): this;
  11995. /** Push props into the pending queue. */
  11996. update(props: SpringUpdate<T>): this;
  11997. /**
  11998. * Update this value's animation using the queue of pending props,
  11999. * and unpause the current animation (if one is frozen).
  12000. *
  12001. * When arguments are passed, a new animation is created, and the
  12002. * queued animations are left alone.
  12003. */
  12004. start(): AsyncResult<this>;
  12005. start(props: SpringUpdate<T>): AsyncResult<this>;
  12006. start(to: T, props?: SpringProps<T>): AsyncResult<this>;
  12007. /**
  12008. * Stop the current animation, and cancel any delayed updates.
  12009. *
  12010. * Pass `true` to call `onRest` with `cancelled: true`.
  12011. */
  12012. stop(cancel?: boolean): this;
  12013. /** Restart the animation. */
  12014. reset(): void;
  12015. /** @internal */
  12016. eventObserved(event: FrameValue.Event): void;
  12017. /**
  12018. * Parse the `to` and `from` range from the given `props` object.
  12019. *
  12020. * This also ensures the initial value is available to animated components
  12021. * during the render phase.
  12022. */
  12023. protected _prepareNode(props: {
  12024. to?: any;
  12025. from?: any;
  12026. reverse?: boolean;
  12027. default?: any;
  12028. }): {
  12029. to: any;
  12030. from: any;
  12031. };
  12032. /** Every update is processed by this method before merging. */
  12033. protected _update({ ...props }: SpringProps<T>, isLoop?: boolean): AsyncResult<SpringValue<T>>;
  12034. /** Merge props into the current animation */
  12035. protected _merge(range: AnimationRange<T>, props: RunAsyncProps<SpringValue<T>>, resolve: AnimationResolver<SpringValue<T>>): void;
  12036. /** Update the `` value, which might be a `FluidValue` */
  12037. protected _focus(value: T | FluidValue<T>): void;
  12038. protected _attach(): void;
  12039. protected _detach(): void;
  12040. /**
  12041. * Update the current value from outside the frameloop,
  12042. * and return the `Animated` node.
  12043. */
  12044. protected _set(arg: T | FluidValue<T>, idle?: boolean): Animated | undefined;
  12045. protected _onStart(): void;
  12046. protected _onChange(value: T, idle?: boolean): void;
  12047. protected _start(): void;
  12048. protected _resume(): void;
  12049. /**
  12050. * Exit the frameloop and notify `onRest` listeners.
  12051. *
  12052. * Always wrap `_stop` calls with `batchedUpdates`.
  12053. */
  12054. protected _stop(goal?: any, cancel?: boolean): void;
  12055. }
  12056. /** Queue of pending updates for a `Controller` instance. */
  12057. interface ControllerQueue<State extends Lookup = Lookup> extends Array<ControllerUpdate<State, any> & {
  12058. /** The keys affected by this update. When null, all keys are affected. */
  12059. keys: string[] | null;
  12060. }> {
  12061. }
  12062. declare class Controller<State extends Lookup = Lookup> {
  12063. readonly id: number;
  12064. /** The animated values */
  12065. springs: SpringValues<State>;
  12066. /** The queue of props passed to the `update` method. */
  12067. queue: ControllerQueue<State>;
  12068. /**
  12069. * The injected ref. When defined, render-based updates are pushed
  12070. * onto the `queue` instead of being auto-started.
  12071. */
  12072. ref?: SpringRef<State>;
  12073. /** Custom handler for flushing update queues */
  12074. protected _flush?: ControllerFlushFn<this>;
  12075. /** These props are used by all future spring values */
  12076. protected _initialProps?: Lookup;
  12077. /** The counter for tracking `scheduleProps` calls */
  12078. protected _lastAsyncId: number;
  12079. /** The values currently being animated */
  12080. protected _active: Set<FrameValue<any>>;
  12081. /** The values that changed recently */
  12082. protected _changed: Set<FrameValue<any>>;
  12083. /** Equals false when `onStart` listeners can be called */
  12084. protected _started: boolean;
  12085. private _item?;
  12086. /** State used by the `runAsync` function */
  12087. protected _state: RunAsyncState<this>;
  12088. /** The event queues that are flushed once per frame maximum */
  12089. protected _events: {
  12090. onStart: Map<((result: AnimationResult<SpringValue<State>>, ctrl: Controller<State>, item?: any) => void) | ((result: AnimationResult<SpringValue<State>>, ctrl: Controller<State>, item: any) => void), AnimationResult<any>>;
  12091. onChange: Map<((result: AnimationResult<SpringValue<State>>, ctrl: Controller<State>, item?: any) => void) | ((result: AnimationResult<SpringValue<State>>, ctrl: Controller<State>, item: any) => void), AnimationResult<any>>;
  12092. onRest: Map<((result: AnimationResult<SpringValue<State>>, ctrl: Controller<State>, item?: any) => void) | ((result: AnimationResult<SpringValue<State>>, ctrl: Controller<State>, item: any) => void), AnimationResult<any>>;
  12093. };
  12094. constructor(props?: ControllerUpdate<State> | null, flush?: ControllerFlushFn<any>);
  12095. /**
  12096. * Equals `true` when no spring values are in the frameloop, and
  12097. * no async animation is currently active.
  12098. */
  12099. get idle(): boolean;
  12100. get item(): any;
  12101. set item(item: any);
  12102. /** Get the current values of our springs */
  12103. get(): State & UnknownProps;
  12104. /** Set the current values without animating. */
  12105. set(values: Partial<State>): void;
  12106. /** Push an update onto the queue of each value. */
  12107. update(props: ControllerUpdate<State> | Falsy): this;
  12108. /**
  12109. * Start the queued animations for every spring, and resolve the returned
  12110. * promise once all queued animations have finished or been cancelled.
  12111. *
  12112. * When you pass a queue (instead of nothing), that queue is used instead of
  12113. * the queued animations added with the `update` method, which are left alone.
  12114. */
  12115. start(props?: OneOrMore<ControllerUpdate<State>> | null): AsyncResult<this>;
  12116. /** Stop all animations. */
  12117. stop(): this;
  12118. /** Stop animations for the given keys. */
  12119. stop(keys: OneOrMore<string>): this;
  12120. /** Cancel all animations. */
  12121. stop(cancel: boolean): this;
  12122. /** Cancel animations for the given keys. */
  12123. stop(cancel: boolean, keys: OneOrMore<string>): this;
  12124. /** Stop some or all animations. */
  12125. stop(keys?: OneOrMore<string>): this;
  12126. /** Cancel some or all animations. */
  12127. stop(cancel: boolean, keys?: OneOrMore<string>): this;
  12128. /** Freeze the active animation in time */
  12129. pause(keys?: OneOrMore<string>): this;
  12130. /** Resume the animation if paused. */
  12131. resume(keys?: OneOrMore<string>): this;
  12132. /** Call a function once per spring value */
  12133. each(iterator: (spring: SpringValue, key: string) => void): void;
  12134. /** @internal Called at the end of every animation frame */
  12135. protected _onFrame(): void;
  12136. /** @internal */
  12137. eventObserved(event: FrameValue.Event): void;
  12138. }
  12139. /**
  12140. * For testing whether a type is an object but not an array.
  12141. *
  12142. * T extends IsPlainObject<T> ? true : false
  12143. *
  12144. * When `any` is passed, the resolved type is `true | false`.
  12145. */
  12146. type IsPlainObject<T> = T extends ReadonlyArray<any> ? Any$2 : T extends object ? object : Any$2;
  12147. type StringKeys<T> = T extends IsPlainObject<T> ? string & keyof T : string;
  12148. /** The flush function that handles `start` calls */
  12149. type ControllerFlushFn<T extends Controller<any> = Controller> = (ctrl: T, queue: ControllerQueue<InferState<T>>) => AsyncResult<T>;
  12150. /**
  12151. * An async function that can update or stop the animations of a spring.
  12152. * Typically defined as the `to` prop.
  12153. *
  12154. * The `T` parameter can be a set of animated values (as an object type)
  12155. * or a primitive type for a single animated value.
  12156. */
  12157. interface SpringToFn<T = any> {
  12158. (start: StartFn<T>, stop: StopFn<T>): Promise<any> | void;
  12159. }
  12160. type StartFn<T> = InferTarget<T> extends {
  12161. start: infer T;
  12162. } ? T : never;
  12163. type StopFn<T> = InferTarget<T> extends {
  12164. stop: infer T;
  12165. } ? T : never;
  12166. type EventHandler<TResult extends Readable = any, TSource = unknown, Item = undefined> = Item extends undefined ? (result: AnimationResult<TResult>, ctrl: TSource, item?: Item) => void : (result: AnimationResult<TResult>, ctrl: TSource, item: Item) => void;
  12167. /**
  12168. * Called before the first frame of every animation.
  12169. * From inside the `requestAnimationFrame` callback.
  12170. */
  12171. type OnStart<TResult extends Readable, TSource, Item = undefined> = EventHandler<TResult, TSource, Item>;
  12172. /** Called when a `SpringValue` changes */
  12173. type OnChange<TResult extends Readable, TSource, Item = undefined> = EventHandler<TResult, TSource, Item>;
  12174. type OnPause<TResult extends Readable, TSource, Item = undefined> = EventHandler<TResult, TSource, Item>;
  12175. type OnResume<TResult extends Readable, TSource, Item = undefined> = EventHandler<TResult, TSource, Item>;
  12176. /** Called once the animation comes to a halt */
  12177. type OnRest<TResult extends Readable, TSource, Item = undefined> = EventHandler<TResult, TSource, Item>;
  12178. type OnResolve<TResult extends Readable, TSource, Item = undefined> = EventHandler<TResult, TSource, Item>;
  12179. /**
  12180. * Called after an animation is updated by new props,
  12181. * even if the animation remains idle.
  12182. */
  12183. type OnProps<T = unknown> = (props: Readonly<SpringProps<T>>, spring: SpringValue<T>) => void;
  12184. declare enum TransitionPhase {
  12185. /** This transition is being mounted */
  12186. MOUNT = "mount",
  12187. /** This transition is entering or has entered */
  12188. ENTER = "enter",
  12189. /** This transition had its animations updated */
  12190. UPDATE = "update",
  12191. /** This transition will expire after animating */
  12192. LEAVE = "leave"
  12193. }
  12194. type UseTransitionProps<Item = any> = Merge<Omit<ControllerProps<UnknownProps, Item>, 'onResolve'>, {
  12195. from?: TransitionFrom<Item>;
  12196. initial?: TransitionFrom<Item>;
  12197. enter?: TransitionTo<Item>;
  12198. update?: TransitionTo<Item>;
  12199. leave?: TransitionTo<Item>;
  12200. keys?: ItemKeys<Item>;
  12201. sort?: (a: Item, b: Item) => number;
  12202. trail?: number;
  12203. exitBeforeEnter?: boolean;
  12204. /**
  12205. * When `true` or `<= 0`, each item is unmounted immediately after its
  12206. * `leave` animation is finished.
  12207. *
  12208. * When `false`, items are never unmounted.
  12209. *
  12210. * When `> 0`, this prop is used in a `setTimeout` call that forces a
  12211. * rerender if the component that called `useTransition` doesn't rerender
  12212. * on its own after an item's `leave` animation is finished.
  12213. */
  12214. expires?: boolean | number | ((item: Item) => boolean | number);
  12215. config?: SpringConfig | ((item: Item, index: number, state: TransitionPhase) => AnimationProps['config']);
  12216. /**
  12217. * Called after a transition item is unmounted.
  12218. */
  12219. onDestroyed?: (item: Item, key: Key) => void;
  12220. /**
  12221. * Used to access the imperative API.
  12222. *
  12223. * Animations never auto-start when `ref` is defined.
  12224. */
  12225. ref?: SpringRef;
  12226. }>;
  12227. type Key = string | number;
  12228. type ItemKeys<T = any> = OneOrMore<Key> | ((item: T) => Key) | null;
  12229. type TransitionFrom<Item> = Falsy | GoalProp<UnknownProps> | ((item: Item, index: number) => GoalProp<UnknownProps> | Falsy);
  12230. type TransitionTo<Item, State extends Lookup = Lookup> = Falsy | OneOrMore<ControllerUpdate<State, Item>> | Function | ((item: Item, index: number) => ControllerUpdate<State, Item> | SpringChain<State> | SpringToFn<State> | Falsy);
  12231. /**
  12232. * The props of a `useSpring` call or its async `update` function.
  12233. *
  12234. * The `T` parameter can be a set of animated values (as an object type)
  12235. * or a primitive type for a single animated value.
  12236. */
  12237. type SpringUpdate<T = any> = ToProps<T> & SpringProps<T>;
  12238. /**
  12239. * Use the `SpringUpdate` type if you need the `to` prop to exist.
  12240. * For function types, prefer one overload per possible `to` prop
  12241. * type (for better type inference).
  12242. *
  12243. * The `T` parameter can be a set of animated values (as an object type)
  12244. * or a primitive type for a single animated value.
  12245. */
  12246. interface SpringProps<T = any> extends AnimationProps<T> {
  12247. from?: GoalValue<T>;
  12248. loop?: LoopProp<SpringUpdate>;
  12249. /**
  12250. * Called after an animation is updated by new props,
  12251. * even if the animation remains idle.
  12252. */
  12253. onProps?: EventProp<OnProps<T>>;
  12254. /**
  12255. * Called when an animation moves for the first time.
  12256. */
  12257. onStart?: EventProp<OnStart<SpringValue<T>, SpringValue<T>>>;
  12258. /**
  12259. * Called when a spring has its value changed.
  12260. */
  12261. onChange?: EventProp<OnChange<SpringValue<T>, SpringValue<T>>>;
  12262. onPause?: EventProp<OnPause<SpringValue<T>, SpringValue<T>>>;
  12263. onResume?: EventProp<OnResume<SpringValue<T>, SpringValue<T>>>;
  12264. /**
  12265. * Called when all animations come to a stand-still.
  12266. */
  12267. onRest?: EventProp<OnRest<SpringValue<T>, SpringValue<T>>>;
  12268. }
  12269. /**
  12270. * A union type of all possible `to` prop values.
  12271. *
  12272. * This is not recommended for function types. Instead, you should declare
  12273. * an overload for each `to` type. See `SpringUpdateFn` for an example.
  12274. *
  12275. * The `T` parameter can be a set of animated values (as an object type)
  12276. * or a primitive type for a single animated value.
  12277. */
  12278. type ToProps<T = any> = {
  12279. to?: GoalProp<T> | SpringToFn<T> | SpringChain<T>;
  12280. } | ([T] extends [IsPlainObject<T>] ? InlineToProps<T> : never);
  12281. /**
  12282. * A value or set of values that can be animated from/to.
  12283. *
  12284. * The `T` parameter can be a set of animated values (as an object type)
  12285. * or a primitive type for a single animated value.
  12286. */
  12287. type GoalProp<T> = [T] extends [IsPlainObject<T>] ? GoalValues<T> | Falsy : GoalValue<T>;
  12288. /** A set of values for a `Controller` to animate from/to. */
  12289. type GoalValues<T> = FluidProps<T> extends infer Props ? {
  12290. [P in keyof Props]?: Props[P] | null;
  12291. } : never;
  12292. /**
  12293. * A value that `SpringValue` objects can animate from/to.
  12294. *
  12295. * The `UnknownProps` type lets you pass in { a: 1 } if the `key`
  12296. * property of `SpringValue` equals "a".
  12297. */
  12298. type GoalValue<T> = T | FluidValue<T> | UnknownProps | null | undefined;
  12299. /**
  12300. * Where `to` is inferred from non-reserved props
  12301. *
  12302. * The `T` parameter can be a set of animated values (as an object type)
  12303. * or a primitive type for a single animated value.
  12304. */
  12305. type InlineToProps<T = any> = Remap<GoalValues<T> & {
  12306. to?: undefined;
  12307. }>;
  12308. /** A serial queue of spring updates. */
  12309. interface SpringChain<T = any> extends Array<[
  12310. T
  12311. ] extends [IsPlainObject<T>] ? ControllerUpdate<T> : SpringTo<T> | SpringUpdate<T>> {
  12312. }
  12313. /** A value that any `SpringValue` or `Controller` can animate to. */
  12314. type SpringTo<T = any> = ([T] extends [IsPlainObject<T>] ? never : T | FluidValue<T>) | SpringChain<T> | SpringToFn<T> | Falsy;
  12315. type ControllerUpdate<State extends Lookup = Lookup, Item = undefined> = unknown & ToProps<State> & ControllerProps<State, Item>;
  12316. /**
  12317. * Props for `Controller` methods and constructor.
  12318. */
  12319. interface ControllerProps<State extends Lookup = Lookup, Item = undefined> extends AnimationProps<State> {
  12320. ref?: SpringRef<State>;
  12321. from?: GoalValues<State> | Falsy;
  12322. loop?: LoopProp<ControllerUpdate>;
  12323. /**
  12324. * Called when the # of animating values exceeds 0
  12325. *
  12326. * Also accepts an object for per-key events
  12327. */
  12328. onStart?: OnStart<SpringValue<State>, Controller<State>, Item> | {
  12329. [P in keyof State]?: OnStart<SpringValue<State[P]>, Controller<State>, Item>;
  12330. };
  12331. /**
  12332. * Called when the # of animating values hits 0
  12333. *
  12334. * Also accepts an object for per-key events
  12335. */
  12336. onRest?: OnRest<SpringValue<State>, Controller<State>, Item> | {
  12337. [P in keyof State]?: OnRest<SpringValue<State[P]>, Controller<State>, Item>;
  12338. };
  12339. /**
  12340. * Called once per frame when animations are active
  12341. *
  12342. * Also accepts an object for per-key events
  12343. */
  12344. onChange?: OnChange<SpringValue<State>, Controller<State>, Item> | {
  12345. [P in keyof State]?: OnChange<SpringValue<State[P]>, Controller<State>, Item>;
  12346. };
  12347. onPause?: OnPause<SpringValue<State>, Controller<State>, Item> | {
  12348. [P in keyof State]?: OnPause<SpringValue<State[P]>, Controller<State>, Item>;
  12349. };
  12350. onResume?: OnResume<SpringValue<State>, Controller<State>, Item> | {
  12351. [P in keyof State]?: OnResume<SpringValue<State[P]>, Controller<State>, Item>;
  12352. };
  12353. /**
  12354. * Called after an animation is updated by new props.
  12355. * Useful for manipulation
  12356. *
  12357. * Also accepts an object for per-key events
  12358. */
  12359. onProps?: OnProps<State> | {
  12360. [P in keyof State]?: OnProps<State[P]>;
  12361. };
  12362. /**
  12363. * Called when the promise for this update is resolved.
  12364. */
  12365. onResolve?: OnResolve<SpringValue<State>, Controller<State>, Item>;
  12366. }
  12367. type LoopProp<T extends object> = boolean | T | (() => boolean | T);
  12368. type VelocityProp<T = any> = T extends ReadonlyArray<number | string> ? number[] : number;
  12369. /** For props that can be set on a per-key basis. */
  12370. type MatchProp<T> = boolean | OneOrMore<StringKeys<T>> | ((key: StringKeys<T>) => boolean);
  12371. /** Event props can be customized per-key. */
  12372. type EventProp<T> = T | Lookup<T | undefined>;
  12373. /**
  12374. * Most of the reserved animation props, except `to`, `from`, `loop`,
  12375. * and the event props.
  12376. */
  12377. interface AnimationProps<T = any> {
  12378. /**
  12379. * Configure the spring behavior for each key.
  12380. */
  12381. config?: SpringConfig | ((key: StringKeys<T>) => SpringConfig);
  12382. /**
  12383. * Milliseconds to wait before applying the other props.
  12384. */
  12385. delay?: number | ((key: StringKeys<T>) => number);
  12386. /**
  12387. * When true, props jump to their goal values instead of animating.
  12388. */
  12389. immediate?: MatchProp<T>;
  12390. /**
  12391. * Cancel all animations by using `true`, or some animations by using a key
  12392. * or an array of keys.
  12393. */
  12394. cancel?: MatchProp<T>;
  12395. /**
  12396. * Pause all animations by using `true`, or some animations by using a key
  12397. * or an array of keys.
  12398. */
  12399. pause?: MatchProp<T>;
  12400. /**
  12401. * Start the next animations at their values in the `from` prop.
  12402. */
  12403. reset?: MatchProp<T>;
  12404. /**
  12405. * Swap the `to` and `from` props.
  12406. */
  12407. reverse?: boolean;
  12408. /**
  12409. * Override the default props with this update.
  12410. */
  12411. default?: boolean | SpringProps<T>;
  12412. }
  12413. interface ReservedEventProps {
  12414. onProps?: any;
  12415. onStart?: any;
  12416. onChange?: any;
  12417. onPause?: any;
  12418. onResume?: any;
  12419. onRest?: any;
  12420. onResolve?: any;
  12421. onDestroyed?: any;
  12422. }
  12423. interface ControllerUpdateFn<State extends Lookup = Lookup> {
  12424. (i: number, ctrl: Controller<State>): ControllerUpdate<State> | Falsy;
  12425. }
  12426. interface SpringRef<State extends Lookup = Lookup> {
  12427. (props?: ControllerUpdate<State> | ControllerUpdateFn<State>): AsyncResult<Controller<State>>[];
  12428. current: Controller<State>[];
  12429. /** Add a controller to this ref */
  12430. add(ctrl: Controller<State>): void;
  12431. /** Remove a controller from this ref */
  12432. delete(ctrl: Controller<State>): void;
  12433. /** Pause all animations. */
  12434. pause(): this;
  12435. /** Pause animations for the given keys. */
  12436. pause(keys: OneOrMore<string>): this;
  12437. /** Pause some or all animations. */
  12438. pause(keys?: OneOrMore<string>): this;
  12439. /** Resume all animations. */
  12440. resume(): this;
  12441. /** Resume animations for the given keys. */
  12442. resume(keys: OneOrMore<string>): this;
  12443. /** Resume some or all animations. */
  12444. resume(keys?: OneOrMore<string>): this;
  12445. /** Update the state of each controller without animating. */
  12446. set(values: Partial<State>): void;
  12447. /** Update the state of each controller without animating based on their passed state. */
  12448. set(values: (index: number, ctrl: Controller<State>) => Partial<State>): void;
  12449. /** Start the queued animations of each controller. */
  12450. start(): AsyncResult<Controller<State>>[];
  12451. /** Update every controller with the same props. */
  12452. start(props: ControllerUpdate<State>): AsyncResult<Controller<State>>[];
  12453. /** Update controllers based on their state. */
  12454. start(props: ControllerUpdateFn<State>): AsyncResult<Controller<State>>[];
  12455. /** Start animating each controller. */
  12456. start(props?: ControllerUpdate<State> | ControllerUpdateFn<State>): AsyncResult<Controller<State>>[];
  12457. /** Stop all animations. */
  12458. stop(): this;
  12459. /** Stop animations for the given keys. */
  12460. stop(keys: OneOrMore<string>): this;
  12461. /** Cancel all animations. */
  12462. stop(cancel: boolean): this;
  12463. /** Cancel animations for the given keys. */
  12464. stop(cancel: boolean, keys: OneOrMore<string>): this;
  12465. /** Stop some or all animations. */
  12466. stop(keys?: OneOrMore<string>): this;
  12467. /** Cancel some or all animations. */
  12468. stop(cancel: boolean, keys?: OneOrMore<string>): this;
  12469. /** Add the same props to each controller's update queue. */
  12470. update(props: ControllerUpdate<State>): this;
  12471. /** Generate separate props for each controller's update queue. */
  12472. update(props: ControllerUpdateFn<State>): this;
  12473. /** Add props to each controller's update queue. */
  12474. update(props: ControllerUpdate<State> | ControllerUpdateFn<State>): this;
  12475. _getProps(arg: ControllerUpdate<State> | ControllerUpdateFn<State>, ctrl: Controller<State>, index: number): ControllerUpdate<State> | Falsy;
  12476. }
  12477. declare const SpringRef: <State extends Lookup<any> = Lookup<any>>() => SpringRef<State>;
  12478. declare type DragAndDropProps = Omit<DraggableCollectionStateOptions & DraggableCollectionOptions & DroppableCollectionOptions & DroppableCollectionStateOptions, "keyboardDelegate" | "dropTargetDelegate" | "shouldAcceptItemDrop" | "onDropEnter" | "onDropActivate" | "onDropExit" | "getDropOperation" | "collection" | "selectionManager" | "onRootDrop" | "onInsert" | "getAllowedDropOperations" | "getItems" | "onItemDrop"> & Partial<Pick<DraggableCollectionStateOptions, "getItems">> & {
  12479. /**
  12480. * Indicates whether reordering is enabled.
  12481. *
  12482. * @default false
  12483. */
  12484. enableReorder: boolean;
  12485. /**
  12486. * Whether the items are arranged in a stack or grid.
  12487. *
  12488. * @default stack
  12489. */
  12490. layout: "grid" | "stack";
  12491. /**
  12492. * The primary orientation of the items. Usually this is the direction that
  12493. * the collection scrolls.
  12494. *
  12495. * @default vertical
  12496. */
  12497. orientation: Orientation;
  12498. };
  12499. interface BlockProps {
  12500. /**
  12501. * The unique identifier for the block. This is used to identify the block in
  12502. * the DOM and in the block map. It is added as a data attribute
  12503. * `data-block-id` to the root element of the block if a DOM node is
  12504. * rendered.
  12505. */
  12506. "data-block-id"?: Key$2;
  12507. }
  12508. interface StylingProps extends BlockProps {
  12509. /** The className applied to the root element of the component. */
  12510. className?: string;
  12511. /** The style applied to the root element of the component. */
  12512. style?: React__default.CSSProperties;
  12513. }
  12514. /**
  12515. * Check if the selector is inside an overlay content
  12516. *
  12517. * @param selector
  12518. */
  12519. declare function isInsideOverlayContent(selector: HTMLElement): Element | null;
  12520. interface ListOption {
  12521. id: string;
  12522. label: string;
  12523. description?: string;
  12524. icon?: React__default.FC<IconProps>;
  12525. data?: Record<string, any>;
  12526. /**
  12527. * The type of item.
  12528. *
  12529. * @default item
  12530. */
  12531. type?: "option";
  12532. }
  12533. interface ListSection {
  12534. id: string;
  12535. title?: string;
  12536. type: "section";
  12537. children: ListOption[];
  12538. }
  12539. declare type ListItem = ListOption | ListSection;
  12540. interface ListBoxProps extends StylingProps, Omit<AriaListBoxProps<ListItem> & AriaListBoxOptions<ListItem>, "children" | "linkBehavior" | "isVirtualized" | "keyboardDelegate">, Omit<DragAndDropProps, "preview" | "enableReorder" | "orientation" | "layout">, Partial<Pick<DragAndDropProps, "enableReorder" | "orientation" | "layout">> {
  12541. /**
  12542. * The items to render in the listbox. Items have the following shape:
  12543. *
  12544. * ```ts
  12545. * export type ListOption = {
  12546. * id: string;
  12547. * label: string;
  12548. * description?: string;
  12549. * icon?: React.FC<IconProps>;
  12550. * };
  12551. *
  12552. * export type ListSection = {
  12553. * id: string;
  12554. * title?: string;
  12555. * type: "section";
  12556. * children: ListOption[];
  12557. * };
  12558. *
  12559. * type ListItem = ListOption | ListSection;
  12560. * ```
  12561. */
  12562. items: ListItem[];
  12563. /**
  12564. * The custom render function for the listbox options.
  12565. *
  12566. * @param item Node<ListItem>
  12567. * @param options [OptionAria]()
  12568. * @param ref React.RefObject<HTMLLIElement>
  12569. */
  12570. renderOption?: (item: Node$1<ListItem>, options: OptionAria & {
  12571. showSelectedIcon?: boolean;
  12572. _state: ListState<ListItem>;
  12573. }, ref: React__default.Ref<HTMLLIElement>) => React__default.ReactNode;
  12574. /** Renders the drop indicator component. */
  12575. renderDropIndicator?: (options: {
  12576. dropIndicatorProps: React__default.HTMLAttributes<HTMLLIElement>;
  12577. isDropTarget: boolean;
  12578. isHidden: boolean;
  12579. orientation: Orientation;
  12580. }, ref: React__default.RefObject<HTMLLIElement>) => React__default.ReactNode;
  12581. /**
  12582. * The custom render function for the drag preview. This can be used to render
  12583. * a custom drag preview when dragging items.
  12584. */
  12585. renderDragPreview?: (items: DragItem[]) => React__default.ReactNode;
  12586. /** Whether to show the selected checkmark icon. */
  12587. showSelectedIcon?: boolean;
  12588. /** The label for the listbox. */
  12589. label?: React__default.ReactNode;
  12590. /** The CSS class name for the drop indicator. */
  12591. dropIndicatorClassName?: string;
  12592. /** The style of the drop indicator used in a component. */
  12593. dropIndicatorStyle?: React__default.CSSProperties;
  12594. /** The CSS class name for the option. */
  12595. optionClassName?: string | ((item: ListOption) => string);
  12596. /** The CSS class name for the section. */
  12597. sectionClassName?: string | ((item: ListSection) => string);
  12598. /** The style of the option. */
  12599. optionStyle?: React__default.CSSProperties | ((item: ListOption) => React__default.CSSProperties);
  12600. /** The style of the section. */
  12601. sectionStyle?: React__default.CSSProperties | ((item: ListSection) => React__default.CSSProperties);
  12602. }
  12603. declare const ListBox: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<ListBoxProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLUListElement>>;
  12604. interface ActionButtonSharedProps extends Omit<AriaButtonProps<"button" | "div">, "rel" | "href" | "target" | "children">, StylingProps {
  12605. }
  12606. interface ActionButtonProps extends ActionButtonSharedProps {
  12607. /**
  12608. * The button's variant.
  12609. *
  12610. * @default primary
  12611. */
  12612. variant?: "primary" | "secondary" | "tertiary" | "ghost" | "popover";
  12613. /** The button's label. */
  12614. label: React__default.ReactNode;
  12615. /** The button's icon before the label. */
  12616. iconStart?: React__default.FC<IconProps>;
  12617. /** The button's icon after the label. */
  12618. iconEnd?: React__default.FC<IconProps>;
  12619. /**
  12620. * The button's size.
  12621. *
  12622. * @default sm
  12623. */
  12624. size?: "sm" | "md";
  12625. /** Indicates whether focusing should be prevented on press. */
  12626. preventFocusOnPress?: boolean;
  12627. }
  12628. declare const ActionButton: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<ActionButtonProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>>;
  12629. interface DomNodeRendererProps {
  12630. /** The class name applied to the wrapper `div` component. */
  12631. className?: string;
  12632. /**
  12633. * The DOM node to render inside the component. If this is not provided, the
  12634. * component will render nothing. If this is provided, the component will
  12635. * render the DOM node inside a `div` component with `display` set to
  12636. * `contents`.
  12637. */
  12638. node: Node;
  12639. }
  12640. declare const DomNodeRenderer: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<DomNodeRendererProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  12641. interface SliderProps extends Omit<AriaSliderProps<number> & SliderStateOptions<number>, "orientation" | "numberFormatter">, StylingProps {
  12642. /**
  12643. * Whether the slider is read only.
  12644. *
  12645. * @default false
  12646. */
  12647. isReadOnly?: boolean;
  12648. /** The format options passed to `Intl.NumberFormat`. */
  12649. numberFormatOptions?: Intl.NumberFormatOptions & {
  12650. numberingSystem?: string;
  12651. };
  12652. /** The label for the slider. */
  12653. label?: React__default.ReactNode;
  12654. /**
  12655. * Whether to include a number input for the slider.
  12656. *
  12657. * @default false
  12658. */
  12659. includeNumberInput?: boolean;
  12660. }
  12661. declare const Slider: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<SliderProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  12662. interface SwitchProps extends Omit<AriaSwitchProps, "children">, Omit<ToggleProps, "children" | "isRequired" | "validate" | "validationBehavior" | "validationState" | "isInvalid">, StylingProps {
  12663. /** The label to display next to the switch. */
  12664. label?: React__default.ReactNode;
  12665. /** The position of the label. */
  12666. labelPosition?: "top" | "left";
  12667. /** The status label to display next to the switch. */
  12668. statusLabel?: {
  12669. on: string;
  12670. off: string;
  12671. };
  12672. }
  12673. declare const Switch: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<SwitchProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLLabelElement>>;
  12674. interface SearchInputProps extends Omit<AriaSearchFieldProps, "validationState" | "label" | "aria-autocomplete" | "autoComplete" | "isRequired" | "aria-haspopup" | "isReadOnly" | "aria-activedescendant" | "type" | "validationBehavior" | "validate" | "isInvalid">, StylingProps {
  12675. /**
  12676. * The size of the search input.
  12677. *
  12678. * @default "md"
  12679. */
  12680. size?: "sm" | "md" | "lg";
  12681. /**
  12682. * The variant of the search input.
  12683. *
  12684. * @default "primary"
  12685. */
  12686. variant?: "primary" | "ghost";
  12687. /** Defines a string value that labels the current element. */
  12688. "aria-label": string;
  12689. }
  12690. declare const SearchInput: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<SearchInputProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  12691. interface ThemeProviderProps extends StylingProps {
  12692. /**
  12693. * The theme to use. If not provided, the theme will be inherited from the
  12694. * parent ThemeProvider. If there is no parent ThemeProvider, the default
  12695. * theme will be used.
  12696. *
  12697. * @default "system"
  12698. */
  12699. theme?: Theme | "light" | "dark" | "system";
  12700. /** The children to render. */
  12701. children: React__default.ReactNode;
  12702. /**
  12703. * A function that will be called when the theme changes from any of the child
  12704. * components.
  12705. */
  12706. setTheme?: (theme: Theme | "light" | "dark" | "system") => void;
  12707. }
  12708. declare const ThemeProvider: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<ThemeProviderProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  12709. /**
  12710. * A hook that returns the user preferences for color scheme, contrast, reduced
  12711. * motion, transparency and reduced data. The values are updated when the user
  12712. * changes their preferences.
  12713. *
  12714. * @example
  12715. * const { colorScheme, highContrast, reducedMotion, transparency } =
  12716. * useUserPreferences();
  12717. *
  12718. * @param ownerWindow - The window object to use. Defaults to the global window
  12719. * object.
  12720. * @returns The user preferences.
  12721. */
  12722. declare function useUserPreferences(ownerWindow?: Window & typeof globalThis): {
  12723. colorScheme: "dark" | "light";
  12724. highContrast: boolean;
  12725. reducedMotion: boolean;
  12726. transparency: boolean;
  12727. };
  12728. interface PortalContainerProviderProps {
  12729. /**
  12730. * The container element for the popover. By default, the modal is rendered as
  12731. * a child of the body element.
  12732. *
  12733. * @default undefined
  12734. */
  12735. portalContainer: HTMLElement | undefined;
  12736. /** The children to render. */
  12737. children: React__default.ReactNode;
  12738. }
  12739. declare const PortalContainerProvider: React__default.FC<PortalContainerProviderProps>;
  12740. declare type OverlayTriggerProps_ = Parameters<typeof useOverlayTrigger>[0];
  12741. interface PopoverProps extends OverlayTriggerProps$1, OverlayTriggerProps_ {
  12742. /** The children of the popover. */
  12743. children: React__default.ReactNode | ((state: OverlayTriggerState) => React__default.ReactNode);
  12744. }
  12745. interface PopoverContentProps extends Omit<AriaPopoverProps, "popoverRef" | "triggerRef" | "arrowSize" | "arrowBoundaryOffset">, StylingProps {
  12746. /**
  12747. * The reference element for the popover position. By default, the popover is
  12748. * positioned relative to the trigger element.
  12749. */
  12750. triggerRef?: React__default.RefObject<HTMLElement>;
  12751. /** The class name for the underlay element. */
  12752. underlayClassName?: string;
  12753. /** The contents of the popover. */
  12754. children: React__default.ReactNode;
  12755. /**
  12756. * The container element for the popover. By default, the modal is rendered as
  12757. * a child of the body element.
  12758. *
  12759. * @default document.body
  12760. */
  12761. portalContainer?: HTMLElement;
  12762. /**
  12763. * Whether to include an arrow on the popover.
  12764. *
  12765. * @default false
  12766. */
  12767. includeArrow?: boolean;
  12768. /** The class name for the content container element. */
  12769. contentContainerClassName?: string;
  12770. /** The style for the content container element. */
  12771. contentContainerStyle?: React__default.CSSProperties;
  12772. }
  12773. interface PopoverTriggerProps {
  12774. /** The contents of the popover trigger. */
  12775. children: React__default.ReactNode | (({ isOpen, triggerProps, triggerRef, }: {
  12776. isOpen: boolean;
  12777. triggerProps: AriaButtonProps<"button">;
  12778. triggerRef: React__default.RefObject<HTMLElement>;
  12779. }) => React__default.ReactNode);
  12780. }
  12781. declare const PopoverContent: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<PopoverContentProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  12782. declare const PopoverTrigger: React__default.FC;
  12783. declare const Popover: React__default.FC<PopoverProps>;
  12784. declare type MenuOption = Omit<ListOption, "description"> & {
  12785. keyboardShortcut?: string;
  12786. };
  12787. declare type MenuSection = Omit<ListSection, "children"> & {
  12788. children: MenuOption[];
  12789. };
  12790. declare type MenuItem = MenuOption | MenuSection;
  12791. declare type MenuPopoverProps = Pick<PopoverContentProps, "isNonModal" | "placement" | "shouldUpdatePosition" | "shouldFlip" | "boundaryElement" | "crossOffset" | "offset" | "portalContainer">;
  12792. interface MenuProps extends MenuPopoverProps, MenuTriggerProps, Omit<AriaMenuProps<MenuItem>, "children">, Omit<AriaMenuTriggerProps, "type"> {
  12793. /** The `className` property assigned to the root element of the component. */
  12794. className?: string;
  12795. /** The `className` property assigned to the content element of the component. */
  12796. contentClassName?: string;
  12797. /** The `className` property assigned to the item element of the component. */
  12798. itemClassName?: string;
  12799. /**
  12800. * A list of items to render in the menu. Items have the following shape:
  12801. *
  12802. * ```ts
  12803. * export type MenuOption = {
  12804. * id: string;
  12805. * label: string;
  12806. * keyboardShortcut?: string;
  12807. * icon?: React.FC<IconProps>;
  12808. * };
  12809. *
  12810. * export type MenuSection = {
  12811. * id: string;
  12812. * title?: string;
  12813. * type: "section";
  12814. * children: MenuOption[];
  12815. * };
  12816. *
  12817. * export type MenuItem = MenuOption | MenuSection;
  12818. * ```
  12819. */
  12820. items: MenuItem[];
  12821. /**
  12822. * The `children` property is used to render the trigger element of the
  12823. * component.
  12824. *
  12825. * ```tsx
  12826. * <Menu>
  12827. * <ActionButton label="Label">
  12828. * </Menu>
  12829. * ```
  12830. */
  12831. children?: React__default.ReactNode;
  12832. }
  12833. declare const Menu: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<MenuProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLUListElement>>;
  12834. interface LinkProps extends AriaLinkOptions, StylingProps {
  12835. /** The link's style variant. */
  12836. variant?: "default" | "inline";
  12837. /** The children to render. */
  12838. children: React__default.ReactNode;
  12839. /** The size of the link. */
  12840. size?: "sm" | "md" | "lg";
  12841. /**
  12842. * The type of the link.
  12843. *
  12844. * @default "body"
  12845. */
  12846. type?: "body" | "label";
  12847. /** The title of the link, for providing additional information. */
  12848. title?: string;
  12849. }
  12850. declare const Link: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<LinkProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLElement>>;
  12851. interface SharedFileUploadProps extends StylingProps {
  12852. /** Whether the component is inlined. */
  12853. variant?: "default" | "inline";
  12854. /** Whether the component is disabled. */
  12855. isDisabled?: boolean;
  12856. /** The label to display. */
  12857. label: string;
  12858. /** The description to display. */
  12859. description?: string;
  12860. /**
  12861. * The pattern to match the file name against. This is a regular expression,
  12862. * and will be matched against the entire file name.
  12863. */
  12864. accept?: string;
  12865. /** The name of the input. */
  12866. name?: string;
  12867. /** The callback function that is fired when the value changes. */
  12868. onChange?: (event: React__default.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void;
  12869. /**
  12870. * The callback function that is fired when the value changes and the value is
  12871. * valid.
  12872. */
  12873. onValueChange?: (files: File[]) => void;
  12874. /**
  12875. * Identifies the element (or elements) that provide a detailed, extended
  12876. * description for the object.
  12877. */
  12878. "aria-describedby"?: string;
  12879. }
  12880. interface FileUploadProps extends SharedFileUploadProps {
  12881. /** The Icon to display. */
  12882. icon?: React__default.FC<IconProps>;
  12883. /** Whether to allow multiple files to be uploaded. */
  12884. multiple?: boolean;
  12885. }
  12886. declare const FileUpload: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<FileUploadProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLLabelElement>>;
  12887. interface SeparatorProps extends SeparatorProps$1, StylingProps {
  12888. /**
  12889. * The variant of the separator.
  12890. *
  12891. * @default "primary"
  12892. */
  12893. variant?: "primary" | "secondary";
  12894. }
  12895. declare const Separator: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<SeparatorProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  12896. interface ProgressBarProps extends Omit<AriaProgressBarProps, "isIndeterminate"> {
  12897. /** The `className` property assigned to the root element of the component. */
  12898. className?: string;
  12899. /**
  12900. * The variant of the progress bar.
  12901. *
  12902. * @default active
  12903. */
  12904. variant?: "active" | "success" | "error";
  12905. /** The description of the progress bar. */
  12906. description?: string;
  12907. /**
  12908. * Whether the progress bar value should be displayed.
  12909. *
  12910. * @default false
  12911. */
  12912. showValue?: boolean;
  12913. /** The error message of the progress bar. */
  12914. errorMessage?: string;
  12915. }
  12916. declare const ProgressBar: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<ProgressBarProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  12917. interface InputMessage {
  12918. /** The description to display below the input. */
  12919. description?: string;
  12920. /** The error message to display when the input is in an error state. */
  12921. errorMessage?: string;
  12922. /** The warning message to display when the input is in a warning state. */
  12923. warningMessage?: string;
  12924. }
  12925. interface TextInputProps extends Omit<AriaTextFieldProps, "validationState" | "isInvalid" | "description" | "errorMessage">, StylingProps, InputMessage {
  12926. /** The state of the input. */
  12927. validationState?: "valid" | "error" | "warning";
  12928. /**
  12929. * The variant of the text input.
  12930. *
  12931. * @default primary
  12932. */
  12933. variant?: "primary" | "ghost";
  12934. /**
  12935. * The position of the label relative to the input.
  12936. *
  12937. * @default top
  12938. */
  12939. labelPosition?: "top" | "start";
  12940. /** Whether the input is read only. */
  12941. readOnly?: boolean;
  12942. /** The style object to apply to the input element */
  12943. inputStyle?: React__default.CSSProperties;
  12944. /** The class name to apply to the input element */
  12945. inputClassName?: string;
  12946. }
  12947. declare const TextInput: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<TextInputProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLInputElement>>;
  12948. interface ReactionProps extends Omit<AriaSwitchProps & ToggleProps, "validationState" | "isRequired" | "children" | "isInvalid" | "validationBehavior" | "validate">, StylingProps {
  12949. /** The size of the reaction. */
  12950. size?: "sm" | "md";
  12951. /** The number of reactions. */
  12952. count: number;
  12953. /** The icon to render. */
  12954. icon?: React__default.FC<IconProps>;
  12955. }
  12956. declare const Reaction: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<ReactionProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLLabelElement>>;
  12957. interface TooltipProps extends TooltipTriggerProps, AriaTooltipProps, Omit<AriaPositionProps, "overlayRef" | "targetRef" | "maxHeight" | "isOpen" | "arrowSize"> {
  12958. /** The content of the tooltip. */
  12959. text?: string;
  12960. /** The tooltip trigger element. */
  12961. children: React__default.ReactNode;
  12962. /**
  12963. * The delay time for the tooltip to show up.
  12964. *
  12965. * @default 1000
  12966. */
  12967. delay?: number;
  12968. /**
  12969. * The delay time for the tooltip to hide.
  12970. *
  12971. * @default 500
  12972. */
  12973. closeDelay?: number;
  12974. /**
  12975. * Represents the size of an element.
  12976. *
  12977. * @default md
  12978. */
  12979. size?: "sm" | "md";
  12980. /**
  12981. * The variant that can be applied to an element.
  12982. *
  12983. * @default default
  12984. */
  12985. variant?: "default" | "inverse";
  12986. /**
  12987. * Indicates whether to include an arrow in the output.
  12988. *
  12989. * @default true
  12990. */
  12991. includeArrow?: boolean;
  12992. /**
  12993. * The container element for the modal. By default, the modal is rendered as a
  12994. * child of the body element.
  12995. *
  12996. * @default document.body
  12997. */
  12998. portalContainer?: HTMLElement;
  12999. }
  13000. declare const Tooltip: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<TooltipProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  13001. interface PortalProps extends OverlayProps {
  13002. /** The `className` property assigned to the root element of the component. */
  13003. className?: string;
  13004. /** The `style` property assigned to the root element of the component. */
  13005. style?: React__default.CSSProperties;
  13006. }
  13007. declare const Portal: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<PortalProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  13008. interface ProgressSpinnerProps extends Omit<AriaProgressBarProps, "value" | "isIndeterminate" | "formatOptions" | "maxValue" | "minValue" | "valueLabel">, StylingProps {
  13009. /**
  13010. * The size of the progress circle.
  13011. *
  13012. * @default md
  13013. */
  13014. size?: "sm" | "md";
  13015. /**
  13016. * The progress circle's variant.
  13017. *
  13018. * @default active
  13019. */
  13020. variant?: "active" | "inactive" | "success" | "error";
  13021. }
  13022. declare const ProgressSpinner: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<ProgressSpinnerProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  13023. interface ActionIconButtonProps extends ActionButtonSharedProps {
  13024. /** The icon to display */
  13025. icon: React__default.FC<IconProps>;
  13026. /**
  13027. * The size of the icon button.
  13028. *
  13029. * @default "md"
  13030. */
  13031. size?: "xxs" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg";
  13032. /**
  13033. * The variant of the icon button.
  13034. *
  13035. * @default "primary"
  13036. */
  13037. variant?: "primary" | "secondary" | "tertiary" | "ghost" | "toolbar" | "popover";
  13038. /** Indicates whether focusing should be prevented on press. */
  13039. preventFocusOnPress?: boolean;
  13040. }
  13041. declare const ActionIconButton: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<ActionIconButtonProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>>;
  13042. interface ToggleButtonProps extends StylingProps, Omit<AriaToggleButtonProps, "children"> {
  13043. /** The text content of the button. */
  13044. label: React__default.ReactNode;
  13045. /** The icon to display before the label. */
  13046. iconStart?: React__default.FC<SVGRProps>;
  13047. /**
  13048. * The size of the button.
  13049. *
  13050. * @default "md"
  13051. */
  13052. size?: "md" | "lg";
  13053. /** Indicates whether focusing should be prevented on press. */
  13054. preventFocusOnPress?: boolean;
  13055. }
  13056. declare const ToggleButton: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<ToggleButtonProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>>;
  13057. interface CheckboxProps extends Omit<AriaCheckboxProps, "children" | "validationBehavior" | "validationState" | "validate">, StylingProps {
  13058. /** The checkbox's label. */
  13059. label?: string;
  13060. /**
  13061. * The position of the label
  13062. *
  13063. * @default end
  13064. */
  13065. labelPosition?: "start" | "end";
  13066. }
  13067. declare const Checkbox: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<CheckboxProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLLabelElement>>;
  13068. declare type Excluded = "isDisabled" | "isReadOnly" | "isRequired" | "locale" | "validationState" | "label" | "formatOptions" | "isInvalid" | "validationBehaviour" | "validate" | "description" | "errorMessage";
  13069. interface PaginationProps extends Omit<AriaNumberFieldProps, Excluded>, Omit<NumberFieldStateOptions, Excluded>, StylingProps {
  13070. /** The largest value allowed for the input. */
  13071. maxValue: number;
  13072. /** The label for the pagination component. */
  13073. "aria-label": string;
  13074. /**
  13075. * The variant of the pagination component.
  13076. *
  13077. * @default floating
  13078. */
  13079. variant?: "floating" | "pinned";
  13080. /**
  13081. * The size of the pagination component.
  13082. *
  13083. * @default md
  13084. */
  13085. size?: "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg";
  13086. }
  13087. declare const Pagination: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<PaginationProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  13088. interface I18nProviderProps extends I18nProviderProps$1 {
  13089. /** The messages to use for internationalization. */
  13090. messages?: LocalizedStrings;
  13091. }
  13092. declare const I18nProvider: React__default.FC<I18nProviderProps>;
  13093. declare type NumberFormatProps = Parameters<typeof useNumberFormatter>[0] & {
  13094. /** The number to format. */
  13095. value: number;
  13096. };
  13097. declare const NumberFormat: React__default.FC<NumberFormatProps>;
  13098. declare type DateFormatProps = Parameters<typeof useDateFormatter>[0] & {
  13099. /** The date to format. */
  13100. date: Date;
  13101. };
  13102. declare const DateFormat: React__default.FC<DateFormatProps>;
  13103. interface Item {
  13104. id: string;
  13105. label: string;
  13106. variant?: "neutral" | "red" | "green" | "blue" | "high-contrast";
  13107. icon?: React__default.FC<SVGRProps>;
  13108. }
  13109. interface TagGroupProps extends StylingProps, Omit<AriaTagGroupProps<Item>, "children" | "errorMessage" | "description">, Omit<ListProps<Item>, "children" | "collection" | "filter"> {
  13110. /**
  13111. * The items to display in the tag group.
  13112. *
  13113. * Type Item = { id: string; label: string; variant?: "neutral" | "red" |
  13114. * "green" | "blue" | "high-contrast"; icon?: React.FC<SVGRProps>; }
  13115. */
  13116. items: Item[];
  13117. /**
  13118. * The variant of the tag group.
  13119. *
  13120. * @default "neutral"
  13121. */
  13122. variant?: Item["variant"];
  13123. /** The label for the tag group. */
  13124. "aria-label": string;
  13125. }
  13126. declare const TagGroup: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<TagGroupProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  13127. interface AccordionProps extends StylingProps {
  13128. /**
  13129. * This prop controls the expansion mode of the accordion. If set to `single`,
  13130. * only one item can be expanded at a time. If set to `multiple`, multiple
  13131. * items can be expanded at the same time.
  13132. *
  13133. * @default single
  13134. */
  13135. expansionMode?: "single" | "multiple";
  13136. /** This callback is called when the expanded state of the accordion changes. */
  13137. onChange?: (value: Set<Key$2>) => void;
  13138. /** The children of the accordion. Each child should be an `AccordionItem`. */
  13139. children: React__default.ReactNode;
  13140. /** The keys of the items that should be expanded by default. */
  13141. defaultExpandedKeys?: Set<Key$2>;
  13142. /**
  13143. * The keys of the items that should be expanded. If this prop is provided,
  13144. * the accordion will be a controlled component. This means that the expanded
  13145. * state of the accordion will not change unless you update this prop.
  13146. */
  13147. expandedKeys?: Set<Key$2>;
  13148. /**
  13149. * The keys of the items that should be disabled. Disabled items cannot be
  13150. * expanded or collapsed.
  13151. */
  13152. disabledKeys?: Set<Key$2>;
  13153. }
  13154. interface AccordionItemProps extends StylingProps {
  13155. /** The title of the accordion item. */
  13156. title: string;
  13157. /**
  13158. * The buttons that should be rendered in the accordion item. These buttons
  13159. * will be rendered in the top right corner of the accordion item. They will
  13160. * be rendered in the order they are provided. The buttons will be rendered as
  13161. * `ActionIconButton`s, so you can pass any props that you would pass to an
  13162. * `ActionIconButton`.
  13163. *
  13164. * @example
  13165. * ```jsx
  13166. * <AccordionItem
  13167. * title="Accordion Item"
  13168. * actions={[{
  13169. * icon: EditIcon,
  13170. * label: "Edit",
  13171. * onPress: () => alert("Edit"),
  13172. * }]}>Content</AccordionItem>
  13173. * ```;
  13174. */
  13175. actions?: Omit<ActionIconButtonProps, "size" | "variant" | "excludeFromTabOrder">[];
  13176. /**
  13177. * The action buttons should only be shown when the user hovers over or
  13178. * focuses the accordion item.
  13179. *
  13180. * @default false
  13181. */
  13182. showActionsOnTriggerOnly?: boolean;
  13183. /** The content of the accordion item. */
  13184. children: React__default.ReactNode;
  13185. /** The key of the accordion item. */
  13186. value: Key$2;
  13187. /**
  13188. * The description of the accordion item. This will be rendered at the end of
  13189. * the accordion header.
  13190. */
  13191. subLabel?: string;
  13192. }
  13193. declare const Accordion: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<AccordionProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  13194. declare const AccordionItem: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<AccordionItemProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLHeadingElement>>;
  13195. interface SelectProps extends Omit<AriaSelectOptions<ListItem> & SelectStateOptions<ListItem> & PopoverContentProps, "validationState" | "items" | "children" | "isRequired" | "className" | "style" | "triggerRef" | "validate" | "validationBehavior" | "keyboardDelegate">, Pick<ListBoxProps, "items" | "showSelectedIcon" | "optionStyle" | "optionClassName">, StylingProps {
  13196. /**
  13197. * The position of the label.
  13198. *
  13199. * @default "top"
  13200. */
  13201. labelPosition?: "top" | "start";
  13202. /** The description of the select component. */
  13203. description?: string;
  13204. /** The error message of the select component. */
  13205. errorMessage?: string;
  13206. /** The warning message of the select component. */
  13207. warningMessage?: string;
  13208. /** The label of the select component. */
  13209. label?: React__default.ReactNode;
  13210. /** The variant of the select component. */
  13211. variant?: "primary" | "ghost";
  13212. /** The state of the select component. */
  13213. validationState?: "valid" | "error" | "warning";
  13214. /** Whether the select component is read only. */
  13215. isReadOnly?: boolean;
  13216. }
  13217. declare const Select: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<SelectProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  13218. interface AvatarProps extends StylingProps {
  13219. /**
  13220. * The size of the component.
  13221. *
  13222. * @default "md"
  13223. */
  13224. size?: "md" | "sm";
  13225. /**
  13226. * The icon to display. This icon has to be imported from the
  13227. * `@baseline-ui/icons` package.
  13228. */
  13229. icon?: React__default.FC<SVGRProps>;
  13230. /** The name of the user. */
  13231. name: string;
  13232. /** The URL of the image to display. */
  13233. imgSrc?: string;
  13234. /**
  13235. * The image loading strategy to use. See
  13236. * [MDN](,loading,-Indicates%20how%20the)
  13237. */
  13238. imgLoading?: "lazy" | "eager";
  13239. /** Whether to show the initials of the user if no image is provided. */
  13240. showInitials?: boolean;
  13241. /** Whether the component is disabled. */
  13242. isDisabled?: boolean;
  13243. /** Whether the user has a notification. */
  13244. hasNotifications?: boolean;
  13245. }
  13246. declare const Avatar: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<AvatarProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLSpanElement>>;
  13247. declare type ItemProps = React__default.ComponentProps<typeof Item$1> & StylingProps & {
  13248. key?: Key$2;
  13249. icon?: React__default.FC<SVGRProps>;
  13250. value?: string;
  13251. title?: string;
  13252. titleClassName?: string;
  13253. titleStyle?: React__default.CSSProperties;
  13254. };
  13255. declare type TabsProps = Omit<StylingProps & AriaTabListProps<ItemProps>, "orientation" | "children" | "items" | "selectedKey" | "defaultSelectedKey" | "disabledKeys"> & {
  13256. /**
  13257. * The `TabItem` components to render inside the `Tabs` component.
  13258. *
  13259. * ```jsx
  13260. * <Tabs>
  13261. * <TabItem key="tab1" title="Tab 1">
  13262. * <div>Tab 1 content</div>
  13263. * </TabItem>
  13264. * <TabItem key="tab2" title="Tab 2">
  13265. * <div>Tab 2 content</div>
  13266. * </TabItem>
  13267. * </Tabs>;
  13268. * ```
  13269. */
  13270. children: React__default.ReactNode;
  13271. /**
  13272. * The key of the tab that needs to be removed.
  13273. *
  13274. * @param key
  13275. */
  13276. onRemove?: (key: Key$2) => void;
  13277. /** The value of the tab that needs to be selected. */
  13278. selectedValue?: string;
  13279. /** The default value of the tab that needs to be selected. */
  13280. defaultSelectedValue?: string;
  13281. /** The values of the tabs that need to be disabled. */
  13282. disabledValues?: Set<Key$2>;
  13283. /** A list of action buttons to render beside the tab items. */
  13284. actions?: Omit<ActionIconButtonProps, "variant" | "size">[];
  13285. /** The variant of the tabs */
  13286. variant?: "primary" | "ghost";
  13287. /** The className to apply to the tab header container. */
  13288. tabHeaderClassName?: string;
  13289. /** The style to apply to the tab header container. */
  13290. tabHeaderStyle?: React__default.CSSProperties;
  13291. };
  13292. declare type TabItemProps = StylingProps & {
  13293. /** The title of the tab. This will be displayed in the tab button. */
  13294. title: string;
  13295. /** The icon to display in front of the title. */
  13296. icon?: React__default.FC<SVGRProps>;
  13297. /** The value of the tab. This will be used to identify the tab. */
  13298. value: string;
  13299. /** The className to apply to the tab item. */
  13300. titleClassName?: string;
  13301. /** The style to apply to the tab item. */
  13302. titleStyle?: React__default.CSSProperties;
  13303. };
  13304. declare const Tabs: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<Omit<StylingProps & AriaTabListProps<ItemProps>, "children" | "items" | "disabledKeys" | "orientation" | "selectedKey" | "defaultSelectedKey"> & {
  13305. children: React__default.ReactNode;
  13306. onRemove?: ((key: React__default.Key) => void) | undefined;
  13307. selectedValue?: string | undefined;
  13308. defaultSelectedValue?: string | undefined;
  13309. disabledValues?: Set<React__default.Key> | undefined;
  13310. actions?: Omit<ActionIconButtonProps, "size" | "variant">[] | undefined;
  13311. variant?: "primary" | "ghost" | undefined;
  13312. tabHeaderClassName?: string | undefined;
  13313. tabHeaderStyle?: React__default.CSSProperties | undefined;
  13314. } & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  13315. declare const TabItem: React__default.FC<TabItemProps>;
  13316. interface InlineAlertProps extends StylingProps {
  13317. /**
  13318. * The variant of the alert.
  13319. *
  13320. * @default "info"
  13321. */
  13322. variant?: "info" | "warning" | "error" | "success";
  13323. /** The title of the alert. */
  13324. title: string;
  13325. /** The description of the alert. */
  13326. description: string;
  13327. /**
  13328. * The label of the action button. When provided, the action button will be
  13329. * rendered.
  13330. */
  13331. actionLabel?: string;
  13332. /** The callback fired when the action button is clicked. */
  13333. onAction?: () => void;
  13334. /**
  13335. * The callback fired when the close button is clicked. When provided, the
  13336. * close button will be rendered.
  13337. */
  13338. onClose?: () => void;
  13339. /**
  13340. * The arrangement of the variable.
  13341. *
  13342. * @default "single"
  13343. * @typedef {"single" | "multi" | "compact"} Arrangement
  13344. */
  13345. arrangement?: "single" | "multi" | "compact";
  13346. /**
  13347. * The size of the alert.
  13348. *
  13349. * @default "md"
  13350. */
  13351. size?: "sm" | "md";
  13352. }
  13353. declare const InlineAlert: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<InlineAlertProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  13354. interface NumberInputProps extends StylingProps, Omit<AriaNumberFieldProps, "validationState" | "isRequired" | "validate" | "validationBehavior"> {
  13355. /**
  13356. * The position of the label relative to the input.
  13357. *
  13358. * @default top
  13359. */
  13360. labelPosition?: "top" | "start";
  13361. /**
  13362. * The variant of the number input.
  13363. *
  13364. * @default primary
  13365. */
  13366. variant?: "primary" | "ghost";
  13367. /**
  13368. * Whether to show the stepper buttons.
  13369. *
  13370. * @default true
  13371. */
  13372. showStepper?: boolean;
  13373. /** The description to display below the input. */
  13374. description?: string;
  13375. /** The error message to display when the input is in an error state. */
  13376. errorMessage?: string;
  13377. }
  13378. declare const NumberInput: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<NumberInputProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  13379. interface DrawerProps extends StylingProps, AriaDialogProps {
  13380. /** The children to render. */
  13381. children: React__default.ReactNode;
  13382. /**
  13383. * The valid values for the background type are "medium" and "subtle".
  13384. *
  13385. * @default "medium"
  13386. */
  13387. background?: "medium" | "subtle";
  13388. /** The title to display in the drawer. */
  13389. title: string;
  13390. /** The props of additional `ActionIconButton` to display in the drawer header. */
  13391. action?: ActionIconButtonProps;
  13392. /** The callback to call when the drawer is requested to be closed. */
  13393. onCloseRequest?: () => void;
  13394. }
  13395. declare const Drawer: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<DrawerProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  13396. interface DialogProps extends AriaDialogProps, StylingProps {
  13397. /** The children to render. */
  13398. children: React__default.ReactNode;
  13399. /**
  13400. * The size of the dialog. This defines the max width of the dialog.
  13401. *
  13402. * @default "sm"
  13403. */
  13404. size?: "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "content";
  13405. /**
  13406. * The variant of the dialog.
  13407. *
  13408. * @default "primary"
  13409. */
  13410. variant?: "primary" | "ghost";
  13411. /**
  13412. * The background color of the drawer.
  13413. *
  13414. * @default "medium"
  13415. */
  13416. drawerBackground?: DrawerProps["background"];
  13417. /**
  13418. * When used inside a modal, this prop will decide whether the dialog should
  13419. * inherit the drawer styles.
  13420. *
  13421. * @default false
  13422. */
  13423. inheritDrawer?: boolean;
  13424. }
  13425. interface DialogTitleProps extends StylingProps {
  13426. /** The children to render. */
  13427. children: React__default.ReactNode;
  13428. }
  13429. declare const Dialog: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<DialogProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  13430. declare const DialogTitle: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<DialogTitleProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  13431. interface ColorPreset$1 {
  13432. label: string;
  13433. color: string;
  13434. }
  13435. interface ColorInputProps extends OverlayTriggerProps$1, StylingProps, Pick<ColorFieldProps, "onChange" | "defaultValue" | "value" | "label" | "isDisabled">, Pick<AriaLabelingProps$1, "aria-label">, Pick<PopoverContentProps, "isNonModal" | "placement" | "shouldUpdatePosition" | "shouldFlip" | "boundaryElement" | "crossOffset" | "offset" | "portalContainer"> {
  13436. /**
  13437. * The list of color presets to show in the color picker. The signature of the
  13438. * color presets is:
  13439. *
  13440. * ```ts
  13441. * export interface ColorPreset {
  13442. * label: string;
  13443. * color: string;
  13444. * }
  13445. * ```
  13446. *
  13447. * The color can be a hex or hexa value.
  13448. */
  13449. presets?: ColorPreset$1[];
  13450. /**
  13451. * Whether to include the custom color picker. If `false`, the color picker
  13452. * will only show the color presets. The custom color picker allows the user
  13453. * to pick any color. You can set the `allowAlpha` prop to `false` to disable
  13454. * the alpha channel.
  13455. *
  13456. * @default true
  13457. */
  13458. includePicker?: boolean;
  13459. /**
  13460. * Whether to show the color label. The color label is the name of the color
  13461. * that is currently selected. If boolean, the label will be shown only when
  13462. * the color is not `null`. If a function, the function will be called with
  13463. * the current color and should return a string. If `false`, the label will
  13464. * not be shown.
  13465. *
  13466. * @default true
  13467. */
  13468. colorLabel?: boolean | ((color: Color | null) => string);
  13469. /**
  13470. * Whether to allow alpha values in the custom color picker.
  13471. *
  13472. * @default true
  13473. */
  13474. allowAlpha?: boolean;
  13475. /**
  13476. * Whether to allow the removal of the color.
  13477. *
  13478. * @default false
  13479. */
  13480. allowRemoval?: boolean;
  13481. /** The label position of the color input. */
  13482. labelPosition?: "top" | "start";
  13483. /**
  13484. * Whether to show the color picker in active or lazy mode. In active mode,
  13485. * the color picker will be rendered when the color input popover is open and
  13486. * the value of the color input will be updated when the user picks a color.
  13487. * In lazy mode, the color picker will be rendered only when the user clicks
  13488. * on the "Add color" button and the selected color will be added to custom
  13489. * colors when the user clicks on the "Add color" button.
  13490. *
  13491. * @default active
  13492. */
  13493. pickerMode?: "active" | "lazy";
  13494. /**
  13495. * The key to use to store the picked color in the local storage.
  13496. *
  13497. * @default baselinePickedColor
  13498. */
  13499. storePickedColorKey?: string;
  13500. /**
  13501. * The label to show on the add color button.
  13502. *
  13503. * @default Add color
  13504. */
  13505. addColorButtonLabel?: string;
  13506. /**
  13507. * The label to show on the remove color button.
  13508. *
  13509. * @default Remove color
  13510. */
  13511. removeColorButtonLabel?: string;
  13512. /**
  13513. * The label to show on the custom colors section.
  13514. *
  13515. * @default Custom colors
  13516. */
  13517. customColorsLabel?: string;
  13518. /**
  13519. * An optional function to render the custom trigger button.
  13520. *
  13521. * @param options
  13522. */
  13523. renderTriggerButton?: (options: {
  13524. isOpen: boolean;
  13525. color: Color | null;
  13526. ref: React__default.RefObject<HTMLButtonElement>;
  13527. colorName?: string | boolean;
  13528. triggerProps: AriaButtonProps<"button">;
  13529. }) => React__default.ReactElement;
  13530. }
  13531. declare const ColorInput: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<ColorInputProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  13532. declare const ColorSwatch: React__default.FC<ColorSwatchProps>;
  13533. interface ColorSwatchProps {
  13534. color?: string;
  13535. isFocusVisible?: boolean;
  13536. isDisabled?: boolean;
  13537. isSelected?: boolean;
  13538. isPresentational?: boolean;
  13539. }
  13540. declare const IconColorInputButton: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<Omit<ColorInputButtonProps, "children" | "labelPosition"> & {
  13541. icon: React__default.FC<IconProps>;
  13542. color?: string | undefined;
  13543. } & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>>;
  13544. interface ColorInputButtonProps extends Omit<ActionButtonProps, "label"> {
  13545. isOpen: boolean;
  13546. "aria-label"?: string;
  13547. labelPosition: "top" | "start";
  13548. children: React__default.ReactNode;
  13549. }
  13550. interface FreehandCanvasProps extends StylingProps, AriaLabelingProps$1 {
  13551. /** The className applicable to the SVG canvas. */
  13552. canvasClassName?: string;
  13553. /** The style applicable to the SVG canvas. */
  13554. canvasStyle?: React__default.CSSProperties;
  13555. /** The ref for the canvas. */
  13556. canvasRef?: React__default.RefObject<HTMLDivElement>;
  13557. /** The className applicable to the footer. */
  13558. footerClassName?: string;
  13559. /** The style applicable to the footer. */
  13560. footerStyle?: React__default.CSSProperties;
  13561. /**
  13562. * How much to soften the stroke's edges.
  13563. *
  13564. * @default 0
  13565. */
  13566. smoothing?: number;
  13567. /**
  13568. * How much to streamline the stroke.
  13569. *
  13570. * @default 0
  13571. */
  13572. streamline?: number;
  13573. /** An easing function to apply to each point's pressure. */
  13574. easing?: (pressure: number) => number;
  13575. /**
  13576. * Whether to simulate pressure based on velocity.
  13577. *
  13578. * @default false
  13579. */
  13580. simulatePressure?: boolean;
  13581. /** Cap, taper and easing for the start of the line. */
  13582. start?: {
  13583. cap?: boolean;
  13584. taper?: number | boolean;
  13585. easing?: (distance: number) => number;
  13586. };
  13587. /** Cap, taper and easing for the end of the line. */
  13588. end?: {
  13589. cap?: boolean;
  13590. taper?: number | boolean;
  13591. easing?: (distance: number) => number;
  13592. };
  13593. /**
  13594. * The width of the stroke.
  13595. *
  13596. * @default 2
  13597. */
  13598. strokeWidth?: number;
  13599. /**
  13600. * The color of the stroke.
  13601. *
  13602. * @default #3A87FD
  13603. */
  13604. strokeColor?: string;
  13605. /**
  13606. * Whether to keep the points within the canvas.
  13607. *
  13608. * @default true
  13609. */
  13610. isBound?: boolean;
  13611. /**
  13612. * Callback for when the points change. This is called on every point change.
  13613. *
  13614. * @param points
  13615. */
  13616. onChange?: (points: number[][][]) => void;
  13617. /**
  13618. * Callback for when the points change has ended. This is called once after
  13619. * the pointerup event. It is recommended to use this callback for performance
  13620. * reasons.
  13621. *
  13622. * @param points
  13623. */
  13624. onChangeEnd?: (points: number[][][]) => void;
  13625. /** The default points to render. */
  13626. defaultValue?: number[][][];
  13627. /**
  13628. * The value of the canvas. This can be used to make the canvas a controlled
  13629. * component.
  13630. */
  13631. value?: number[][][];
  13632. /** The label for the canvas. */
  13633. label?: string;
  13634. /**
  13635. * Whether to enable history for undo/redo.
  13636. *
  13637. * @default false
  13638. */
  13639. enableHistory?: boolean;
  13640. /**
  13641. * Whether the canvas is inline.
  13642. *
  13643. * @default true
  13644. */
  13645. isInline?: boolean;
  13646. /** Whether the canvas is disabled. */
  13647. isDisabled?: boolean;
  13648. /** The placeholder for the canvas. */
  13649. placeholder?: string;
  13650. /** The label for the clear button. */
  13651. clearLabel?: string;
  13652. /** The label for the undo button. */
  13653. undoLabel?: string;
  13654. /** The label for the redo button. */
  13655. redoLabel?: string;
  13656. /** Description for the canvas. */
  13657. description?: string;
  13658. }
  13659. declare const FreehandCanvas: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<FreehandCanvasProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  13660. declare type TextProps<T extends keyof React__default.JSX.IntrinsicElements = "span"> = StylingProps & React__default.ComponentProps<T> & {
  13661. /**
  13662. * The type of text to render.
  13663. *
  13664. * @default "title"
  13665. */
  13666. type?: "subtitle" | "title" | "label" | "value" | "helper" | "body";
  13667. /**
  13668. * The size of the text.
  13669. *
  13670. * @default "md"
  13671. */
  13672. size?: "sm" | "md" | "lg";
  13673. /** The text to render. Can be a string or a number. */
  13674. children: React__default.ReactNode;
  13675. /**
  13676. * The HTML element to render.
  13677. *
  13678. * @default "span"
  13679. */
  13680. elementType?: React__default.ElementType;
  13681. };
  13682. declare const Text$1: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<Pick<TextProps<"span">, "className" | "style" | "dir" | "slot" | "title" | "children" | "autoFocus" | "onFocus" | "onBlur" | "id" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-details" | "onDrop" | "onDragStart" | "onDragEnd" | "data-block-id" | "type" | "color" | "size" | "content" | "translate" | "hidden" | "elementType" | "role" | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "draggable" | "lang" | "nonce" | "placeholder" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "radioGroup" | "about" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture"> & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  13683. interface TransformProps {
  13684. /** The `className` property assigned to the root element of the component. */
  13685. className?: string;
  13686. /** The `style` property assigned to the root element of the component. */
  13687. style?: React__default.CSSProperties;
  13688. /** The children to render. */
  13689. children: (options: {
  13690. style: React__default.CSSProperties;
  13691. }) => React__default.ReactNode;
  13692. /** Whether the transform is draggable. */
  13693. isDraggable?: boolean;
  13694. /** Whether the transform is resizable. */
  13695. isResizable?: boolean;
  13696. /** Whether the transform is rotatable. */
  13697. isRotatable?: boolean;
  13698. /** Whether the transform is snappable. */
  13699. isSnappable?: boolean;
  13700. /** A callback that will be called when the transform changes. */
  13701. onTransform?: (transform: OnRender) => void;
  13702. /** A callback that will be called when the transform starts. */
  13703. onTransformStart?: (transform: OnRenderStart) => void;
  13704. /** A callback that will be called when the transform ends. */
  13705. onTransformEnd?: (transform: OnRender) => void;
  13706. /** A callback that will be called when the target drag starts. */
  13707. onDragStart?: (e: OnDragStart) => void;
  13708. /** A callback that will be called when the target is dragged. */
  13709. onDrag?: (e: OnDrag) => void;
  13710. /** A callback that will be called when the target drag ends. */
  13711. onDragEnd?: (e: OnDragEnd) => void;
  13712. /** A callback that will be called when the target resize starts. */
  13713. onResizeStart?: (e: OnResizeStart) => void;
  13714. /** A callback that will be called when the target is resized. */
  13715. onResize?: (e: OnResize) => void;
  13716. /** A callback that will be called when the target resize ends. */
  13717. onResizeEnd?: (e: OnResizeEnd) => void;
  13718. /** A callback that will be called when the target rotation starts. */
  13719. onRotateStart?: (e: OnRotateStart) => void;
  13720. /** A callback that will be called when the target is rotated. */
  13721. onRotate?: (e: OnRotate) => void;
  13722. /** A callback that will be called when the target rotation ends. */
  13723. onRotateEnd?: (e: OnRotateEnd) => void;
  13724. /** A callback that will be called when the target is snapped. */
  13725. onSnap?: (e: OnSnap) => void;
  13726. /** A callback that will be called when the child is double clicked. */
  13727. onDoubleClick?: (e: React__default.MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement, MouseEvent>) => void;
  13728. /** A list of selectors relative to which the guidelines will be rendered. */
  13729. elementGuidelines?: string[];
  13730. /**
  13731. * Set directions to show the control box.
  13732. *
  13733. * @default false if rotatable, ["n", "nw", "ne", "s", "se", "sw", "e", "w"] otherwise
  13734. */
  13735. renderDirections?: boolean | ("n" | "nw" | "ne" | "s" | "se" | "sw" | "e" | "w")[];
  13736. /**
  13737. * Whether the anchor should be hidden when dragging.
  13738. *
  13739. * @default true
  13740. */
  13741. hideAnchorOnDrag?: boolean;
  13742. /** The `title` property assigned to the root element of the component. */
  13743. title: string;
  13744. /** The position of the rotation anchor. */
  13745. rotationPosition?: RotationPosition;
  13746. /**
  13747. * Degree angles to snap to rotation
  13748. *
  13749. * @default [ ]
  13750. */
  13751. snapRotationDegrees?: number[];
  13752. /**
  13753. * Snap works if `abs(current rotation - snapRotationDegrees) <
  13754. * snapRotationThreshold`.
  13755. *
  13756. * @default 5
  13757. */
  13758. snapRotationThreshold?: number;
  13759. /** Whether the transform should be updated automatically. */
  13760. autoUpdate?: boolean;
  13761. /** The element ref, selector or element to which the transform will be bound. */
  13762. bound?: React__default.RefObject<HTMLElement> | string | HTMLElement;
  13763. /** The element ref, selector or element that is it's scrollable ancestor. */
  13764. scrollableAncestor?: React__default.RefObject<HTMLElement> | string | HTMLElement;
  13765. /**
  13766. * Whether to prevent bubbling of events like mousedown, touchstart, etc.
  13767. *
  13768. * @default false
  13769. */
  13770. stopPropagation?: boolean;
  13771. /**
  13772. * Whether to call preventDefault on touchstart or mousedown
  13773. *
  13774. * @default true
  13775. */
  13776. preventDefault?: boolean;
  13777. /**
  13778. * The default transformOrigin of the target can be set in advance.
  13779. *
  13780. * @default ""
  13781. */
  13782. transformOrigin?: (string | number)[] | string;
  13783. }
  13784. declare const Transform: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<TransformProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  13785. interface ImageDropZoneProps extends Omit<SharedFileUploadProps, "label" | "variant">, Omit<DropOptions, "ref" | "getDropOperation" | "hasDropButton" | "getDropOperationForPoint">, Omit<ClipboardProps, "getItems" | "onCut" | "onCopy">, Pick<FreehandCanvasProps, "footerClassName" | "footerStyle" | "placeholder" | "clearLabel">, AriaLabelingProps$1 {
  13786. /**
  13787. * The initial image to display. This will be used as the `src` attribute of
  13788. * the `<img>` element. You will be able to choose a new image.
  13789. */
  13790. defaultImageSrc?: string | File;
  13791. /**
  13792. * The image to display. This will be used as the `src` attribute of the
  13793. * `<img>` element and will not be able to be changed from within the
  13794. * component. Basically, this makes the component controlled.
  13795. */
  13796. imageSrc?: string | File;
  13797. /**
  13798. * The alt text to display for the image. This will be used as the `alt`
  13799. * attribute of the `<img>`. element. If no `imageAlt` is provided, the
  13800. * `label` will be used.
  13801. */
  13802. imageAlt?: string;
  13803. /** The label to display for the picker button. */
  13804. pickerButtonLabel?: string;
  13805. /**
  13806. * Whether to show the checkered background behind the image. This is useful
  13807. * when the image has transparency.
  13808. *
  13809. * @default true
  13810. */
  13811. includeCheckeredBackground?: boolean;
  13812. /** Whether the component is inlined. */
  13813. isInline?: boolean;
  13814. /** The class name to apply to the picker button. */
  13815. pickerButtonClassName?: string;
  13816. /** The style to apply to the picker button. */
  13817. pickerButtonStyle?: React__default.CSSProperties;
  13818. /** The class name to apply to the label. */
  13819. labelClassName?: string;
  13820. /** The style to apply to the label. */
  13821. labelStyle?: React__default.CSSProperties;
  13822. }
  13823. declare const ImageDropZone: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<ImageDropZoneProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  13824. interface PreviewProps extends StylingProps, AriaLabelingProps$1 {
  13825. /**
  13826. * Whether the preview should be displayed inline or not. This is just a
  13827. * visual change, the component will still behave the same.
  13828. *
  13829. * @default true
  13830. */
  13831. isInline?: boolean;
  13832. /**
  13833. * The image to display in the preview. This can be a URL or a base64 encoded
  13834. * string.
  13835. */
  13836. imageSrc?: string;
  13837. /** The alt text for the image. */
  13838. imageAlt?: string;
  13839. /** The SVG to display in the preview. This can be a React element or a string. */
  13840. svgSrc?: string | React__default.ReactElement;
  13841. /** Whether the preview should be disabled or not. */
  13842. isDisabled?: boolean;
  13843. /** The text to display in the preview. */
  13844. textValue?: string;
  13845. /** The style of the text. */
  13846. textStyle?: React__default.CSSProperties;
  13847. /**
  13848. * This is fired when the `actionButtons` are not passed and you trigger a
  13849. * `click` event on the preview. In case you have passed `actionButtons`, this
  13850. * is not fired as focus shifts to the action buttons.
  13851. */
  13852. onPress?: PressProps["onPress"];
  13853. /**
  13854. * The callback to be called when the delete button is clicked. When passed,
  13855. * the delete button is displayed.
  13856. */
  13857. onDelete?: ActionButtonProps["onPress"];
  13858. /**
  13859. * The label to be used for the delete button. This is used for accessibility
  13860. * purposes.
  13861. */
  13862. deleteAriaLabel?: string;
  13863. /** The callback to be called when the preview is clicked. */
  13864. addAriaLabel?: string;
  13865. /**
  13866. * The accent variable represents the type of accent color used in the
  13867. * application. It can have one of the following values:
  13868. *
  13869. * - "theme": Represents the accent color defined by the current application
  13870. * theme.
  13871. * - "positive": Represents a positive accent color that doesn't change with
  13872. * theme.
  13873. *
  13874. * @default "theme"
  13875. */
  13876. accent?: "theme" | "positive";
  13877. }
  13878. declare const Preview: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<PreviewProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  13879. interface RadioGroupProps extends StylingProps, Omit<AriaRadioGroupProps, "description" | "errorMessage" | "isRequired" | "isInvalid" | "validate" | "validationBehavior" | "validationState"> {
  13880. /**
  13881. * The position of the label relative to the input.
  13882. *
  13883. * @default top
  13884. */
  13885. labelPosition?: "top" | "start";
  13886. /**
  13887. * The list of items to render in the radio group. Items have the following
  13888. * shape:
  13889. *
  13890. * ```ts
  13891. * export type ListOption = {
  13892. * id: string;
  13893. * label: string;
  13894. * description?: string;
  13895. * icon?: React.FC<IconProps>;
  13896. * };
  13897. * ```
  13898. */
  13899. items: ListOption[];
  13900. /**
  13901. * Render item option
  13902. *
  13903. * @typedef {Object} RenderItemOptions
  13904. * @property {boolean} isFocusVisible - Whether the focus ring is visible.
  13905. * @property {boolean} isFocused - Whether the option is focused.
  13906. * @property {boolean} isSelected - Whether the option is selected.
  13907. * @property {boolean} isHovered - Whether the option is hovered.
  13908. * @property {boolean} isDisabled - Whether the option is disabled.
  13909. */
  13910. /**
  13911. * The custom render function for the radio group options.
  13912. *
  13913. * @param {ListOption} item The item to render.
  13914. * @param {RenderItemOptions} options The options for rendering the item.
  13915. */
  13916. renderOption?: (item: ListOption, options: {
  13917. isFocusVisible: boolean;
  13918. isFocused: boolean;
  13919. isSelected: boolean;
  13920. isHovered: boolean;
  13921. isDisabled: boolean;
  13922. optionLabelPosition: "start" | "end";
  13923. isReadOnly?: boolean;
  13924. }) => React__default.ReactNode;
  13925. /** The class name for the group container. */
  13926. optionsContainerClassName?: string;
  13927. /** The style for the group container. */
  13928. optionsContainerStyle?: React__default.CSSProperties;
  13929. /** The ids of the items that are disabled. */
  13930. disabledValues?: string[];
  13931. /**
  13932. * The position of the label of individual radio buttons.
  13933. *
  13934. * @default end
  13935. */
  13936. optionLabelPosition?: "start" | "end";
  13937. /** The className applicable to the label. */
  13938. optionClassName?: string;
  13939. /** The style applicable to the label. */
  13940. optionStyle?: React__default.CSSProperties;
  13941. }
  13942. declare const RadioGroup: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<RadioGroupProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  13943. interface ModalProps extends OverlayTriggerProps$1 {
  13944. }
  13945. interface ModalContentProps extends Omit<AriaModalOverlayProps, "isDismissable" | "isKeyboardDismissDisabled">, StylingProps {
  13946. /**
  13947. * The contents of the modal. Can be a React node or a function that returns a
  13948. * React node.
  13949. */
  13950. children: React__default.ReactNode | ((props: {
  13951. close: () => void;
  13952. }) => React__default.ReactNode);
  13953. /**
  13954. * The container element for the modal. By default, the modal is rendered as a
  13955. * child of the body element.
  13956. *
  13957. * @default document.body
  13958. */
  13959. portalContainer?: HTMLElement;
  13960. /**
  13961. * Whether to disable the animation for the modal. This is useful when you
  13962. * want to render one modal after another without the animation.
  13963. *
  13964. * @default false
  13965. */
  13966. disableAnimation?: boolean;
  13967. /**
  13968. * Whether the modal should be rendered as a drawer. This will render the
  13969. * modal with a transparent background and no border at the bottom. The `auto`
  13970. * value will render the modal as a drawer on mobile and as a dialog on
  13971. * desktop and tablet.
  13972. *
  13973. * @default false
  13974. */
  13975. enableDrawer?: boolean | "auto";
  13976. /**
  13977. * Specifies if the component is dismissable or not. If the value is a
  13978. * function, it will be called with a boolean indicating if the modal is
  13979. * rendered as a drawer or not.
  13980. *
  13981. * @default true
  13982. */
  13983. isDismissable?: boolean | ((isDrawer: boolean) => boolean);
  13984. /**
  13985. * Determines if keyboard dismissal is disabled. If the value is a function,
  13986. * it will be called with a boolean indicating if the modal is rendered as a
  13987. * drawer or not.
  13988. *
  13989. * @default false
  13990. */
  13991. isKeyboardDismissDisabled?: boolean | ((isDrawer: boolean) => boolean);
  13992. }
  13993. declare const Modal: React__default.FC<ModalProps>;
  13994. declare const ModalContent: React__default.FC<ModalContentProps>;
  13995. declare const ModalTrigger: React__default.FC;
  13996. declare const ModalClose: React__default.FC;
  13997. interface MessageFormatProps {
  13998. /**
  13999. * By default `<MessageFormat>` will render the formatted string into a
  14000. * `<React.Fragment>`. If you need to customize rendering, you can either wrap
  14001. * it with another React element (recommended), specify a different tagName
  14002. * (e.g., 'div')
  14003. */
  14004. elementType?: React__default.ElementType | "div" | "span";
  14005. /** The id of the message to format. */
  14006. id: string;
  14007. /** The default message to use if the message id is not found. */
  14008. defaultMessage?: string;
  14009. }
  14010. declare const MessageFormat: React__default.FC<MessageFormatProps>;
  14011. interface GroupProps extends StylingProps, AriaLabelingProps$1 {
  14012. /**
  14013. * The `role` property specifies the accessibility `role` for the group. By
  14014. * default, it is set to 'group'. If the contents of the group are important
  14015. * enough to be included in the page table of contents, use 'region'. If the
  14016. * group is visual only and does not represent a semantic grouping of
  14017. * controls, use 'presentation'.
  14018. *
  14019. * @default group
  14020. */
  14021. role?: "group" | "region" | "presentation";
  14022. /** Whether the group is disabled. */
  14023. isDisabled?: boolean;
  14024. /** The children to render. */
  14025. children: React__default.ReactNode;
  14026. }
  14027. declare const Group: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<GroupProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  14028. declare type SprinkleProps = Parameters<Sprinkles>[0];
  14029. interface BoxProps extends Pick<StylingProps, "data-block-id">, Omit<React__default.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<"div">, "color">, SprinkleProps {
  14030. /**
  14031. * The HTML element to use for the box.
  14032. *
  14033. * @default "div"
  14034. */
  14035. elementType?: string;
  14036. }
  14037. declare const Box: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<BoxProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  14038. interface ColorPresetInlineInputProps extends Omit<RadioGroupProps, "items" | "disabledValues"> {
  14039. items: ColorPreset$1[];
  14040. }
  14041. declare const ColorPresetInlineInput: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<ColorPresetInlineInputProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  14042. interface ToolbarProps extends StylingProps, AriaToolbarProps {
  14043. children: React__default.ReactNode;
  14044. /**
  14045. * Identifies the element (or elements) whose contents or presence are
  14046. * controlled by the current element.
  14047. */
  14048. "aria-controls"?: string;
  14049. }
  14050. declare const Toolbar: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<ToolbarProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  14051. interface ToggleIconButtonProps extends StylingProps, Omit<ToggleProps, "children">, Omit<ToggleButtonProps, "size" | "iconStart" | "label"> {
  14052. /**
  14053. * The available sizes for a variable.
  14054. *
  14055. * @default "md"
  14056. */
  14057. size?: "xxs" | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg";
  14058. /** Represents the variant of a component. */
  14059. variant?: "primary" | "secondary" | "tertiary" | "toolbar";
  14060. /**
  14061. * The icon to be displayed on the button. You can pass an object with
  14062. * `selected` and `unselected` keys to display different icons based on the
  14063. * state of the button.
  14064. */
  14065. icon: React__default.FC<IconProps> | {
  14066. selected: React__default.FC<IconProps>;
  14067. unselected: React__default.FC<IconProps>;
  14068. };
  14069. /** Indicates whether focusing should be prevented on press. */
  14070. preventFocusOnPress?: boolean;
  14071. }
  14072. declare const ToggleIconButton: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<ToggleIconButtonProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>>;
  14073. interface MentionableUser {
  14074. id: string;
  14075. name: string;
  14076. displayName: string;
  14077. avatar?: AvatarProps;
  14078. description?: string;
  14079. }
  14080. interface EditorHandle {
  14081. setCaretPosition: (index: number) => void;
  14082. }
  14083. interface EditorProps extends StylingProps, AriaLabelingProps$1 {
  14084. /**
  14085. * The function to be called when `Enter` key is pressed or Save button is
  14086. * clicked.
  14087. */
  14088. onSave?: (value: string) => void;
  14089. /**
  14090. * The function to be called when Cancel button is clicked. If not provided,
  14091. * the Cancel button will not be rendered.
  14092. */
  14093. onCancel?: () => void;
  14094. /** The default value of the editor. */
  14095. defaultValue?: string;
  14096. /** The value of the editor. */
  14097. value?: string;
  14098. /**
  14099. * The function to be called when the value of the editor changes.
  14100. *
  14101. * @param value
  14102. */
  14103. onChange?: (value: string) => void;
  14104. /** Whether the editor is disabled. This includes both input and save button. */
  14105. isDisabled?: boolean;
  14106. /** Whether saving it disabled. Ths disables only save button. */
  14107. isSaveDisabled?: boolean;
  14108. /**
  14109. * Indicates whether rich text is enabled or not.
  14110. *
  14111. * @default true
  14112. */
  14113. enableRichText?: boolean;
  14114. /** The placeholder text to be displayed when the editor is empty. */
  14115. placeholder?: string;
  14116. /**
  14117. * The variant of the editor.
  14118. *
  14119. * @default default
  14120. */
  14121. variant?: "default" | "minimal";
  14122. /** Whether the editor is inline or not. */
  14123. isInline?: boolean;
  14124. /** Specifies whether spell checking is enabled or disabled. */
  14125. spellCheck?: boolean;
  14126. /**
  14127. * Optional property that represents the ARIA label for the submit button.
  14128. * This property is used to provide an accessible label for the button, which
  14129. * is read by screen readers to assist visually impaired users.
  14130. *
  14131. * @default Save
  14132. */
  14133. submitButtonAriaLabel?: string;
  14134. /**
  14135. * The React node representing the icon to be displayed on the submit button.
  14136. *
  14137. * @default ArrowUpCircleFilledIcon
  14138. */
  14139. submitButtonIcon?: React__default.FC<IconProps>;
  14140. /**
  14141. * Optional property that represents the ARIA label for the cancel button.
  14142. *
  14143. * @default Cancel
  14144. */
  14145. cancelButtonAriaLabel?: string;
  14146. /**
  14147. * The name of the avatar. The avatar is visible when `variant` is set to
  14148. * `minimal` and `enableRichText` is set to `false`.
  14149. */
  14150. avatarName?: string;
  14151. /**
  14152. * The ARIA label for the editable content. In case of rich text, this label
  14153. * is used to provide an accessible label for the contenteditable element,
  14154. * which is read by screen readers to assist visually impaired users. In case
  14155. * of plain text, this label is used to provide an accessible label for the
  14156. * textarea element.
  14157. *
  14158. * @default Editing Area
  14159. */
  14160. editableContentAriaLabel?: string;
  14161. /**
  14162. * An optional array of mentionable users. Mention feature is only available
  14163. * when `enableRichText` is set to `true` and this prop is provided.
  14164. *
  14165. * ```tsx
  14166. * type MentionableUser = {
  14167. * id: string;
  14168. * name: string;
  14169. * displayName: string;
  14170. * avatar?: AvatarProps;
  14171. * description?: string;
  14172. * };
  14173. * ```
  14174. */
  14175. mentionableUsers?: MentionableUser[];
  14176. /**
  14177. * The maximum number of mentionable users to be displayed in the suggestions.
  14178. * This prop is only used when `mentionableUsers` is provided.
  14179. *
  14180. * @default 10
  14181. */
  14182. maxMentionableUsersSuggestions?: number;
  14183. /** Footer button represents the buttons that are displayed in the footer. */
  14184. footerButtons?: ({
  14185. type: "action";
  14186. props: Omit<ActionIconButtonProps, "size" | "variant">;
  14187. } | {
  14188. type: "toggle";
  14189. props: Omit<ToggleIconButtonProps, "size" | "variant">;
  14190. })[];
  14191. /** The imperative handle for manipulating editor. */
  14192. editorHandle?: React__default.RefObject<EditorHandle>;
  14193. /**
  14194. * Whether to clear the editor value when the editor is saved.
  14195. *
  14196. * @default false
  14197. */
  14198. clearOnSave?: boolean;
  14199. /**
  14200. * Whether to clear the editor value when the cancel button is clicked.
  14201. *
  14202. * @default false
  14203. */
  14204. clearOnCancel?: boolean;
  14205. /**
  14206. * Whether to autofocus the editor when it is mounted.
  14207. *
  14208. * @default false
  14209. */
  14210. autoFocus?: boolean;
  14211. }
  14212. declare const Editor: React__default.MemoExoticComponent<React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<EditorProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>>;
  14213. interface ScrollControlButtonProps extends StylingProps, Pick<ActionButtonProps, "label"> {
  14214. /**
  14215. * The ref to the scrollable element.
  14216. *
  14217. * @default document.body
  14218. */
  14219. scrollRef?: React__default.RefObject<HTMLElement>;
  14220. /**
  14221. * Indicates whether the button should be hidden when the keyboard is being
  14222. * used.
  14223. *
  14224. * @default false
  14225. */
  14226. hideForKeyboard?: boolean;
  14227. /**
  14228. * The delay in milliseconds before the button is hidden when the scrolling
  14229. * stops.
  14230. *
  14231. * @default 1500
  14232. */
  14233. delay?: number;
  14234. /**
  14235. * Indicates whether the scroll should be smooth.
  14236. *
  14237. * @default true
  14238. */
  14239. smoothScroll?: boolean;
  14240. }
  14241. declare const ScrollControlButton: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<ScrollControlButtonProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>>;
  14242. interface TransitionProps extends StylingProps {
  14243. isMounted: boolean;
  14244. transitions: UseTransitionProps;
  14245. elementType?: keyof React__default.ReactHTML;
  14246. children: React__default.ReactNode;
  14247. }
  14248. declare const Transition: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<TransitionProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLElement>>;
  14249. interface AlertDialogProps extends StylingProps {
  14250. /**
  14251. * The title of the dialog. This is the main heading of the dialog and is
  14252. * displayed at the top of the dialog.
  14253. */
  14254. title: string;
  14255. /**
  14256. * The message of the dialog. This is the main content of the dialog and is
  14257. * displayed below the title.
  14258. */
  14259. message?: React__default.ReactNode;
  14260. /**
  14261. * The label for the cancel button. This is the text that is displayed on the
  14262. * button that allows the user to cancel the dialog.
  14263. */
  14264. cancelLabel?: string;
  14265. /**
  14266. * The label for the confirm button. This is the text that is displayed on the
  14267. * button that allows the user to confirm the dialog.
  14268. */
  14269. primaryActionLabel?: string;
  14270. /**
  14271. * The function that is called when the user confirms the dialog. This is
  14272. * called when the user clicks the primary action button.
  14273. */
  14274. onPrimaryAction?: () => void;
  14275. /**
  14276. * The function that is called when the user cancels the dialog. This is
  14277. * called when the user clicks the cancel button or the close button.
  14278. */
  14279. onCancel?: () => void;
  14280. /** The button that should be focused when the dialog is opened. */
  14281. autoFocusButton?: "primary" | "cancel";
  14282. /** Whether the primary action button should be disabled. */
  14283. isPrimaryActionDisabled?: boolean;
  14284. /**
  14285. * The props that are passed to the text input. If this is provided, a text
  14286. * input will be displayed at the bottom of the dialog.
  14287. */
  14288. textInputProps?: TextInputProps;
  14289. /**
  14290. * The icon that is displayed at the top of the dialog. This is typically used
  14291. * to display an icon that represents the type of alert that is being shown.
  14292. */
  14293. icon?: React__default.FC<IconProps>;
  14294. /** The color of the icon. This is the color that is used to fill the icon. */
  14295. iconColor?: string;
  14296. /**
  14297. * Whether the close button should be displayed in the top end corner of the
  14298. * dialog. If this is `true`, a close button will be displayed. If this is
  14299. * `false`, no close button will be displayed.
  14300. *
  14301. * @default true
  14302. */
  14303. showCloseButton?: boolean;
  14304. }
  14305. declare const AlertDialog: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<AlertDialogProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  14306. interface MarkdownProps extends StylingProps {
  14307. /** The markdown to render. */
  14308. children: string;
  14309. /** The flag to show the caret at the end */
  14310. showCaret?: boolean;
  14311. }
  14312. declare const Markdown: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<MarkdownProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  14313. interface AudioPlayerProps extends StylingProps, AriaLabelingProps$1 {
  14314. /**
  14315. * The sources of the audio file. The `url` is the URL of the audio file, and
  14316. * the `type` is the MIME type of the audio file.
  14317. *
  14318. * ```tsx
  14319. * <AudioPlayer
  14320. * sources={[
  14321. * { url: "/sound.mp3", type: "audio/mpeg" },
  14322. * { url: "/sound.ogg", type: "audio/ogg" },
  14323. * ]}
  14324. * />
  14325. * ```
  14326. */
  14327. sources: {
  14328. url: string;
  14329. type: string;
  14330. }[];
  14331. /**
  14332. * The size of the audio player.
  14333. *
  14334. * @default "lg"
  14335. */
  14336. size?: "sm" | "lg";
  14337. }
  14338. declare const AudioPlayer: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<AudioPlayerProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  14339. /**
  14340. * A hook that creates an IntersectionObserver and observes a target element.
  14341. *
  14342. * @example
  14343. * ```tsx
  14344. * import { useIntersectionObserver } from "@baseline-ui/core";
  14345. *
  14346. * const MyComponent = () => {
  14347. * const ref = useRef(null);
  14348. *
  14349. * const onIntersect = (entry) => {
  14350. * console.log(entry);
  14351. * };
  14352. *
  14353. * useIntersectionObserver({ ref, onIntersect });
  14354. *
  14355. * return <div ref={ref}>Hello world</div>;
  14356. * };
  14357. * ```;
  14358. *
  14359. * @param {IntersectionObserverOptions} options - The options for the
  14360. * IntersectionObserver.
  14361. * @param {React.RefObject<HTMLElement>} options.ref - The ref of the target
  14362. * element to observe.
  14363. * @param {(entry: IntersectionObserverEntry) => void} options.onIntersect - The
  14364. * function to call when the target element intersects the root element.
  14365. * @param {boolean} options.isDisabled - Whether the IntersectionObserver should
  14366. * be disabled.
  14367. * @param {number | number[]} options.threshold - The threshold(s) at which to
  14368. * trigger the onIntersect function.
  14369. * @param {string} options.rootMargin - The margin around the root element.
  14370. * @param {React.RefObject<HTMLElement>} options.root - The ref of the root
  14371. * element to observe.
  14372. */
  14373. declare function useIntersectionObserver({ ref, onIntersect, isDisabled, threshold, rootMargin, root, }: IntersectionObserverOptions): void;
  14374. interface IntersectionObserverOptions {
  14375. ref: React__default.RefObject<HTMLElement>;
  14376. onIntersect: (entry: IntersectionObserverEntry) => void;
  14377. root?: React__default.RefObject<HTMLElement>;
  14378. rootMargin?: string;
  14379. threshold?: number;
  14380. isDisabled?: boolean;
  14381. }
  14382. /**
  14383. * A hook that observes the size changes of a DOM element using the
  14384. * ResizeObserver API.
  14385. *
  14386. * @example
  14387. * ```tsx
  14388. * const ref = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
  14389. *
  14390. * const { size } = useResizeObserver({
  14391. * ref,
  14392. * onResize: (entry) => {
  14393. * // do something
  14394. * },
  14395. * isDisabled: false,
  14396. * });
  14397. * ```;
  14398. *
  14399. * @param {Object} options - The options object.
  14400. * @param {React.RefObject<HTMLElement>} options.ref - The ref object that
  14401. * points to the observed element.
  14402. * @param {Function} options.onResize - The callback function that is called
  14403. * when the element is resized.
  14404. * @param {boolean} options.isDisabled - A flag that indicates whether the
  14405. * observer is disabled.
  14406. * @returns {Object} An object that contains the size of the observed element.
  14407. */
  14408. declare function useResizeObserver({ ref, onResize, isDisabled, }: ResizeObserverOptions): {
  14409. size: {
  14410. width: number;
  14411. height: number;
  14412. } | undefined;
  14413. };
  14414. interface ResizeObserverOptions {
  14415. ref: React__default.RefObject<HTMLElement>;
  14416. onResize?: (entry: ResizeObserverEntry) => void;
  14417. isDisabled?: boolean;
  14418. }
  14419. /**
  14420. * A custom hook that loads an image and returns its loading state and props.
  14421. *
  14422. * @example
  14423. * ```tsx
  14424. * const { isLoaded, hasError, isLoading, imgProps } = useImage({
  14425. * src: "",
  14426. * alt: "Placeholder image",
  14427. * });
  14428. * ```;
  14429. *
  14430. * @param {Object} options - The options object.
  14431. * @param {string} options.src - The image source URL.
  14432. * @param {string} options.alt - The image alt text.
  14433. * @returns {Object} An object containing the image loading state and props.
  14434. * @returns {boolean} IsLoaded - Whether the image has loaded.
  14435. * @returns {boolean} HasError - Whether there was an error loading the image.
  14436. * @returns {boolean} IsLoading - Whether the image is currently loading.
  14437. * @returns {Object} ImgProps - The image props to be passed to the `img`
  14438. * element.
  14439. * @returns {string} ImgProps.src - The image source URL, or `undefined` if the
  14440. * image hasn't loaded yet.
  14441. * @returns {string} ImgProps.alt - The image alt text.
  14442. */
  14443. declare function useImage({ src, alt }: {
  14444. src?: string;
  14445. alt: string;
  14446. }): {
  14447. isLoaded: boolean;
  14448. hasError: boolean;
  14449. isLoading: boolean;
  14450. imgProps: {
  14451. src?: string;
  14452. alt: string;
  14453. };
  14454. };
  14455. /**
  14456. * A hook that provides undo and redo functionality for a given state.
  14457. *
  14458. * @example
  14459. * ```tsx
  14460. * const { state, push, undo, redo, pastStates, futureStates, canUndo, canRedo } = useUndoRedo({
  14461. * onAction: (state, action) => {
  14462. * // do something
  14463. * },
  14464. * });
  14465. *
  14466. * // push a new state
  14467. * push({ foo: "bar" });
  14468. *
  14469. * // undo the last state
  14470. * undo();
  14471. *
  14472. * // redo the last state
  14473. * redo();
  14474. * ```;
  14475. *
  14476. * @template T The type of the state object.
  14477. * @param initialState The initial state object.
  14478. * @param options Additional options for the hook.
  14479. * @param options.isDisabled Whether the undo/redo functionality should be
  14480. * disabled.
  14481. * @param options.onAction A callback function that is called whenever an undo
  14482. * or redo action is performed.
  14483. * @returns An object containing the current state, undo and redo functions, and
  14484. * other related properties.
  14485. */
  14486. declare const useUndoRedo: <T>(initialState: T | undefined, { isDisabled, onAction, }: {
  14487. isDisabled?: boolean | undefined;
  14488. onAction?: ((state: T, action: "UNDO" | "REDO") => void) | undefined;
  14489. }) => {
  14490. state: T;
  14491. push: (newState: T) => void;
  14492. undo: () => void;
  14493. redo: () => void;
  14494. pastStates: T[];
  14495. futureStates: T[];
  14496. canUndo: boolean;
  14497. canRedo: boolean;
  14498. };
  14499. /**
  14500. * This hook returns true if the component is being rendered for the first time.
  14501. * This is useful for avoiding side effects on the first render inside of
  14502. * useEffect.
  14503. *
  14504. * @example
  14505. * ```tsx
  14506. * const isFirstRender = useIsFirstRender();
  14507. *
  14508. * useEffect(() => {
  14509. * if (isFirstRender) return;
  14510. * // do something
  14511. * return () => {
  14512. * // do something on unmount
  14513. * };
  14514. * }, [isFirstRender]);
  14515. * ```;
  14516. *
  14517. * @returns Whether or not the component is being rendered for the first time
  14518. */
  14519. declare function useIsFirstRender(): boolean;
  14520. /**
  14521. * A hook that provides internationalization functionality. It returns a
  14522. * function to format messages and the current locale. The hook can be used with
  14523. * or without a messages object. If no messages object is provided, the hook
  14524. * will use the messages provided by the `I18nProvider`. If a messages object is
  14525. * provided, the hook will use those messages instead of the ones provided by
  14526. * the `I18nProvider`.
  14527. *
  14528. * @example
  14529. * ```tsx
  14530. * import { useI18n } from "@baseline-ui/core";
  14531. *
  14532. * const messages = {
  14533. * en: { hello: "Hello" },
  14534. * fr: { hello: "Bonjour" },
  14535. * };
  14536. *
  14537. * const MyComponent = () => {
  14538. * const { formatMessage, locale } = useI18n(messages);
  14539. *
  14540. * return (
  14541. * <div>
  14542. * <p>{formatMessage("hello")}</p>
  14543. * <p>{locale}</p>
  14544. * </div>
  14545. * )};
  14546. * ```;
  14547. *
  14548. * @template T - A type that represents the shape of the translation messages.
  14549. * @param {Object<string, T>} [messages] - An optional object containing
  14550. * translation messages for different languages.
  14551. * @returns {I18nResult<T>} An object containing a function to format messages
  14552. * and the current locale.
  14553. */
  14554. declare function useI18n<T extends Record<string, string>>(messages?: Record<string, T>): I18nResult<T>;
  14555. interface I18nResult<T extends LocalizedStrings[keyof LocalizedStrings]> {
  14556. formatMessage: (id: keyof T | MessageDescriptor, values?: Record<string, any>) => string;
  14557. locale: Locale;
  14558. }
  14559. interface MessageDescriptor {
  14560. id: string;
  14561. defaultMessage?: string;
  14562. }
  14563. /**
  14564. * Defines a set of messages for use with the `useI18n` hook.
  14565. *
  14566. * @param messages An object containing message descriptors.
  14567. * @returns An object containing the message descriptors with their keys as
  14568. * property names.
  14569. */
  14570. declare const defineMessages: <T extends Record<string, {
  14571. id: string;
  14572. }>>(messages: T) => T;
  14573. /**
  14574. * A hook that uses a MutationObserver to watch for changes to the DOM.
  14575. *
  14576. * @example
  14577. * ```tsx
  14578. * const targetRef = React.useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
  14579. *
  14580. * useMutationObserver(targetRef.current, { attributes: true }, (mutations) => {
  14581. * console.log(mutations);
  14582. * // do something with the mutations
  14583. * // ...
  14584. * });
  14585. * ```;
  14586. *
  14587. * @param target The element to observe for changes.
  14588. * @param options The options to pass to the MutationObserver.
  14589. * @param callback The callback to call when a mutation occurs.
  14590. * @see
  14591. */
  14592. declare function useMutationObserver(target: Element | null, options: MutationObserverInit, callback: MutationCallback): MutationObserver | null;
  14593. declare type SetValue<T> = Dispatch<SetStateAction<T>>;
  14594. /**
  14595. * A hook to persist a value to localStorage.
  14596. *
  14597. * @example
  14598. * ```tsx
  14599. * function MyComponent() {
  14600. * const [value, setValue] = useLocalStorage("my-value", "default-value");
  14601. * return (
  14602. * <input value={value} onChange={e => setValue(} />
  14603. * );
  14604. * }
  14605. * ```;
  14606. *
  14607. * @param key The localStorage key to use
  14608. * @param initialValue The initial value to use if the key is not found in
  14609. * localStorage
  14610. */
  14611. declare function useLocalStorage<T>(key: string, initialValue: T): [T, SetValue<T>];
  14612. /**
  14613. * A hook that provides text selection functionality for a given HTML element.
  14614. *
  14615. * ```jsx
  14616. * function MyComponent() {
  14617. * const ref = useRef();
  14618. * const [selection, setSelection] = useState();
  14619. *
  14620. * useTextSelection({
  14621. * ref,
  14622. * onSelectionChange: setSelection,
  14623. * });
  14624. *
  14625. * return (
  14626. * <div ref={ref}>
  14627. * <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</p>
  14628. * </div>
  14629. * );
  14630. * }
  14631. * ```
  14632. */
  14633. declare function useTextSelection({ ref, onSelectionChange, onSelectionEnd, isDisabled, }: TextSelectionProps): void;
  14634. interface TextSelectionProps {
  14635. ref: React__default.RefObject<HTMLElement>;
  14636. onSelectionChange: (selection: Selection) => void;
  14637. onSelectionEnd?: (selection: Selection) => void;
  14638. isDisabled?: boolean;
  14639. }
  14640. /**
  14641. * Returns the current device type based on the window width.
  14642. *
  14643. * ```jsx
  14644. * const device = useDevice();
  14645. *
  14646. * if (device === "mobile") {
  14647. * return <MobileComponent />;
  14648. * } else if (device === "tablet") {
  14649. * return <TabletComponent />;
  14650. * } else {
  14651. * return <DesktopComponent />;
  14652. * }
  14653. * ```
  14654. *
  14655. * @param element - The element to use to get the owner window. Defaults to
  14656. * `document.body`.
  14657. */
  14658. declare function useDevice(element?: Element | null | undefined): "tablet" | "desktop" | "mobile";
  14659. /**
  14660. * Custom hook for accessing PortalContainerProviderContext. This hook allows
  14661. * components to either use a specified portal container or fallback to a
  14662. * default provided via context.
  14663. *
  14664. * @param _portalContainer - An optional HTML element that can be specified as
  14665. * an override.
  14666. * @returns The portal container element where components should be rendered,
  14667. * either the overridden container, one from context or undefined.
  14668. */
  14669. declare function usePortalContainer(_portalContainer?: HTMLElement): HTMLElement | undefined;
  14670. declare const Core_Accordion: typeof Accordion;
  14671. declare const Core_AccordionItem: typeof AccordionItem;
  14672. type Core_AccordionItemProps = AccordionItemProps;
  14673. type Core_AccordionProps = AccordionProps;
  14674. declare const Core_ActionButton: typeof ActionButton;
  14675. type Core_ActionButtonProps = ActionButtonProps;
  14676. declare const Core_ActionIconButton: typeof ActionIconButton;
  14677. type Core_ActionIconButtonProps = ActionIconButtonProps;
  14678. declare const Core_AlertDialog: typeof AlertDialog;
  14679. type Core_AlertDialogProps = AlertDialogProps;
  14680. declare const Core_AudioPlayer: typeof AudioPlayer;
  14681. type Core_AudioPlayerProps = AudioPlayerProps;
  14682. declare const Core_Avatar: typeof Avatar;
  14683. type Core_AvatarProps = AvatarProps;
  14684. type Core_BlockProps = BlockProps;
  14685. declare const Core_Box: typeof Box;
  14686. type Core_BoxProps = BoxProps;
  14687. declare const Core_Checkbox: typeof Checkbox;
  14688. type Core_CheckboxProps = CheckboxProps;
  14689. declare const Core_ColorInput: typeof ColorInput;
  14690. type Core_ColorInputProps = ColorInputProps;
  14691. declare const Core_ColorPresetInlineInput: typeof ColorPresetInlineInput;
  14692. type Core_ColorPresetInlineInputProps = ColorPresetInlineInputProps;
  14693. declare const Core_ColorSwatch: typeof ColorSwatch;
  14694. type Core_ColorSwatchProps = ColorSwatchProps;
  14695. declare const Core_DateFormat: typeof DateFormat;
  14696. type Core_DateFormatProps = DateFormatProps;
  14697. declare const Core_Dialog: typeof Dialog;
  14698. type Core_DialogProps = DialogProps;
  14699. declare const Core_DialogTitle: typeof DialogTitle;
  14700. type Core_DialogTitleProps = DialogTitleProps;
  14701. declare const Core_DomNodeRenderer: typeof DomNodeRenderer;
  14702. type Core_DomNodeRendererProps = DomNodeRendererProps;
  14703. declare const Core_Drawer: typeof Drawer;
  14704. type Core_DrawerProps = DrawerProps;
  14705. declare const Core_Editor: typeof Editor;
  14706. type Core_EditorHandle = EditorHandle;
  14707. type Core_EditorProps = EditorProps;
  14708. declare const Core_FileUpload: typeof FileUpload;
  14709. type Core_FileUploadProps = FileUploadProps;
  14710. declare const Core_FreehandCanvas: typeof FreehandCanvas;
  14711. type Core_FreehandCanvasProps = FreehandCanvasProps;
  14712. declare const Core_Group: typeof Group;
  14713. type Core_GroupProps = GroupProps;
  14714. declare const Core_I18nProvider: typeof I18nProvider;
  14715. type Core_I18nResult<T extends LocalizedStrings[keyof LocalizedStrings]> = I18nResult<T>;
  14716. declare const Core_IconColorInputButton: typeof IconColorInputButton;
  14717. declare const Core_ImageDropZone: typeof ImageDropZone;
  14718. type Core_ImageDropZoneProps = ImageDropZoneProps;
  14719. declare const Core_InlineAlert: typeof InlineAlert;
  14720. type Core_InlineAlertProps = InlineAlertProps;
  14721. declare const Core_Link: typeof Link;
  14722. type Core_LinkProps = LinkProps;
  14723. declare const Core_ListBox: typeof ListBox;
  14724. type Core_ListBoxProps = ListBoxProps;
  14725. type Core_ListOption = ListOption;
  14726. declare const Core_Markdown: typeof Markdown;
  14727. type Core_MarkdownProps = MarkdownProps;
  14728. declare const Core_Menu: typeof Menu;
  14729. type Core_MenuItem = MenuItem;
  14730. type Core_MenuProps = MenuProps;
  14731. type Core_MessageDescriptor = MessageDescriptor;
  14732. declare const Core_MessageFormat: typeof MessageFormat;
  14733. type Core_MessageFormatProps = MessageFormatProps;
  14734. declare const Core_Modal: typeof Modal;
  14735. declare const Core_ModalClose: typeof ModalClose;
  14736. declare const Core_ModalContent: typeof ModalContent;
  14737. type Core_ModalContentProps = ModalContentProps;
  14738. type Core_ModalProps = ModalProps;
  14739. declare const Core_ModalTrigger: typeof ModalTrigger;
  14740. declare const Core_NumberFormat: typeof NumberFormat;
  14741. type Core_NumberFormatProps = NumberFormatProps;
  14742. declare const Core_NumberInput: typeof NumberInput;
  14743. type Core_NumberInputProps = NumberInputProps;
  14744. declare const Core_Pagination: typeof Pagination;
  14745. type Core_PaginationProps = PaginationProps;
  14746. declare const Core_Popover: typeof Popover;
  14747. declare const Core_PopoverContent: typeof PopoverContent;
  14748. type Core_PopoverContentProps = PopoverContentProps;
  14749. type Core_PopoverProps = PopoverProps;
  14750. declare const Core_PopoverTrigger: typeof PopoverTrigger;
  14751. type Core_PopoverTriggerProps = PopoverTriggerProps;
  14752. declare const Core_Portal: typeof Portal;
  14753. declare const Core_PortalContainerProvider: typeof PortalContainerProvider;
  14754. type Core_PortalProps = PortalProps;
  14755. declare const Core_Preview: typeof Preview;
  14756. type Core_PreviewProps = PreviewProps;
  14757. declare const Core_ProgressBar: typeof ProgressBar;
  14758. type Core_ProgressBarProps = ProgressBarProps;
  14759. declare const Core_ProgressSpinner: typeof ProgressSpinner;
  14760. type Core_ProgressSpinnerProps = ProgressSpinnerProps;
  14761. declare const Core_RadioGroup: typeof RadioGroup;
  14762. type Core_RadioGroupProps = RadioGroupProps;
  14763. declare const Core_Reaction: typeof Reaction;
  14764. type Core_ReactionProps = ReactionProps;
  14765. declare const Core_ScrollControlButton: typeof ScrollControlButton;
  14766. type Core_ScrollControlButtonProps = ScrollControlButtonProps;
  14767. declare const Core_SearchInput: typeof SearchInput;
  14768. type Core_SearchInputProps = SearchInputProps;
  14769. declare const Core_Select: typeof Select;
  14770. type Core_SelectProps = SelectProps;
  14771. declare const Core_Separator: typeof Separator;
  14772. type Core_SeparatorProps = SeparatorProps;
  14773. declare const Core_Slider: typeof Slider;
  14774. type Core_SliderProps = SliderProps;
  14775. type Core_StylingProps = StylingProps;
  14776. declare const Core_Switch: typeof Switch;
  14777. type Core_SwitchProps = SwitchProps;
  14778. declare const Core_TabItem: typeof TabItem;
  14779. type Core_TabItemProps = TabItemProps;
  14780. declare const Core_Tabs: typeof Tabs;
  14781. type Core_TabsProps = TabsProps;
  14782. declare const Core_TagGroup: typeof TagGroup;
  14783. type Core_TagGroupProps = TagGroupProps;
  14784. declare const Core_TextInput: typeof TextInput;
  14785. type Core_TextInputProps = TextInputProps;
  14786. type Core_TextProps<T extends keyof React__default.JSX.IntrinsicElements = "span"> = TextProps<T>;
  14787. declare const Core_ThemeProvider: typeof ThemeProvider;
  14788. type Core_ThemeProviderProps = ThemeProviderProps;
  14789. declare const Core_ToggleButton: typeof ToggleButton;
  14790. type Core_ToggleButtonProps = ToggleButtonProps;
  14791. declare const Core_ToggleIconButton: typeof ToggleIconButton;
  14792. type Core_ToggleIconButtonProps = ToggleIconButtonProps;
  14793. declare const Core_Toolbar: typeof Toolbar;
  14794. type Core_ToolbarProps = ToolbarProps;
  14795. declare const Core_Tooltip: typeof Tooltip;
  14796. type Core_TooltipProps = TooltipProps;
  14797. declare const Core_Transform: typeof Transform;
  14798. type Core_TransformProps = TransformProps;
  14799. declare const Core_Transition: typeof Transition;
  14800. type Core_TransitionProps = TransitionProps;
  14801. declare const Core_defineMessages: typeof defineMessages;
  14802. declare const Core_isInsideOverlayContent: typeof isInsideOverlayContent;
  14803. declare const Core_useCollator: typeof useCollator;
  14804. declare const Core_useDateFormatter: typeof useDateFormatter;
  14805. declare const Core_useDevice: typeof useDevice;
  14806. declare const Core_useI18n: typeof useI18n;
  14807. declare const Core_useImage: typeof useImage;
  14808. declare const Core_useIntersectionObserver: typeof useIntersectionObserver;
  14809. declare const Core_useIsFirstRender: typeof useIsFirstRender;
  14810. declare const Core_useLocalStorage: typeof useLocalStorage;
  14811. declare const Core_useMutationObserver: typeof useMutationObserver;
  14812. declare const Core_useNumberFormatter: typeof useNumberFormatter;
  14813. declare const Core_usePortalContainer: typeof usePortalContainer;
  14814. declare const Core_useResizeObserver: typeof useResizeObserver;
  14815. declare const Core_useTextSelection: typeof useTextSelection;
  14816. declare const Core_useUndoRedo: typeof useUndoRedo;
  14817. declare const Core_useUserPreferences: typeof useUserPreferences;
  14818. declare namespace Core {
  14819. export { Core_Accordion as Accordion, Core_AccordionItem as AccordionItem, type Core_AccordionItemProps as AccordionItemProps, type Core_AccordionProps as AccordionProps, Core_ActionButton as ActionButton, type Core_ActionButtonProps as ActionButtonProps, Core_ActionIconButton as ActionIconButton, type Core_ActionIconButtonProps as ActionIconButtonProps, Core_AlertDialog as AlertDialog, type Core_AlertDialogProps as AlertDialogProps, Core_AudioPlayer as AudioPlayer, type Core_AudioPlayerProps as AudioPlayerProps, Core_Avatar as Avatar, type Core_AvatarProps as AvatarProps, type Core_BlockProps as BlockProps, Core_Box as Box, type Core_BoxProps as BoxProps, Core_Checkbox as Checkbox, type Core_CheckboxProps as CheckboxProps, Core_ColorInput as ColorInput, type Core_ColorInputProps as ColorInputProps, type ColorPreset$1 as ColorPreset, Core_ColorPresetInlineInput as ColorPresetInlineInput, type Core_ColorPresetInlineInputProps as ColorPresetInlineInputProps, Core_ColorSwatch as ColorSwatch, type Core_ColorSwatchProps as ColorSwatchProps, Core_DateFormat as DateFormat, type Core_DateFormatProps as DateFormatProps, Core_Dialog as Dialog, type Core_DialogProps as DialogProps, Core_DialogTitle as DialogTitle, type Core_DialogTitleProps as DialogTitleProps, Core_DomNodeRenderer as DomNodeRenderer, type Core_DomNodeRendererProps as DomNodeRendererProps, Core_Drawer as Drawer, type Core_DrawerProps as DrawerProps, Core_Editor as Editor, type Core_EditorHandle as EditorHandle, type Core_EditorProps as EditorProps, Core_FileUpload as FileUpload, type Core_FileUploadProps as FileUploadProps, Core_FreehandCanvas as FreehandCanvas, type Core_FreehandCanvasProps as FreehandCanvasProps, Core_Group as Group, type Core_GroupProps as GroupProps, Core_I18nProvider as I18nProvider, type I18nProviderProps$1 as I18nProviderProps, type Core_I18nResult as I18nResult, Core_IconColorInputButton as IconColorInputButton, Core_ImageDropZone as ImageDropZone, type Core_ImageDropZoneProps as ImageDropZoneProps, Core_InlineAlert as InlineAlert, type Core_InlineAlertProps as InlineAlertProps, Core_Link as Link, type Core_LinkProps as LinkProps, Core_ListBox as ListBox, type Core_ListBoxProps as ListBoxProps, type Core_ListOption as ListOption, Core_Markdown as Markdown, type Core_MarkdownProps as MarkdownProps, Core_Menu as Menu, type Core_MenuItem as MenuItem, type Core_MenuProps as MenuProps, type Core_MessageDescriptor as MessageDescriptor, Core_MessageFormat as MessageFormat, type Core_MessageFormatProps as MessageFormatProps, Core_Modal as Modal, Core_ModalClose as ModalClose, Core_ModalContent as ModalContent, type Core_ModalContentProps as ModalContentProps, type Core_ModalProps as ModalProps, Core_ModalTrigger as ModalTrigger, Core_NumberFormat as NumberFormat, type Core_NumberFormatProps as NumberFormatProps, Core_NumberInput as NumberInput, type Core_NumberInputProps as NumberInputProps, Core_Pagination as Pagination, type Core_PaginationProps as PaginationProps, Core_Popover as Popover, Core_PopoverContent as PopoverContent, type Core_PopoverContentProps as PopoverContentProps, type Core_PopoverProps as PopoverProps, Core_PopoverTrigger as PopoverTrigger, type Core_PopoverTriggerProps as PopoverTriggerProps, Core_Portal as Portal, Core_PortalContainerProvider as PortalContainerProvider, type Core_PortalProps as PortalProps, Core_Preview as Preview, type Core_PreviewProps as PreviewProps, Core_ProgressBar as ProgressBar, type Core_ProgressBarProps as ProgressBarProps, Core_ProgressSpinner as ProgressSpinner, type Core_ProgressSpinnerProps as ProgressSpinnerProps, Core_RadioGroup as RadioGroup, type Core_RadioGroupProps as RadioGroupProps, Core_Reaction as Reaction, type Core_ReactionProps as ReactionProps, Core_ScrollControlButton as ScrollControlButton, type Core_ScrollControlButtonProps as ScrollControlButtonProps, Core_SearchInput as SearchInput, type Core_SearchInputProps as SearchInputProps, Core_Select as Select, type Core_SelectProps as SelectProps, Core_Separator as Separator, type Core_SeparatorProps as SeparatorProps, Core_Slider as Slider, type Core_SliderProps as SliderProps, type Core_StylingProps as StylingProps, Core_Switch as Switch, type Core_SwitchProps as SwitchProps, Core_TabItem as TabItem, type Core_TabItemProps as TabItemProps, Core_Tabs as Tabs, type Core_TabsProps as TabsProps, Core_TagGroup as TagGroup, type Core_TagGroupProps as TagGroupProps, Text$1 as Text, Core_TextInput as TextInput, type Core_TextInputProps as TextInputProps, type Core_TextProps as TextProps, Core_ThemeProvider as ThemeProvider, type Core_ThemeProviderProps as ThemeProviderProps, Core_ToggleButton as ToggleButton, type Core_ToggleButtonProps as ToggleButtonProps, Core_ToggleIconButton as ToggleIconButton, type Core_ToggleIconButtonProps as ToggleIconButtonProps, Core_Toolbar as Toolbar, type Core_ToolbarProps as ToolbarProps, Core_Tooltip as Tooltip, type Core_TooltipProps as TooltipProps, Core_Transform as Transform, type Core_TransformProps as TransformProps, Core_Transition as Transition, type Core_TransitionProps as TransitionProps, Core_defineMessages as defineMessages, Core_isInsideOverlayContent as isInsideOverlayContent, Core_useCollator as useCollator, Core_useDateFormatter as useDateFormatter, Core_useDevice as useDevice, Core_useI18n as useI18n, Core_useImage as useImage, Core_useIntersectionObserver as useIntersectionObserver, Core_useIsFirstRender as useIsFirstRender, Core_useLocalStorage as useLocalStorage, Core_useMutationObserver as useMutationObserver, Core_useNumberFormatter as useNumberFormatter, Core_usePortalContainer as usePortalContainer, Core_useResizeObserver as useResizeObserver, Core_useTextSelection as useTextSelection, Core_useUndoRedo as useUndoRedo, Core_useUserPreferences as useUserPreferences };
  14820. }
  14821. declare type Any$1 = any;
  14822. declare type IRecord$1 = Record<Any$1, Any$1>;
  14823. declare type AnyComponent = React__default.ComponentType<Any$1> | keyof ReactHTML;
  14824. declare type Child = Block | string | number | ((...args: Any$1[]) => React__default.ReactElement);
  14825. declare type Props<T extends AnyComponent> = Omit<React__default.ComponentPropsWithRef<T>, "children"> & {
  14826. "data-block-id"?: string;
  14827. children?: Child[];
  14828. };
  14829. declare type PropsWithoutChildren<T extends AnyComponent> = Omit<Props<T>, "children">;
  14830. /**
  14831. * The Block class is a wrapper around React components. It is used to create a
  14832. * virtual DOM tree that can be rendered to the DOM.
  14833. */
  14834. declare class Block<T extends AnyComponent = AnyComponent> {
  14835. id: string;
  14836. private readonly _container;
  14837. private readonly _component;
  14838. private _props;
  14839. private _children;
  14840. private parent?;
  14841. constructor(component: AnyComponent, props: Props<T>, options?: {
  14842. container?: HTMLElement;
  14843. ownerDocument?: Document;
  14844. });
  14845. private _setParent;
  14846. /**
  14847. * This getter returns the props of the block.
  14848. *
  14849. * ```tsx
  14850. * const block = new Block("div", { className: "test" });
  14851. *
  14852. * block.props; // { className: "test" }
  14853. * ```
  14854. */
  14855. get props(): PropsWithoutChildren<T>;
  14856. /**
  14857. * This setter sets the props of the block. This method will replace the
  14858. * existing props with the new props. Do not pass children in the props. Use
  14859. * the `children` setter instead.
  14860. *
  14861. * ```tsx
  14862. * const block = new Block("div", { className: "test" });
  14863. *
  14864. * block.props = { className: "test2" };
  14865. * ```
  14866. *
  14867. * @param props
  14868. */
  14869. set props(props: PropsWithoutChildren<T>);
  14870. /**
  14871. * This method will create a React element from the block and all of its
  14872. * children.
  14873. *
  14874. * ```ts
  14875. * const App = () => {
  14876. * const block = new Block("div", { className: "test" });
  14877. * return block.createComponent();
  14878. * // <div className="test" />
  14879. * };
  14880. * ```
  14881. *
  14882. * @param key The key to use for the component.
  14883. * @returns A React element.
  14884. */
  14885. createComponent(key?: Key$2): React__default.ReactElement;
  14886. /**
  14887. * This getter returns a list of the children of the block.
  14888. *
  14889. * ```ts
  14890. * const block = new Block("div", { className: "test" });
  14891. *
  14892. * block.children = ["test"];
  14893. * block.children; // ["test"]
  14894. * ```
  14895. */
  14896. get children(): Child[];
  14897. /**
  14898. * This setter sets the children of the block. This method will replace the
  14899. * existing children with the new children.
  14900. *
  14901. * ```ts
  14902. * const block = new Block("div", { className: "test" });
  14903. *
  14904. * block.children = ["test"];
  14905. * block.children; // ["test"]
  14906. * ```
  14907. *
  14908. * @param children The new children to use.
  14909. */
  14910. set children(children: Child[]);
  14911. /**
  14912. * Prepends children to the block. This method will prepend the children to
  14913. * the beginning of the existing children.
  14914. *
  14915. * ```ts
  14916. * const child1 = new Block("div", { className: "test1", data-block-id: "test1" });
  14917. * const child2 = new Block("div", { className: "test2", data-block-id: "test2" });
  14918. * const block = new Block("div", { className: "test", children: [
  14919. * child1,
  14920. * child2,
  14921. * ]});
  14922. *
  14923. * const child3 = new Block("div", { className: "test3", data-block-id: "test3" });
  14924. * block.prependChildren(child3);
  14925. * block.children; // [child3, child1, child2]
  14926. * ```
  14927. *
  14928. * @param children The children to prepend.
  14929. * @returns The Block instance.
  14930. */
  14931. prependChildren(...children: Child[]): this;
  14932. /**
  14933. * Appends children to the block. This method will append the children to the
  14934. * end of the existing children.
  14935. *
  14936. * ```ts
  14937. * const child1 = new Block("div", { className: "test1", data-block-id: "test1" });
  14938. * const child2 = new Block("div", { className: "test2", data-block-id: "test2" });
  14939. * const block = new Block("div", { className: "test", children: [
  14940. * child1,
  14941. * child2,
  14942. * ]});
  14943. *
  14944. * const child3 = new Block("div", { className: "test3", data-block-id: "test3" });
  14945. *
  14946. * block.appendChildren(child3);
  14947. * block.children; // [child1, child2, child3]
  14948. * ```
  14949. *
  14950. * @param children
  14951. * @returns The Block instance.
  14952. */
  14953. appendChildren(...children: Child[]): this;
  14954. /**
  14955. * This method will search the entire tree of children and then inserts
  14956. * children after the child with the given id. This method will insert the
  14957. * children after the first child with the given id. If the child is not
  14958. * found, the children will not be inserted.
  14959. *
  14960. * ```ts
  14961. * const child1 = new Block("div", { className: "test1", data-block-id: "test1" });
  14962. * const child2 = new Block("div", { className: "test2", data-block-id: "test2" });
  14963. *
  14964. * const block = new Block("div", { className: "test", children: [
  14965. * child1,
  14966. * child2,
  14967. * ]});
  14968. *
  14969. * const child3 = new Block("div", { className: "test3", data-block-id: "test3" });
  14970. * block.insertAfter(, child3);
  14971. * block.children; // [child1, child2, child3]
  14972. * ```
  14973. *
  14974. * @param block The id of the child block or the block to insert the children
  14975. * after.
  14976. * @param children The children to insert.
  14977. * @returns The Block instance.
  14978. */
  14979. insertBefore(block: string | Block, ...children: Child[]): this;
  14980. /**
  14981. * This method will search the entire tree of children and then inserts
  14982. * children after the child with the given id. This method will insert the
  14983. * children after the first child with the given id. If the child is not
  14984. * found, the children will not be inserted.
  14985. *
  14986. * ```ts
  14987. * const child1 = new Block("div", { className: "test1", data-block-id: "test1" });
  14988. * const child2 = new Block("div", { className: "test2", data-block-id: "test2" });
  14989. * const block = new Block("div", { className: "test", children: [child1, child2] });
  14990. *
  14991. * const child3 = new Block("div", { className: "test3", data-block-id: "test3" });
  14992. *
  14993. * block.insertAfter(, child3);
  14994. * block.children; // [child1, child3, child2]
  14995. * ```
  14996. *
  14997. * @param block
  14998. * @param children The children to insert.
  14999. * @returns The Block instance.
  15000. */
  15001. insertAfter(block: string | Block, ...children: Child[]): this;
  15002. /**
  15003. * This method will search the entire tree of children and then replaces the
  15004. * child with the given id with the new children. This method will replace the
  15005. * first child with the given id. If the child is not found, the children will
  15006. * not be inserted.
  15007. *
  15008. * ```ts
  15009. * const child1 = new Block("div", { className: "test1", data-block-id: "test1" });
  15010. * const child2 = new Block("div", { className: "test2", data-block-id: "test2" });
  15011. * const block = new Block("div", { className: "test", children: [child1, child2] });
  15012. *
  15013. * const child3 = new Block("div", { className: "test3", data-block-id: "test3" });
  15014. *
  15015. * block.replace(, child3);
  15016. * block.children; // [child3, child2]
  15017. * ```
  15018. *
  15019. * @param block The id of the child block or the block to replace.
  15020. * @param children The children to insert.
  15021. * @returns The Block instance.
  15022. */
  15023. replace(block: string | Block, ...children: Child[]): this;
  15024. /**
  15025. * Finds a child block by its id. This method will search the entire tree of
  15026. * children. If the child is not found, undefined is returned.
  15027. *
  15028. * ```ts
  15029. * const child1 = new Block("div", {
  15030. * className: "test1",
  15031. * "data-block-id": "test1",
  15032. * });
  15033. * const child2 = new Block("div", {
  15034. * className: "test2",
  15035. * "data-block-id": "test2",
  15036. * });
  15037. * const block = new Block("div", { className: "test" }, child1, child2);
  15038. *
  15039. * block.getBlockById(; // child2
  15040. * ```
  15041. *
  15042. * @param id The id of the child to find.
  15043. * @returns The child block or undefined.
  15044. */
  15045. getBlockById<T extends AnyComponent>(id: string): Block<T> | undefined;
  15046. /**
  15047. * Finds the blocks by the component. This method will search the entire tree
  15048. * of children. If the child is not found, undefined is returned.
  15049. *
  15050. * ```ts
  15051. * const child1 = new Block("div", {
  15052. * className: "test1",
  15053. * "data-block-id": "test1",
  15054. * });
  15055. * const child2 = new Block("div", {
  15056. * className: "test2",
  15057. * "data-block-id": "test2",
  15058. * });
  15059. * const slider = new Block(Slider, {
  15060. * className: "test",
  15061. * "data-block-id": "test",
  15062. * });
  15063. *
  15064. * const block = new Block(
  15065. * "div",
  15066. * { className: "test" },
  15067. * child1,
  15068. * child2,
  15069. * slider,
  15070. * );
  15071. *
  15072. * block.getBlocksByComponent(Slider); // [slider]
  15073. * ```
  15074. *
  15075. * @param component
  15076. * @returns An array of blocks.
  15077. */
  15078. getBlocksByComponent<T extends AnyComponent>(component: T): Block<T>[];
  15079. private _getChild;
  15080. private _removeChild;
  15081. /**
  15082. * Removes a child block by its id. This method will search the entire tree of
  15083. * children. If the child is not found, undefined is returned.
  15084. *
  15085. * ```ts
  15086. * const child1 = new Block("div", { className: "test1", data-block-id: "test1" });
  15087. * const child2 = new Block("div", { className: "test2", data-block-id: "test2" });
  15088. *
  15089. * const block = new Block("div", { className: "test", children: [child1, child2] });
  15090. *
  15091. * block.removeChildById(;
  15092. * block.children; // [child1]
  15093. * ```
  15094. *
  15095. * @param id
  15096. */
  15097. removeChildById(id: string): void;
  15098. /**
  15099. * Returns a DOM Node that can be added directly to the DOM. This method will
  15100. * create a DOM Node from the block and all of its children.
  15101. */
  15102. createDOMNode(container?: HTMLElement): HTMLElement;
  15103. /**
  15104. * This method will merge the props of the block with the new props.
  15105. *
  15106. * ```ts
  15107. * const block = new Block("div", { className: "test", id: "testid" });
  15108. *
  15109. * block.mergeProps({ className: "test2" });
  15110. * block.props; // { className: "test2", id: "testid" }
  15111. * ```
  15112. *
  15113. * @param props The new props to use.
  15114. * @returns The Block instance.
  15115. */
  15116. mergeProps(props: Partial<Props<T>>): this;
  15117. /**
  15118. * Sets a single prop on the component. This method will not re-render the
  15119. * component.
  15120. *
  15121. * ```ts
  15122. * const block = new Block("div", { className: "test", id: "testid" });
  15123. *
  15124. * block.setProp("className", "test2");
  15125. * block.props; // { className: "test2", id: "testid" }
  15126. * ```
  15127. *
  15128. * @param key
  15129. * @param value
  15130. * @returns The Block instance.
  15131. */
  15132. setProp<U extends keyof Props<T>>(key: U, value: Props<T>[U]): this;
  15133. /**
  15134. * This method will return a JSON representation of the block and all of its
  15135. * children.
  15136. */
  15137. toJS(): IJSON;
  15138. }
  15139. interface IJSON {
  15140. id?: string;
  15141. component: string;
  15142. props: IRecord$1;
  15143. children: (IJSON | {
  15144. value: string | number | ((...args: Any$1[]) => React__default.ReactElement);
  15145. })[];
  15146. }
  15147. declare type Any = any;
  15148. interface BlockId {
  15149. "data-block-id"?: string;
  15150. }
  15151. /**
  15152. * Creates a new Block instance.
  15153. *
  15154. * @param component The component to render.
  15155. * @param props The props to pass to the component.
  15156. * @param children
  15157. */
  15158. declare function createBlock<T extends keyof React__default.ReactHTML>(component: T, props?: Omit<React__default.ComponentPropsWithRef<T>, "children"> & BlockId, ...children: Child[]): Block<T>;
  15159. declare function createBlock<T extends React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<Any>>(component: T, props?: Omit<React__default.ComponentPropsWithRef<T>, "children"> & BlockId, ...children: Child[]): Block<T>;
  15160. declare function createBlock<T extends (...args: Any[]) => Any>(component: T, props?: Omit<Parameters<T>[0], "children"> & BlockId, ...children: Child[]): Block<T>;
  15161. declare type Messages = {
  15162. action: string;
  15163. addLink: string;
  15164. addSignature: string;
  15165. anonymous: string;
  15166. backgroundColor: string;
  15167. black: string;
  15168. blue: string;
  15169. bold: string;
  15170. cancel: string;
  15171. chat: string;
  15172. chooseColor: string;
  15173. clearSignature: string;
  15174. close: string;
  15175. color: string;
  15176. comment: string;
  15177. commentAction: string;
  15178. commentEditorLabel: string;
  15179. commentOptions: string;
  15180. comments: string;
  15181. commentsCount: string;
  15182. commentThread: string;
  15183. copy: string;
  15184. createStamp: string;
  15185. customStamp: string;
  15186. cut: string;
  15187. darkBlue: string;
  15188. date: string;
  15189. delete: string;
  15190. deleteComment: string;
  15191. deleteCommentConfirmMessage: string;
  15192. discardChanges: string;
  15193. done: string;
  15194. draw: string;
  15195. edit: string;
  15196. editContent: string;
  15197. editLink: string;
  15198. fontColor: string;
  15199. fonts: string;
  15200. help: string;
  15201. image: string;
  15202. italic: string;
  15203. linkAnnotation: string;
  15204. loading: string;
  15205. nMoreComments: string;
  15206. openHelpDialog: string;
  15207. paste: string;
  15208. pause: string;
  15209. play: string;
  15210. preview: string;
  15211. readMore: string;
  15212. redo: string;
  15213. removeLink: string;
  15214. save: string;
  15215. saveSignature: string;
  15216. selectAll: string;
  15217. selectDragImage: string;
  15218. shortcut: string;
  15219. showMore: string;
  15220. signature: string;
  15221. signatures: string;
  15222. signHere: string;
  15223. stampAnnotationTemplatesDialog: string;
  15224. stampText: string;
  15225. storeSignature: string;
  15226. time: string;
  15227. toolbarFocus: string;
  15228. type: string;
  15229. typeSomething: string;
  15230. underline: string;
  15231. undo: string;
  15232. useAnExistingStampDesign: string;
  15233. viewMoreResults: string;
  15234. };
  15235. interface SignatureTextInputProps extends StylingProps, Omit<AriaTextFieldOptions<"input">, "isRequired" | "isReadOnly" | "inputElementType" | "validationState" | "isInvalid" | "description" | "errorMessage" | keyof AriaLabelingProps$1> {
  15236. /** The style object to apply to the input element. */
  15237. inputStyle?: React__default.CSSProperties;
  15238. /** The class name to apply to the input element. */
  15239. inputClassName?: string;
  15240. /** The clear button label. */
  15241. clearLabel: string;
  15242. /**
  15243. * Whether the input is inline. This affects the styling of the input.
  15244. *
  15245. * @default true
  15246. */
  15247. isInline?: boolean;
  15248. /** The label for the input. */
  15249. label: string;
  15250. /** The class name to apply to the footer element. */
  15251. footerClassName?: string;
  15252. /** The style object to apply to the footer element. */
  15253. footerStyle?: React__default.CSSProperties;
  15254. }
  15255. declare const SignatureTextInput: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<SignatureTextInputProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  15256. interface DevtoolsProps extends StylingProps {
  15257. /** The children to render. */
  15258. children: React__default.ReactNode;
  15259. /**
  15260. * The stating string for the class name.
  15261. *
  15262. * @default "BaselineUI"
  15263. */
  15264. classStartsWith?: string;
  15265. }
  15266. declare const Devtools: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<DevtoolsProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  15267. interface StampProps extends StylingProps, AriaLabelingProps$1 {
  15268. /** The height of the stamp. */
  15269. height?: number;
  15270. /** The minimum width of the stamp. */
  15271. minWidth?: number;
  15272. /** The maximum width of the stamp. */
  15273. maxWidth?: number;
  15274. /** The width of the stamp's stroke. */
  15275. strokeWidth?: number;
  15276. /** The color of the stamp's stroke. */
  15277. strokeColor?: string;
  15278. /** The fill color of the stamp. */
  15279. fillColor?: string;
  15280. /** The color of the stamp's font. */
  15281. fontColor?: string;
  15282. /** The font family of the stamp. */
  15283. fontFamily?: string;
  15284. /** The description of the stamp. This is displayed below the `text`. */
  15285. subText?: string;
  15286. /**
  15287. * The main text of the stamp. This is displayed at the center of the stamp if
  15288. * no `subText` is provided. Otherwise, it is displayed above the `subText`.
  15289. */
  15290. text?: string;
  15291. /**
  15292. * The label of the stamp. This is used as the title of the SVG element. It is
  15293. * not visible to the user.
  15294. */
  15295. label?: string | React__default.ReactNode;
  15296. /**
  15297. * The callback function that is called when the dimensions of the stamp
  15298. * change.
  15299. */
  15300. onDimensionsChange?: (dimensions: {
  15301. width: number;
  15302. height: number;
  15303. }) => void;
  15304. }
  15305. declare const Stamp: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<StampProps & React__default.RefAttributes<SVGSVGElement>>;
  15306. interface CommentProps extends StylingProps {
  15307. /**
  15308. * The list of reactions to show in the comment. If this is not provided, the
  15309. * reactions will not be shown.
  15310. */
  15311. reactions?: ReactionProps[];
  15312. /** The name shown in the comment header. */
  15313. name?: React__default.ReactNode;
  15314. /**
  15315. * The description shown in the comment header. This can be a string or a
  15316. * React node.
  15317. */
  15318. description?: React__default.ReactNode;
  15319. /** The content of the comment. This can be a string or a React node. */
  15320. content: React__default.ReactNode;
  15321. /**
  15322. * The type of the content string. If this is set to "html", the content will
  15323. * be rendered as HTML. If this is set to "plain", the content will be
  15324. * rendered as plain text. This prop is only used when the `content` prop is a
  15325. * string.
  15326. *
  15327. * @default "plain"
  15328. */
  15329. contentStringType?: "plain" | "html";
  15330. /**
  15331. * Indicates whether the element is displayed inline.
  15332. *
  15333. * @default true
  15334. */
  15335. isInline?: boolean;
  15336. /**
  15337. * The avatar properties to be passed to the `Avatar` component. If this is
  15338. * not provided, the avatar will not be shown.
  15339. */
  15340. avatarProps?: Omit<AvatarProps, "size">;
  15341. /**
  15342. * The `aria-label` property assigned to the menu trigger element of the
  15343. * component.
  15344. */
  15345. menuProps?: MenuProps;
  15346. /**
  15347. * The `children` property is an optional prop that accepts a JSX element or
  15348. * an array of JSX elements. The children is displayed at the bottom of the
  15349. * comment.
  15350. */
  15351. children?: React__default.ReactNode;
  15352. /** Represents the unique identifier of a comment in the data. */
  15353. "data-comment-id"?: string;
  15354. }
  15355. declare const Comment: React__default.ForwardRefExoticComponent<CommentProps & React__default.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  15356. declare const App_Comment: typeof Comment;
  15357. type App_CommentProps = CommentProps;
  15358. declare const App_Devtools: typeof Devtools;
  15359. type App_DevtoolsProps = DevtoolsProps;
  15360. declare const App_SignatureTextInput: typeof SignatureTextInput;
  15361. type App_SignatureTextInputProps = SignatureTextInputProps;
  15362. declare const App_Stamp: typeof Stamp;
  15363. type App_StampProps = StampProps;
  15364. declare namespace App {
  15365. export { App_Comment as Comment, type App_CommentProps as CommentProps, App_Devtools as Devtools, type App_DevtoolsProps as DevtoolsProps, App_SignatureTextInput as SignatureTextInput, type App_SignatureTextInputProps as SignatureTextInputProps, App_Stamp as Stamp, type App_StampProps as StampProps };
  15366. }
  15367. /*
  15368. * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.
  15369. * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  15370. * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
  15371. * of the License at
  15372. *
  15373. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
  15374. * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS
  15375. * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
  15376. * governing permissions and limitations under the License.
  15377. */
  15378. interface AriaLabelingProps {
  15379. /**
  15380. * Defines a string value that labels the current element.
  15381. */
  15382. 'aria-label'?: string,
  15383. /**
  15384. * Identifies the element (or elements) that labels the current element.
  15385. */
  15386. 'aria-labelledby'?: string,
  15387. /**
  15388. * Identifies the element (or elements) that describes the object.
  15389. */
  15390. 'aria-describedby'?: string,
  15391. /**
  15392. * Identifies the element (or elements) that provide a detailed, extended description for the object.
  15393. */
  15394. 'aria-details'?: string
  15395. }
  15396. interface State<T> {
  15397. get: <K extends keyof T>(key: K) => T[K];
  15398. set: <K extends keyof T>(key: K, value: T[K]) => void;
  15399. toJS: () => T;
  15400. }
  15401. interface RecipeResult<T> {
  15402. intl: I18nResult<Messages>;
  15403. state: State<T>;
  15404. device: "mobile" | "tablet" | "desktop";
  15405. }
  15406. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
  15407. type IRecord = Record<string, any>;
  15408. interface BaseChildrenArgs<T = Record<string, never>>
  15409. extends RecipeResult<T> {
  15410. /** The block component that can be modified */
  15411. ui: Block;
  15412. /** The ref of the block component */
  15413. ref: ForwardedRef<HTMLDivElement>;
  15414. }
  15415. interface BaseRecipeProps<
  15416. State extends IRecord,
  15417. ChildArgs extends IRecord,
  15418. > {
  15419. /**
  15420. * The initial state of the component. This is useful for controlling the
  15421. * component.
  15422. */
  15423. initialState?: Partial<State>;
  15424. /**
  15425. * The state of the component. This is useful for controlling the component.
  15426. * If this is provided, the property with non-defined values will be
  15427. * controlled.
  15428. */
  15429. state?: Partial<State>;
  15430. /** The function that is called when the state of the component changes. */
  15431. onStateChange?: (changes: Partial<State>) => void;
  15432. /** Optional prop for rendering child components. */
  15433. children?: (props: ChildArgs) => React__default.ReactElement;
  15434. }
  15435. interface SharedProps$5 extends StylingProps {
  15436. /**
  15437. * The items to display in the list. Each item can be an image, svg, or text.
  15438. * Each item must have a unique id. The signature list will display the items
  15439. * in the order they are provided.
  15440. */
  15441. items: (PreviewProps & {
  15442. id: Key$2;
  15443. })[];
  15444. /**
  15445. * Callback fired when the user clicks the button to add a signature to the
  15446. * list.
  15447. */
  15448. onAdd?: () => void;
  15449. /**
  15450. * Callback fired when the user clicks the add button on a preview. The delete
  15451. * button is only displayed when this callback is provided.
  15452. *
  15453. * @param id
  15454. */
  15455. onAddFromPreview?: (id: Key$2) => void;
  15456. /**
  15457. * Callback fired when the user clicks the remove button on a preview.
  15458. *
  15459. * @param id
  15460. */
  15461. onRemoveFromPreview?: (id: Key$2) => void;
  15462. /** Callback fired when the user clicks the cancel button. */
  15463. onCancel?: () => void;
  15464. /** The id of the title element. */
  15465. titleId?: string;
  15466. /**
  15467. * The variant of the component. This changes the styling of the component.
  15468. *
  15469. * @default "wide"
  15470. */
  15471. variant?: "wide" | "narrow";
  15472. }
  15473. declare type ChildrenArgs$5 = SharedProps$5 & BaseChildrenArgs<IRecord>;
  15474. interface SignaturesListProps extends SharedProps$5, BaseRecipeProps<IRecord, ChildrenArgs$5> {
  15475. }
  15476. declare enum CREATE_SIGNATURE_ALLOWED_TABS {
  15477. DRAW = "DRAW",
  15478. TYPE = "TYPE",
  15479. IMAGE = "IMAGE"
  15480. }
  15481. interface InternalState$3 extends IRecord {
  15482. /**
  15483. * The color of an object. This is a hex value that is applied to the points
  15484. * in `FreehandCanvas` or `SignatureTextInput`
  15485. */
  15486. color: string;
  15487. /**
  15488. * The image that is uploaded. This is a `File` object that is uploaded to the
  15489. * in the Image tab.
  15490. */
  15491. image?: File;
  15492. /**
  15493. * The ink variable represents the ink that is drawn on the canvas. The ink is
  15494. * represented as an array of arrays of points. Each point is represented as
  15495. * an array of two numbers, the x and y coordinates of the point.
  15496. */
  15497. ink?: number[][][];
  15498. /**
  15499. * The text variable represents the text that is input in the text input. The
  15500. * text is represented as a string.
  15501. */
  15502. text?: string;
  15503. /**
  15504. * The current tab that is selected. The tab can be one of the following
  15505. * values: "DRAW", "TYPE", or "IMAGE".
  15506. */
  15507. currentTab: keyof typeof CREATE_SIGNATURE_ALLOWED_TABS;
  15508. /**
  15509. * The selectedFont variable represents the currently selected font for text
  15510. * input.
  15511. */
  15512. selectedFont: string;
  15513. /**
  15514. * Indicates whether the signature should be stored or not.
  15515. *
  15516. * @default false
  15517. */
  15518. shouldStoreSignature: boolean;
  15519. }
  15520. interface SharedProps$4 extends StylingProps {
  15521. /**
  15522. * Indicates whether it is possible to store the signature or not.
  15523. *
  15524. * @default true
  15525. */
  15526. allowStoringSignature?: boolean;
  15527. /**
  15528. * An array of color presets. If not provided, the default color presets will
  15529. * be used.
  15530. *
  15531. * ```js
  15532. * [
  15533. * { color: "#000000", label: "Black" },
  15534. * { color: "#2293fb", label: "Blue" },
  15535. * { color: "#4636e3", label: "Dark Blue" },
  15536. * ];
  15537. * ```
  15538. */
  15539. colorPresets: ColorPreset$1[];
  15540. /**
  15541. * The tabs that should be shown in the signature dialog. The tabs are
  15542. * represented as a string of the tab names. The following tabs are available:
  15543. * "DRAW", "TYPE", and "IMAGE".
  15544. *
  15545. * @default ["DRAW", "TYPE", "IMAGE"]
  15546. */
  15547. allowedTabs?: (keyof typeof CREATE_SIGNATURE_ALLOWED_TABS)[];
  15548. /**
  15549. * An array of font names. Make sure those fonts are available in the
  15550. * application. The names should be the same as the ones used in the
  15551. * application.
  15552. */
  15553. fonts: string[];
  15554. /** The title ID of the component. This is used for accessibility purposes. */
  15555. titleId?: string;
  15556. /** Callback function that is called when a close event is triggered. */
  15557. onCloseRequest: () => void;
  15558. /** Callback function that is called when a signature is added. */
  15559. onAdd: (state: Omit<InternalState$3, "image" | "text" | "ink"> & {
  15560. canvasSize: {
  15561. height: number;
  15562. width: number;
  15563. } | undefined;
  15564. signature?: {
  15566. value?: string;
  15567. } | {
  15569. value?: number[][][];
  15570. } | {
  15572. value?: File;
  15573. };
  15574. }) => void;
  15575. /**
  15576. * The variant of the variable.
  15577. *
  15578. * @typedef {"narrow" | "wide"} Variant
  15579. */
  15580. variant?: "narrow" | "wide";
  15581. }
  15582. interface ChildrenArgs$4 extends SharedProps$4, BaseChildrenArgs<InternalState$3> {
  15583. }
  15584. interface CreateSignatureProps extends SharedProps$4, BaseRecipeProps<InternalState$3, ChildrenArgs$4> {
  15585. }
  15586. interface InternalState$2 extends IRecord {
  15587. text?: string;
  15588. includeDate: boolean;
  15589. includeTime: boolean;
  15590. color: string;
  15591. }
  15592. interface SharedProps$3 extends StylingProps {
  15593. /**
  15594. * The `id` of the title of the component. This is useful for accessibility
  15595. * when the component is used in a dialog.
  15596. */
  15597. titleId?: string;
  15598. /** Callback function that is called when a close event is triggered. */
  15599. onCloseRequest?: () => void;
  15600. /**
  15601. * Callback function that is called when a stamp is added.
  15602. *
  15603. * @param options
  15604. */
  15605. onCreate: (options: {
  15606. text?: string;
  15607. subText?: string;
  15608. color: string;
  15609. width: number;
  15610. }) => void;
  15611. /** An optional array of color presets. */
  15612. colorPresets: {
  15613. color: string;
  15614. label: string;
  15615. }[];
  15616. /**
  15617. * An optional function that returns a lighter variant of the color provided.
  15618. * By default, the color is lightened by 80%.
  15619. *
  15620. * @param color
  15621. */
  15622. getLighterVariant?: (color: string) => string;
  15623. /**
  15624. * A callback function that is called when the user clicks on the "Use
  15625. * existing stamp" button.
  15626. */
  15627. onExistingStampPress?: () => void;
  15628. }
  15629. declare type ChildrenArgs$3 = SharedProps$3 & BaseChildrenArgs<InternalState$2>;
  15630. interface CreateStampProps extends SharedProps$3, BaseRecipeProps<InternalState$2, ChildrenArgs$3> {
  15631. }
  15632. interface InternalState$1 extends IRecord {
  15633. }
  15634. interface SharedProps$2 extends StylingProps, Omit<SignaturesListProps, "children" | "onRemoveFromPreview" | "variant" | "initialState" | "onAddFromPreview" | "disabledActions" | "onAdd"> {
  15635. /**
  15636. * Callback fired when the user clicks the preview
  15637. *
  15638. * @param id
  15639. */
  15640. onAdd?: (id: Key$2) => void;
  15641. /** Callback fired when the user clicks the custom stamp button */
  15642. onCustomStampPress?: () => void;
  15643. }
  15644. declare type ChildrenArgs$2 = SharedProps$2 & BaseChildrenArgs<InternalState$1>;
  15645. interface StampsListProps extends SharedProps$2, BaseRecipeProps<InternalState$1, ChildrenArgs$2> {
  15646. }
  15647. declare const MessageType: {
  15648. readonly PLAIN: "PLAIN";
  15649. readonly ACTIONS: "ACTIONS";
  15650. readonly ERROR: "ERROR";
  15651. readonly SUGGESTIONS: "SUGGESTIONS";
  15653. readonly QUERY_RESULT: "QUERY_RESULT";
  15654. };
  15655. interface MessageAction {
  15656. text: string;
  15657. onPress: () => void;
  15658. }
  15659. interface ErrorMessageType {
  15660. title: string;
  15661. description: string;
  15662. action?: MessageAction;
  15663. }
  15664. interface LinkAction {
  15665. text: string;
  15666. onPress: () => void;
  15667. }
  15668. interface Suggestion {
  15669. text: string;
  15670. onPress: () => void;
  15671. }
  15672. interface IBaseMessage {
  15673. id: string;
  15674. type: keyof typeof MessageType;
  15675. text: string;
  15676. sender: string;
  15677. isComplete: boolean;
  15678. canCopy?: boolean;
  15679. }
  15680. interface PlainMessage extends IBaseMessage {
  15681. type: typeof MessageType.PLAIN;
  15682. }
  15683. interface MessageWithActions extends IBaseMessage {
  15684. type: typeof MessageType.ACTIONS;
  15685. actions: MessageAction[];
  15686. }
  15687. interface MessageWithError extends IBaseMessage {
  15688. type: typeof MessageType.ERROR;
  15689. error: ErrorMessageType;
  15690. }
  15691. interface MessageWithSuggestions extends IBaseMessage {
  15692. type: typeof MessageType.SUGGESTIONS;
  15693. suggestions: Suggestion[];
  15694. }
  15695. interface MessageWithAdditionalContext extends IBaseMessage {
  15696. type: typeof MessageType.ADDITIONAL_CONTEXT;
  15697. additionalContext: string;
  15698. actions: MessageAction[];
  15699. linkToAdditionalContext: LinkAction;
  15700. }
  15701. interface MessageWithQueryResult extends IBaseMessage {
  15702. type: typeof MessageType.QUERY_RESULT;
  15703. links: LinkAction[];
  15704. actionsText: string;
  15705. actions: MessageAction[];
  15706. }
  15707. declare type Message = PlainMessage | MessageWithActions | MessageWithError | MessageWithSuggestions | MessageWithAdditionalContext | MessageWithQueryResult;
  15708. interface SharedProps$1 extends StylingProps {
  15709. /** Callback function that is called when a message is submitted. */
  15710. onMessageSubmit: (message: string) => void;
  15711. /** Callback function that is called when input value changes. */
  15712. onInputChanged: (value: string) => void;
  15713. /** The list of messages to show in the chat window. */
  15714. messages: Message[];
  15715. /**
  15716. * Variant of the dialog
  15717. *
  15718. * @default "default"
  15719. */
  15720. variant?: "default" | "full-width";
  15721. /** Whether to show the loading indicator */
  15722. isLoading?: boolean;
  15723. /** Whether to disable the content */
  15724. isDisabled?: boolean;
  15725. /** Whether to disable message submitting */
  15726. isSubmitDisabled?: boolean;
  15727. /** The value of the input field */
  15728. inputValue?: string;
  15729. /** The title ID of the component. This is used for accessibility purposes. */
  15730. titleId?: string;
  15731. /** The imperative handle for manipulating editor. */
  15732. editorHandle?: React__default.RefObject<EditorHandle>;
  15733. }
  15734. declare type ChildrenArgs$1 = SharedProps$1 & BaseChildrenArgs<IRecord>;
  15735. interface ChatDialogProps extends SharedProps$1, BaseRecipeProps<IRecord, ChildrenArgs$1> {
  15736. }
  15737. interface InternalState extends IRecord {
  15738. isExpanded: boolean;
  15739. toDelete: string | null;
  15740. }
  15741. interface SharedProps extends StylingProps, AriaLabelingProps, Pick<EditorProps, "mentionableUsers" | "maxMentionableUsersSuggestions">, Pick<PopoverContentProps, "portalContainer">, Pick<AriaButtonProps, "onPress"> {
  15742. /**
  15743. * The comments to display in the thread. Each comment should have a unique
  15744. * `commentId`.
  15745. */
  15746. comments: (Omit<CommentProps, "data-comment-id" | "menuProps" | "children" | "isInline" | "reactions"> & {
  15747. id: string;
  15748. canDelete?: boolean;
  15749. canEdit?: boolean;
  15750. canBeAnonymous?: boolean;
  15751. isAnonymous?: boolean;
  15752. content?: string;
  15753. })[];
  15754. /** The title of the thread. This is used for accessibility purposes. */
  15755. titleId?: string;
  15756. /** A callback function that is triggered when the editor value changes. */
  15757. onEditorValueChange?: (value: string, id?: string) => void;
  15758. /**
  15759. * The variant of a component specifying its appearance.
  15760. *
  15761. * @default "sidebar"
  15762. */
  15763. variant?: "sidebar" | "popover";
  15764. /** A callback function that is triggered when a comment is added. */
  15765. onCommentAdd?: (content: string) => void;
  15766. /**
  15767. * A callback function that is triggered when a comment is updated. The
  15768. * function receives the `commentId` and the new `content` as arguments.
  15769. */
  15770. onCommentUpdate?: (id: string, content: string) => void;
  15771. /**
  15772. * A callback function that is triggered when a comment is deleted. The
  15773. * function receives the `commentId` as an argument.
  15774. */
  15775. onDelete?: (id: string) => void;
  15776. /** Callback function triggered when the anonymous toggle is changed. */
  15777. onAnonymousToggle?: (id: string, value: boolean) => void;
  15778. /**
  15779. * An array of buttons to display in the editor footer. Each button should
  15780. * have an `aria-label`, an `icon`, and an `onPress` callback.
  15781. */
  15782. editorFooterButtons?: EditorProps["footerButtons"];
  15783. /**
  15784. * Whether to allow the creation of new comments. If set to `false`, the
  15785. * editor will be hidden.
  15786. *
  15787. * @default true
  15788. */
  15789. allowCommentCreation?: boolean;
  15790. /** The default value for the editor. This is used when creating a new comment. */
  15791. defaultEditorValue?: string;
  15792. }
  15793. declare type ChildrenArgs = SharedProps & BaseChildrenArgs<InternalState>;
  15794. interface CommentThreadProps extends SharedProps, BaseRecipeProps<InternalState, ChildrenArgs> {
  15795. }
  15796. declare const Recipes: {
  15797. readonly SignaturesList: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<SignaturesListProps & React.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  15798. readonly CreateSignature: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<CreateSignatureProps & React.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  15799. readonly StampsList: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<StampsListProps & React.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  15800. readonly CreateStamp: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<CreateStampProps & React.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  15801. readonly ChatDialog: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<ChatDialogProps & React.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  15802. readonly CommentThread: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<CommentThreadProps & React.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  15803. };
  15804. type InterfacesType = {
  15805. [K in keyof typeof Recipes]: K;
  15806. };
  15807. declare const Interfaces: InterfacesType;
  15808. type UI = {
  15809. [K in keyof typeof Interfaces]: (options: {
  15810. props: React__default.ComponentProps<(typeof Recipes)[K]>;
  15811. instance: Instance | null;
  15812. }) => {
  15813. content?: React__default.ReactElement | Node | null;
  15814. decorator?: (props: any) => React__default.ReactElement | Node | null;
  15815. };
  15816. };
  15817. type documentEditorUIConfig = {
  15818. thumbnailMinSize: number;
  15819. thumbnailMaxSize: number;
  15820. thumbnailDefaultSize: number;
  15821. };
  15822. declare const AutoSaveMode: {
  15823. readonly IMMEDIATE: "IMMEDIATE";
  15824. readonly INTELLIGENT: "INTELLIGENT";
  15825. readonly DISABLED: "DISABLED";
  15826. };
  15827. type IAutoSaveMode = (typeof AutoSaveMode)[keyof typeof AutoSaveMode];
  15828. declare const PrintQuality: {
  15829. readonly LOW: "LOW";
  15830. readonly MEDIUM: "MEDIUM";
  15831. readonly HIGH: "HIGH";
  15832. };
  15833. type IPrintQuality = (typeof PrintQuality)[keyof typeof PrintQuality];
  15834. declare const ToolbarPlacement: {
  15835. readonly TOP: "TOP";
  15836. readonly BOTTOM: "BOTTOM";
  15837. };
  15838. type IToolbarPlacement = (typeof ToolbarPlacement)[keyof typeof ToolbarPlacement];
  15839. declare const ModificationType: {
  15840. readonly CREATED: "CREATED";
  15841. readonly UPDATED: "UPDATED";
  15842. readonly DELETED: "DELETED";
  15843. };
  15844. type IModificationType = (typeof ModificationType)[keyof typeof ModificationType];
  15845. type SaveErrorReason = {
  15846. error: any;
  15847. object: any;
  15848. modificationType: IModificationType;
  15849. };
  15850. declare function PSPDFKitSaveError(messageOrError: string | Error, reason: Array<SaveErrorReason>): Error;
  15851. declare namespace PSPDFKitSaveError {
  15852. var prototype: any;
  15853. }
  15854. type AnnotationTooltipCallback = (annotation: AnnotationsUnion) => Array<ToolItem>;
  15855. declare const FormFieldValue_base: Record$1.Factory<{
  15856. name?: string | undefined;
  15857. value?: string | number | List<string> | null | undefined;
  15858. optionIndexes?: List<number> | undefined;
  15859. isFitting?: boolean | undefined;
  15860. }>;
  15861. declare class FormFieldValue extends FormFieldValue_base {
  15862. name: string;
  15863. value: string | List<string> | null;
  15864. optionIndexes?: List<number>;
  15865. isFitting?: boolean;
  15866. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  15867. constructor(args?: IObject$1);
  15868. }
  15869. type RenderPageCallback = (context: CanvasRenderingContext2D, pageIndex: number, pageSize: Size) => unknown;
  15870. type ColorPreset = {
  15871. color: Color$2 | null;
  15872. localization: {
  15873. id: string;
  15874. defaultMessage?: string;
  15875. description?: string;
  15876. };
  15877. };
  15878. type FontCallback = (arg0: string) => Promise<Blob>;
  15879. interface IFont {
  15880. name: string | null;
  15881. callback: FontCallback | null;
  15882. }
  15883. declare const Font_base: Record$1.Factory<IFont>;
  15884. declare class Font extends Font_base {
  15885. constructor(args: {
  15886. name: string;
  15887. callback?: FontCallback;
  15888. });
  15889. }
  15890. declare const ElectronicSignatureCreationMode: {
  15891. readonly DRAW: "DRAW";
  15892. readonly IMAGE: "IMAGE";
  15893. readonly TYPE: "TYPE";
  15894. };
  15895. type IElectronicSignatureCreationMode = (typeof ElectronicSignatureCreationMode)[keyof typeof ElectronicSignatureCreationMode];
  15896. type OnOpenUriCallback = (uri: string, isUserInitiated: boolean) => boolean;
  15897. declare const UIDateTimeElement: {
  15900. };
  15901. type IUIDateTimeElement = (typeof UIDateTimeElement)[keyof typeof UIDateTimeElement];
  15902. type DateTimeStringCallback = (args: {
  15903. dateTime: Date;
  15904. element: IUIDateTimeElement;
  15905. object: AnnotationsUnion | Comment$1;
  15906. }) => string;
  15907. declare const InkEraserMode: {
  15908. readonly POINT: "POINT";
  15909. readonly STROKE: "STROKE";
  15910. };
  15911. type IInkEraserMode = (typeof InkEraserMode)[keyof typeof InkEraserMode];
  15912. type BuiltInColorProperty = 'color' | 'stroke-color' | 'fill-color' | 'background-color' | 'font-color' | 'outline-color';
  15913. type AnnotationToolbarColorPresetConfig = {
  15914. presets: ColorPreset[];
  15915. showColorPicker?: boolean;
  15916. };
  15917. type AnnotationToolbarColorPresetsCallback = (options: {
  15918. propertyName: BuiltInColorProperty;
  15919. defaultAnnotationToolbarColorPresets: ColorPreset[];
  15920. }) => AnnotationToolbarColorPresetConfig | undefined;
  15921. type EnableRichTextCallback = (annotation: TextAnnotation) => boolean;
  15922. type ElectronicSignaturesConfiguration = {
  15923. creationModes?: Readonly<IElectronicSignatureCreationMode[]>;
  15924. fonts?: Readonly<Font[]>;
  15925. setDefaultTypeText?: ElectronicSignatureDefaultTextCallback | string;
  15926. colorPresets?: Readonly<ColorPreset[]>;
  15927. };
  15928. type ElectronicSignatureDefaultTextCallback = () => string | undefined | void;
  15929. declare const ProcessorEngine: {
  15930. smallerSize: string;
  15931. fasterProcessing: string;
  15932. };
  15933. type IProcessorEngine = (typeof ProcessorEngine)[keyof typeof ProcessorEngine];
  15934. type TrustedCAsCallback = () => Promise<Array<ArrayBuffer | string>>;
  15935. declare const Conformance: {
  15936. readonly PDFA_1A: "pdfa-1a";
  15937. readonly PDFA_1B: "pdfa-1b";
  15938. readonly PDFA_2A: "pdfa-2a";
  15939. readonly PDFA_2U: "pdfa-2u";
  15940. readonly PDFA_2B: "pdfa-2b";
  15941. readonly PDFA_3A: "pdfa-3a";
  15942. readonly PDFA_3U: "pdfa-3u";
  15943. readonly PDFA_3B: "pdfa-3b";
  15944. readonly PDFA_4: "pdfa-4";
  15945. readonly PDFA_4E: "pdfa-4e";
  15946. readonly PDFA_4F: "pdfa-4f";
  15947. };
  15948. type IConformance = (typeof Conformance)[keyof typeof Conformance];
  15949. type TemplateDataToPopulateDocument = {
  15950. config: DelimiterConfig;
  15951. model: Array<Record<string, unknown>>;
  15952. };
  15953. type DelimiterConfig = {
  15954. delimiter: DelimiterSettings;
  15955. };
  15956. type DelimiterSettings = {
  15957. start: string;
  15958. end: string;
  15959. };
  15960. declare const OfficeDocumentFormat: {
  15961. docx: string;
  15962. xlsx: string;
  15963. pptx: string;
  15964. };
  15965. type IDocumentOfficeFormat = (typeof OfficeDocumentFormat)[keyof typeof OfficeDocumentFormat];
  15966. type SharedConfiguration = {
  15967. container: string | HTMLElement;
  15968. initialViewState?: ViewState;
  15969. baseUrl?: string;
  15970. serverUrl?: string;
  15971. styleSheets?: Array<string>;
  15972. toolbarItems?: Array<ToolbarItem>;
  15973. annotationPresets?: Record<AnnotationPresetID$1, AnnotationPreset$1>;
  15974. stampAnnotationTemplates?: Array<StampAnnotation | ImageAnnotation>;
  15975. autoSaveMode?: IAutoSaveMode;
  15976. disableHighQualityPrinting?: boolean;
  15977. printMode?: IPrintMode;
  15978. printOptions?: {
  15979. mode?: IPrintMode;
  15980. quality?: IPrintQuality;
  15981. };
  15982. disableTextSelection?: boolean;
  15983. disableForms?: boolean;
  15984. headless?: boolean;
  15985. locale?: string;
  15986. populateInkSignatures?: () => Promise<List<InkAnnotation | ImageAnnotation>>;
  15987. populateStoredSignatures?: () => Promise<List<InkAnnotation | ImageAnnotation>>;
  15988. formFieldsNotSavingSignatures?: Array<string>;
  15989. password?: string;
  15990. disableOpenParameters?: boolean;
  15991. maxPasswordRetries?: number;
  15992. enableServiceWorkerSupport?: boolean;
  15993. preventTextCopy?: boolean;
  15994. renderPageCallback?: RenderPageCallback;
  15995. annotationTooltipCallback?: AnnotationTooltipCallback;
  15996. editableAnnotationTypes?: Array<Class<AnnotationsUnion>>;
  15997. isEditableAnnotation?: IsEditableAnnotationCallback;
  15998. onAnnotationResizeStart?: AnnotationResizeStartCallback;
  15999. customRenderers?: CustomRenderers;
  16000. customUI?: CustomUI;
  16001. theme?: ITheme;
  16002. toolbarPlacement?: IToolbarPlacement;
  16003. minDefaultZoomLevel?: number;
  16004. maxDefaultZoomLevel?: number;
  16005. isEditableComment?: IsEditableCommentCallback;
  16006. restrictAnnotationToPageBounds?: boolean;
  16007. electronicSignatures?: ElectronicSignaturesConfiguration;
  16008. documentEditorFooterItems?: DocumentEditorFooterItem[];
  16009. documentEditorToolbarItems?: DocumentEditorToolbarItem[];
  16010. enableHistory?: boolean;
  16011. onOpenURI?: OnOpenUriCallback;
  16012. dateTimeString?: DateTimeStringCallback;
  16013. annotationToolbarColorPresets?: AnnotationToolbarColorPresetsCallback;
  16014. annotationToolbarItems?: AnnotationToolbarItemsCallback;
  16015. enableClipboardActions?: boolean;
  16016. renderPagePreview?: boolean;
  16017. unstable_inkEraserMode?: IInkEraserMode;
  16018. onWidgetAnnotationCreationStart?: OnWidgetAnnotationCreationStartCallback;
  16019. inlineTextSelectionToolbarItems?: InlineTextSelectionToolbarItemsCallback;
  16020. measurementSnapping?: boolean;
  16021. measurementPrecision?: IMeasurementPrecision;
  16022. measurementScale?: MeasurementScale;
  16023. measurementValueConfiguration?: MeasurementValueConfigurationCallback;
  16024. enableRichText?: EnableRichTextCallback;
  16025. disableMultiSelection?: boolean;
  16026. autoCloseThreshold?: number;
  16027. useIframe?: boolean;
  16028. fontSubstitutions?: FontSubstitution[];
  16029. onCommentCreationStart?: OnCommentCreationStartCallback;
  16030. documentEditorConfiguration?: documentEditorUIConfig;
  16031. ui?: UI;
  16032. };
  16033. type Instant = {
  16034. public: boolean;
  16035. };
  16036. type ServerConfiguration = SharedConfiguration & {
  16037. documentId: string;
  16038. authPayload: {
  16039. jwt: string;
  16040. };
  16041. instant: Instant[keyof Instant];
  16042. anonymousComments?: boolean;
  16043. mentionableUsers?: Array<MentionableUser$1>;
  16044. maxMentionSuggestions?: number;
  16045. };
  16046. type StandaloneConfiguration = SharedConfiguration & {
  16047. document: string | ArrayBuffer;
  16048. baseCoreUrl?: string;
  16049. baseProcessorEngineUrl?: string;
  16050. licenseKey?: string;
  16051. instantJSON?: InstantJSON;
  16052. XFDF?: string;
  16053. XFDFKeepCurrentAnnotations?: boolean;
  16054. XFDFIgnorePageRotation?: boolean;
  16055. disableWebAssemblyStreaming?: boolean;
  16056. disableIndexedDBCaching?: boolean;
  16057. enableAutomaticLinkExtraction?: boolean;
  16058. standaloneInstancesPoolSize?: number;
  16059. overrideMemoryLimit?: number;
  16060. trustedCAsCallback?: TrustedCAsCallback;
  16061. customFonts?: Array<Font>;
  16062. electronAppName?: string;
  16063. appName?: string;
  16064. isSharePoint?: boolean;
  16065. isSalesforce?: boolean;
  16066. productId?: IProductId;
  16067. processorEngine?: IProcessorEngine;
  16068. dynamicFonts?: string;
  16069. inlineWorkers?: boolean;
  16070. };
  16071. type Configuration = ServerConfiguration | StandaloneConfiguration;
  16072. type FormFieldFlags = Array<'readOnly' | 'required' | 'noExport'>;
  16073. type FormOptionJSON = {
  16074. label: string;
  16075. value: string;
  16076. };
  16077. type ExportPDFFlags = {
  16078. flatten?: boolean;
  16079. incremental?: boolean;
  16080. includeComments?: boolean;
  16081. saveForPrinting?: boolean;
  16082. excludeAnnotations?: boolean;
  16083. permissions?: {
  16084. userPassword: string;
  16085. ownerPassword: string;
  16086. documentPermissions: Array<IDocumentPermissions>;
  16087. };
  16088. outputFormat?: boolean | PDFAFlags;
  16089. optimize?: boolean | OptimizationFlags;
  16090. flattenElectronicSignatures?: boolean;
  16091. };
  16092. type ExportOfficeFlags = {
  16093. format: IDocumentOfficeFormat;
  16094. };
  16095. type PDFAFlags = {
  16096. conformance?: IConformance;
  16097. vectorization?: boolean;
  16098. rasterization?: boolean;
  16099. };
  16100. type OptimizationFlags = {
  16101. documentFormat?: 'pdf' | 'pdfa';
  16102. grayscaleText?: boolean;
  16103. grayscaleGraphics?: boolean;
  16104. grayscaleFormFields?: boolean;
  16105. grayscaleAnnotations?: boolean;
  16106. grayscaleImages?: boolean;
  16107. disableImages?: boolean;
  16108. mrcCompression?: boolean;
  16109. imageOptimizationQuality?: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4;
  16110. linearize?: boolean;
  16111. };
  16112. type FormFieldAdditionalActionsType = {
  16113. onChange?: Action;
  16114. onCalculate?: Action;
  16115. };
  16116. type FormFieldEventTriggerType = keyof FormFieldAdditionalActionsType;
  16117. type FormFieldInputAdditionalActionsType = FormFieldAdditionalActionsType & {
  16118. onInput?: Action;
  16119. onFormat?: Action;
  16120. };
  16121. type FormFieldInputEventTriggerType = keyof FormFieldInputAdditionalActionsType;
  16122. type FormFieldName = string;
  16123. interface IFormField {
  16124. id?: ID;
  16125. pdfObjectId?: number | null;
  16126. annotationIds?: List<string>;
  16127. name?: FormFieldName;
  16128. label?: string;
  16129. readOnly?: boolean;
  16130. required?: boolean;
  16131. noExport?: boolean;
  16132. additionalActions?: any;
  16133. group?: string | null;
  16134. isEditable?: boolean;
  16135. isFillable?: boolean;
  16136. isDeletable?: boolean;
  16137. canSetGroup?: boolean;
  16138. [key: string]: any;
  16139. }
  16140. declare const FormField_base: Record$1.Factory<IFormField>;
  16141. declare class FormField extends FormField_base {
  16142. id: ID;
  16143. name: FormFieldName;
  16144. pdfObjectId: number;
  16145. annotationIds: List<string>;
  16146. label: string;
  16147. readOnly: boolean;
  16148. required: boolean;
  16149. noExport: boolean;
  16150. additionalActions: any;
  16151. group?: string | null;
  16152. isEditable?: boolean;
  16153. isFillable?: boolean;
  16154. isDeletable?: boolean;
  16155. canSetGroup?: boolean;
  16156. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  16157. constructor(args?: IFormField);
  16158. }
  16159. declare class ButtonFormField extends FormField {
  16160. buttonLabel: string | null;
  16161. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  16162. }
  16163. declare const FormOption_base: Record$1.Factory<{
  16164. label: string;
  16165. value: string;
  16166. }>;
  16167. declare class FormOption extends FormOption_base {
  16168. }
  16169. declare class CheckBoxFormField extends FormField {
  16170. values: List<string>;
  16171. defaultValues: List<string>;
  16172. options: List<FormOption>;
  16173. optionIndexes?: List<number>;
  16174. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  16175. }
  16176. declare class ChoiceFormField extends FormField {
  16177. options: List<FormOption>;
  16178. values: List<string>;
  16179. defaultValues: List<string>;
  16180. multiSelect: boolean;
  16181. commitOnChange: boolean;
  16182. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  16183. }
  16184. declare class ComboBoxFormField extends ChoiceFormField {
  16185. edit: boolean;
  16186. doNotSpellCheck: boolean;
  16187. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  16188. }
  16189. declare class ListBoxFormField extends ChoiceFormField {
  16190. additionalActions: FormFieldInputAdditionalActionsType | null | undefined;
  16191. }
  16192. declare class RadioButtonFormField extends FormField {
  16193. noToggleToOff: boolean;
  16194. radiosInUnison: boolean;
  16195. value: string;
  16196. defaultValue: string;
  16197. options: List<FormOption>;
  16198. optionIndexes?: List<number>;
  16199. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  16200. }
  16201. declare class TextFormField extends FormField {
  16202. value: string;
  16203. defaultValue: string;
  16204. password: boolean;
  16205. maxLength?: number | null;
  16206. doNotSpellCheck: boolean;
  16207. doNotScroll: boolean;
  16208. multiLine: boolean;
  16209. comb: boolean;
  16210. additionalActions: FormFieldInputAdditionalActionsType | null | undefined;
  16211. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  16212. }
  16213. declare class SignatureFormField extends FormField {
  16214. }
  16215. interface IComparisonOperation {
  16216. type: IComparisonOperationType;
  16217. options?: {
  16218. numberOfContextWords?: number;
  16219. };
  16220. }
  16221. declare const ComparisonOperation_base: Record$1.Factory<IComparisonOperation>;
  16222. declare class ComparisonOperation extends ComparisonOperation_base {
  16223. constructor(type: IComparisonOperationType, options?: {
  16224. numberOfContextWords?: number;
  16225. });
  16226. }
  16227. interface IDocumentDescriptor {
  16228. filePath?: string | ArrayBuffer;
  16229. password?: string;
  16230. pageIndexes: Array<number | [number, number]>;
  16231. jwt?: string;
  16232. }
  16233. declare const DocumentDescriptor_base: Record$1.Factory<IDocumentDescriptor>;
  16234. declare class DocumentDescriptor extends DocumentDescriptor_base {
  16235. constructor(documentDescriptorOptions: IDocumentDescriptor);
  16236. }
  16237. type AnnotationPreset = AnnotationPreset$1;
  16238. type AnnotationPresetID = AnnotationPresetID$1;
  16239. declare class __dangerousImmutableRecordFactory<TProps extends Record<string, unknown>> {
  16240. has(key: unknown): boolean;
  16241. get<K extends keyof TProps>(key: K): TProps[K];
  16242. set<K extends keyof TProps>(key: K, value: TProps[K]): this;
  16243. delete<K extends keyof TProps>(key: K): this;
  16244. clear(): this;
  16245. update<K extends keyof TProps>(key: K, updater: (value: TProps[K]) => TProps[K]): this;
  16246. merge(...collections: Array<Partial<TProps>>): this;
  16247. mergeWith(merger: (previous?: unknown, next?: unknown, key?: string) => unknown, ...collections: Array<Partial<TProps> | Iterable<[string, unknown]>>): this;
  16248. mergeDeep(...collections: Array<Partial<TProps> | Iterable<[string, unknown]>>): this;
  16249. mergeDeepWith(merger: (previous?: unknown, next?: unknown, key?: string) => unknown, ...collections: Array<Partial<TProps> | Iterable<[string, unknown]>>): this;
  16250. setIn(keyPath: Iterable<unknown>, value: unknown): this;
  16251. deleteIn(keyPath: Iterable<unknown>): this;
  16252. removeIn(keyPath: Iterable<unknown>): this;
  16253. updateIn(keyPath: Iterable<unknown>, notSetValue: unknown, updater: (value: unknown) => unknown): this;
  16254. updateIn(keyPath: Iterable<unknown>, updater: (value: unknown) => unknown): this;
  16255. mergeIn(keyPath: Iterable<unknown>, ...collections: Array<Partial<TProps> | Iterable<[string, unknown]>>): this;
  16256. mergeDeepIn(keyPath: Iterable<unknown>, ...collections: Array<Partial<TProps> | Iterable<[string, unknown]>>): this;
  16257. withMutations(mutator: (mutable: this) => unknown): this;
  16258. asMutable(): this;
  16259. asImmutable(): this;
  16260. getIn(keyPath: Iterable<unknown>, notSetValue?: unknown): unknown;
  16261. toJS(): TProps;
  16262. toJSON(): TProps;
  16263. equals(other: unknown): boolean;
  16264. toSeq(): Seq.Keyed<string, unknown>;
  16265. }
  16266. declare const InheritableImmutableRecord_base: any;
  16267. declare class InheritableImmutableRecord<T extends Record<string, unknown>> extends InheritableImmutableRecord_base {
  16268. constructor(values?: Partial<T> | Iterable<[string, unknown]>);
  16269. }
  16270. interface InheritableImmutableRecord<T extends Record<string, unknown>> extends __dangerousImmutableRecordFactory<T> {
  16271. }
  16272. type ID = string;
  16273. type AnnotationProperties = {
  16274. id: string | null;
  16275. name: string | null;
  16276. subject: string | null;
  16277. pdfObjectId: number | null;
  16278. pageIndex: number | null;
  16279. boundingBox: Rect | null;
  16280. opacity: number | null;
  16281. note: string | null;
  16282. creatorName: string | null;
  16283. createdAt: Date | null;
  16284. updatedAt: Date | null;
  16285. customData: Record<string, unknown> | null;
  16286. noView: boolean | null;
  16287. noPrint: boolean | null;
  16288. locked: boolean | null;
  16289. lockedContents: boolean | null;
  16290. readOnly: boolean | null;
  16291. hidden: boolean | null;
  16292. group: string | null | undefined;
  16293. isEditable: boolean | undefined;
  16294. isDeletable: boolean | undefined;
  16295. canSetGroup: boolean | undefined;
  16296. canReply: boolean | undefined;
  16297. rotation: number;
  16298. additionalActions: any;
  16299. noZoom: boolean;
  16300. noRotate: boolean;
  16301. isCommentThreadRoot: boolean;
  16302. isAnonymous: boolean;
  16303. APStreamCache: {
  16304. cache: string;
  16305. } | {
  16306. attach: string;
  16307. } | undefined;
  16308. blendMode: IBlendMode;
  16309. action: any;
  16310. [key: string]: unknown;
  16311. };
  16312. declare class Annotation<T extends AnnotationProperties = AnnotationProperties> extends InheritableImmutableRecord<T> {
  16313. id: ID;
  16314. name: null | string;
  16315. subject: null | string;
  16316. pdfObjectId: null | number;
  16317. pageIndex: number;
  16318. boundingBox: Rect;
  16319. opacity: number;
  16320. note: null | string;
  16321. creatorName: null | string;
  16322. createdAt: Date;
  16323. updatedAt: Date;
  16324. noView: boolean;
  16325. noPrint: boolean;
  16326. locked: boolean;
  16327. lockedContents: boolean;
  16328. readOnly: boolean;
  16329. hidden: boolean;
  16330. customData: null | Record<string, unknown>;
  16331. noZoom: boolean;
  16332. noRotate: boolean;
  16333. additionalActions: any;
  16334. rotation: number;
  16335. blendMode: IBlendMode;
  16336. isCommentThreadRoot: boolean;
  16337. isAnonymous: boolean;
  16338. group?: string | null;
  16339. isEditable?: boolean;
  16340. isDeletable?: boolean;
  16341. canSetGroup?: boolean;
  16342. canReply?: boolean;
  16343. APStreamCache?: {
  16344. cache: string;
  16345. } | {
  16346. attach: string;
  16347. };
  16348. action: any;
  16349. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  16350. constructor(record?: Partial<T>);
  16351. }
  16352. type StampKind = 'Approved' | 'NotApproved' | 'Draft' | 'Final' | 'Completed' | 'Confidential' | 'ForPublicRelease' | 'NotForPublicRelease' | 'ForComment' | 'Void' | 'PreliminaryResults' | 'InformationOnly' | 'Rejected' | 'Accepted' | 'InitialHere' | 'SignHere' | 'Witness' | 'AsIs' | 'Departmental' | 'Experimental' | 'Expired' | 'Sold' | 'TopSecret' | 'Revised' | 'RejectedWithText' | 'Custom';
  16353. interface IStampAnnotation extends AnnotationProperties {
  16354. stampType: string | StampKind | null;
  16355. title: string | null;
  16356. subtitle: string | null;
  16357. color: Color$2 | null;
  16358. xfdfAppearanceStream: string | null;
  16359. xfdfAppearanceStreamOriginalPageRotation: number | null;
  16360. }
  16361. declare class StampAnnotation<T extends IStampAnnotation = IStampAnnotation> extends Annotation<T> {
  16362. stampType: StampKind;
  16363. title: null | string;
  16364. subtitle: null | string;
  16365. color: null | Color$2;
  16366. xfdfAppearanceStream: null | string;
  16367. xfdfAppearanceStreamOriginalPageRotation: null | number;
  16368. static defaultValues: IObject$1;
  16369. static readableName: string;
  16370. }
  16371. declare function preloadWorker(configuration: StandaloneConfiguration): Promise<void>;
  16372. declare function load(configuration: Configuration): Promise<Instance>;
  16373. declare function convertToPDF(configuration: StandaloneConfiguration, conformance?: IConformance): Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
  16374. declare function convertToOffice(configuration: StandaloneConfiguration, format: IDocumentOfficeFormat): Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
  16375. declare function populateDocumentTemplate(configuration: StandaloneConfiguration, templateData: TemplateDataToPopulateDocument): Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
  16376. declare function serializeAnnotation(annotation: InkAnnotation): AnnotationBackendJSON<InkAnnotationJSON>;
  16377. declare function serializeAnnotation(annotation: LineAnnotation): AnnotationBackendJSON<LineAnnotationJSON>;
  16378. declare function serializeAnnotation(annotation: RectangleAnnotation): AnnotationBackendJSON<RectangleAnnotationJSON>;
  16379. declare function serializeAnnotation(annotation: EllipseAnnotation): AnnotationBackendJSON<EllipseAnnotationJSON>;
  16380. declare function serializeAnnotation(annotation: PolygonAnnotation): AnnotationBackendJSON<PolygonAnnotationJSON>;
  16381. declare function serializeAnnotation(annotation: PolylineAnnotation): AnnotationBackendJSON<PolylineAnnotationJSON>;
  16382. declare function serializeAnnotation(annotation: TextAnnotation): AnnotationBackendJSON<TextAnnotationJSON>;
  16383. declare function serializeAnnotation(annotation: NoteAnnotation): AnnotationBackendJSON<NoteAnnotationJSON>;
  16384. declare function serializeAnnotation(annotation: StampAnnotation): AnnotationBackendJSON<StampAnnotationJSON, 'color'>;
  16385. declare function serializeAnnotation(annotation: ImageAnnotation): AnnotationBackendJSON<ImageAnnotationJSON>;
  16386. declare function serializeAnnotation(annotation: MediaAnnotation): AnnotationBackendJSON<MediaAnnotationJSON>;
  16387. declare function serializeAnnotation(annotation: LinkAnnotation): AnnotationBackendJSON<LinkAnnotationJSON>;
  16388. declare function serializeAnnotation(annotation: WidgetAnnotation): AnnotationBackendJSON<WidgetAnnotationJSON>;
  16389. declare function serializeAnnotation(annotation: TextMarkupAnnotation): AnnotationBackendJSON<TextMarkupAnnotationJSON>;
  16390. declare function serializeAnnotation(annotation: RedactionAnnotation): AnnotationBackendJSON<RedactionAnnotationJSON>;
  16391. declare function serializeAnnotation(annotation: CommentMarkerAnnotation): AnnotationBackendJSON<CommentMarkerAnnotationJSON>;
  16392. declare function serializeAnnotation(annotation: UnknownAnnotation): AnnotationBackendJSON<UnknownAnnotationJSON>;
  16393. declare function serializeAnnotation(annotation: AnnotationsUnion): AnnotationsBackendJSONUnion;
  16394. declare function serializeFormField(formField: FormField): FormFieldJSON;
  16395. declare function serializePreset(preset: AnnotationPreset$1): Record<string, any>;
  16396. declare function unserializePreset(presetJSON: Record<string, any>): AnnotationPreset$1;
  16397. type TargetType = string | HTMLElement | Instance | null;
  16398. declare function unload(target: TargetType): boolean;
  16399. declare function viewStateFromOpenParameters(viewState: ViewState, hash?: string | null | undefined): ViewState;
  16400. type RotatableAnnotation = TextAnnotation | StampAnnotation;
  16401. declare const PSPDFKit: {
  16402. UI: {
  16403. Core: typeof Core;
  16404. createBlock: typeof createBlock;
  16405. Recipes: {
  16406. readonly SignaturesList: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<SignaturesListProps & React.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  16407. readonly CreateSignature: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<CreateSignatureProps & React.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  16408. readonly StampsList: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<StampsListProps & React.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  16409. readonly CreateStamp: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<CreateStampProps & React.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  16410. readonly ChatDialog: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<ChatDialogProps & React.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  16411. readonly CommentThread: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<CommentThreadProps & React.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
  16412. };
  16413. Interfaces: InterfacesType;
  16414. App: typeof App;
  16415. };
  16416. Immutable: {
  16417. List: typeof List;
  16418. };
  16419. version: string;
  16420. Geometry: {
  16421. Point: typeof Point;
  16422. DrawingPoint: typeof DrawingPoint;
  16423. Rect: typeof Rect;
  16424. Size: typeof Size;
  16425. Inset: typeof Inset;
  16426. };
  16427. Actions: {
  16428. Action: typeof Action;
  16429. GoToAction: typeof GoToAction;
  16430. GoToEmbeddedAction: typeof GoToEmbeddedAction;
  16431. GoToRemoteAction: typeof GoToRemoteAction;
  16432. HideAction: typeof HideAction;
  16433. JavaScriptAction: typeof JavaScriptAction;
  16434. LaunchAction: typeof LaunchAction;
  16435. NamedAction: typeof NamedAction;
  16436. ResetFormAction: typeof ResetFormAction;
  16437. SubmitFormAction: typeof SubmitFormAction;
  16438. URIAction: typeof URIAction;
  16439. };
  16440. Annotations: {
  16441. Annotation: typeof Annotation;
  16442. CommentMarkerAnnotation: typeof CommentMarkerAnnotation;
  16443. HighlightAnnotation: typeof HighlightAnnotation;
  16444. InkAnnotation: typeof InkAnnotation;
  16445. ShapeAnnotation: typeof ShapeAnnotation;
  16446. LineAnnotation: typeof LineAnnotation;
  16447. RectangleAnnotation: typeof RectangleAnnotation;
  16448. EllipseAnnotation: typeof EllipseAnnotation;
  16449. PolygonAnnotation: typeof PolygonAnnotation;
  16450. PolylineAnnotation: typeof PolylineAnnotation;
  16451. LinkAnnotation: typeof LinkAnnotation;
  16452. NoteAnnotation: typeof NoteAnnotation;
  16453. MarkupAnnotation: typeof TextMarkupAnnotation;
  16454. RedactionAnnotation: typeof RedactionAnnotation;
  16455. SquiggleAnnotation: typeof SquiggleAnnotation;
  16456. StampAnnotation: typeof StampAnnotation;
  16457. StrikeOutAnnotation: typeof StrikeOutAnnotation;
  16458. TextAnnotation: typeof TextAnnotation;
  16459. UnderlineAnnotation: typeof UnderlineAnnotation;
  16460. ImageAnnotation: typeof ImageAnnotation;
  16461. UnknownAnnotation: typeof UnknownAnnotation;
  16462. WidgetAnnotation: typeof WidgetAnnotation;
  16463. MediaAnnotation: typeof MediaAnnotation;
  16464. toSerializableObject: typeof serializeAnnotation;
  16465. fromSerializableObject: <K extends AnnotationJSONUnion>(annotation: K) => AnnotationJSONToAnnotation<K>;
  16466. rotate: (annotation: RotatableAnnotation, rotation: number, contentSize?: Size) => RotatableAnnotation;
  16467. };
  16468. AnnotationPresets: {
  16469. toSerializableObject: typeof serializePreset;
  16470. fromSerializableObject: typeof unserializePreset;
  16471. };
  16472. Comment: typeof Comment$1;
  16473. Bookmark: typeof Bookmark;
  16474. CustomOverlayItem: typeof CustomOverlayItem;
  16475. OutlineElement: typeof OutlineElement;
  16476. FormFields: {
  16477. FormField: typeof FormField;
  16478. ButtonFormField: typeof ButtonFormField;
  16479. CheckBoxFormField: typeof CheckBoxFormField;
  16480. ChoiceFormField: typeof ChoiceFormField;
  16481. ComboBoxFormField: typeof ComboBoxFormField;
  16482. ListBoxFormField: typeof ListBoxFormField;
  16483. RadioButtonFormField: typeof RadioButtonFormField;
  16484. TextFormField: typeof TextFormField;
  16485. SignatureFormField: typeof SignatureFormField;
  16486. toSerializableObject: typeof serializeFormField;
  16487. fromSerializableObject: (formField: FormFieldJSON) => FormField;
  16488. };
  16489. FormFieldValue: typeof FormFieldValue;
  16490. FormOption: typeof FormOption;
  16491. Callout: typeof Callout;
  16492. Color: typeof Color$2;
  16493. Instance: typeof Instance;
  16494. preloadWorker: typeof preloadWorker;
  16495. load: typeof load;
  16496. unload: typeof unload;
  16497. convertToOffice: typeof convertToOffice;
  16498. convertToPDF: typeof convertToPDF;
  16499. populateDocumentTemplate: typeof populateDocumentTemplate;
  16500. Error: any;
  16501. SaveError: typeof PSPDFKitSaveError;
  16502. ViewState: typeof ViewState;
  16503. PageInfo: typeof PageInfo;
  16504. TextLine: typeof TextLine;
  16505. InstantClient: typeof InstantClient;
  16506. TextSelection: typeof PublicTextSelection;
  16507. SearchResult: typeof SearchResult;
  16508. SearchState: typeof SearchState;
  16509. AutoSaveMode: {
  16510. readonly IMMEDIATE: "IMMEDIATE";
  16511. readonly INTELLIGENT: "INTELLIGENT";
  16512. readonly DISABLED: "DISABLED";
  16513. };
  16514. SignatureSaveMode: {
  16515. readonly ALWAYS: "ALWAYS";
  16516. readonly NEVER: "NEVER";
  16517. readonly USING_UI: "USING_UI";
  16518. };
  16519. LayoutMode: {
  16520. readonly SINGLE: "SINGLE";
  16521. readonly DOUBLE: "DOUBLE";
  16522. readonly AUTO: "AUTO";
  16523. };
  16524. PrintMode: {
  16525. readonly DOM: "DOM";
  16526. readonly EXPORT_PDF: "EXPORT_PDF";
  16527. };
  16528. PrintQuality: {
  16529. readonly LOW: "LOW";
  16530. readonly MEDIUM: "MEDIUM";
  16531. readonly HIGH: "HIGH";
  16532. };
  16533. ScrollMode: {
  16534. readonly CONTINUOUS: "CONTINUOUS";
  16535. readonly PER_SPREAD: "PER_SPREAD";
  16536. readonly DISABLED: "DISABLED";
  16537. };
  16538. ZoomMode: {
  16539. readonly AUTO: "AUTO";
  16540. readonly FIT_TO_WIDTH: "FIT_TO_WIDTH";
  16541. readonly FIT_TO_VIEWPORT: "FIT_TO_VIEWPORT";
  16542. readonly CUSTOM: "CUSTOM";
  16543. };
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